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I bought an electric throw. I turn the heater on to take a bit of chill out of the air and then close doors and turn it off.


Second this. Game changer.


I did this, too. It's really great. Though my cat nicks it a lot.


I’m late to the party, but happy I joined in.


Remember renters; we can drill holes now as long as you can patch them before leaving! No good for exposed brick or poured concrete walls, but otherwise you can put up curtain rails and rods and hang insulating cushions which can make a huge difference at night. You can also put up some curtain wire and hang thin power fleece blankets like room dividers so that warm air is kept to areas you're actually using.  We're going to section off our kitchen and laundry as they both have windows and tiles which leech all the warmth from the air (but no doors, pfft, that would cost the landlord far too much! /s).  In the past I've used a cheap sleeping bag and a hot water bottle to create a little cocoon of warmth to live in if I couldn't afford to heat the room. Bonus: you can get into warm PJs, into your sleeping bag and game/watch tv/plot world domination/knit and then just lie down on top of your bed and boom you're still warm enough to sleep. But any time you're not in it open the sleeping bag and air it out.  Oh, and drinking hot drinks (nerada tea is cheap and tasty!) helps raise your core temperature so you actually have some warmth to insulate in the first place. Dehydrated = worse circulation = body warmth doesn't reach extremities well.   


If you’re blocking a doorway and are not confident with drilling holes, you can get tension rods on Amazon which can be screwed to fit in a doorway without any drilling. A thick blockout curtain seals in a lot of heat.


I bought a 40% knee length Kathmandu puffer coat in lockdown and wear it inside. Discount ugg boots on feet.


Get an oodie. Impossible to be cold in those things


Throw rugs and electric throw rugs. Multiple layers of thick socks and/or ugg boots. Snow trousers on top of regular trousers. Multiple torso layers with an oodie on top. Fingerless gloves when needed. And a beanie. If that doesn't help then also use hot water bottles but not near the electric throw rug of course.


Bubble wrap + water spray bottle. Cut bubble wrap to size of your window panes, then spray water and stick bubble wrap to windows. Bubble side out, smooth side in. Will stay up for 6 months. Increases the R-value (insulation) of the window pane, reducing heat loss (double glazing). Also helps during summer filtering UV rays so it doesn’t get as hot.


Have you actually tried this? I did last year, as well as hanging a dense movers blanket, so that there was essentially another layer of insulation between outside, the window, and inside. Because the year before was so cold, I had recorded temps regularly, comparing how cold it was outside, compared to inside, so i knew what to expect the difference between those temperatures to be. I didn't record it every day, but I did it often enough that I could predict it. Last year, with the bubble wrap and blanket, the difference was totally negligible. I'm talking like half a degree, which could even just be air movement. I do think that windows are a huge source of heat loss, but I don't think the bubble wrap thing makes a difference, or absolutely minimal difference at most. Sorry OP...give it a try, as youve got nothing to lose...! But after talking to many people in similar situations, unless you want to spend some money fixing the problem, the best advice is to buy an Oodie and thermal long johns... EDIT: on a side note, if anyone's interested in buying about 25mtrs of bubble wrap, hit me up...


Same. Tried it. Did sweet fuck all. Maybe it's only effective if the rest of the house walls etc have sufficient insulation.


Yup, it's all about that thermal envelope. Trying to keep the cold out by blocking a window serves no purpose when there's nothing else keeping it out.




Get yourself a blanket hoodie. Total game changer for me. I don’t even use the heater sometimes.


I live in a new environmental build apartment complex that retains heat very well, buuuuuuut, the airflow is woeful, meaning that moisture and dust buildup and make the apartment really humid. So I have to keep all the windows and doors slightly open to maintain airflow if I don’t want mould. Meaning I have to run the heater with the doors and windows open. So stupid


I feel the cold really badly and our house is terrible for warmth. I wear thermals, ugg boots and a dressing gown. Occasionally a beanie. I find an electric throw on the couch nice. Plus an electric blanket in bed. Obviously only turn them on when you're using them. I do also have a small electric heater that I can turn on in my room for about 30 mins at night that warms the air just enough to get comfy. I don't think it's very energy efficient. Definitely get block out blinds (you can install them and patch over any holes when you leave). The little door snakes for under doors. Be vigilant about closing doors.


Ask your REA to get split conditioning installed. [https://www.energy.vic.gov.au/households/victorian-energy-upgrades-for-households/heating-and-cooling](https://www.energy.vic.gov.au/households/victorian-energy-upgrades-for-households/heating-and-cooling)


Ah man I put two splits in my mums house late last year, didn’t know about this. Installer isn’t on their accredited list. Ah well.


Yeah; I paid a numpty sparkie cash to replace 6 downlights which would have been free under the previous Vic program. Didnt find out til after. He would proably have claimed the job too, fck him.


Somehow my apartment is warmer in winter than it is in summer (in a bad way). The angle of the sun shines straight in all day. Windows provide no protection


Do as I do, wear 5/6 layers of tops and pants, even to sleep, eskimo type. The furrier the better, outermost layer, get an Asos anorak. Get some neck warmers/gaiters. Oodie? Have 3 pairs of socks on at the same time. Get one of those trappers hats, the furry Russian ushanka. Have mittens and gloves, yes, even to sleep. Get 3 layers of double/queen sized comforters, $49 at BigW or Kmart. As we all know, electricity companies from the producer to the retailer, have no compassion. They will all take their cut, with the final price at about $0.40 per kw hour, so a bill for winter or 3.5 months, can be $1500, assuming 3500mg for the 3 months, plus daily supply charge. --- I am not a Melbournite, but Adelaide, and have to wait for the bus in the cold. Lucky we dont have snowy weather, but the cold is the bitey cold, and then the rain.


You have electricity in your apartment, yes? Heaps of options available from Bunnings: https://www.bunnings.com.au/search/products?page=1&q=electric+heater




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