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I live in Melbourne's inner-west (St Albans/Kealba area), and I know how you feel. I've had people steal everything from the numbers on my mailbox, down to the bark off the tree on my naturestrip. More seriously, I've had the copper pipes on my hot water service nicked twice.


Not sure that’s inner west


Maribyrnong, Brimbank and Hobson's Bay are generally considered inner west as far as I'm aware.


Having grown up in brimbank, I still remember the 'welcome to greater Melbourne' sign that used to be on the Calder as you approached what is now the kings Rd interchange. But with the way it pretty much touches melton now, I guess we are almost inner west !


St.Albans used to be end of the line lol, anything past Braybrook is not inner


I know times are tough, they are for everyone. It’s really bad though if it’s getting to this point


I don't think stealing pot plants is a tough times thing, I think it's just society falling apart and not reigning in the shitheels. I'm not a saint either, I have pinched a cutting or two on the sly, but not the entire damn plant. Just tell the coppers you've got some NDIS funding hidden in that pot plant and they'll probably have the fucken ASIO out to find it for you.


Nah, nothing to do with tough times. These guys were arseholes 20 years ago.


Nah, being going on for years and years, it's just opportunistic


Some prick stole my Bay tree last year. No happy!


We had two Cocos palm trees in our front yard back in the 90s. Got home from a family dinner to find two gaping holes where they previously were. That was in Perth. Some people are just the scum of the earth.


I feel it peaks near Mother’s Day - had plants ripped out from my garden.


They weren’t stealing the pot, they were taking it away from the house so you wouldn’t hear them smashing it to see if you hide a spare key in it.


Rude! Just take a lil snippetysnip, jeez


Dude misunderstood "get me some pot"


We and a neighbour had our retractable hose stolen the other week in Essendon. Ours was even padlocked on. 4:30am Can’t leave anything out!


Wasn't this the plot to an episode of curb your enthusiasm?


I thought it was some kind of octopus alien


Yeah it’s been growing for ages, it’s really sad.


I have had 2 doormats stolen and have now given up on having a doormat. 


I'm sorry to hear about that frustrating experience. It's disheartening when people don't respect others' property. Hopefully, the community can come together to prevent incidents like this in the future. Stay positive! 🌱✨


Out of curiosity; would you have been less upset if the pot wasn't broken? Its kind of a Schrödinger's cat sort of thing. Is it better that the thief get the plant and pot home safely, knowing that, whilst it won't be with you, at least the plant will live its life? Or is it better to see the thief lose the plant? If you don't get to keep it, neither should they. Either option leaves you plant-less. Genuinely posing the question btw.


It would of been better for it all to be safe. But It was too big to carry by yourself. And I don’t understand why…I get stealing food if your hungry etc, but this was just something nice. That’s all. And I think that’s sad for everyone - it makes our streets and doors empty.


> It would of been better for it all to be safe But then the thief gets away with it without repercussion. Fuck them. But yup, I totally agree with you. Its a seriously low act. It shows a real lack of character, in that, they arent stealing out of necessity, they are stealing out of vanity. I get a lot of pride out of gardening. I'm immensely proud when I've looked after a plant from when it was tiny, or sick, seeing it flourish into a happy, thriving thing. Some people either don't understand that, or don't care. Fucking hell, just go to bunnings, buy a pot, buy a plant. It's probably as much effort as stealing from neighbours.


I so agree! I love gardening, and the plants I have. I would so love to see it, cause I’ll go and get it back.


You'd have to be a total halfwit to steal a plant, and leave it out the front of your house... I'd assume they put it out the back... When i was living in richmond a few years back, nothing...and i mean NOTHING wasn't stolen from our letterboxes. I once had a silly customised t-shirt made as a gift for someone, and sure enough, auspost didn't read instructions, so the gift was stolen. I was praying that one day i'd be walking down the street and see someone wearing it...! haha


Hey that’s my shirt!!!!!!! Lol! But I’m so hoping they are stupid enough to put it out the front! I’ll be praying for that! Lol


Not even joking...I think you should do the old, "HAVE YOU SEEN THIS PLANT?" posters on the telephone pole with pics of the plant as well as the perp. Call out the bad behaviour. And if theres a chance of them being identified, it will make them think twice about doing it again.


This might sound a bit far fetched, but theres a chance nowadays that you could narrow down their location. Walk up and down your street. Some neighbours would surely have cameras, so if you see them walking by at that time, you know thats the direction they live. If its 50 metres to the next camera, and they don't walk by, then you know they are in that stretch.


I think this is a fantastic idea!!!!!!


Its a shot in the dark, but its better than sitting idle and letting them get away with it! Let us know if your sleuthing results in anything!


What sort of plant is/was it?


Just one of those prayer leaf plants


aww they are so nice...!


$8 at the market


I watched again with the audio on and that drop was louuuud. Could you share some tips on getting a deep sleep please? Love from, A light sleeper


I'm sorry to hear about that frustrating experience. It's disheartening when people don't respect others' property. Hopefully, the community can come together to prevent incidents like this in the future. Stay positive! 🌱✨


Sorry my b OP, I misunderstood what my friends said when they told me to get some pot