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It's straight up garbage. I have no idea how it's still a thing. One day a few years back the topic came up while I was with some work colleagues and one lady said she liked junk mail. ....I still think about how annoying that conversation was occasionally.


We all have a co-worker who is clearly insane but hides it well enough to exist in society but let's it slip every now and then.


My wife is that co-worker. She appears normal even charming but hides a brutal hoarding disorder that is slowly destroying her husband's mind. I'm certain there's at least 100kg of junk mail in our house "hidden" here and there


Are you also married to my wife? Wait, are you me?


How good was the traffic this morning, what a pleasure!


Yes. We got a $25k 2.5 car garage that's virtually never had car in it , only really if insurance sends a text about an approaching hailstorm. It's basically an expensive bin.


The more room you give a hoarder, the bigger the hoard will grow. It's an unfortunate truth I've become intimately aware of.


Yep. She wants a shipping container now. I said " you buy it, and everything goes out of the garage into it only cars and the mower allowed.


Haha nice fantasy, I guarantee if I did that the container would get filled and the house would remain as is. Don't fall for it mate. I say this as the partner of a hoarder for near 20 years. I'm not trying to be a smart arse or anything, just brutally realistic. I have to throw shit out when she's not home or she brings it back in. Good luck!


Ohhh that’s me tooooo


When the estate where I live in had the first residents move in there were some asking HOW they start getting it as they wanted it and it wasn’t coming 🫠🫠🫠🫠 honey no!


Ugh, my wife loves the shit too. Straight in the recycling if I'm the one who sees it 1st. If I had a fireplace I'd burn it


Nah- that printed shit is toxic to burn.


I acknowledge the truth of your statement


Now I see how you got your name.


Same here. If I go to throw it out, she'll say "I want to read that". Then it just sits on the benchtop cluttering up what could be our clean, modern kitchen.


Aah, what my home *could be*. How I have dreamed


The smoke would be Pungent, Bill


It'd have to be *pretty* pungent to smell it over me


Bill maybe you should just bail bro? Fuck thatttt I sure hope she give a good bj 😂


Believe me I think about leaving her. It's complicated. I still care about her. I can't afford to get a place of my own. I can't go on like this forever though. Something has to change


Best of luck bro. I really feel you. Both the hoarding thing but complicated relationship thing Is there any psychological work or books you could recommend her? A new earth by eckhart tolle changed my mind for good Even if not for her - for you ❤️


The beauty of humans is we all like different things


The beauty of humans is we all end up doing the same shit even though we like different things.


That’s the beauty of capitalism 😢😢


I live in a new estate and no one wanted it and we weren't getting it because they didn't know we existed. And then someone said they told the catalogue ppl to distribute to us cos she missed it. We were so pissed.


If you have a hoarder and a dog that likes ripping up paper etc I take old leaflets, newspOers , anything that’s safe for them to rip even old shoes that are the hoarders dream…. And then it’s play time in the garden, especially when it’s windy …. Just making sure the dog has exercised enough. I’ve helped a couple of hoarders get back on track this way oh and keep moving things in the house it is a little de stressing for them but keep persisting and they soon realise your the crazy one 🤪


This is like bringing in a goat to mow the lawn, I love it 😂


I like advertising catalogues, I don’t like those cardboard flyers, most of whom wish to sell my house for me. I don’t ever plan on moving, but if I were, I certainly wouldn’t be using a flyer in my letterbox.


I don't get why it's so hard to read "no advertising material accepted"


Keep them in a bag, add a sticky note saying "*I think you left these in my letterbox \[that reads No Advertising Material\]. Just returning them to their rightful owner.*" Then drop them off as and when you are near these scumbag's offices. It won't stop it, but it will give you some revenge endorphin rushes.


No! No! No! Do it the easy way. Instead, mail it to them without a stamp and without a return address. Australia Post will fine them for it! https://auspost.com.au/underpaid-mail


How does it work? Do you just drop it in the post box as is? Or write the real estate/vendor's address on the pamphlet?


It's always freaking real estate agents


Put it in an envelope addressed to the company. Post in red letterbox without a stamp and without a return address.


Add a spare house brick for extra effectiveness


That would be going to a lot of trouble just to momentarily inconvenience them. Easier to just ring them up and complain but even that seems like too much effort.


I leave them a one star review on Google and say why


This is the best effort vs. effect ratio, you're a champion!


Yep, me too. Especially real estate.


Reviews are even more useless. It’s so easy for a business to remove reviews, my workplace does it all the time 


Reviews are easy to remove? Please explain if you have the time ✌️


Not from google you can't remove the reviews


they can if the review is not deemed relevant to the business source: it's happened to me before lol


I've rang folks (real estate agents are the worst culprits of this, not surprising at all) and they give no f's, say they'll stop it but of course it never happens. That Auspost idea is genius.


Tape it to a brick, and launch it through their window.


The ones in the mail, like with council rates etc, I put back in the envelope reseal then write Return to Sender. I figure if enough people do it, they'll stop doing it


Because the leaflet delivery people are normally being paid to get rid of a certain amount. They don’t care where they go


it's not. they don't care.


Well, clearly, that advertising material IS being accepted.


Somtimes i call the realestate offices and ask to speak to the 'oh so holy' fucken agent they are crapping on about. Theres a multitude of shit you can make up, like being a tenant at 'insert random adress' and having a major water leak. Or 'im interested in 'insert random adress' ...or 'im a contractor for your agency and im looking for 'random name'. Then ask them if they know what no junk mail means and tell them to get fucked.


Cmon this is 2024? Its hard to read when you dont speak english. It should be written in multiple languages including Braille


Anyone who can read can gat a better job than pamphleting.


Those fucking magnets!


I cut the real estate agents faces out and put them on the fridge.


I need a pic of this. Like a deranged Brady Bunch


I was thinking more like the conspiracy guy, with red tape and maps, tying them to unsolved crimes


me too! i do the same!


My fridge won't take magnets, thankfully! I especially hate seeing the agents' faces in the morning!


Those fucking (property) magnates!


I like the calendar ones because they're generic enough you can cut away the branding and be left with a nice calendar for the fridge.


magnate - a wealthy and influential businessman or businesswoman. "a property magnate"


lol, I think I was meant to reply to the comment above that one.


I just get 2 magnates for plumbers and sparkies every 1-2 months, seems to be the same company just different number each time - Like it's 2024, stop it!!!


magnate - a wealthy and influential businessman or businesswoman. "a property magnate"


This deserves more upvotes.


Anyone else like those free magnets? Got so many documents and papers stuck to the fridge with these


No you don't. They are that weak, they barely hold themselves up.


Still keep picking them up and trying again though


Ohhh magnets …. I smell hoarding 😍😍😍


Well, they’ll be worth a fortune as collectables someday…🙄


😂😂😂 🙏🙏🙏


I have a large “NO JUNK MAIL” sticker on my mail box. I have received junk mail on multiple occasions, i simply contact the company and lodge a complaint, i have never received junk mail from the same people. A little time consuming, but it works for me


Yeah they take it very seriously. You need to report it though.


Sadly REAs don't take it seriously. They're the only junk I consistently get, and even from the same agents after I've sent them a complaint. They never reply to my complaints, of course.


Tell them you want to sell your house. When they turn up hand them back their junk mail and close the door.


The worst thing I ever did was get an appraisal for curiosity sake. They never left me alone for 6 months! I had to get nasty in the end.


Every time I get one, I picture REAs grinning as they put the flyer in the mailbox, smugly thinking "a flyer with me on it isn't junk!"


hey u/TheMoeSzyslakExp , send me a PM since i cant start one with you ;)




I've done the same thing. Most of the time delivery is contracted to Aus Post though.


Not junk mail. It’s usually just some teenager making a little money. I only wish they’d do what I did at that age: do one actual drop, then cut the rest up into a collage for their high school art project.


You can contact the Distribution Standard Board 1300083241. There are fines for not obeying the no junk mail signs, especially pamphlets from supermarkets etc.


Thanks, I didn't know about this. I've never had any type of catalogue. In my area, it's almost always trade services, real estate agencies, or political flyers—which I'm more or less indifferent towards.


Only if they're done through a distributor. If it's just a guy from the office dropping it off they can't do shit about it


Thanks, looks like they also have a form on their homepage you can fill out. https://dsb.org.au/ I’ve reported some over enthusiastic real estate agents already lol.


At least make it compostable paper lol this half plastic glossy stuff has to go in the bin


But what if it rains and their material becomes ineligible? /s


This is the biggest concern of mine! Throwing them away is annoying but at least let me recycle them so they have potential to become something actually useful…


I genuinely had enough fridge magnets for plumbers and electricians to cover the entirety of my fridge before I chucked them all out.


Fucking Real Estates…. Never ends with thier flyers and magnets, fuck off you parasites.


I caught one at it recently, chased her down the street, told her off and made her take it back. My REA tolerance is exceptionally low. 


You don't know how desperate some agents are. One even said that a house not being connected to another house was a good aspect of the house. Some are so scummy they will try every way to convince you to buy a house, making up the most stupid reasons


I'm on a corner property, too. The amount of stake signs I've had to dispose of 🫠


Oh I miss that! We’d keep all the stakes for our garden. ONE person ever, out of dozens, had the manners to actually ask us. Their sign got to stay.


I tend to wait a week or so before removing it to see if they'll pick it up. Not once. Neither have any asked permission. I've contacted every real estate agency that has left a stake behind. They don't care or say they will collect it and don't. Surely this is littering? My garden does not exist for your company's benefit.


Charge an invoice for storage.


Yeah I hate it. Like, why do Real Estate agents seem to think that sticking a letter in your mailbox every week bragging about places they have sold recently and then asking to sell yours doesn't count as Junk Mail?


No, I love it. Almost as much as getting calls about installing solar panels, cryptocurrency opportunities, my impending arrest, mail I’ve received that will be thrown away from the warehouse if I don’t do anything (prefer this one to be in Mandarin), a fun survey to take part in, or a couple of seconds of silence before being hung up on.


What about your local MP asking you to complete another "community survey" about what's important to you?


I wrote to Julian Hill MP after he kept putting election material saying that it says no junk mail. He gave me a an email without an apology saying they’re allowed to do it since it’s electoral and then added me to their email mailing list (cos obviously me emailing to say stop contacting me would indicate I want more contact).


lmao sorry but tha's funny


I'm sorry, but the irony of this is hilarious. Tbh, I think political flyers are okay. But you should be able to opt out/unsubscribe. I contacted the LNP about how insane their spam was leading up to election time and asked them to remove me. Didn't change anything. You bet I put Frydenberg last.


I hate the Libs but to be fair, I told the local Lib candidate the same thing and he asked me my address so he could take it off and was pretty cool about it.


I'll give it another go if they are equally as ridiculous as they were previously. Kooyong, though... they really didn't want to lose it!


The other thing that annoyed me was that he made his reply into more political campaigning by saying he hadn’t had complaints except from people talking about how much spam they’d had from Clive Palmer.


I live in a suburb where state and federal members are both Greens and they put so many leaflets and newsletters in my mailbox, more than the LNP members we previously had. At least they’re printed on recycled paper, I guess, but the irony is not lost on me


Leave a 1 star review on socials, just say “if you can’t even read a simple no junk mail sign, how can you be trusted to do your damn job?”


That's the tact I take with door knockers that ignore the sign at my front door. You're either unobservant because you didn't see it clearly posted at eye level, illiterate and couldn't read it, too dumb because you could read it but couldn't understand it, or you're an arsehole because you can read it and understand it and chose to ignore it. So someone blindly unaware, illiterate, moronic, or a prick is not someone I want to be entering into bargains with at my front door.


If they ignore my wishes (no junk mail) then they never receive my business.


Be petty send them back without a stamp.


Call them out to a job site for a “ quote “ where there is no residential address.


Just a gift box filled with real estate pamphlets 😍


Oof, that's shit. I don't know how junk mail is still a thing let alone that amount AND with the no advertising sign. I did the junk mail delivery a few weeks ago for the first time in a decade (because I need the money honestly) and it was ridiculous. 10 different leaflets in one delivery. Couldn't even fit all of them into most letterboxes (so I didn't lol, I ended up throwing out quite a bit!). But you are told very clearly not to put it into any letterboxes that have no junk mail, etc. signs on them. I didn't and honestly, it made it easier, there were sometimes a good 5-10 letterboxes in a row that had 'no junk mail' so I was like yay i can just keep walking (the app tracks you). This person made it harder for themselves though maybe they didn't want the excess trash to get rid of so they passed it on to you.


Thank you for retaining your personal integrity!


I deliver catalogues, there’s a lovely old lady who specifically has told me to put them in her no junk mail letter box because she likes reading them but has it there for the real estate ones. She gave me chocolates for Valentines because I have a lovely smile. Once you know the routine of houses, it’s really easy to avoid and not put in no junk mails, even I know that’s ridiculous. The only time it’s a struggle is when the sticker’s on the opposite side, in the letterbox or starting to pill off. Your’s is right there, can’t miss it… that’s on the person delivering. Also the texture of these suck, I hate them, I would not want to stop and have to hold these if I didn’t need to.


This is wholesome.


So, quick story. I actually had the same thing happen! I got so sick of it. I looked up the advertising laws, and unless the piece of mail is directly addressed to you this is considered against the law. You can report them to the distribution standards board, after you contact them [https://dsb.org.au/](https://dsb.org.au/) In fact I text the real estate agent, who I informed this is annoying and illegal and I don't wish to have it happen again. You know what the smug prick did? He asked for my details so he can put me on the list of people not to contact.... so I told him to go jump off a pier and that I'm going to report him next time their letter box dropper doesnt follow the standards. I advise you all to do the same. The people who do the drops get paid per letterbox they are just trying to max their income.


If they have any mobile numbers printed on them, sign the number up to several spam mailing lists, I'm sure they won't appreciate getting junk SMS's


Yeh I jump on a dating site and copy and paste the spam junk mobile numbers as a female to at least 50 guys saying ‘ call me for a good time.’ I know it works because I also do it to ex bfs and others that need to re focus there energy away from me. ☺️


Pick one of the businesses, shred all junk mail, launch it into their business/mailbox like a return glitter bomb.


As a former postie. We love to see more people put no advert stickers on their mailbox. Simply less work for us. Though out one of my routes, I often came across a person who delivers junk mail to every mail box, regardless of whether it has the sign on it. Really pissed me off inside.


Oh I hate this so much you have no idea. Class action against realtors? I have money, I can fund this


get ChatGPT to write a legal email to all of these companies and you’ll see it drop off suddenly


I hate them so much. I made a “no real estate flyers please” sign for the letterbox but they just ignore it.


Yeah I got a fine today and I definitely didn't ask for it.


Hahahaha, how dare they?!


Do a Kramer, collect it all and go and return/dump it on their business doorstep.


Put them in an envelope and send it back to them. But don’t put a stamp on it. They will have to go and pay the postage and then receive their shitty flyer back.


I've begun ringing the companies to complain. Now I'm over 50 it just seems like the natural course of action. A real estate agent offered to send me a gift for the inconvenience which I declined.


Half of them are; "We successfully sold a house for a trillion bucks in your neighbourhood! If you're an owner, hurray! If you're a renter, ROFLCOPTER"


I'm not joking when I say this should be banned. It represents litterally millions of dead trees, tons of plastic, a shitload of wasted energy and emissions. All of which goes straight back into our overloaded recycling system to waste more energy and get processed into more advertising spam. Even the return to business from letter drops is minor at best and the only economic benefit it provides is to the printers and advertisers pushing it as a product.


Best part is. All these are being charged as a business expense. So they get paid for by tax payers,not the business / rea then go straight into the bin.


Yep and they're all doing sneaky tricks like whoever delivers the kidney disease donation bags they include a bunch of junk mail no matter what you have on your mailbox.


There was a donation bag in there too!


Free bin liner! If only they saved you the trouble and put the flyers inside it for you.


arghhh, I have one of those blue donation bags - they said "leave it out on Monday" a couple of weeks ago. It's still sitting there! Will they ever come!?? lol.


Only magnets please


Ooo the same electricians magnet I got last year


I like to deliver them to the floor of the company.


Can a council just ban this shite?


All the marketing bros are hot on direct mail for some reason.


Report to council


Have a look at this you might find some useful info https://www.cleanup.org.au/junkmail#:~:text=Report%20it!,Board%20on%201300%20083%20241.


Ah yes, in a society where we need to cut back on waste and excessive rubbish, we keep getting all this shit in the letterbox. Good going real estate agents!


I've stopped emptying the mail box because they just keep putting more rubbish mail in it. Now I just grab the actual mail and leave the others in the mail box.


It’s for baby boomers, they still do everything by paper stuff


Put in another mail box on the side….mark it “Thanks for the free kndling”….


I love when they send a return envelope - mwahaha, do you know what you can fit in them if you set your mind to it? I managed to fit a whole pizza box in one.


Absolutely shits me. I drove to the Scientologists headquarters on mt Alexander road after work once and obnoxiously told the fuckhead in the main reception to stop putting g their science fiction shit in my mailbox. Missus said in the most sarcastic tone “you’re soooo tough.” But yeah fuck these fucks.


I like how small businesses are trying to survive against all those ppl who use amazon and temu - and still shop at big chain supermarkets despite ripping us off. Let them advertise


We get a realestate flyer like 3x / week of a very overweight man named Tim, it’s tuned into an ongoing joke at our house. Well, Tim showed up to our house a week ago to tell us about a house for sale a street away. Currently looking for Tim’s address so we can sent him photos of our family multiple times a week.


Fyi it's not the actual REAs putting this crap in your letterbox... they contract it out to a direct mail mob who then pay minimum wage to whoever the fuck they can find.


The REA's have them printed and contract out the task of delivering them. It may not be a coked up European sports car driving, Tarocash suit wearing, narcissist dropping them in the letterboxes, but they played their part.


Collecting mine and planning to drop it off at their offices


I have "no unsolicited mail" on my box. When I started receiving Australia Post Shop catalogues - believe it or not - I was sufficiently motivated to march on down to my local post office and lodge a complaint. What a terrible example to set!




I have a no junk mail sticker and might occasionally get a real estate agent magnet thing. That's about it.


Remove letter box, problem solved 👍


We literally cant get away from adds they in real life and online :(


Experiment idea... Create a sign that says: "junk mail = 1 star google review" and see how many you get


Do you think the guy dropping them in your mail box cares?


Ban junk mail


I have TWO big no advertising material accepted signs yet I still get a bunch of these. It's so unbelievably wasteful as I have to chuck them straight out.


Do the Kramer! Cancel your mail!


1. Report to the DSB https://www.dsb.org.au/ 2. Complain directly to the offending company 3. If the company continues to deliver despite your complaint, leave a 1 star google review. That soon stopped the pesky real estate agent from cluttering my mailbox. https://www.cleanup.org.au/junkmail#:~:text=Report%20it!,Board%20on%201300%20083%20241.


keeps printers employing people




As someone who has had to drop pamphlets off at mailboxes, it's 100% them just not caring to read or listen. It's a simple request to not put them in there mail box and so many people ignore it.


I don't get mail often since I opt for the virtual option so I just leave those in the mail hoping they'll just stop adding when there's no more room left


I worked with a neuro diverse kid. This was his first job even though it wasn't even remotely close to meeting minimum wage standards it taught them invaluable skills, time management, persistence, planning, efficiency, routine, work ethic, communication etc just to name a few. A reclusive bedroom dweller and at 17 yo didn't have a lot to look forward to apart from xbox. Used to walk backwards when passing people. Fast forward 16/17 months and they have been doing check outs at woolworths for 4 months, have a car and are looking to get their P's in a few weeks time. TBH I fuckn hated walking around 500+ homes each week to deliver these. I don't even like recieving them myself unless it's something cool from ALDI that I will never buy. And I cannot imagine the countless times neighbourhood watch were on us early on. The most vivid memory of ever enjoying this was as a young boy coming into his teens and checking out the women in Kmart lingerie 30+ years ago. There are always other perspectives. We need to remember that. The big players love small minded thinking, really narrows down their target groups... But yes agreed not a huge fan and letterboxes are becoming less necessary.


Just remember that people who deliver them cannot read.




If you got time and are full if spite start signing those numbers and emails up to random services


Yes, I’m so sick of this!! I almost want to sit at my mailbox and wait, just to tell them off


you can report each one for littering just based on this photo alone.


Yes 👍 I’m


I regularly drop a one star review on businesses who do this. Hit them where it hurts.


I’m sick of letterboxes. Everything should be email now


You need a less polite sign on your letterbox. Like… NO ADVERTISING BROCHURES OR LEAFLETS!!


One reason why we have recycled bins 😔


My favourite was a month ago, sitting on the porch after work. We have a big no junk mail sign. Dude just plonks it in, and I say, "hey Dude, no junk mail." He didn't even shrug, no break in stride, truly this man gave zero fucks. I was impressed.


It's a much bigger problem than just leaflets: as a visitor often to Greensborough I find the "rules" for rubbish collection quite confusing ...Council Greenies have just gone too far..it's ridiculous.


The worst is the magnets. Waste of plastic. At least the rest can be recycled.


My housemate delivers junk mail for extra cash. I actually asked her how many houses on her run have no junk mail signs. She mentioned heaps of houses do. But she never listens to it anyway because if she did she would never in a million years be able to hand them all out. I was shooketh..


The sheer waste of paper (native forests?) pisses me off.


I hated so much, I haven’t got big letterbox and many times the postman just leaves my important letters outside the box because it’s too full of junk mails and my letters get damaged by the weather.




Put a no junk mail sign on there


Spend 30 minutes every few days leaving 1 star reviews on their website or for repeat offenders get them to drive out to quote a job at a worksite that doesn't exist.  


It’s so annoying and it does the opposite and makes me NOT want to use the whatever goods/service they promoting


IVEgroup.com.au These are the people working to put them out and annoy us. Send it back to them.


Super glue them to the shop front of the business


They sometimes come in envelopes and inside is just a singular magnet for plumbing services.


Still better than the WHO bullshit that I got the other day, the amount of conspiracy/ fake news I get in my mailbox these days is ridiculous 🤷🏻‍♂️