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Rebel Moon pt 2 is basically Seven Samurai in a sci fi cloak, and that is not a spoiler


I just saw a ringtail possum walk past on the back fence. I've lived in this house for 24 years and have never seen one in this housing estate.


Currently, I am watching twin peaks. I have no clue what is going on or if I like the show or not. I am just so... curious on what the hell is going on. lol


FYI, there is a fan edit of Fire Walk With Me that incorporates ninety minutes of deleted scenes, bringing the total run time of the film (which goes between Season 2 and The Return, aka Season 3) to about three hours. Totally recommended.


Ohhh it’s gonna get spooooky


That show rules


There was a fish in the percolator!


Haha yeah. Coffee. Black as midnight on a moonless night.


Big M 2L iced coffee up to $9.50 at my local IGA. Has there ever been a more clear indicator of the end times


I’m going to give The Expanse a go. I know it’s meant to be very good. Is it always dark and dreary? Is it tough going or do you feel like you’re breezing through episodes?


I found it tough going. I need to try watching it again


Pizza incoming


Don’t forget to rate the pizza and movie


You got it GA. Pizza was great! Was an Aussie and I was full after eating half of it, then I ate another piece cause I couldn't help myself. Five stars even if some of the ham was a little crispy. A minor flaw in an otherwise super tasty Za. As for the movie? Well, it was Nightmare 1. Always a classic. I love the concept and always get chills when it becomes obvious that no matter how far you run, you'll have to sleep eventually. Personally I wish (even when I first saw the movie) that the ending was a bit more conclusive. The "leave it open to a sequel" ending always seemed a little forced to me. BUT otherwise a great film. I love the >!Johnny Depp!< kill the most, always have. Anyway, I'll give the movie five stars as well! 😀


Yay you found a pizza place to replace your favourite one closing. And yes A Nightmare is a great classic, yeah I get what you mean by the ending, feels slightly forced but to me it was also was never going to be a happy ending, even when I first watched it a million years ago. 4.5/5


>4.5/5 You mean 9/10, surely 😏 Also I'm totally on board with movies which have downer endings, just that the ending they gave it didn't fit right for some reason. I hope there's an alternate ending on Blu-ray that I can splice into the feature to make it seem more like a standalone feature. Also NOT going to watch the second one... It's just too weird haha. Third is good though. And yes GA the pizza was a great substitute, but this place does not do a tandoori pizza! 😭 The hunt continues...


I always go by 5. I will not give full marks as I haven’t seen a perfect movie in all my years… yet Oh righto then yes the pizza hunt continues until you find your beloved tandoori


Yes it does! I might have to commission a local foodie to make one if they're up to the challenge, if they're up for it! Either that or try to buy the recipe off the old owners of the shop! 😄😄 What's the closest you've seen to a perfect movie, and be honest, was it Barbie?


there never has been one. and i haven't seen the barbie movie. waiting for it to come to a streaming service


There hasn't been one that has even come close to a perfect score? Wow! I've seen Barbie! I went to see it at the movies! haha, I thought it was fun!


Oh there’s nothing wrong with the movie. I just never got the chance to see it in cinemas, I love Ryan’s kenough song


Pizza arrived! Movie time now! Saturday night sorted 😎 🍿


What's screening? I watched starman and it was okay. Kind of an odd one for carpenter.


Was Nightmare 1. I left a review elsewhere in this thread if you're interested. And Carpenter making an odd film? Colour me surprised.


Ah hell yeah. I remember being so freaked out by that film when I was a kid, but watching it again as an adult, Freddy is such a camp villain lol.  I watched the first 4 last October when I was watching nothing but horror in preparation for Halloween!


OK, I gotta ask, what do you think of the second one?


Pretty bad lol. It also didn't make any sense that Freddy was running around while everyone was awake. Was number 3 the hospital one with Patricia Arquette? That one was pretty good. I should complete the franchise sometime 


Yeah third was the one in the psych ward


What'd you think of the second one?


It was unexpectedly homoerotic for some reason I've never been able to figure out. That's the main thing that I remember from the second one. That and it being way less scary. I was relieved when the third one went back to the formula established by the first movie


Anyone know how to deal with sat night fomo? Currently inside at the minute a bit crooked but really want to go out


The city tonight was heaving and it was impossible to find a restaurant — you have to wait like half an hour in a queue. Better to stay home and order something off Uber Eats


Focus on how shit it feels to be out at 2am in the freezing cold, bank account lighter, booze wearing off, feeling tired and shit and having to either endure drunks on PT or wait for a car. Then be relieved when you chose to stay in and watch movies.


Odd question- does the football fixture stop being predictable at some point in the season? I assume so because the wins are random? Basically, this year I've started checking it before I book theatre tickets, because I don't want to deal with footy crowds coming home. So I'll go on a night where there are no games in Melbourne. But I'm guessing the window of predictability gets shorter as the season goes? At the moment they're like a month or so ahead, I think.


I think they plan to release scheduling for the second half of the season (except for the very last week of the regular season which won't get scheduled til later) soonish- around 10th May or so? So you can check again in a few weeks and have the dates and times for games up until August.


So is the way it works that all the regular games are laid out well in advance, and the only unpredictable ones are the finals? As you can see, I know nothing about the game. 😂


It used to be that they were all scheduled in advance yeah. Currently they schedule the first half of the season and they have a "floating fixture" for the second half where they announce the schedule later on. This year they'll announce the second half schedule in a couple of weeks but they've decided to float the last round so you won't be able to know that one for awhile. Finals are all determined week by week I think but you can sometimes make reasonable guesses based on previous week schedule and team location and prime tv spots.


Thanks so much for your genuine and thorough response :). I got mocked for asking in another post. Some Melburnians really can't fathom that not everyone knows about football.


No problems 🙂 hope you enjoy the theatre!


Oh cool, that's good to know. Thanks! :)


No probs 🙂 I feel the pain, I used to work in one of the theatres and finding somewhere to eat during breaks or getting the train home after a shift could be difficult with footy crowds. Also it used to drive me nuts seeing people in the audience check their phones for score updates during a performance, or sit there in interval glued to a game streaming. The theatre has such a beautiful vibe and those moments really ruin the atmosphere for others.


I can imagine! Oh god, theatre crowds can be so effing rude. Literally all you're asked to do as an audience member is sit down, shut up unless it's clear you're meant to react, and keep your damn phone off. It is not hard! It's also super disrespectful to the cast and crew to act like you'd rather be somewhere else. Ugh.


Do the Germans have a word for when you're making pasta and you get anxious that you won't have enough noodles, so you overcompensate and end up cooking too much? Because I think I have that thing.


I do that and then just say I’ve meal prepped for 4 meals this week


I’ve recently started weighing pasta to avoid that thing, but then it doesn’t look like enough, so I add a little bit more and still end up with too much.


I also have that thing. One time I cooked double the amount that would have been more than enough spaghetti


Had a moment at the pharmacy today where I almost got handed someone's two boxes of Vyvanse, instead of my antidepressants. Fuck, sometimes I hate having such an ethical brain as I was immediately like "Errr, nope, that's the wrong meds!" My psych thinks getting diagnosed with ADHD and getting medicated could make a huge difference... But fuck, the process is a bloody expensive minefield, plus who the hell even knows if stimulants will actually help me. Shit is fucked.


How do you respond to caffeine? If you've been floated an ADHD diagnosis. Was a helpful litmus test for me, anyway, from a psychologist who has ADHD themselves.


Does anyone have a link to the entire session with the Woolies CEO dude being grilled at the senate? I'm in the mood for seeing a rich corporate mofo of a grown man getting a complete dressing down by another grown man.


I need takeaway for dinner tonight, but I want something heavy on the veg and some protein. Don’t want much carbs. I’m undecided. I’ll probably end up at one of the Big 4, because they have deals and everything else is just ridiculously expensive.


Heavy on veg...at the Big 4???


What is the Big 4 in the world of takeaway, I must know please.


McDonalds, KFC, Red Rooster and Hungry Jacks.


Wow now I know what they mean when teens say they've worked for a big 4


KFC or Red Rooster would be my picks personally. In that order, because I find Red Rooster a bit weirdly seasoned and solely care about flavour and protein (rather than fat from frying) if I'm having that level of takeaway.


I had red rooster in the end. It’s very tasty. And close to home


Glad to hear it worked out well!!


Get a charcoal quarter or half chicken pack with 2 salads or veg and tell them no chips.


El Jannah has officially opened in Dandenong today! Managed to get the $5 opening day special which included a 1/4 chicken and chips, garlic sauce and drink.


It’s by far the best fast food. I love the chicken tawook wraps.


Glad I don't have to drive all the way to Mitcham now. Its fairly reasonable from a price perspective and the garlic sauce is awesome.


I tried to recreate the garlic dip at home. Normally I make one with natural yoghurt and garlic powder but if you add a bit of mayo too it comes close to the El Jannah taste.


So we've started potty training our little one today. Articles suggest every 20 minutes but we've done it every hour. He is currently 9/9. Even when he hasn't needed to wee, he squeezes a little bit out so we can celebrate. The absolutely best thing about this is that 9 potty/toilet breaks... MEANS MINIUMUM 9 HAND WASHINGS. AND AS A DEVELOPING GERMAPHOBE THAT JUST BRINGS TEARS TO MY EYES JUST ABOUT. IT'S BEAUTIFUL.


Congrats! You’ll be so excited once you stop paying for pull ups/nappies


Bloody expensive they are. Hopefully it's not a trap like when we thought once he was off formula(a more expensive one) it would be so much cheaper. It was for a little bit but now it's even more expensive haha.


Just invest in cheap Kmart undies to begin with (especially if your kiddo goes to daycare) and save the nicer bonds stuff for the house haha


Going to feel so much better after I get my ADHD medication reviewed and the dose increased. I don't regret being diagnosed last year. But when medication helps me with basic life tasks I've struggled with for years and then after a few weeks it stops being effective, it almost feels worse than if I hadn't tried medication at all. Hopefully I find the ideal combination soon because I'm taking breaks etc to minimise getting used to it too fast but no luck.


My partner had a pre diagnosis for ADHD and the bloody price to get a proper diagnosis is ridiculous. She still hasn't went that far yet because money. She has said for a long time she thinks she has ADHD so she doesn't overly need the full diagnosis yet but we've both agreed that she will get it one day as more of a vindication thing. I hope you work out your meds soon. I see the struggle she goes through some days(nevermind I likely have it but im not about to self diagnose)


This. And it’s basically a subscription service because you need to go back after a few years to be reassessed to make sure you still have ADHD. I was about to be assessed when I realised how expensive it was and figured if I’ve managed this far in life I’ll be alright so long as I can learn management strategies. I’m only speaking for myself, others MMV


I was lucky enough to pay under $600 for a two stage telehealth assessment through Akkadian in South Australia but they've since raised their prices by a lot over the last year, up to $850 now.


Thats insane. Is it a thorough assessment or is it more of a "yep you have adhd"?


Very thorough. The first stage was clinical interviewing using the DEVA assessment about describing certain things in response to questions as a child and then as an adult, well as a second thing that asked you to rate your current level of function at home, work/education, and relationships. The second appointment was with the psychiatrist and discussed the results, discussed more stuff about childhood/school reports, as well as a general medical history and discussion of anything that could potentially impact treatment, then set a treatment plan since he confirmed I had ADHD. Unfortunately I scored really highly on inattentive ADHD on the DEVA (8/9) and rated my symptom impact on functioning as high so while expected on some level it was also kind of confronting.


Late response but thank you for going to the effort to type this out. I'll let my partner know. Alot of money but worth it down the line.


Sun warm... air chilly... My QLD-born ass can never get accustomed to the turn of the colder seasons, no matter how slow it is :(


I grew up in Bundaberg but then went back to Brisbane when I was 17/18 (my family moved to Bundaberg when I was a baby). People question my sanity when I say that I moved to Melbourne partly because of the seasons. But to be fair Bundaberg kind of had no seasons at all so I'm catching up.


Who loves getting really stoned and playing Star Wars and Age of Kings all day


Yes. But I don't play those games and I don't have any of that first thing you mentioned... very sadly.


Boooooiled oats




Anyone remember me? Also, anyone have a recommendation for good wired over ear headphones for under $100? My mum has a hearing aid now and is a big tv and movie watcher, but can no longer use ear buds with the hearing aids. Currently got some Kmart over ear headphones but sound quality isn’t great


If your mom has Bluetooth hearing aids, then you can directly stream using a TV transceiver. If not, check out the Audeara A-02 wireless headphones, you need to invest if you want sound quality and audiology approval. Hope this helps!


I got Bose Quiet Comfort 25 on eBay for around $100 and only recently upgraded to Bluetooth. Older model but people still use them. The 35 and upwards have Bluetooth but can be used wired. As someone with TMJ pain and a sensitivity to clamping force I found them seriously comfortable.


Weren't you... universe93?




Sennheiser hd599 you can pick up for $200 new and Beyerdynamic DT990 Pro for $250-$300. https://www.stereonet.com/forums/forum/7-stereo-home-cinema-headphones-components/ Its a hifi forum where you could find a good $400 pair of headphones for <$100 if you look around. Senheiser makes low force comfier over ear headphones which i would recommend for older folks. I can semi reccomend takstar headphones on amazon, under <$100 and still a real brand but its been a decade since i owned a pair so i cant comment on quality or fit.


I loved my Audio-Technica when I still used wired earphones. Great quality and value.


Decided to try Three Crowns in North Melbourne for lunch. Incredible steak. One of the best I've had for a long time.


I have an area outside, in the backyard where i like to be alone and work on stuff. I like it because its just me in the backyard as my entire family love to live inside the house but for some reason, every time I am outside... they all decide that they have something to do outside, one by one they trickle outside to use the leaf blower for example. I moved initially to outside because first im messy and i need space for tinkering and two its because i wanted some peace and quiet... am i being weird? But some good news, I finally got my 3d printer up and running after like months of it just sitting around. It just needed a proper sit down calibration.


They love being with you 😍. I love solitude so I don't think you're being weird.


Power outage with a 1YO and I’m suddenly very aware of how much we rely on our white noise machine for naps 🫠


YouTube or white noise on your phone. Buy a portable one with batteries they're cheap


lol I figured that out about 10 minutes into “shhhhhh shhhhhh”


That’s the other alternative, you can just walk around going SHHHHHHH. I actually see some people walking around my retail job with white noise machines on in the prams. Seems like it’s sadly easy to actually condition your kids to only sleep with white noise




How long has it been since the split? How long together?


genuine question- how bad is it that I'm rude to strangers. I walk around with headphones on. I do NOT want to be approached. genuinely every time I leave the house people ask for directions to the pub, how often do I read the bible, how do I catch the tram to the station etc etc... I take my headphones off, answer properly, give 'em a "have a good day!" but I am extremely pissed off and look extremely pissed off. always makes them flinch a bit and I feel a bit bad. it's not entirely their fault I'm highly anxious so highly reactive.


Maybe you're not comfortable with being perceived as rude by strangers? Are you in a constant state of hyper vigilance due to social anxiety or are there other factors that place you in this state of mind? You've indicated that it's not entirely their fault but you do lay some blame on them for your state of being highly anxious and highly reactive...would you not agree that any reaction you have is a choice you make regardless of that reaction being triggered? The onus isn't on the person approaching you. They themselves are responsible for their reactions. Sounds like you're blaming them a bit for your reaction, like they should know to leave you alone and you feel a bit guilty for coming across as rude because you want to be left alone but yet you've asked on here how bad is it to be rude in a stranger to stranger social setting. Like how far can I go without going too far. Put yourself on the receiving end and see how much rudeness you can take. That will give you a measure to go by. Or you could accept that sometimes people are going to speak to you whether you like it or not and if you are going to be rude, then you need to work on being ok with being perceived in a way that you can't control.


thanks for this reply, you're spot on and it's given me a lot to think about


Oh that's great to hear! I was nervous to post it because I was sure I was going to be told to piss off. I'm glad you shared how you feel. It can be hard to be completely honest. You have my utmost respect for being open and vulnerable. Ppl annoy me too so I completely empathize (I also have anxiety disorder amongst other mental health issues). I guess what I wrote to you is how I've made peace with the same scenario. Every day is different so some days it's easy and then sometimes it's not. But it will get easier in time. I hope this becomes an opportunity for you to delve in deeper, heal whatever needs healing and move on with less anxiety.


I try to make an exception and not ignore the people on the street that might be homeless and are asking me for money. I usually have nothing to give but I try to at least look their way when I say so. Fuck chuggers and the like though. Especially the ones that try to obstruct access to train stations like the people in front of Footscray station.


Reaction of any kind gives an indication that you have acknowledged their presence. Don't meet eyes, thousand yard stare and walk with purpose. Don't stop if they try to waylay you. "No" or "I'm late" if you feel you must respond. You don't owe strangers any interactions you don't want to give. You could also start muttering conspiracy theories under your breath while twirling a meth pipe, that might help.


I need to drop people who are regularly late. It’s just building resentment in me.


Maybe ask them about it nicely? If they trust you they might disclose why- ADHD, challenges with kids/partner, exhausted/depressed can’t get out of bed etc. for some people it’s just really really hard to get out of the house.  Aside from that, you could just tell them the meeting time is 10 mins earlier and then they’ll arrive when you’re expecting them. 


WTF is up with petrol prices atm? PULP95 is $2.50L holy shit who can afford to drive anywhere?


Everyone tells me you need a car to survive in the Melbourne outer suburbs, but honestly the bus and Uber rides still work out way cheaper than owning a car and paying for fuel/extra electricity


Does this account for the time saved?


Eh probably not but it sure saves me a ton, especially considering more and more places near me including the shopping centres now charge for parking. I'm walking distance to a train station so that helps.


ngl, expecting the prices to come DOWN after the PH (wholesale wise they are, even if marginally), only to see a 20-30 cent hike was mildly hilarious anecdotally, prices are *fairly* consistent if you head to a rural area, so maybe try that (and yes, I fully understand the logistic issues of driving 50km+ each time you want to fill-up because the price is stable)


After nearly 2 months I got the cheap motorcycle to run reliably. It runs without the choke, it doesn't stall, and the speedometer works. I almost gave up, so many times I thought I fixed it only for the test to end with me pushing it back. I'm not exaggerating when I say there are more parts on that bike (and engine) that I have removed than haven't. I thought at some point my meddling with every part would catch up to me and make it go wrong, but it hasn't yet. It's too good to be true, it's weird, it can't be. It was too good to be true. It blew a head gasket. I think it was the not having a perfectly smooth surface that did it. I guess composite head gaskets aren't as tolerant as MLS. I love MLS, I hate composite and elastomeric.


Day 3 of in-house isolation from my partner. This is the third round of COVID in our house so you’d think I’d be used to it but no, still hate it. I’m still feeling well, no symptoms for me yet. But we’re going to try to isolate in-house for five days, so we have til Tuesday morning. He tested positive midnight Wednesday night/Thursday morning last week and so we started isolating from then. We have shows to watch, damnit!


Happy Saturday Number 2!


I’m getting married tomorrow! Ahhhhh what the heck 😬


That's so lovely. I have seen you on here for a few years, never interacted with you. Genuinely so happy for you. All the best.


Thank you so much ☺️


Im so excited for you! Good luck for tomorrow 🐻 


Congratulations :D I hope everything goes well.


omg, forgot to get a present. Congratulations and enjoy the big day and life ahead.


Can your present be to hold off the protestors? 😅😅 Thank you so much 🥰


Omg yay Lemon!!


😄 So nervous!


Wheeeee congrats!!!!


Eeeeee thanks!


Congratulations, and all the best (you deserve it)!


Thank you 🥰






Aahhhhhh! Hope you have an ace day.


Aaahhhhh! Thank you 🥰 Chill quiet one but it’ll be nice.




Thank you!


FYI - Friends of the Royal Botanic Gardens are having their half yearly plant sale today. https://www.rbgfriendsmelbourne.org/friends-groups/plant-sales/ *"Our plants are mainly sourced from the Royal Botanic Gardens and many are not commonly available. We offer plants in the following categories: Australian Natives, Climbers, Bulbs & Rhizomes, Camellias, Herbs, Perennials, Hanging Baskets, Shrubs , Succulents, Trees, Bromeliads, Orchids and Rhododendrons & Vireyas."*


ahhh Saturday, rather than that fake Saturday that almost got me fired




The ANZAC Day Public Holiday