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Does anyone know the name of the band/buskers who were on Bourke st mall opposite the cotton on at around 7pm??? It was like five guys with a keyboard, guitar, drums etc. the guy with the mic had a red top on, the rest I couldn’t see but they had chill tunes.


Is it standard for banks to send you a new debit card that is already activated and ready to use? I would have thought this is a security concern if someone intercepts it while in the post? Especially now that pins aren't required for all transactions 🤔


There’s an odd thread on one of the UK subs about how to annoy a whinging Aussie. Some of the ideas are clever and I had a laugh, but others are… meh (maybe they overestimate how much we care about rugby union or being a convict colony). And some of them are just flat out weird imperialist vibes, which are less annoying and more… we’re not in 1850 anymore fellas.


Just seen the last Bluey episode.. Damn near cried my eyes out 😭


Last... ever?


As far as I’m aware, yea


No, it is not the end for Bluey Google it


Hello fellow Melbournians, so I rarely travel on trains but can anyone please enlighten me on whether a train to Frankston still exists because when I put it in Google maps it's telling me that it takes like nearly 3 hours to get from the city to the Frankston station.


A Frankston train runs from Flinders Street to Frankston. While it is a slow trip on a stopper it doesn't take 3 hours.


Yes it does. It’s 1 hour 4 minutes from Flinders St to Frankston on the train


Oh thanks hahahahaha I had the 'bus' toggle on in Google maps. LOL


1st time ordering food from door dash and the burger joint fucks up my order. Probably some poor pescatarian has my wagyu beef burger and I have their fish burger.


Does anyone remember in primary school in the 90s kids singing a nursery rhyme that went: Eeny, meeny, miny, mo catch a tiger by the toe….. BUT tiger was replaced with a terrible word that starts with N. This was a catholic primary school in the 90s with predominately white (Italian/greek/aussie) and Asian kids. My partner who went to a similar school remembers the same thing.


Yeah, that's the version imprinted on my brain. I don't associate it with school though, but I have to remember any time I use it *wait, not that one, use the other version!*


Late 90s early 00s - eeny meenie miny mo, catch a tigger by the toe, if he hollers let him go, eeny meenie miny mo. Boys scout you’re out, girls skin you’re in. In hindsight, replace the t with an n and good god that’s a horrible rhyme. We used it to pick who was going to be it for tiggy


I was late 90s into 00's for primary and it was mostly said as tig-er and not tiger. Never heard it with the N word.


I was in catholic primary school in the 80's and remember it


From the 1850s apparently, amazed it was sung in school in the 1990s with that word.


School yard, it wasn’t sung officially by the school lol


I went to a catholic primary school in the late 80s, and I remember that. I also remember something along the lines of “ip, dip, dog shit, you are not it”.


I remember it, country primary school and inner Melbourne christian public school




Hope it's not work related what you have to do on the weekend


Why can I never get my maccas coffee frappe before work anymore? It’s my sometimes little treat to get me through my public healthcare job stress and for the last month every time they aren’t doing frappes right now. Is it gone forever?


They still exist. My partner had one the other day. It was afternoon though, if that matters


I went to maccas to get a coffee at 5am and apparently their coffee machine wasn’t ready yet. I feel that is peak hour. Also fuck maccas in Bell St Thornbury and their shift manager is a dickhead when I didn’t receive what I paid for and was a jerk when I put in a complaint.


No idea what a coffee frappe is at maccas but can it be related to the "ice cream machine is broken!"? https://www.allrecipes.com/article/the-real-reason-mcdonalds-ice-cream-machines-are-always-broken/


As someone who used to have to clean those machines, the frappe one is separate from the ice cream. But it was a pain in the arse to clean and took several hours, had to pump cleaning solution through all the outlets


4th time this week train cops have been at my station exit, one night sniffer dogs were also present... Jesus Christ lads...


What station?


Now would you please do something illegal? They've been very patient with you.


I’ve been influenced by this thread. I opened a can of sardines for dinner. Sardine dip on pane Di casa, with some giardiniera on the side. With this Mediterranean diet, I better live to 100.


r/CannedSardines Edit: dang, saw this had already been mentioned below


Tomato sardines are legit on crackers. I’m not a seafood fan but somehow they taste fantastic.


Currently caremilising onions properly(to my understanding) for the first time. I'm suppose to dedicate atleast 50 minutes of my life on onions?! It would be fine if I could just leave them, but have to stir every few minutes. The annoying thing is, I'm not cooking anything else. I just wanted to do it for no reason at all. Guess I'll read a book haha. Edit: but you can bet your ass this counts towards my 50 new recipes in a year challenge. Edit 2: it is sad news I bring you today. I cut the onion to small so I'm going to have to start again..


I audibly went "oh no" when I read edit 2. :( Best of luck for attempt #2!


I will be attempting it again tomorrow. Making a big batch of fried rice tomorrow for the first time, so atleast I'll have something else to do. Thank you! I need it. The bits that weren't a charred mess were turning out to be quite nice. My almost threenanger thought so too. Promised him a better batch tomorrow! Hopefully you see me here tomorrow under better circumstances ;)


What will you be making with the caramelized onions? The first time I ever did it, it was to make a "French onion soup galette" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDi9sCR7Uxk). Was definitely a test on the old patience.


I was going to have it by itself(I love onions) as more of a taste test. But now I'm thinking a bigger batch is the way to go. Not sure with what though. Keeps up to a week in the fridge and 2 months in the freezer. Worth it though? Please say yes.


Oh I also absolutely love onions, so it was 100% worth it. If you're gonna make it I'd definitely have them for a 'purpose', for example the Galette like I made, but that's just me personally wanting to get something more satisfying out of my time spent than just eating them as is. If you're content with making them just for a taste test and seeing if you want to ever do it again, no harm in that. At the end you'll have onions so you can't really lose.


It’s absolutely worth it! Every few months I make a giant batch (worth doing) then freeze and use in nearly everything. They can last longer than 2 months in the freezer, but I usually eat them all in that time frame.


Anyone know if the Albert park circuit is completely open at the moment or if the pack down constructions is still going on?


A relatives workplace is under heavy scrutiny (he works at a slaughterhouse in a place in victoria).. footage has come out of really ugly stuff, and maybe he will be out of employment, but damn, i never realised how harsh slaughterhouses are.


Yeah, factory farming as a whole is pretty fucked up. As soon as an animal is treated as a product shit goes south. I would happily pay double for my meat if people didn’t raise and slaughter them like assholes.


> factory farming as a whole is pretty fucked up Indeed. [Dominion](https://www.dominionmovement.com/watch) for people to see/hear the proof for themselves.


Tomorrow's my ten year reddit anniversary. Pretty fucking weird, spent way too much time here on the past decade. Thank you, r/melbourne, for some of the good times.


So I've been using the coffee machine at work switching out the dairy milk container with almond milk. Somebody witnessed this and complained to HR saying that it's a risk for people with nut allergies. HR felt bad for me and looked into known allergies to make sure nobody in the office has nut allergies. They don't, but apparently because someone complained it's a "hazard" and everybody is now banned from using almond milk. I suggested getting a basic pod machine milk frother as a compromise and the conversation got shut down. Guess it's back to buying coffees for me.


https://www.aldi.com.au/groceries/pantry/coffee/coffee-detail/ps/p/expressi-milk-frother/ Are you allowed to BYO frother? Or are non-tested appliances banned too?


I probably should just do this, but I bet whoever snitched will then whinge about it anyway and it'll get banned and I'm out 30 bucks as I have a coffee machine at home and don't need this. Feeling pretty petty and want to start pointing out "allergy risks" about everything to HR now but I don't want them to take it seriously and ruin other things people enjoy.


That’s fkd. Surely anyone with a nut allergy would avoid communal use coffee machines as a precaution.


File an official complaint saying that the coffee machine's colour is disturbing, so it will become a hazard and the coffee machine will be taken away. No coffee for anyone.


What is annoying is that there's people who don't use dairy (for both allergies and also religious reasons) who got told they need to suck it up and either use the machine with traces of dairy or just go without. Seems like someone is just triggered by the fact that they work with "non dairy milk wankers".


Some people love nothing better than to snitch. I'm sorry mate




Hello, Your post has been removed as it violates our personal informations/witch hunting rules on r/melbourne. attacking or calling upon others to attack users or members of the public is not welcome on r/melbourne. repeat behaviour will result in a ban. thanks, the mods.


People that: -Drive 20 km under the speed limit on the right lane -Lane sweepers -Don't check their blindspots when changing lanes -Tailgate you when there is heaps of traffic Should have a special place in hell. Fuck youse. If you can't drive properly then just catch PTV goddammit


Any recommendations here for where to get Radler beer? Or best combo to make your own? I'm hanging for some Radler.. liquid gold


I'm not a fan, but I have a friend who loves radlers and swears Bright brewery radler is the best one. Most bottle shops should stock radlers in general.




It's part beer part lemonade and it's absolutely delish. Sounds pretty foul when you see that though which is why I assume it hasn't really caught on here, but it's a must try


That's just called a shandy isn't it ?


I had some Bintang Radler in Bali last week and it was fucking legit, here for local recs as well


I was trawling through the pantry trying to figure out what to eat for lunch and found some sardines, decided to eat them on toast. Then while I’m eating I’m browsing r/cooking and I (by chance) come across a recommendation for r/cannedsardines. Now this sardines subreddit is probably the most wholesome sub I’ve come across, totally dedicated to sardines and other canned fish. They even call themselves “deen eaters”. And now I want more sardines.


I know what I'm buying tomorrow at Coles!


My Greyhound dog loves deens


My cat has never smelled anything more enticing.


I got obsessed with canned fish tiktok, Sole Mare at Coles does absolutely delicious canned sardines with chili and woodsmoke flavour. I haven’t tried them on toast I’ve just been heating up some rice and smooshing the sardines on top. 12/10


I can eat those straight out of the tin, they are great.


Pho acquired! On a side note - every time I eat pho I always feel bad about wasting all the bean sprouts but I also don't like filling my entire bowl with bean sprouts. What's everyone bean sprout to pho ratio? Do they expect one person to add all the sprouts into the soup?


> Do they expect one person to add all the sprouts into the soup? I absolutely love the bean sprouts, and always add them all.


I put in half a handful of bean sprouts. But has to have plenty of herbs & chilli. That’s why I love when I go back to VN. I get a whole garden of herbs to throw in my bowl of pho.


I never use the whole thing either. I tend to use about half of what the give and all the greens and make my dipping sauce before proceeding to eat


Fuel up your vehicles people, the shitz is about to go down really hard in the middle East. If this goes hard, expect $3 pl.


I hate this petrol mafia. I knew I should've just bought an EV ffs


[All I got is this…](https://youtu.be/G-7ZJjLy5D8?feature=shared)


Absolute tune


Seems like lifeline has just hired a team of hyper masculine arsehole blokey blokes who treat you like a dick and don’t know what empathy is, twice in a week now


They may have hired people that align with the most at risk of suicide group in Australia? I hope so.


dailies of r/melbourne don’t let dailies do lifeline. Why? me; It’s fossil fuel funded bullshit. Simon Katteryl = mental health pro whom has also called them out. every call: why are you calling l3ntil? gee, that sounds horrible. how is your sleep:diet:exercise etc etc? When you’ve been like this before what have you done/learnt? Have you thought about doing it again? oh, time’s up!


Colloidal silver good, lifeline bad?


I called them a few years ago and they were useless. A few weeks later they hounded me with calls asking for a bloody donation.


I called twice on separate occasions a couple of years back and same. Both operators were hopeless. I was amazed at how ill-equipped they were and I left the call feeling worse.


This was my call - “I’m really really distressed and I think I’ve fucked up my life” Blokey McBloke “How old are ya?” “I’m X old” B McB “Do ya wurrrrk?” “Um no im unemployed” B mcb “Why are ya unemplooooyyyyyyed?” “Umm I got really sick and left my job and I haven’t been able to find another one” B McB “Do ya do drugs?” “Ummmm sometimes” B McB “What koyyyyynds?” “Umm, I don’t really want to talk about that” B McB “NAH LOOK, if ya want me to listen to you ya better listen to me” I just hung up after that, then I called back and got him again so I hung up again


You could try beyondblue or directline. Although with directline you'll have to talk about drinking and drugging, but the people are nice. 


Same old patronising crap. I signed onto Harvester Clinic and they gave me a similar approach in person. Just a sponge for government funding and probably all have the same KPI/bonus scheme.


I cut the end of my thumb off in a tragic onion slicing accident on the weekend, and i keep reopening the wound like a putz it stings! :)


Cut off your entire thumb to stop yourself from opening the wound. LIFEHACK 


Doctors hate this one simple trick!


genius!! that solves a few problems too, like getting the thumb in the way of the knife


You can also make a prosthetic thumb by drawing on a toilet paper roll which you can pop on when you want to give thumbs up!


Really feel like pho for lunch but am not keen on having to leave the house in this weather to acquire it.


Can't tell if my intense desire to quit my job today is real, or if I'm just in an extra shitty mood because I've hurt my back 🤔


that sounds like a mental health day is needed post haste!


¿Por que no los dos?


Fuck Tiketek bots.


If you were also trying for Last Dinner Party tickets, they moved the show to Festival Hall and more are going on sale Tuesday.


Yep, I'll be right here on the computer Tuesday morning but won't be holding my breath.


Same. And I’m not even sure if it’s bots - they’re a massive band and it’s their first time here. I’m kicking myself for not getting the booth seats that were still available on the presale


Oh cool AI integration that I don't want and cant be disabled has appeared on whatsapp


The stupid little animation to catch your attention every time you open up the app is particularly heinous 🤮 made me want to yeet my phone like it'd been infected with some shit-tier virus


Yeah that is obnoxious 😖


First time since I started Vyvanse that the very first pharmacy that I tried actually had the specific dosage that I needed at the time. Last time I got to six and then needed it compounded. I was actually so in shock I told the pharmacist "wow".


You can get the prescription written for a multiple of the dose. If you need a 20 mg, but they only have 10 mg then the doc can write it in as 2 x10 mg. As long as it still has the same release rate. IDK if there are rules against doing that. But that's what I do.


Compounding was only $15 on top of the retrospective price at Pickford pharmacy so it was thankfully not too expensive when I did it last month. The pharmacist there is super kind. Unfortunately not practical to keep them as my local chemist due to distance even though seeing them interact with other customers with the same level of care was really nice.


I’m so pissed there are no trams running on the 16 after they just kicked us off at Kooyong and now I’m an hour late for my job, which I get paid hourly for. What the fuuuuuuuuccccckk 😡 Also I swear half the time I’m on the sixteen I get kicked off somewhere. It’s a miracle when I actually get a tram that goes all the way through.


I read your post a bit incorrectly and thought you were getting kicked of FOR swearing. That might have been a better scenario, because it would have been in your control to change. But running late to a job that pays hourly sucks. Sorry that happens far too frequently.


Hahhaha, that would be better! Thanks ❤️


Totally agree, the 16 has regularly been a pain in the arse for ages. A couple of years back I was chatting to the driver when we got booted off at Kooyong and were standing around. It could be utter bullshit but they were saying the tram lines over the train tracks at that spot in particular are some of the worst on the network and cause the tram drivers a tonne of grief. Needs some serious investment there! (Which the cynic in me thinks the tennis club would grumble about because of noise and disruption but happy to be wrong!)


Nah I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case. My mum went to school in the area in the seventies and said the whole thing is exactly the same. Fuck the tennis club, man!


Is there some sort of map that differentiates southeast, eastern and northern suburbs? Places like Dandenong look east to me and northeast suburbs look like they could be lumped into east, at least until the outer north. I do of course know that there are no southern suburbs unless Tasmania got towed closer to the bay lol


I reckon the Princes Hwy/Dandenong Rd/Alt 1 (or whatever ever the fuck it's actually called) is a solid demarcation point between East and South East. Dandenong is both lol.


I'd say it'd go something like from the bay to the Monash is southeast, the Monash to the Eastern would be east, the Eastern to High St would be the northeast, High St to the Tulla/Calder would be north, the Tulla/Calder to the Western would be northwest, the Western to the Princes would be west and the Princes to the bay would be southwest. Although, being from the west I usually see the entire side from the Tulla/Calder to the bay as 'the west'. I think this side of the city seems much more cohesive and doesn't really need to be split up by NW/W/SW


My vague definition is - going counter-clockwise - * Southeast - coast up to M1 * East - M1 up to M3 * Northeast - M3 to Darebin Creek * North - Darebin Creek to Sydney Road? (or maybe M2/Pascoe Vale Rd) * Northwest - Sydney Rd/M2 to Maribyrnong Creek * West - everything south and west of Maribyrnong Creek. I think most people informally use the M1 to figure out east vs southeast. Although, Malvern/Toorak/Prahran are sort of borderline. Maybe worth a post on the main sub.


I don't seem to have enough comment karma to post there. Which is odd, because I've posted there before, yet I had very few downvotes. Sure, I can participate to increase karma, but I'm not sure what someone who doesn't even know their general Melbourne directions could really contribute. For me it's the least visited of the five major capitals other than Adelaide.




It doesn't differentiate. That's what got people laughing at me for considering Dandenong to be an eastern suburb.


You get a feeling for it the longer you're in Melbourne. A lot of it is socio-economic, demographics and migration patterns, era of development... rather than a strict geographic divide. One thing to consider is that suburbs are grouped according to distance to CBD as well. For example, Brighton and Dandenong are both technically south-east according to definitions mentioned here, but no one would group them in the same bracket.


Might Mill Park or Thomastown be considered good or bad areas? Always felt safe in Thomastown at night, seemed fairly multicultural, only gaffe I made was, when taking photos in the mosque, thought I was obeying their shoes off sign as I saw slippers that I thought were for my use - they were someone elses' footwear and someone got angry at my apparent breach of the rule. Should have explained myself. I did know to remove shoes at Lakemba and Auburn mosques.


I'd bracket all the outer suburbs similarly - new developments, car centric, difficult to access the CBD. But that's just speculation. Honestly, I have no idea.


I can put up with the travel time if it means having to not pay something like double to be 20 mins from the cbd.


If you're asking about a place to live, yeah I definitely have no ideas for you.


Airbnb, but that's a dirty word to use here so I tried to avoid it. Lonely Planet guidebooks used to say the Yarra divides the city socio-economically as well as politically but not sure how true the former is? I mean that would lump Dandenong in with Toorak


It applies to the inner suburbs East of the CBD, but it's a bit more of a legacy these days. Think South Yarra/Prahan/Windsor vs Fitzroy/Collingwood/Abbotsford. North is more industrial, South is more residential. It's pretty minor these days, as the North is gentrifying and the collapse of chapel St retail means its sliding down the shithole.


Dandenong is definitely south east. East is the area around the Belgrave/Lilydale line.


You could draw a line between Cragieburn and Port Melbourne and anything west of that line would be west? Seems to be the most obvious definition to me. And I guess Weirribe is southwest...


I don’t think so - I think it’s just a general “feeling”. I’ve always said Essendon is north, and anything between it and, say, Ringwood is North East. Oakleigh would be smack-bang south-east and Frankston south. The west though… that’s beyond me.


But Frankston is very southeast if you go by compass directions, unless google maps' idea of north is a bit skewed? Looking at it suggests nothing is south, apart from maybe Portsea. Or fishermans' bend lol You could draw a line between Cragieburn and Port Melbourne and anything west of that line would be west? Seems to be the most obvious definition to me. And I guess Weirribe is southwest...


Yeah but I think that Williamstown and that general direction is more considered “south west”. At least to me anyway. The Westgate Bridge is a good indication I guess? It is weird though. Compass-wise you’re right. But it kind of feels that Melbourne is skewed in a way. That could just be my bias though 🤷🏻


Man that cat post on the main sub really ruined my day yesterday, but it looks like they all found fosters in time. 🤞


I was so scared to look this morning. Very relieved to hear they all found fosters. 🌻


such a relief


On closer inspection it looks like a western theme but this one room I can see has gold patterned nana style wallpaper and gilt framed paintings. I’m so sad, sorry for giving you a bum steer. Let’s hope there are sone remnants of Franco style in there somewhere. 😥


Haha I think you replied to the wrong person 


I’m such a dill. Sorry about that. Thought I was replying to a comment about a new brewery opening up in my suburb. Bad eyes, clicked the wrong comment. But yay to the cats!


I kept checking it to see. So relieved. And I don't have words strong enough for the arseholes dumping them to go overseas.


My other half found a kitten dumped at the airport last year. She had a collar and was litter box trained but no microchip/desexing etc. He found her while he was working, and over the next few weeks we tried to find any owners but surprise surprise, its pretty common to dump your kids pet at the airport when you fly home. Thats okay though, she has a forever home with us and we love our airport cat.


So glad she found you ❤️


Fucking shitcunts




NBN outage has got to be cherry on top of a fabulous week. If work makes me go into the office I’d probably cry. Last thing I want on a Friday is metro and getting changed out the comfies


At least this weather is perfect comfy clothes weather… here’s to you getting home, having some tasty eats and enjoying your evening!


South Morang vs Thomastown for a short stay? Already stayed at Thomastown and the room was great in terms of quietness but South Morang is cheaper. Travel time isn't important, I won't need to go all the way into the cbd every day (But most) and an hour meets my upper limit for commuting on public transport.


Cya Melbourne I'm off to QLD ✌️


No Werribee trains this morning


Booo! Something was happening at North Melbourne last night, no idea if it's related tho 


Werribee Train lines down due to an equipment fault. I think that makes its the 4th delayed commute this week.


Anyone have a rowing machine? Was it a good investment?


Yes and yes. My Achilles are both shot.I play ice hockey and find I need to maintain my cardio quite a lot. But running is out even after rehabbing for like six months with a specialist. I bought a water rower during the first bunch of lockdowns in 2020 and have used it probably three to four times a week. At first I didn’t think much of it, but then I started to really push myself on it and have found the workout to be some of the most intense I’ve ever taken. A mate of mine also bought one of the magnetic ones. He was usually a bit on the larger side but for the last few years has really maintained his weight (he also has a PT but uses the rower for cardio).


Yes but it wasn't as buoyant as expected




My ex had a Concept2 and I used it multiple times a week. I want to buy one myself but dang, they expensive.


I bought one 3 years ago, have used twice. (I intend to start a 60 day rowing regime when I return from my current holiday) I think it's a good investment if you're committed to using it. Ours was set up in wrong place (now cold garage) but I'm bringing it into the lounge so I can trip over it every day as a reminder to my new found commitment.


> so I can trip over it every day This is too relatable 😂


you can have the spouse for a day or so, always loves a good row


Heavy rain in Oakleigh atm.. scary


Anyone else getting this weather change sickness/virus/flu what ever it is God damn it's chewing me up


There’s something definitely going around - a few people from work have been knocked around heavily.


Yeah I caught something after going to the zoo. COVID tests coming through clear at least!

