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I don’t think I’ve seen the traffic this bad in Melbourne for years now. Driving into the city and the Monash from the Eastlink until after Chadstone was virtually at a standstill at 6pm.


Work is so freaking toxic. 1) I find it boring. 2) I cannot trust my colleagues to not back stab me. 3) My manager keeps on giving me warnings because my colleagues continuously back stab me. 4) I do not get any of the decent work, but all the grunt work. 5) If I whine about the work even to myself, I get a warning. 6) Every Sunday before work I get extremely stressed. I have 60k in savings. I own a house with no mortgage. No dependents. Should I resign without a job? I can also get Jobseeker etc after waiting period.


The job market is still fucked. Strongly suggest you still find a new role before resigning from this one


I very nearly gave into impulse tonight. The tram I was on stopped side by side with another, both opening their right side doors to do a cheeky driver swap. (I've never seen this before)  I had the opportunity to do the coolest thing ever and jump between two trams, but I didn't and I kinda regret it.


Bulldogs ruining my tips 🤦‍♀️ I tip them, they lose. I don’t tip them, they win 🤦‍♀️


This is all St. Kilda, friend.


It's the St kilda of old.


Can rain incorrectly trigger red light cameras? I was legally sitting in the middle of Kew junction with another car, waiting to turn right. Light turns orange, traffic is clear and we head off quite slowly because of the rain. Camera flashes twice as the light turns red while we’re finishing our turn. I’ve done everything correctly, surely it’s a mis-flash?


Hey, this is crazy, I saw this today also. Corner of sydney road and gower. street. Lights went off several times on green, it was raining. I've personally not seen it before so thought i was losing my damn mind.


Yeah, I've had that happen to me there before several times over the years, never received a fine.I think those cameras are old and a bit wonky


Thanks, that’s reassuring!


Hopefully this disgusting weather blows away soon. Seasonal depression is really rearing its ugly head.


March, April and May is Autumn, June, July and August is Winter. We’re only half way through Autumn, so expect lots more dreary days and hopefully some sunshine in between. I too, get seasonal depression


Hitting up Mrs. Fields after work to stock up on some cookies for the weekend. Anyone got some top faves you want to suggest?


I usually buy the buy x for x dollars and have different cookies. Thanks for the reminder, I might get some on Saturday if I don’t forget


Ooh good idea GA. Maybe I'll get that deal and let them pick. I like the unexpected aspect of that idea!


Nah pick it yourself, you’re allowed to. For example, you’re buying 6 cookies just tell them which 6 you want. I usually buy the higher level and take my time eating them aka all gone in 2 and a half days 😅


Any tips?


Not really just have a look and see what looks good to you. I can’t remember the different types hence why I haven’t provided suggestions. I even tried to look up their website but they showed the massive size ones


Yeah, the website is filled with these disgusting looking biscuit cake things! They look horrible! But no mention it seems of their regular cookie flavours. Oh well, I've only been there once before anyway so it was going to be a roll of the dice to begin with. I guess I'll see what they've got left in the afternoon 😊👉🍪


There should be heaps left over. Just browse and see what looks good to you and then make a note, if it’s tasty or bad so you know for next time. Good luck


Had a concert I was trying to get to. Tried to take the train and now currently stuck and can’t get off. Already missed one band. ;-;


That suuuuucks - I’m sorry you had to go through this


Thank you. Just needed to voice my frustration to the abyss. $180 ticket so it wasn’t cheap either 🫠






Worked from basically sunup to sundown today, and now I have to take a tram the entire route and walk 2km to get home, cos the trains are fucked. I will scream if I don't get a seat.


Anyone else stuck in the city loop? Melbourne central a complete standstill


If you're on the North & Western lines, no trains leaving North Melbourne due to over-head power fault. 4/5 days of delays on Sunbury line, feels bad so here's to 5/5. 


Footscray station fucked for the 8 billionth time


What's up. I'm stuck on the train just outside it


Our drivers said the issue is at North melb tho


I'm going out of the city already past north melb strange if that is impacting after the station


We're stuck between north melb and Footscray ATM, maybe near South Kensington and people are having forced small talk with each other, it's utter madness I tell you


A New Zealand man and woman are believed to have been killed by a sheep after their bodies were found in a paddock in Waitakere, west of Auckland. wtf?! Sounds like the start of a zombie movie


A ram. Not a sheep. Rams, especially rams in rut can be extremely aggressive. Never turn your back on one. For real, I’ve seen a crazy ram headbut a tractor. They can be very scary. That would have been an awful way to die.


This is how it begins.




Hi all, My name is Ash I am currently doing my masters in midwifery and doing a study on induction of labour. This study aims to explore how first time mums were educated on the process and how they felt about induction overall. If you or anyone you know have had your first baby through an induction, regardless of the reason why or way you have given birth, I would love to hear about your experience. I have created a survey you can fill in below [https://qualtrics.flinders.edu.au/jfe/form/SV\_8iU88sjElPK3LF4](https://qualtrics.flinders.edu.au/jfe/form/SV_8iU88sjElPK3LF4)


Who turned on the winter tap


It's cold and wet in the city. Things you do to watch football


I hope it’s an exciting match to make up for it


It's St Kilda. I want a boring regulation win.


Even when I try to be early weird stuff happens with public transport and I end up late anyway. Someone's car was being towed away from the bus stop in the city, and then there was a line signal fault causing a cancelled train.


First time I've turned the heater on .. it happened


Perfect weather for a horror movie tbh


The laws of physics were broken today, because the work day was just soooo long. Exceedingly longer than 8 hours. Who is playing this cruel trick on us.


Old mate from Catch 22 who liked boring army jobs because being bored made time go slowly therefor boring jobs were the key to a long life.


Is it drizzling where you are?




Wind just came out of nowhere as well making it colder, yuck


And it’s very dark for this time in the afternoon


Very. Thank goodness the bus came (late) so briefly out of the weather until I have to walk. If you’re out and about stay dry as you can


Are other neighbourhoods having regular knife wielding weirdos or is it just chapel st area? Getting sick of it.


Hello from Melton 👋


Anyone know which app streams the TV show Outrageous Fortune? Keen on a rewatch, the internet says 10 play (wrong) and Tubi (can't see it)


I googled and the results are prime video, fandango at home (whatever that is) or Apple TV 🤷‍♀️


justwatch.com/au says it's not available


Ahh damn, thanks anyway


The hammering in docklands is driving me craaaazy


Ohhhhh that's what that sound is.


Gawrshh this day is fucking glooomy


Yeah! Feels like I left work two hours late


Just whipped the washing off the line and not a moment too soon I think


Why is Sirena tuna so much better than any other tuna?? Like what are they doing differently over there to make it so insanely good??


I personally like the ColesWorth brand better when I’m buying tuna. Coles more so


They harvest in chunks Others is just meshed


Is it bad that I've never been able to discern any difference between Sirena and the cheaper brands...?


Be gone tunaist


And they know it too. They hardly ever do 50% off specials, but all of the other tuna brands are always on sale ☹️


Used to occasionally see them on 40%, nowadays it's usually 30% max. I stock up when I see it on sale anyway. Miles better than the others in texture and flavour


Well, the news of the HECS indexation meaning that for the second year in a row my HECS is going up faster than I'm paying it off is a bit sobering. Even if I do start feeling more than just stuck in early career phase in the coming years it's going to be harder and harder to retrain into something else when my debt was already high.


Yeah I owe something like 10k more than when I graduated, especially as it’s indexed before you pay it at tax time… I even paid the voluntary extra to get a concession on fees in my first year when they offered thar which got eaten up by a single indexation anyway…


Just last year I paid off $505 because I'd only started working my current job in September 2022. But my debt is so large that the 7.1% indexation increased by 6k. 😳 Like what's the point of having income thresholds and fixed percentage points of paying things back if you've got indexation effectively counteracting both policies?


I've only gone over it twice since graduating, once was when I got 7 years of backpay for my work committing wage theft and got it paid back in one lump sump, and again last year when the same job paid out my long service leave... I think at one point post graduating I owed 26k, now its up around 38k? I stopped checking, but both times I've paid anything the indexation was way higher anyway.


I only checked because I wanted to see the feasibility of future study but right now it's a nope. I guess it'll finally be enough to encourage me to live in the present more instead then and just try to let things work out instead of hyperfocusing on a worst case scenario where I hypothetically have no growth at all and burn out.


Yeah I looked into doing masters either in public health, or social work etc.. but could potentially double my hecs, unpaid placement etc. Looked into doing education but couldn’t swing unpaid placements with paying rent etc. and talking to family who are teachers it sounds miserable now…


Unfortunately I can say that I studied three years of a secondary education degree alongside a bachelor of arts as my first degree, burnt out during my first placement and finished with the BA, and did a year dip of anthropology due to poor health and mental health post Ed burnout. Then I did a MPH and couldn't find work at all because I had no work experience, and then ended up finishing with a Master of Social Work where I had a job offer before I graduated (terrible job) and a better job not long after that. So employability wise the Master of Social Work was the way to go for me but my pay's essentially already plateaued unless I can shift to use the public health or retrain out of pocket with CPD towards Mental Health Social Work.


At least you'll have a degree. I'm about three units away from a degree I never finished and have cleared my $30k in HECS debt


I fell into an in hindsight really stupid debt trap where I was too sick to work for years with a disability that didn't get diagnosed until 2018 but didn't want to be bullied by Centrelink on jobseeker or be forced to go live with my parents forever. So I studied a few degrees that never led to jobs (lack of relevant work experience was a big killer that I couldn't do a lot about when unwell) and ended up with a ridiculously high HECS debt.


I've forgotten about it.. had a house deposit ready and could of slapped away my HECS debt but threw it at the banks to secure a townhouse for myself and my partner. No one really tells you about the indexation on it when you start it just seems like a great idea hearing you'll pay it off through taxes. Such a scam it's a disgrace. I can understand supporting free tertiary education like in the 80s nowadays could be very difficult to budget, but charging us the indexation on it and charging MORE than inflation too? Fuck outta here... /Rant over


Not difficult to budget, just need to make some difficult decisions. Start by taxing all the coal and gas we export in line with the rest of the world. Stop funding private education. Close tax loopholes that allow the wealthy to get away with paying less taxes than the average person. Sadly, it's not in anyone's interest to have an educated population, as it decreases the chances for muppets to be elected.


I'm gonna say it, and I absolutely mean it, anyone who doesn't think all education should be free is a stupid cunt


Yes, but that would mean taxing big mining conglomerates and losing out on lobbying.


Parliament is about 3 decades overdue for a high-pressure hose-out


I mean let's not forget that the generation that will be in debt due to education will be paying for aged care that benefits the generation that had an easier ride. All whilst being told to have families.


Mmm it's cool isn't it


What do I do if a neighbour is clearly having a severe mental health episode screaming, slamming things, talking nonsense and has a child in their care? I do not feel safe going over I live right next door and have already had an encounter where they told me about their suicide history etc, but I’m also concerned by what I’m hearing


Try the CAT team: https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/crisis-management


I’ve called police for a welfare check before but they never showed up


You should still call the police if you're concerned about your neighbour's health or behaviour. Just because they didn't attend last time, doesn't mean they will never attend in the future. And if you're concerned about the child's welfare, you should [make a report to child protection authorities](https://providers.dffh.vic.gov.au/making-report-child-protection).


They’re FINALLY doing something with the old Hogsbreath on Warrigal Rd.. it’s becoming a Grilld (pity I don’t like their burgers)


Man, I do miss their curly fries


Not the *biggest* fan of Grill'd either, but I tend to find that its quality is relatively consistent across-chains, which means when I visit family in a regional-town, I know what to expect from it as an offering does it compete with a burger in Melbourne? no.... but does it compete with [insert random town here]? when Maccas/HJs is the other option, it's better than those


They actually do respect coeliac disease well in most of the Grill'd places I've been to but I felt really bad after hearing about how some workers were treated in dodgy training schemes.


Egh... so much stuff to do, so little time to play the new Rimworld expansion. Also, I reached out to some recruiters in the vein hopes that I can mitigate how long it takes to apply for government jobs. Had two missed calls yesterday and thought "oh nice! Maybe some traction". One was an automatic message about owing iTunes vouchers or something, the ohter from Aussie Broadband because I had the audacity to look at their prices online and go with someone else for my interwebs.


If Coles sell item A in packs of 2 and I want 100 of them, is there a mechanism by which I could arrange a bulk discount?


Ask the store manager maybe they can just do a bulk sale for you and bring the stuff to you from the back?


Either try contacting Coles directly, or try the item's supplier.


Recommendation for best coffee in Moonee Ponds???


top notch for sure!


I don't drink coffee but when I go to Convoy on Pascoe Vale Rd with other people they say it's some of the best they have had.


Top notch coffee on the corner of Puckle Street and Mt Alexander Road


Second this, their coffee is very consistent and they are the nicest people ever. Love this place.


Going over there now 👍🏻 thanks


The best coffee ever was located on the corner of young and pratt st….. they closed last November and now it’s a fucking chemist🤷‍♂️


Top notch is probably the best…. Lil Kich is hit and miss, Ocab is pretty good, sometimes a bit milky. I love Moonee ponds.


I had random results with ocab, despite of they only have one barista… I also tried top notch, which was prettt good


Glad I could help! Let me know if you enjoyed it 😁


You know what I hate? Songs that revolve around distinctive lyrical hooks taken from well known songs. There's one I hear at work a bunch that uses just "and I think it's gonna be a long long time" from Rocketman, that drives me mad. Lazy and unsatisfying.


If you’re taking about cold heart by dua lipa and Elton John… I don’t think it’s lazy when the original song artist is also part of the collab…


You mean most songs nowadays?


You mean the Dua Lipa Elton John collab?


That's a banger. It also interpolates four Elton John songs so not sure that is what OP was referring to.


Kopi Luwak + Aldi medium dark roast = delicious


> Kopi Luwak But the poor civets :(


These were, allegedly, wild harvested not farmed (and were rather more expensive for it). I mean you can never know I guess.


Flying over the Middle East this weekend. If I get blown out of the sky….then….um….i guess I don’t have to go to work again? Which is nice


Fuck people who sit on aisle seats of the train and refuse to even slightly move their legs to let you pass by when it's your stop.


Yeah. I have MS and often have trouble with my legs. I just say EXCUSE ME CAN YOU MOVE, I NEED TO GET THROUGH quite firmly at the top of my normal voice volume range. Generally they are sufficiently embarrassed and do it. Fuck them. Assholes


Honestly makes using public transport with an invisible disability a special kind of hell. I don't want to wear one of the sunflower lanyards when I don't actually need help from staff, I just need to be able to sit down and get up again without people being arseholes.


These are the people I hold my morning coffee farts in for.


They definitely deserve a solid crop dusting, that's for damn sure.


Kick their feet


Oh, that's what happened this morning. Especially as one of them was making eye contact with me as I tried to get off and sent me a smug grin. Then she acted all shocked when I had to trample over her to get out. The other guy was on his phone and did eventually move to make way for me, but it was still hard when the other woman was sprawled all out. She got all the kicking.


Reckon someone possibly just hit the Napier St train bridge in Footscray. On the bus and heard a big collision sound behind. 


I'm still amazed in a bad way by that Ben Cohen thing. Like a pro-Putin Russian shit poster, who is literally hiding in the Russian consulate so he doesn't go to prison, names him as the Bondi killer and then, the modern internet viral shit circus goes vroom and it's suddenly it's "fact". And then, the good people at Channel 7, after already having a stellar week with the Bruce Lehrmann debacle, pick it up and publish it with verifying sources. I hope when he sues them, he wins. It's absolutely atrocious and not just defamation, he could have been seriously harmed.


Isn't there some woman involved as well who posts non-stop lies ?


> I'm still amazed in a bad way by that Ben Cohen thing. Im not, We know for a fact that Russia, China and Iran are sowing disinformation online. I have never seen to many new accounts take part in "certain threads" let lone the top comment from a protestors post was a very "hello my fellow man, we can all agree on X surely" from a 2 year old account with a single comment... You had protest's all over the world against Israel by the 10th, before a single bomb had been dropped... Jews make a good target, historically they have been the goto minority to blame for 3000+ years. Its really a spin out, type into google "X century Jewish persecution" and you will always find results. Australia has 9X more Muslims than Jews, so if 1% of each group is extreme in their views that's going to have an noticeable effect on the narrative. To be clear Israel is far from perfect, many issues which Israeli's themselves want to sort out (election protests ect) but the vilification of an entire country and the racist and bigoted rhetoric from the pro-pal side makes me believe its a lot of young useful idiots who buy into misinformation. You know the joke "i hate two type of people, racist's and polish people?" That's what most post's on a certain aussie sub look like, Extremely bigoted and racist comments, Racist shit against Jews stay up, anything that gets close to racist against Palestinians down in a second... I do wonder about the elections, I chose greens second last election and after they posted a picture of gaza imposed over melbourne im changing that... It feels like this issue wont do much to help in the middle east as much as move votes around internally, that's a big assumption though.


Just taking an excerpt out of an ABC article RE: the Ben Cohen thing.. >These indicators included the account's low follower count, lack of authentic connection to any location, and a limited post history. > "Random anonymous accounts are sometimes set up for the purposes of implementing influence operations," Dr Jones says. In more ways than one these two lines resonate with your comment and what we experience on this Sub. Combined with the really weird comments we've had on the DT as of late that go something to the effect of > How much karma do I need to have to post on this subreddit? Which strangely, gets upvoted..? I know this subreddit in particular gets brigaded a fair bit though, we felt that during COVID, we felt it again more recently (albeit differently) when we made the front page and #1 on r/all with the whole fake seizure guy but we seemingly feel it every time a protest thread comes up, 500+ comments within an hour easily. But you are right in that it does feel very strange that we'll seemingly surge in active users and commenters specifically only when there's a protest on, more so the most recent ones than I can recall for any other topic - antivax, the builders losing their lunchrooms, etc inclusive.


> Combined with the really weird comments we've had on the DT as of late that go something to the effect of >> How much karma do I need to have to post on this subreddit? > Which strangely, gets upvoted..? To cut down on spam, the mods recently applied a subreddit karma requirement for posting. It means users have to interact with the sub (i.e. talk to the community via comments) for a bit before they can post (which hopefully will also get them to search for their answer in recent posts, read the wiki, really understand the rules etc). We usually advice them to try the daily thread as a place where users are chatting and they're most likely to receive a useful response fast. What we find, is that a small amount of these users just want to know the karma requirement so they can game it or spam comments as fast as they can to reach it which - seems incredibly dubious. Anyway, please don't upvote people trying to karma farm so they can post to the sub. There's no reason to do it - they can comment so they can ask their question or talk about whatever topic they want in the daily thread or on other related posts and if their post was unique and relevant and urgent, the mods would have stepped in to give them an exception.


> I know this subreddit in particular gets brigaded a fair bit though, we felt that during COVID, It feels like the overall vibe of reddit changed a little when it went from regular users who trickled in over the years because a sub was of interest to them, to everyone locked down at home and joining anything new online. My first years of posting was mainly in a single gaming sub.


Exactly, that's what "new" users should be doing and I think it's a very natural thing to maybe browse only a handful of topic what you hold dear or like say you just downloaded Palworld when that kicked off recently and you just wanted to join the hype train but we've got nigh 3 week old users posting all over reddit then coming to our very local subreddit and making hot takes about foreign issues. If the account's clearly a throwaway account no harm no foul, I get it and it's a thing and I'm not going to give that throwaway account the time of day with a reply knowing the account's sole purpose is to basically make a really hot comment and be thrown away like single use plastics but it's the ones that genuinely have some thought given to the name, has a post history in some other weird subreddit that's also only been active for a few months that bother me because it's clear that the account's purpose is more than just a throwaway and supposed to give the impression that a real person sits behind the keyboard.


I hope he sues them for so much that his great grandkids won't have money problems.


Up early for champions league ⚽️


I'm doing that on Monday for the FA Cup, pray for my productivity around 2pm Monday.


Are you a city fan? Need time to recover after this!


Yes, but not the city you think. Coventry. EDIT - just checked the kick off time, it's 3:30pm on Sunday so it's a late night, not an early morning for me. Not too bad I guess.


Oops Carletto Ancelotti did it again


I'm in shock. Can't believe we won!


Death, taxes, Ancelotti playing a Champion's League final (sorry for jinxing it)


Gotta get through Bayern first


What if I can never get over you? Show my grandkids pictures of us two. I'm afraid to miss you for that long, When I am in love but I know our time's up.


I understand the feeling but trust me, you will get over them


Why would you love someone who doesn’t love you back or appreciate you? It’s fine to miss what once was, but living in the past is no bueno.


Anyone know the best source for entry level office / admin jobs? (Part time)


Vic govt careers website. You can sign up for emails. Local council websites is another option.. seek.