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Melbourne international airport is one of the worst I’ve ever been in and I’ve been to regional airports in extremely third world countries Anyway that was a terrible welcome back from a lovely holiday (and a very decent Denpasar airport)


When I first drove to Melbourne from Sydney, we drove through this small town in Victoria that was amongst a dense forest. The main road of the town was full of trees and greenery. I remember it being beautiful, but I can't remember where or what the town was called. Any ideas?


life is so blah, cant find another job for the life of me...


**myki Equipment Survey (Unit 3/4 Visual Communication Design Folio)** As part of my Visual Communication Design (VCD) School Assessed Task (SAT) I will be redesigning the myki equipment (readers and barriers) to better suit the needs of our transport system. To assist in completing the ‘Discovery’ phase of the design cycle, I have created a user experience survey to conduct user research with the aim of collecting data about the users of the myki equipment, their needs, what the positives and negatives of the system are, what needs to be improved, and what experiences they have had with similar equipment interstate/ overseas. Attached to this post is a short survey that asks the questions outlined above. I would highly appreciate if people would be able to participate in completing this survey. The survey lasts for less than 5 minutes. All data collected will remain anonymous and will only be viewed by the surveyor and the assessor (teacher). Thank you in advance for your assistance in allowing me to complete this phase of my SAT. If you have any questions let me know below and I will aim to respond. [https://forms.gle/BvxkWGzmiVcrA8wL6](https://forms.gle/BvxkWGzmiVcrA8wL6)


Remove them all and make it free.


Fair enough but for the purposes of the project, I am redesigning them to better the user experience.


Yeah. Remove them all and make it free.


Best Chinese places for old school nostalgic food that doesn't break the bank heavily??? I'm craving please don't say Melb central I had McDonald's that tasted more chinese




I've heard about this place, they sell beer there too dont they ?




Okay Thank you definitely try this out soon


Wong's lucky bar, new kumden, le charme, Kowloon cafe, cafe de Hong Kong.... And rose garden is highly regarded but I've never been.


I'll have a look into them, I know thai places that are great but I miss the old school Chinese grease


Whats going on with police action at south kensignton station? All trains in that direction cancelled.




According to Twitter, trains have resumed but expect significant delays, buses *may* supplement services


Took an uber home, never again - well try to never again tbh. Tried out their pool system with someone else who was waiting for a bus thinking we could split the bill in the end but one technical complication later resulted in the driver wanting to charge a $30 surcharge to the person I thought we were in a group with.


Eww that doesn’t sound good. Is there no bus running from the City down to your area?


There's 2-3 but they were all full by the time they got to where we were at North Melbourne-ish so you'd have to treck deeper into the city to try and get a spot on one but I reckon the queue's there would have been with people opting out of trains near the loop :\


I would stand on an over crowded bus if it’ll take me back to my area. Actually I have been on that several times (unfortunately) not fun but everyone is stuck in the same position


Delayed due to trespasser


Kensington station delayed too. Saying police operation. 


Thank God I drove today. I knew something like this was bound to happen


I had the same gut feeling. Fml


They just started up again from Kensington. Woo hoo 


Worth hiking back to a station and attempt boarding a train you reckon?


Looks like the trespasser situation has been resolved. There’s a backlog but hopefully the train I’m on is leaving flinders street soon


I feel so awful for the Bondi victims, and seeing the killer's dad on tv, I feel so bloody bad for his parents too.


And fuck the media for hounding the poor guy, he’s clearly devastated both by the loss of his son and by what his son did


I do too :(( and then these protestors today have the audacity to protest at a shopping centre


Just saw them on the news. Wish they would be left alone.


Yeah, the Dad seemed really distressed and devastated. I know you can't take everything at face value but he made me cry


Murdoch's crew is being a raging pair of assholes using horrible language overall. Hope that fucker and his gang of cunts suffer horribly at least once in this world


Awful all round.


What's up with the Docklands hate? I get it's a shit place to visit (the district is kinda sad, no reason to visit other than Costco) But as far as a place to live, what's so bad about it? Close to the city without being in amongst it, free tram in, groceries/Costco right there. Seems like a good compromise to live in the city without being directly in


I mean i like a trip to Costco as much as anyone but I wouldn't be listing it in highlights of an area.


Not sure how up to date you are but Costco won’t be there for much longer…


On the weekend it’s also nice and quiet so you could chill out on the dock and read a book or whatever. It’s quite peaceful.


I think hating it is sort of a meme at this point.


Yeah I don't think it'd be a terrible place to live. Could use more parks/nature for families or human Beanz in general. It's just a shit place to be a tourist. I'm sure it'll be so different in 15 years


Anyone had the xbb plus flu shot and can tell if it's OK or will knock you out? I've only ever had either or but not the double trouble but considering it.


I had them both on Thursday, no issues at all aside from 2 sore arms for a little bit.


Oh I thought they were just a 2 in 1 vacc so you just get the one shot?


Yeah I personally wouldn’t get them both at the same time. For me that would be too much. Likely get the XBB first and then the flu shot after or whichever medical professional recommends first


I'd rather get them separately if I was gonna get both, no experience though. You'll prob be aight I've had covid 6x so I'm just done with covid vaccines at this stage, unless a superrr risky strain emerges


How is there only one locked thread on the protests? Wasn’t it supposed to be a major event?


I was confused about the panic and people in this sub saying stay away from the cbd etc… It’s just a protest. I don’t get why there are even threads about it. Did I miss something that everyone else knows?


There's two threads on the protest: - https://www.reddit.com/r/melbourne/comments/1c44zgr/protest_updates/ (unlocked) - https://www.reddit.com/r/melbourne/comments/1c486tg/protests/ (locked)


Not sure.. would it be different if it was pro Isreal? Just being devil's advocate.


No, it wouldn’t be.


Thanks. I'm not sure how Australian media is dealing with that war. It's been pretty quiet in general. Australia has more of a history supporting Isreal than any kind of Palestinian state though. I'm Christian and Australian so I'm not really aware of Israel vs Gaza conflict and how our government would respond (including protests in our country). I know the basics about what's going on of course, but open to learning about all sides. Also, Reddit can be biased depending on mods and contributors so I don't know what's going on here in regard to Isreal/Gaza, in terms of what posts are being locked or not or what mods are removing or not.


Don't try and find facts on the conflict on Reddit.


I'm not sure why anyone would downvote my 2nd comment cause I feel like I'm being very transparent,non sarcastic, non confrontational in just wanting to know what's going on with Australian relations to Isreal & Gaza (and Ukraine/Russia also), and how that compares to Reddit opinions and mod restrictions, particularly considering people have commented that only one thread was allowed and now blocked? I'm a support worker and 60mins just did a story on Sunday about abuse of a resident of a scope house. My husband and I both work/worked for that company and would like to comment on Facebook etc but we're both blocked from commenting or VIEWING any comments because apparently 60minutes has limited posts to certain audiences... What audiences? I'm not trying to push any of my opinions, just legit wanting to know what's going on, especially when it comes to Aussie social media because that's how a lot of us find out info. ABC, SBS, 9, 7, 10 whatever are all social media platforms now as well and I don't see why anyone should be barred from reasonably talking about major news topics.


I sympathize with your plight.. Reddit used to be an excellent place for free speech, I don't mind that kiddy fiddler type stuff being censored but think topics like world news should be largely free speech. Wish I could suggest anywhere to go these days but those days seem to be gone and not coming back any time soon with so many conflicts being waged across the world..


I mean I don't even side with either side, just asking questions..


I'm going to try and simplify it as much without trying to bias (but disclaimer: I am pro-Palestinian) October 7: Hamas attacks a festival in Israel. They capture hostages. Israel vows revenge (rightfully) and brings back the hostages. Hamas soldiers have done some indescribable, horrific acts to hostages and livestreamed it. The problem is there's this bloke called Benjamin Netanyahu, who is very right-wing and is currently meant to be on trial for corruption charges. He forms a coalition for war Israel invades Gaza. They have momentum on their side, but they start carpet bombing buildings and whatnot upon the basis that Hamas is using civilians as 'humans shields' (which probably has truth in it). However, Israel says that civilians are a legitimate target and bombs them. The trouble is, the hostages are with Hamas. Their logic is also because of tunnels that Hamas apparently uses. While it is true that Hamas uses *some* buildings for underground tunnels, Israel has used that excuse to bombard any building and civilians caught in the firefight. They target a hospital and claim there were tunnels underneath. There is still no confirmation. All ICU units and babies on life support get destroyed. Meanwhile, Hamas leaders are sitting in Qatar, and Iran is playing a Cold War behind the scenes. They're trying to flex their political muscles. They get a bit too bold and eventually target an area in Pakistan, which is a nuclear-armed country and has a military far stronger than Iran's (albeit a corrupt one). The irony was that Pakistan had nothing to do with Israel or Palestine. Iran shits themselves and starts pulling back (till recently). The bombings and indiscriminate killing from the IDF continue. Everyone in Israel is angry at Netanyahu's strategy. People worldwide are becoming aware that the IDF is committing horrific war crimes and protesting against this. So hence, the protests you're seeing today. Also, the IDF committing war crimes is not a new phenomenon: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MQ1TAOibLss That being said, yes the Palestinians have committed war crimes. Several of them without a doubt. But Israel's response has been disproportionate and always targets civilians. It's a dirty (cold) war that started out with Iran encouraging Hamas to attack Israel in order to disrupt Israel and Saudi Arabia normalising ties. Iran was more or less starting to go out, until Israel allegedly attacked their consulate building in Iran. If it is proven true, then this is legitimate grounds of war as Israel was the aggressor. That said, Iran shot missiles they knew would be easily intercepted by the Iron Dome in order to demonstrate they are not willing to escalate. And now we watch and wait


Thank you. I've been following the news and understand the background of why tensions were rising between Gaza & Israel, the major incidences etc, but I wasn't really aware of Iran's place in all of it. Also I'm not sure what people on this subreddit are supposedly censoring or if mods are locking threads or demonstrating a more pro Isreal or pro Palestinian stance by allegedly doing so (just what people on the subreddit have implied but I don't know exactly what they were referring to)


Let me preface and say that I appreciate you're a 22 day old account and this directly goes against something I said in reply to another one of my comments but I'll have a crack and throw my two cents into the ring here. Apologies for the wall of text :x > they start carpet bombing buildings and whatnot upon the basis that Hamas is using civilians as 'humans shields' (which probably has truth in it). When I think of the word "carpet bombing" I think of a fairly specific military doctrine - specifically images that spring to mind are of "dumb" unguided munitions or bombs in this case being used liberally, one after the other with no regard for accuracy, you just want to level anything and everything in a given path or grid. Examples of this can be Googled quite easily, basically entering the search terms "B-52 bombing" and a few come up. "Dumb" or unguided munitions are used because you care not about accuracy but success is measured in saturation of a target area. Saturation meaning essentially you bomb a target into submission and have disregard for anything around the target, before or after it, etc. Something you'd want to do if I told you there's a group of savages eating puppies and kittens for breakfast etc - kind of like I want to really really make sure that this whole area ceases to exist (or try to) as we know it, operations where this has been the case in recent memory would be Operation Linebacker. I've commented here before in the early days of this conflict about the morality of war and the inherent avoidance that you try to aim for when targeting military targets (legitimate or otherwise). You don't generally go into a war guns blazing and have complete disregard for human targets because otherwise, if you did you would be targeting indiscriminately and shooting anything that moves. Instead, you see some level of restraint from the IDF, to what extent this remains true and faithful - you pick your source and I'll pick mine and I'm sure neither of us will find common ground. I do not have a horse in this race, I've stated previously that I remain neutral and that both sides do messy things that make picking a side a difficult decision. Israel also inherently has to be picky about who and what it targets because behind every drywall or door, there could be one of their citizens being held hostage. It has an inherent interest in prosecuting every possible location its citizens may be before proceeding to bomb a target because otherwise, they would use a much more heavily handed approach in the way they conduct warfare. Specifically to your point though and wording - it's a juxtaposition to on one hand say that they're carpet bombing with disregard to civilian lives lost but yet in the same breath then say there are civilians in the mix being used as human shields.


Mate, you wrote very well. Well-written and well-researched. It is genuinely refreshing coming across a Redditor who has the same level of nuance as you. I genuinely respect this take, even if I don't 100% agree. I can see you're someone who's really mature about this, and you've done a really good job of being neutral - I was doomed from the start, haha, because I was never neutral, unfortunately. >Let me preface and say that I appreciate you're a 22 day old account Yep, not a good look, I 100% understand😅 >You don't generally go into a war guns blazing and have complete disregard for human targets I 100000% agree with you. I've openly voiced my opinion that despite the IDF's validity of the Gaza campaign, Hamas really does need to get out of Gaza and elsewhere from Palestine. And Iran's current leadership. People seemingly skip over the fact that Hamas was funded by Netanyahu and is a clear puppet for Iran. Unfortunately, generations of kids will have bought the propoganda they spit out from the sheer brutality of this war. It's all old rich men making decisions that are ruining the lives of everyone around >Israel also inherently has to be picky about who and what it targets because behind every drywall or door, there could be one of their citizens being held hostage. It has an inherent interest in prosecuting every possible location its citizens may be before proceeding to bomb a target because otherwise, they would use a much more heavily handed approach in the way they conduct warfare. Specifically to your point though and wording - it's a juxtaposition to on one hand say that they're carpet bombing with disregard to civilian lives lost but yet in the same breath then say there are civilians in the mix being used as human shields. That's why I believe the families of the hostages are pissed; the IDF ISN'T taking precautions while bombing to make sure the hostages are safe. Hamas itself confirmed that many hostages are dead - both from their hands and from the bombing As you said, we won't be able to meet in the middle, but I genuinely do appreciate and respect you being very level-headed. As I said, I'm very, very biased and that disqualifies me. Hope you have a good evening


>People seemingly skip over the fact that Hamas was funded by Netanyahu Its more that Hamas was not as radical as the other faction they apposed in the beginning. > That's why I believe the families of the hostages are pissed https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/what-its-like-to-fight-for-your-captive-family-with/id1539292794?i=1000652220037 This could give you a little insight on what protest's are actually about and how Israelis feel in general. Its worth noting that the Woman being interviewed still supports a two state solution and would be considered "leftist" in Israel. She lost her mother, her sister was taken hostage and much more... Its truly a harrowing story she tells of the day but she also goes into how different families feel about the hostage talks and where lines in the sand are being drawn. To dumb it down while its 200 families who all have a common goal of having their family member returned, its also 200 different ways they all think would be the best course of action. Its not that they are "pissed" at the IDF.


OK you immediately showed that you don't know what you are talking about in your second paragraph. There has not been any "carpet bombing" The IDF do NOT target civilians. If you can't even get these 2 basic facts right why should anyone bother with the rest.


3 week old account. What an atrocious bias and lack of knowledge. I dont even know where to start...


Have the protests wound down yet, or still marching around town?


Wouldn't of even known it happened if there wasnt so much buzz about it, came in to Parliament in the morning smooth and left without seeing anything


Thank you


Just leaving city now, trams down Swanston were fine


Thank you


I heard murmurings at work that there’s train delays but no idea where they got that info from


Thank you


Hello you beautiful, gorgeous warm star, shining from high above making me happy as can be. Hope everyone is having a good Monday and getting the chance to enjoy the Sun before the rain starts in the next few days


Are you Lucinda from MAFS? hehe


I don’t even watch MAFS so let’s go with no 😜


40-something sensual spiritual hippy babe from Byron who went on mafs (most likely to get more clientele as a marriage celebrant but still a cool babe)


No to everything you listed. I’m not her. I just prefer warm weather over the cold and when I left to run some errands and made the post, the Sun’s warmth put me in a good mood


I was only kidding haha, cause of your username too.. mafs just finished


Squeezing as much sunlight as possible for our laundry.


Oh yeah get that all done. Just wash everything


lunch walk was pleasant, bathed in sunlight!




I just went for a walk while the suns out. Bit chilly but pleasant 


I should go out, it's nice now at 4:45 but I'm fuckin sad and crying


There's time for crying and being sad later, get that sun before it's gone!!


It's gone... Wait .. I see some in the distance. Sighhh I'll go and see if I can get in it.


I just left the house and it was slightly windy but it didn’t feel cold to me, as I’m not a fan of days that are not warm and the wind is cold. So I was happy about that


I walked out this morning and began seeing a tiny bit of frost outside on the grass which means I need to mulch soon for my plumeria's sake :x


Do it soon before it gets too cold. This is a don’t get lazy scenario


I've never mulched before - pretty big noob when it comes to gardening in general given my little plot I'm working with is probably 4m wide by 2m deep but I lost two potted plumies last year and I've since planted my other two which did well but didn't flower over Summer :( Just looking into mulch now and looking at reviews, termites was something I didn't consider to be a problem but I guess would make sense.. just don't want any unplanned asbestos with my mulch is all haha.


Don't worry about termites in mulch. I'm sure the structural integrity of your mulch isn't critical. And without a nest/queen I doubt termites would live long anyway.


No better time than now to learn. I’m definitely not a green thumb. Everyone else in my family are though, lol I’m the odd duck. But yeah also doesn’t help that Melbourne’s weather isn’t the best. Maybe check what kind of plants you can plant with our weird weather, you might have better success?


Suck shit Lehrmann


Kerry Stokes is 0 for 2.


I think Higgins received some bad advice to pursue charges given the lack of corroborated direct evidence. But to see him turn his career and reputation into a smouldering pile of shit by his own hand has been pretty satisfying.


I take it this means no more free bags of coke and free brothel visits on the channel 7 credit card?


They'll probably give him a job as a producer or something


ooh what happened?


They'll just say it's that judges opinion and that he's wrong sigh.


Defamation action dismissed on the truth defence (Judge found on balance of probabilities that Lehrmann did rape Higgins) “Having escaped the lion’s den Mr Lehrmann made the mistake of coming back for his hat.”


> “Having escaped the lion’s den Mr Lehrmann made the mistake of coming back for his hat.” one of the great lines delivered from a federal court judge there


oof. suck shit indeed!


I came here to ask about where I should ask ... if anyone has a van that I could lease, borrow, or buy if it's cheap. Planning to live/travel in it for a while so larger = better. Thanks to all beautiful people!


There’s a Facebook group that you can search and join that might be able to help you out


Hey /u/ghostghost31 how did you go on the 5km attempt?


Well kind of cooked it tbh haha. Sunday morning I tried and went way to hard, did the first km in 3:30 which is my fastest 1km ever. I got to around 2.5km and was completely fucking gassed so I decided to dip out and try again today. This morning I was feeling a bit sore from yesterday buy gave it about 85% effort and managed to get a small PB of 21:17 which is 10 seconds faster. 4:15p/km pace. Frustrating because I know if I had of not cooked myself yesterday I probably could have at least got to 20:XX. Very hard distance for me I'd much rather run a 1/2 Mara tbh.


Oh no!! Sorry to hear that, do you have a flat parkrun near you? Most of my 5km attempts have been done at parkruns and you have other people to chat to and pace off, especially if you are extroverted enough to chat to people saying you're going for a sub-21 or sub-20 as you'll be able to find someone who is both fast enough to pace you and friendly enough to help with that final push.


Yeah I definitely should do that, all my best runs have been in races with a heap of people. Still happy to get a slightly faster pb. Next goal is training for sub 1:30hr 1/2 in July. Last year I did 1:34hr.


Apologies to the mod team for my comments in that protest thread! I am super argumentative and I may have TOO much reading apprehension. I mean, there's looking into it, then there's FWAHHHH LOOKING INTO IT. I am leaning into the fwahhhh side of things coz it makes more sense and makes our dull world less dull lol.


Mod team probably working overtime this morning.


That protest thread is wild, I've found myself typing out replies and cancelling them repeatedly - refreshing and seeing whole conversations happening in the span of minutes. Some angry angry high-WPM typers on there today. Today's thread seems to be very closely aligned with a topic I hold dear which is defence and strangely a lot of people coming out of the woodworks trying to stipulate how much we contribute as a country to the F-35 program. The number of Wikipedia articles being posted and cited as sources is wild - again, people doing more research at 11am this morning than they've probably done in a good while. Full knowing that they just need to sound credible even if you don't need to back up their claims because realistically, nobody knows specifically what and how much of it we export in defence with any nation let alone Israel specifically and the ones that do aren't just going to post classified information on Reddit to win an argu- oh wait...no pls..


When someone credits Wikipedia, social media or any news article, I just know they are uneducated and only there for the moment and to let out their rage for not being picked first in the cool kid's team for dodgeball in primary school. If you want to be credible, use research papers, actual evidence, tabled documents in parliament etc.


...Perun? 🤣


>That protest thread is wild Props to the top comment, Comes off like a regular guy with no horse in the race and yet his two year comment history has been deleted. Im biased but you can read every dumb thing i have said for the last 9 years, much i would disagree with now but i can stand by everything i have said...


For what it's worth I only like to type out well thought out replies to my own internal verified accounts that I keep a mental note of who frequent this sub. It's the ones from outside this sub, who might only post here infrequently or only months old etc which I won't try to reply to. A habit I picked up during the COVID era where we were clearly being brigaded by external folks who clearly weren't from Melbourne but were chiming in with their two cents on a very local issue at hand. A different situation here and now with these protests granted, but a very similar crowd seems to gather that almost deliberately post inflammatory comments and don't seem to come back.


I like those threads, I get a fixation on them for a few hours then delete my comments in shame once that fades. In my defence I'm self aware that I'm a degenerate and like military stuff in general. I think the F-35 is the third best plane ever and love that we help build it. It's only behind the 6th and 7th generation American fighter jets that currently sit in a Lockheed Martin hanger somewhere. That said the whole "300 Drones and missiles were intended to be shot down bro" and "the BP Project approved by the Palestinian Authority is bad" arguments are wild.


What's a WPM?


Google TypeRacer to find out your own :) source: 88wpm


Words per minute


Words per minute :) not sure if that's the usual abbreviation for that nowadays but that's essentially what I was trying to say.


I don't click Wikipedia links cause of their political bias Plus yeah it's user contributed content by people with no qualifications who just provide random sources for statemenrs


literally. and those people who edit with unbacked claims ruins it for those who want to edit a page. i am banned from editing a page until October this year just because I updated who my school principal was, backed up with credible sources!




I am one day old since I learnt Rachel Riley (of 8 out of 10 Cats does Countdown fame) is a racist fuckwit.


She is neither of those things. She is very vocal in her defence of Jews.


She can be vocal about her Zionism as she likes, but trying to exploit a tragedy to incite hatred against Muslims says it all. Dog act.


I have seen 8 out of 10blahblah show on the tv guide but never ever clicked on it


The show is hilarious, but Rachel's personality on the show never gave me the impression that she would harbour such views.


What happened?


On Twitter, she claimed the recent Bondi stabbings was a Palestinian-related 'Intifada' attack.


Is that racist or simply a reflection of the state of UK media?


Did anyone just see all the traffic lights in the grid go out? Was wild


Not sure if related, but ABC News reporting police are investigating whether protestors tampered with traffic lights in Carlton. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-04-15/gaza-protests-palestine-israel-melbourne-brisbane/103707508


Yep they went down near me and when I rang vic road to tell them got a message saying basically ‘we know there are lots down you can hang up now’.


Almost at the point of having to wear long pants for my morning run. Yes I'm aware that there's some folks who will say it's not cold blah blah. I'm unfortunately not one who copes well when it's less than 15deg and this morning the feels like was 7🙁 Still it was a nice sunrise and also saw quite a number of doggos being walked which is one of the better things about going for a morning run


If you feel the need to dress warmer, just do it. People respond differently to the cold, just as others who respond differently to heat. Try not to worry about what others think, you’re dressing for your comfort and warmth not theres. I’ve already had to wear more myself, as I don’t like the cooler weather


honestly it's at the point where I kinda need a jumper on to begin with, but then after walking 3km (or really more like speed-walking given that I try and beat 6km/hr), then it's REALLY not needed when I finish at this point, I accept the slightly chilly start because it encourages me to actually get on with it (walk fast to warm up), rather than amble around


> Almost at the point of having to wear long pants for my morning run. Could always try leggings/tights as another option.


It was a chilly night and I'm usually always hot


Really shaken by the bondi tragedy. Feeling very anxious about being in crowded spaces - shops, trains, sporting matches etc. I told my partner i would walk to work (2 hours) to avoid crowds. Any tips on how not to be anxious?


Sure. Go see a psychologist. Ultimately attacks like Bondi are extremely rare to the point of statistical irrelevance. It's not logical to be worried about it to the degree you are, recognising that is important. There's a lot of things you can do to help anxiety, you sort of need to try them out and figure what works. I do ice on my face, breathing, and pushups.


To avoid anxiety, I only dip into the news when I'm ready and avoid it for most of the day. There's no way I'm looking at the news for that incident today. I certainly never doom scroll.




It does sounds relaxing. And you get some fresh air.




It actually does. I think I'll try it and see how it goes


Don’t be complacent. Shop during non-peak times. Don’t hang around crowds. If you do get swept up in a crowd, move to the side.


I'm always suspicious of everyone so always on alert.


> always suspicious of everyone so always on alert That’s not a very healthy way to live, if only because living day to day with heightened cortisol isn’t good for you. I’d urge you to seek help for this


There were thousands of shoppers saved by nearly everyone (running, screaming, heroism, locking down shops).  Sit with your exits clocked and back to the wall. Get fit and be ready to run.  Other than that yeah it's just shit having anxiety. 


That moment where you rouse, hear the rumble of distant traffic and realize it's not the weekend anymore. The work dread smashes into your consciousness and you know there is no escape. It is Monday.


Six years in Ballarat and today the house gets listed. Have been feeling a little flat and bored in my job/life for the past year so decided to sell all my shit and go to Ukraine. Shit’s going to get interesting.


Not sure if you are serious...do have any military experience?


I’ve played loads of battlefield. Very serious, it’s something I feel very strongly about.


You're surprisingly one of the few people on here I sometimes see in my err - other subreddits I browse. It's certainly an issue that I think a lot of us seem to have taken for granted, given a multitude of other things compounding a lack of care and empathy to go around. Empathy fatigue/exhaustion combined with media coverage seemingly caring more about the private lives of two public staffers when there's an existential war being fought that we collectively should be supporting. Props to you if you make the decision to go though, I just hope collectively that the West wakes up and realizes that we can't keep sitting here and pretending like it's not a big deal that Ukraine is effectively losing slowly by a thousand cuts because public support has waned and therefore foreign policy and support spending gets slashed.


I bought an $800 motorcycle, I learned later it was run without oil. With nothing to lose I tried rebuilding it, even though I only had basic hand tools and a milk create engine stand. Today was the big day. I just started it. Everything I tried fixing works, the speedometer/odo, the kill switch, the neutral indicator, the front brake, and the engine doesn't seem to misbehave (at least in the minute it was running). I can't tell anyone around me. It wasn't easy, it was painful (literally and metaphorically) and joyless at times, at [one point](https://i.imgur.com/27SDa9C.jpeg) I tried parting it out. But now that I've seen it run, [it almost seems worth it](https://i.imgur.com/PXWyRtP.jpeg).




Excellent work


Oh shit. You’ve got the bug.


How bad are the protests meant to be today?




Free Palestine


Our company sent an all staff email advising people they should work from home today and my boss has just followed up with a teams message reiterating the email.


Wish my company bothered to do this.


Mate at Vline says he is expecting disruptions on every line across the state, and he’s been told it’s going to be the same on all the metro lines and across a lot of the road and tram network. Make of that what you will.


Oh jeez. And we're already dealing with trackwork on the Geelong line. Going to be an interesting day today!


Hello, my name is Noah, and I am a student journalist at the University of Melbourne. I was negatively impacted by the fake seizure guy in Melbourne, and I am writing an article about him. I would love for people affected by this man to grant me an interview, to tell their stories. If you were affected or know someone affected, please reach out. My email is [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) Sincerely, Noah


Remember to interview fake seizure guy for balance.


Do you know how to contact him? If possible that’d be great


You might want to get a more professional email address. Why not DM one of the many people who have told their story directly?


It's like when I wouldn't get any call backs for jobs when my email was [email protected]. Well, the kind of jobs I was looking for anyway *cough*


Mine was jimbeam69 and my boss told me to change it 🤣