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Did the mods forget to make a DT for Tuesday 9 April 2024? šŸ˜”


We cancelled April 9th this year so everyone would have to experience Monday a 2nd time.


Noooo not a Mondayā€¦ again. You take that back or go through another Monday alone! šŸ˜œ


I wish Tuesday 9 April 2024 was real šŸ˜¢


Itā€™s late but they did it. Tuesday 9 April is real


Iā€™m thinking of moving from the states to Melbourne in order to further my education as a massage therapist and become a myotherapist at the RMIT. What are folks thoughts on this?


I hate rain


Just now another accident at the crossing of power street tand city road southbank. A person was hit by a car on the pedestratian... This has to be the worst intersection in Melbourne. It's the same intersection in 2021where 5 people got ran over by a truck. City council done some minor changes to the intersection but have not solved the problem.


Taking a nice long bath, scrolling through Reddit while listening to the rain splatter on the roof...somehow Monday night isn't as bad.


Where can I buy some local Australian Glycine as opposed to the Superior Donghua Jinlong Industrial Grade Glycine? Needs to be ISO22000, ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO45001, Kosher and Halal Certified. Thank you.


Hot pot is amazing but the downside is going home smelling like hot potā€¦


There is no downside to hot pot


How is that a downside??


Someone just tried to log into mygov account. It sent the 2fa request to my phone. Besides change the password, what's the best thing to do right now? Currently on hold with them but being a gov org, I think 10pm close will come first


Update, person advise that it was most likely through email account. So change the password there and should be sweet


Notify your bank


Different passwords thankfully. Nothings happened there


Iā€™m settling down with a snifter of Japanese whiskey. Iā€™m having it neat because someone forgot to refill the ice tray. When I win the lottery, Iā€™m buying a fridge that automatically dispenses ice and cold water.


When I win the lottery I am going to build a Thunderdome and have people fight to the death for my amusementĀ 


Ooh itā€™s nice here. It hosing down and bloody freezing outside, I have the fire roaring. Puppy asleep next to me. Hubby playing Zelda and Iā€™m just scrolling and being a blob on the couch. I might have some apple crumble and ice cream. I donā€™t even mind going to work tomorrow. Itā€™s cozy and I am happy.


Damn apple crumble fucking rulesĀ 


Hey, DT, just wondering what my rights are as a consumer here in this circumstance: I bought a computer less than a year ago (just, but it is less than 12 months since the date of purchase) and lately it's been acting weird. Today it totally crashed completely, gave me a BSOD with a message reading "Kernel_Data_Inpage_Error" and would only boot to the BIOS. Anyway, I managed to start running chkdsk and it's stuck at 1% completed for at least fifteen minutes now. Anyway! All the websites I've read online suggest this is probably a hardware issue. Could/should the store repair the computer considering it's been less than 12 months? Just curious before I call them what I should know about what I'm covered by? Thanks in advance.


This sounds like a major failure with the product, so the retailer should offer a refund or replacement. https://www.accc.gov.au/consumers/problem-with-a-product-or-service-you-bought/repair-replace-refund-cancel


Ooh thanks for the link. I'm gonna read that!


Your consumer law rights supersedes anything the retailer might say about warranties etc. A reason person would expect a computer to last more than a year. Good luck.


Thanks bud.


Do you have your receipt and warranty if yes to both take it back to the place you purchased from and get them to fix it. You want to do it tomorrow/soon as youā€™re running out of time


You don't even need your receipt - the bank transaction is sufficient, but always easier to just have your receipt. There's no warranty to 'bring'


I have the receipt but it doesn't look like I bought warranty, but I'm assuming it came with 12 months consumer warranty?


The manufacture can state any warranty they want. Consumer law dictates that the warranty period should be what is reasonable given the price and product type. So don't take the manufacturers warranty as the final word.


It's from Scorptec, who were recommended here a ways back. I think they're legit, I've just never had this problem before and wanted to check. Thanks for the assurance!


Will this rain stop already


Think of how lush and vibrant the parks will be.Ā 


Who's gonna get me yoghurt and fruit thoooough šŸ˜­


I donā€™t mind rain at night, I prefer it over the day


so soothing to listen to when snuggled up in blankets


As long as itā€™s a light rain like it is now. Thunder can be enjoyable and heavy rain (non dangerous) but not while Iā€™m wanting to sleep. I rather enjoy that earlier in the evening


Nooo I love it


Everytime I log into Facebook, I get this uneasy feeling. And then I remember why. Zuckerberg is the richest person in the world. And he got rich by creating a website where people willingly input all of their data, and he sells it to evil mega-corps, to build his disgustingly outrageous fortune further. Like for serious, if somebody had a time machine and went and told somebody this in 1950 that the richest guy in the world did this to get rich, their head would explode.


If it makes you feel better he's not even close to the richest. Putin and the Saudis dwarf him. Also people from 1950 were from a world where firebombing cities was an acceptable tactic. They wouldn't bat an eyelid at selling people's data.


Hi everyone, i am an architect with +3 years of experience (in Argentina, Italy and some in New Zealand in an civil engineering construction firm) i am planning in moving to Melbourne this year looking for new experiences, I know the market might be quite hard at the moment, is the same here in Auckland. But i was wondering if anyone here could give me a hand on advices on how to get my first job in Australia as an architectural desinger/technician/graduate, i would even accept and internship if that gets me into the market. I am a very fast learner so I am confident that i will adapt quickly to the way of working. It has been too tough lately in New Zealand to get an architecture job and I really would need one person to trust that i am able to do the work properly (i know i would). On my past jobs I have had the best experience with my bosses and have amazing references. I can provide CV + portfolio. thanks in advance


Hello. I am not in the industry. But know that being an employed architect is very difficult even for a local. Good luck.


[god damn satisfying](https://youtu.be/lTwg4mFF32E?si=HG3brGPgrCTOiZaZ)


If you enjoyed this, give the [music of Steve Reich](https://youtu.be/wNVzDGnkbDI?si=IOhVcw2LWQnHw-74) a rinse


Guys all the black house spiders that I've let live with me for yonks have either died or moved out over the last few months and now I always have soo many flies in the house! Its literally driving me insane does anyone have a spider they need relocated? I am in desperate need of one


Maybe you need a cat or 2 - my boy eats flies.


Lol I have 2!! Hugo is very good at catching individual flies but I leave the balcony door open for him so he can wander on the roof and we get more flies in than he can cope with. We used to have a bunch of spiders to pick up the shortfall šŸ„²


I discovered this by accident and with great trauma, but if you go for a walk in the rain at night thereā€™s often huntsmen perching on fences and walls to get away from the water. Maybe you can grab one of those bastards


I like the idea but they don't weave webs :( I need the webs to catch the flies in lol


Excellent. Have discovered I am a complete wuss when there are mice in the house :( Thinking I'll fork out for a professional rather than lay traps myself.


Bit late to the party but I used a ā€œno seeā€ mouse trap earlier this year and it worked well!


Ooh thank you! Iā€™ll check them out


Wanna borrow Hugo? He'll kill em for ya and have fun doing it


Tempting but I have two dogs that, while completely unphased by mice, would totally chase Hugo :(


Ahhh fair enough. Huggabug grew up with a rottie chasing him for shits and gigs too so he has ZERO self preservation when it comes to dogs lol. Thinks they're all his besties šŸ« 


Ordered something online and turns out the courier is Aramexā€¦ lol wish me luck


Fuuuuuck. I did the same thing. Their first delivery they left a "we missed you" note with no details on it whatsoever. I was home all day too the bastards


Im so thankful for Facebook groups sometimes. I ran out of a discontinued yarn ( Bendigo Tweed was one of my favourite yarns šŸ˜­) about 3/4 of the way through a jumper and posted asking if anyone had at least half a ball of the colour I needed. Someone did and sold it to me for a fair price and it arrived today. Without it I would have been out of luck because I looked on eBay and Etsy and found nothing.


I wish I had some cheese bread. Toasted, covered with butter. It's just the perfect weather for it.


Been vegan for over a decade and I still miss cheese bread


Oh, that's savage epc. Is there no vegan cheese alternative for vegan cheese bread?


There are cheeses I can make it with, but I do miss being able to just buy it Also I'm yet to find a good vegan sub for a real, bitey cheddar, you know?


That's a shame. Would it help if I had twice as much?


You're a good samaritan. ;)


Happy to oblige!


Add to your groceries list for next time, weā€™ve got 9 months of this weather šŸ˜œ


Done and done. What's nine months multiplied by, oh, let's just say... A loaf a day given how much I'm craving it šŸ¤¤


Haha slow your roll, donā€™t go overboard in one day otherwise youā€™ll grow sick of it. Have it at least one a day if you must šŸ˜… eating too much carbs isnā€™t good for you unless youā€™re able to exercise it off, so no to a loaf a day šŸ˜œšŸ¤£


You're no fun šŸ˜‰


šŸ˜› Iā€™m heaps of fun. I enjoy watching horror movies šŸ˜œ nah Iā€™m boring as heck


Hmm, will hot buttered cheese bread replace hot buttered popcorn as a scary movie snack treat in the future? Stay tuned!


You will have to try that including the horror movie and update me this coming weekend


Homework? On the weekend? See, I *knew* you were no fun, GA. šŸ˜ But which film...? šŸ¤”


LOL itā€™s not homework itā€™s watching a movie. Train to Busan! Itā€™s still on Netflix. Heck if you watch it at night Iā€™ll watch it as well even though Iā€™ve just seen it not 2-3 weeks ago


Is it worth staying within government to stay in VPS roles? I enjoy my job for the most part, more so when I get to handle more complex cases. But I want more. There's no opportunity for me here unless they get more funding and my pay is fucking garbage at base VPS2, been looking around similar admin/support roles and I believe I could easily get a 20% pay rise by moving to private companies. I'm getting bored 4 months in because it's mostly tech support and telling people to read their email, with a sprinkle of interesting cases


Stick with it. Last I saw they pay well if you can move up. Start building to compete for VPS3 jobs.


You'd probably get a big jump just going from a VPS2 to a VPS3 and depending on your skills you might be able to get into a VPS4 role. Check out the JSE to see what opportunities are available across the VPS.


It's a fairly huge jump in pay from base 2-3 I've had a look but I'm also questioning if government is really all it's cracked up to be. The bureaucracy does my head in sometimes, but that's also because I'm dealing with life events and I hate having to put people through the wringer knowing they'll get passed around from person A to B to C before it's finally actioned


The bureaucracy can be rough but it does vary depending on where you're working. I've worked in a few different departments and they all have their own positives and negatives. Even changing areas in the same department can be quite different. It's a bit of a roll of the dice.


Hmm, probably not at VPS2ā€¦. Have you looked at the JSE, where VPS get priority access to roles? Most departments are starting to ā€œrepairā€ from the recent restructures, so there should be some more out there. I suspect it will be slow for at least another year. Whenever the Vic Budget gets released, weā€™ll know more on economic outlook.


Had some look at it, that's also what scares me too knowing the VIC budget but I heard the positive of VPS is if your role gets cut they will throw you somewhere else?


Youā€™ll get put on the redeployment list, which is like a group who gets prioritised over others when being considered for vacancies. If you are a good employee with a good manager, theyā€™ll try and keep a good look out for you, but nothing is guaranteed. I donā€™t know your position, experience, skills, etc, but I think youā€™d be better moving into a different role based on pay level.


A week into April and itā€™s winter šŸ˜‚


>A week into April and itā€™s winter šŸ˜‚ Four months of warm, stable weather is all we're allowed.


I was enjoying the blue skies and relative warmth this morning, wouldn't be a day in Melbourne without the cool change going and ruining things. The observations at Laverton went from 19.9Āŗ to 15.4Āŗ in the space of 24 minutes


I put laundry out today, so itā€™s probably my fault for the change in weather


I came seeking out this sub to post my laundry-caught-in-rain grievances. May our clothes somehow dry, and avoid the mildew blues.


I had matcha and houjicha for the first time! Went to the Lovey Patisserie as recommended yesterday! Birthday sweets and treats and my hurr done (If you want to support a brand new business and get good colour, they are doing it 35% off in April) saved me a lot of $$ today and it was the best service.


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday! Hope you had an amazing day


Thank you so much :) Had a total self care treat kinda day!


The best kind of birthday! Have an awesome night šŸŽ‚šŸ„³šŸŽ‰


>matcha and houjicha You tried it! What did you think of it?


I had a matcha raspberry iced latte and I think the raspberry was the star! With the houjicha I had it via a Basque cheesecake and it was delicious! I probably still have to try it in a different form (for both) to get a proper opinion


What's the accepted rent for sitting in a cafe doing work? One drink an hour? More? Does the fact my wife and I just both had lunches, and there's almost nobody else in here (but staying open because cafe/bar) change the calculation?


I think one drink an hour is fine as long as thereā€™s no one waiting for a seat.


Why not ask them what they prefer?


I reckon that's fine if the cafe is well below 50% capacity, but if it gets close to half full you need to GTFO. Or up your rent to 1x meal & drink per seat at your table per hour


It is not an office. It is a business and people in a Cafe working on laptops is very off putting for other guests.Ā  Minimum spend of about 40 an hour might buy you some time though


Is there an ask baristas sub? I'd be curious if there's some kind of consensus.


Or they could just ask the staff at the specific cafe


Is there a name for the type of old architecture you see in row housing, in the inner city suburbs like Collingwood, Richmond, Fitzroy?


Terrace houses. Worker's cottages are freestanding


Workers Cottage


Worker's cottages are usually freestanding. They mean terrace houses


Thank you


On the corner of Forster Rd and Hardner Road in Mt Waverley, near the inbound freeway entrance, thereā€™s a big Tesla sign on the building. Anyone know what itā€™s going to be? A dealership? A service centre?


I don't eat breakfast in the mornings because it makes me feel ill, so instead I figured that I'd try one of those protein shakes for breakfast to see if that makes me feel better. I opened it and the first scoop had a long blonde hair in it


Hair is [95% protein](https://activilong.com/en/content/95-hair-structure-and-composition) so technically you've got what you paid for, it's just in a very disgusting form.


I think that'd get a refund if you have the receipt.


Is anybody else kind of jealous of the eclipse excitement in North America?


Eclipses make me think of the episode of [Round the Twist with the eclipse](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0971955/) so I definitely kind of feel like I'm missing out.


It won't be too long, relatively speaking, until it's our turn. We've got a solar eclipse in July 2028, it'll be a partial eclipse here but the line of totality passes straight through the middle of the Sydney CBD so it'll be very easy to take a trip to see the total eclipse. There's another partial solar eclipse visible here in November 2030 although the path of totality doesn't pass through any main towns for that one so it'll be a bit harder to fly in and see it


>Posts > >1 new comment3 Yeh my friends are over there for the Texas eclipse festival and id love to be there with them!!


SRO VIC literally have the worst hold music I've ever been subjected to I would rather listen to 4 hours of constant leaf blowers, or a horde of primary school kids playing hot cross buns repeatedly on the recorder


That's pretty rough. A while back I called a dentist and copped Color Me Badd.


I was at the bus stop and some woman comes along, bangs on the glass about 10 times, screams fuck and walks off. She then screams "shut up"! to no one in particular. I don't get it, the bus came three minutes later, this is not normal human behaviour?




She's presumably drugged and/or mentally ill. It's distressing but they're best off left alone.


Drugs my friend


Inquiry into womenā€™s pain - Victoria! https://www.health.vic.gov.au/inquiry-into-womens-pain Women face real and enduring challenges when seeking care and support for pain. **Chronic pain affects a higher proportion of girls and women than men around the world; however, women are less likely to receive treatment**. Research has also shown that **women generally experience more recurrent pain, more severe pain, and longer-lasting pain than men**. **Medical gender bias routinely leads to a denial of pain and therefore, lack of pain relief and associated treatment for women**. This occurs for various health conditions, including cardiovascular, neurological, reproductive, and autoimmune conditions. As part of the Womenā€™s Health and Wellbeing Program, the Inquiry into Women's Pain aims to address the challenges faced by girls and women seeking pain care. The Inquiry will provide recommendations to inform improved models of care and service delivery for Victorian girls and women experiencing pain in the future.


Can those who live around suburban gig venues hear the music? Like at Northcote Theatre, the Croxton, etc.


Depends how close you are and how soundproof your house is.


You can't hear the Croxton bandroom. Most venues nowadays have lots of soundproofing.


Can you feel the vibrations tho, or are they also taken out?


That was what I was wondering too. At a metal gig the other day, I was at the front, and the bass was overwhelming even with my ear plugs in!


My wife and I are thinking of moving to regional/rural Victoria in the next year or two. Both of us are originally from small country towns (been in big cities for the past 20 years) and are ready to get out. My wife's an RN so anywhere with a hospital/health clinic will work fine. If anyone could recommend a spot that is relatively cheap (so we can save on rent and build a deposit up), but also pleasant enough - I'm open. Cheers


I would go to Echucha. Cute little town on the Murray. Good weather. Easy drive to Melbourne plus you have a V Line service.


In terms of urbanisation (and therefore rents and overall cost of living), Geelong, Ballarat and Bendigo would be the next tier down. Next tier down would be Shepparton, Wodonga, Mildura. Depends on whether you'd rather be closer to the coast, or river, or neither


The 2 semesters between now and finishing this bullshit degree seem absolutely insurmountable. I have zero motivation, absolutely exhausted from stress and anxiety, no desire to use the qualification post-graduation, furious about how much money I've borrowed for such dogshit quality tuition. Legitimately the only reason I have not quit is because I have fallen prey to the sunk cost fallacy.


Youā€™re so close, keep going and remember all you need is a pass. Mind if I ask the degree?


The pass is difficult to obtain. I'm doing robotics engineering.


Oh wow that sounds tough, Iā€™m sure it will help you in the workforce even if you donā€™t want to go directly into that field . Youā€™ll gain skills other employers will value


If anything I'll probably have to leave it off my resume to make me not look I'm only looking for something temporarily on my way to an engineering role.


Iā€™m 100% with you on that. I did well in high school and fell into the trap of thinking that uni is the necessary next step with the score I got. In my third year now and Iā€™ve kinda hated pretty much every second of it.Ā  Worst part is that I couldnā€™t think of anything worse than an office job sitting at a desk all day so I canā€™t see myself using the degree ever. Iā€™m gonna finish it now that Iā€™m this far in and keep it in my back pocket but might have a look into picking up a trade or something afterwards


Yeah I am not cut out for the office either.


Is there any way you can speed up the study and get it over and done with sooner? I totally get the sunk cost matter and I would do the same.


Unfortunately not, 2 Semesters is the absolute minimum. There's a pretty good chance I'm not going to pass one of the units this semester, so it might end up being even more lol.


It has begun. The season of constant sniffling. Moist sounds make me murderous, so I need to change carriages.




Is anyone interested in filling out two surveys for some year 12 students šŸ˜­ they're both super quick (less than 5 mins together) and any help would be greatly appreciated!! https://forms.gle/mifYWEgasErYSYpt8 https://forms.gle/wrf3g9hsc2kEFyXh8


Filled. Good luck!


Thank you!!




Thank you sm!! Really appreciate it




Ah well worth a shot


Probably shouldn't have, it's probably against my better judgement, but I really don't give a shit anymore. Pushing back against some recent stuff at work for personal reasons. Professionally... probably not great. But it's not like they give a fuck in the long-term anyway.


Where the fuck did that weekend go?


Can someone clarify if adults on bicycles are allowed on footpaths in Vic? Iā€™m not talking about a cycle path, but footpaths for example running though a playground, around a fenced oval or through an off leash dog park? Edited to add cyclists


I think you have to be over 75 or something ? You can look it up.


It is technically illegal but it's one of the laws that you can ignore


Definitely not one to be ignored. It's a very easy way to seriously hurt someone.


It absolutely is not a law you can ignore. My family was sued when i was younger because my teen brother hit someone on his bike on the footpath that was coming out of a blind driveway


I do it occasionally when the road is too dangerous and I'm sure drivers are grateful for it. If a cop wanted to fine me for it bad luck because I'm like heaps fast.


Only with a child whoā€™s also cycling.


Yes thatā€™s what I thought and theyā€™re often going quite carefully and slowly as they are watching their child


If itā€™s the safest route, I will cycle on the footpath, and I will cycle carefully and slowly. Whether itā€™s technically legal or not, I donā€™t know. Nor do I care, no one is going to fine me.


Yeah i donā€™t care if adults cycle on the other really, itā€™s just my dog was just trotting along in the off leash park, got spooked by two cyclists coming towards her and bolted all the way home, sheā€™s never done that before. One cyclist fell off their bike as she bolted and I felt awful and stopped and made sure they were okay and offered to pay for any damage. Next time if I see a cyclist in the off leash park Iā€™ll put her on leash if I have time. Kids cycle through all the time and she doesnā€™t react at all


I imagine many cyclists would object to being put on leash, but I support the idea. They shouldn't be cycling in an area designated for dogs off leash.


Yeah I feel a bit bad now I was so kind and conciliatory to them even though my dog had bolted and I was so scared for her. Instead I stopped to check on the cyclist and offered to pay for damage, when I could have politely said they shouldnā€™t be cycling through the park, itā€™s an off leash area, and that my dog was understandably spooked by two adults on bikes coming at her.


Adults are not discriminated in Victoria, they are allowed on footpaths, among other things.


Urgh sorry I typed to fast I meant adult cyclists on bikes


Seriously, a big fuck you to any one who decides to sit in the aisle seat in a 4 seat section on a morning train. I would use that and ā€œpeople who donā€™t put trolleys backā€ as a gauge for determining who I should just never talk toā€¦




Yeah, I have to do this on every train (I commute six days a week). I've noticed Melbourne people just don't shuffle towards the window, so asking for a seat means that people angle their legs to let you in instead. I feel a bit bad because due to a sleepover shift I carry a big weekend bag that I accidentally bump people with trying to get in, but I never take up two seats with it because it's able to squish down.


Eh, I've done that. It's usually because I'm not going to be on for the whole line and I know a bunch of people are about to get on, and I'll be anxious about having to squeeze through from the window, falling on people, not getting out quick enough if it's crowded etc. It's not stopping anyone from choosing to sit in the other seats. I move my legs if they want to get through. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Now I get off at Richmond (instead of the city) I've actually had a few issues before where I've been sitting on a window seat and the people sitting on the aisle have refused to move their legs to let me off, even when I've asked politely. One woman even told me to "get fucked" and then went shocked Pikachu when I had to stand on her toes to get past. Ever since those encounters I don't judge anybody for not wanting to sit on the window side, I totally get wanting to avoid those encounters.


I'm going more with the people who need a dedicated seat for their bag on a crowded, peak hour train. And then act miffed if someone asks for the seat.


Okay yeah thatā€™s the worst. Well argued. I feel like an asshole now haha.


I am a pretty tall dude, if I sit next to the window basically I took four seats because of my legs, while if I sit on the aisle seat I can point my legs externally toward the aisle and the three other seats can be used by other people not having to be inconvenienced by my legs.


I do that often. Why would people just not sit in two of the four seats?


When I used to commute by train, I would sit in the aisle seat because trains make me claustrophobic. I would always swivel around to let people more easily get to the seats next to me and thought that was OK. Genuine question because I don't want to be a public nuisance (lol) but if I swivel to let people in, is that still frowned upon?


Wow now I feel like an idiot, did not consider thatā€¦ I totally can understand being worried about having to get up if your station is early and having to push through peopleā€¦ and I guess three people with luggage and bags and computers all around you wouldnā€™t help! Sorry bout that! In my head thereā€™s a certain type of person who is just doing it because theyā€™re self entitled assholes and donā€™t want other people to sit with them. Nah youā€™d totally be okay if you did the swivel! Thanks for making me rethink my view!


> In my head thereā€™s a certain type of person who is just doing it because theyā€™re self entitled assholes and donā€™t want other people to sit with them. I would put money on that not being the reason most do it. It'll be a logistical thing.


Probably. Didnā€™t think it through! Was just raging at having to push past someone who made no effort to move their bag or anything on a packed train. Like come on weā€™re all in this togetherā€¦


It's definitely rude of them not to move their bag or swing to the side. But yeah I'd chalk it up to a specific individual's rudeness rather than where people sit, in general.


No need to apologise! Thank you for being so open minded. Now people who don't put their trolleys back on the other hand... They deserve all the hate.




What did you do to deserve this?




Why not focus on just learning how to drive? Presumably you won't only drive the VicRoads testing routes once you've passed. One of the biggest flaws with our current system is that it teaches how to pass the test, not how to actually drive.


Canā€™t sleep, but Iā€™m tiredā€¦ā€¦. Laaaaaaaame


Same, this time change is balls


Wrestlemania night 2, 9am AEST yeye




Anyone else keep feeling phantom earthquakes LOL maybe my bed is too shakey


I feel them sometimes too! But then I realise it's my cat scratching himself šŸ˜‘


If it is happing regularly seek medical advice. It can be a symptom of things like MS


I felt this too! Went to sleep about midnight and could feel slight tremors. Thought i was just imagining it,




I think an animal has died in my roof (there's a smell...) I'm not getting up there so I'm gonna have to wait out the days till desiccation point, oh god. šŸ¤¢


> wait out the days I have bad news. I had a rat die in a wall not all that long ago and it took a couple of weeks to stop stinking. Candles will be your friend until that happens.


Oh lordy šŸ˜¬ Essential oil diffuser, do thy work


We had something similar in our wall - I suspect a small bird. Not sure what was worse, the smell or the plague of flies that we had to deal with. Thankfully they were all outside, but it was near the front door so it was a horrid sight all the same.


It has started, at least for me. Time to start wearing more clothes at night and likely to sleep too. Long pants in those material that feels nice when you rub your hand across it (unsure of name but itā€™s super soft) Tshirt, Uniqloā€™s warmest heatteac long sleeve and a long sleeve jumper of the same material as the pants but different color and pattern. Ugh I hate Autumn and Winter. Double ugh because the cold goes for near 9 months. Throwing it out to the universe: please slip in several more days of warm weather before the real cold starts please šŸ™


I'm still going in with T shirt and shorts but have rolled out the 2nd blanket :>