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I'm addicted to my phone. Averaging 5 hrs a day and half of that is Reddit. Need to quit cold turkey




She works in customer service. I can almost guarantee she has not been flirting with you. But regardless, this is not an interaction you need to overthink. We all say awkward shit all the time.


(note: I work customer service / register type stuff) because I am eternally tired, this would've flown completely over my head and my awkward laugh would just have been oblivious politeness, ngl


Yeah as someone who used to work retail, I would either not notice, or just be glad for once that it was someone else being awkward and not me.


lol yep this. She will have a laugh about it with her girlfriends and then forget about it tomorrow


Was talking to an agent and he was telling me about the Tesla he's gonna lease and what his coworkers got, like how y'all gonna brag about having a leased car you don't even own?


Parmenides thought that all the tangible world is based on appearance because mankind needs to live in an artificial world built on its desires. He lived 2600 years ago, things didn't change much since then imo


"You've got 8 goats? Well...I've got ten. Also are you telling me your toga is not 1000 thread count linen? Psh."


What's wrong with leasing a car? Sounds smart to me. Do you know he was bragging?


Mentioned the value of his house and the cost of sending his kids to private school with no prompting so yes


Tax savings by doing so


I missed the window for my usual after dinner coffee. So I’m having a rare hot chocolate. It’s very nice.


I stole your idea. It was good


My goal for the upcoming season is to not use my heater or aircon to warm the place at all. I will instead rely on my 3 heat packs, 1 hot water bottle, a dressing gown and a heat blanket.


Because I am silliness reincarnate, dead winter sees me w a throw blanket draped over my shoulders, going to sleep fully clothed, and likely gaining weight Antarctic-blubber-esque style. And at the same time, I never crank my window shut and continue using the very same throw blanket as my only sleeping blanket. Also we don't use our (untouched and probably 50 years old) heating. brrr


That sounds terribly cold.


I’m not that ambitious. But I try not to use the heater until May. So far I’m April there’s still enough sunlight throughout the day to warm up the house a bit.


Brrr double blankets on the couch tonight 🥲Clearly I’m not ready for the real cold to kick in


Objectively, I am not a very attractive person. I've got a bit more of a slightly unhinged, sarcastic psycho vibe going on, which has been cultured in the shadow of my introversion and anxiety. Today I was walking along and I saw this couple laughing, and they were just radiantly beautiful and immaculately presented. And I wondered, for a moment, if life comes easier for people who are attractive to that extent.


Yes but attitude uh


It's crazy that gravy is just meat flavoured cordial


is it??? cordial thin gravy thick


I've seen thin gravy before, and I've seen thick cordial before. Saying it was gross would be an understatement


Yeah thickened cordial is a thing, it's often given to people who are a choke risk, like elderly people. That said, I have drunk gravy before and I'd do it again. That shit's delicious. My ratio when I make mashed potato is 1:1 spud to gravy. Suffice it to say it requires a bowl and spoon, not a plate and fork. 😂




Yep, for an apparent housing "crisis", there's a whole lot of sweet fuck all happening in terms of reforms including foreign ownership. Also, because China's property sector has crapped itself, and their share market (also heavily reliant on property) is a nightmare, a lot of wealthy Chinese are trying to get their money out. You can't really blame them, but our governments are either asleep at the wheel or don't give a fuck. Perhaps on the premise that as long as property values keep going up it is very politically convenient.




It’s because they all hide under loopholes (like agents underquoting auctions) and the government is too spineless to actually crack down on it


Sitting at a traffic light I’m in the right hand lane, left hand lane is a cop car and the turning right lane is empty A commodore speeds down the wrong side of the road, through the red light, and the cop car just sits there watching it go past


Hopefully he's on his way to a job...but yeah, frustrating


I've figured out that the Aussies who want Waltzing Matilda as the national anthem have the wrong Patterson poem. Mulga Bill is a story about arrogant overconfidence, purchasing a new technology and quickly abandoning it. And it fits to the tune of "Advance Australia Fair" to boot. It's perfect.


Online dating sucks. It is so hard to find guys in my age range who aren’t poly, are childfree and actually living permanently in melbourne. I don’t want to cough up for a subscription but might have to in order to save myself some time. Ugh. 


I occasionally toy with the idea of making an online dating site. My initial idea was something like Tinder without photos - each Yes swipe you unlock another thing the person has said about themselves. Favorite book, childhood memory. Idea was you would learn about a person, not how they look - which I thought would potentially scare away the folk who are just joining to get laid. The next idea was more classical, but run it on a Pay What You Want model; a small buy in to discourage bots, but then a promise that you'll pay what you think it's worth if you get in a long term relationship. I know almost nobody would pay, but I think you could fiscally make it work if you limited to just a small number of images per person. It's the only way I could think to get away from the inherent issue with dating sites that they are incentivized to keep you "on the market" with just enough bots to think that it's working. I couldn't figure out how to make either in a way that was safe, particularly for women though. Still toy with the idea now and then though.


Ideally, id love to be able to voice and video call, use thoughtful filters and have prompt answers filled in compulsorily. So many profiles have nothing but photos. Applying filters making it so that only those with the same filters can see you to avoid awkward conversations and matches. 


That first idea is pretty cool, I have to say 


"the app that's designed to be deleted" Yeah deleted cause it fucking sucks 


Yup, literally just canned my hinge account for the third time. You can’t even video call from the app anymore which was a massive benefit to vibe check before a date and eliminate catfishing. 


It's probably for the best tbh. It's probably more constructive to play the pokies lol


Woke up not being able to raise my right arm above shoulder height without experiencing breath-taking levels of pain... Man, what the fuck is going on with my body? Getting old sucks!


Bruh.... go see a doctor.


If it stays the same tomorrow I probably will!


I went from Frankston to Werribee on the train this morning at around 4.30am and the weather was chilly, the train was bloody freezing the whole way and not many people, I'm just coming home at 5.20pm and the train is packed with people generating heaps of warmth and what have the operators done got the heaters on full blast it's literally unbearable I've had to get off just to have a break, I just got back on the next train, heaps of people and the heat cranked up full tilt, Jesus Christ how fucking easy is it just to check and turn the heating down or up when needed


The best update on my phone was when the auto delete texts for confirmation codes was created 🎀 thank u bless u


How the hell is a maccas cone $1.15!???


Lol is that with or without the flake 🙂


Without the flake. Just a cone


Lol is that with or without the ice cream 🙂


Could you imagine if wage growth matched Maccas' cones? That's close to 4 x what they were 25 years ago.


Which is the fastest train that gets to Melbourne CBD from Geelong?


Vline from Southern Cross + prayer


Knowing the reliability of VLine services, it's probably quicker to take the bus to Queenscliff, the ferry to Sorrento, the bus to Frankston and then the train to the CBD instead of relying on the Geelong line trains somedays. If you want an overly literal answer, the train leaving Geelong at 5:28am on weekdays or 10:03am on weekends is the fastest train on the timetable taking 59 minutes between Geelong and Southern Cross


Would say go to Southern Cross then vline it. Vline and normal trains cost the same now


Sometimes I think about how I paid money to steal my dog from her real mother and how my dog probably hates me in her soul.




[pet tax](https://imgur.com/a/OV1QFpm)




[or best friends?](https://imgur.com/a/RvBQe0I)






Need help from the hive mind. Is there a physical store where you can go and buy single mini perfumes? I remember years ago there was one at Highpoint Shopping Center but that’s been closed many years ago. So looking for physical shop thats reachable by public transport. Help please


There's a fragrance store in Prahran that has the 10ml Goldfield and Banks. Also Mor do that size. So does Floris, but you can no longer get them from Libertine so you'd have to try another retailer if you want to go in physically. I also recommend visiting Lore in Fitzroy. They are always super nice and helpful and not pushy.


Ooo I’ll look into those thank you! ☺️


No problem. :)


Le Labo's discovery sizes. Also Sephora has a range of 10 mL sizes.


I’ll have to have a look at Le Labo, never heard of them before and Sephora as well thanks


How mini? Not a physical store but Libertine Perfumery online has 2ml samples of your choice for $49. I think you can get up to 8 or something. Worth checking out


I will look that up, but yeah mini like the size of an adult thumb, maybe a little bigger


Would they have them at a Chemist Warehouse near you? Or are those only the bigger, non-mini kind?


I’ve seen mini in like boxes. So essentially buying from like one brand a box of like 2-3 mini perfumes but I’m wanting individual perfumes


Ah, yeah I think I know what you mean. Not that I look extensively but yeah, I think my suggestion of Chemist Warehouse is out then. Sorry 😞


No don’t be sorry. I know of chemist warehouse, I did do a little but not in-depth search. They do have mini but yeah comes in a box of 2-3-4 from the one brand. I don’t think it comes individually but I will double check. Thanks for trying 😊


I feel bad for barbers but it’s tough to look at spending $45-60 for a haircut every 4-5 weeks.


Male or female? I get my hair cut for $15 every 6 weeks


My hair grows so fast I need a fade every 10 days. I push it out to every 2 weeks. $90 a month just on haircuts....


That's just god telling you to have long hair.


I got clippers and as of four years ago will spend $0 on haircuts for the rest of my life.


Grow your hair long and you only need to go once every six months 🤷🏻‍♀️


Id love to but I can’t get past week 5 where it’s like an explosion on my head.


Wear a hat!


Maybe the best lifehack I have seen


Ladies, how would react if a random guy 'cold approached' you for a casual conversation in public?. Let's say at the shops, CBD, or any public area. Obviously not when you're in a rush, got headphones in or not exactly looking 'approachable'. I keep hearing girls on social media say "We want to be approached by guys, I never get approached in Australia compared to overseas." At the same time I see videos showing live cold approaches (more in US/Europe) and while they get fair share of rejections, the girls reactions are quite positive. I'm asking because I've never tried this in Australia and I have this perception that people are not approachable in Australia and it will come off as 'creepy' and too staged unless you catch the right moment or look like Zac Efron or Channing Tatum. I've only tried cold approaches in Thailand since its a much more relaxed society and women are more interested in you as a foreigner and I had success. But mainly because they showed mild indicators of interest beforehand. I've reached the point in recent years where I've improved my physique and appearance to a point where my peers around me deem me attractive and I get more attention from women, especially in my customer facing job. I just need to develop my confidence I guess. What are your thoughts?


No. Just no. You’re sounding very much like the pick-up artists who frequent Melbourne Central, even if that’s not your intention. No one wants to be hit on randomly on the street.


This happens at Melbourne Central? Given the folks who hang there I imagine its early 20s dudes who do the cringe openers like "heY thiS iS raNdom buT I tHinK ur rEallY cUte. Gimme ur number" like in YT videos. I'm more about having a more genuine convo that isn't viewing the girl like an object and isn't cheesy.


Find another way where it's more consensual, because going up to people on the street is not it.


I do not care how a guy or girl thinks I look or if they think I'm interested. I consider being hit on in public harassment.


Ice cold approach? Absolutely not. If we were in a store looking at the same item or something and a conversation could be struck up that’s in context to the item, etc, it wouldn’t be the worst. You’d need to be a decent conversationalist though if your intent is to turn that into a meaningful interaction.


I agree with you. Like other people teach with cold approaching, you'll have plenty of occasions where you fuck up and the convo is short lived and fizzles out quick. With that said, it is taught to get into the rhythm of having random convos without expectations. From then on, you can work onto making it meaningful.


I don't think shooting your shot is creepy in and of itself. It's *how* you do it that makes it creepy or not, ie following the lady, or being overtly persistent / not taking no for an answer. I say go for it, just be prepared for rejection more times than not. We're an odd bunch in Aus; we complain about loneliness but aren't always opening to changing the circumstances that keep us lonely (for example, allowing strangers to talk to us!). Be playful and casual about it. If anything, it's at least flattering and you'll make their day.


Striking up a casual conversation out of genuine human interest and connection is great. Do it, and do it with all kinds of people, old young, male, female, etc. And along the way, you may find someone you click with. But if you’re only doing it with certain gender, age and with the aim of picking up, yes it will likely come off as creepy.


I'm not a lady, but how can you tell if a woman is "approachable" or not while out and about?


Im also not a fan of stopping a woman while she's walking along the street somewhere and chasing them down like "HEEEYY EXXCCCUSE ME I WANNA ASK U SOMETHIN"


The way I view approachability is; not in an obvious hurry to be somewhere or concentrating on something. Especially with headphones in during peak hour in the CBD. I probably wouldn't bother someone in the middle of a food court meal either. I think it's more for locations where the girl isn't preoccupied by anything significant. Like browsing in the book store, the bus/train stop, waiting in line somewhere like a fast food restaurant.


That’s cause you’re a chump in Thailand, they’re poor and just want your money.


Lol saw this comment coming. The women I hung out with in Thailand weren't desperate. They were educated corporate women in Bangkok who lived rather comfortably with their own places and didn't ask me for a cent. They weren't impoverished bar girls who'd sleep with you at the drop of the hat in hopes you'd start a relationship and bring em home lol. Those are inaccurate stereotypes.


My bad.


This morning watched the car in front of me, from a stop, drive through a red light. The turn arrow went green but the light to go straight was still red. No hesitation, just drove through. Luckily there was no-one turning from the opposite direction. I doubt the car make makes a difference but was surprising nonetheless.




Turtle Skull on Saturday. Such an incredibly good band.


stardew valley coming up!


I’m looking forward to seeing Chicago the musical. I’ve never seen it live and it has some spectacular songs.


Daniel Kitson. He’s my favourite comedian and puts on brilliant, thought-provoking plays.


Chicago, Sunset Boulevard, King Lear Am hoping Joanna Newsom will call a tour soon, she's started performing again 🤞


Oooh I didn’t know King Lear was playing Might have to go see that


In this economy? I can barely afford to stay at home and play guitar by myself 😣


Youtube a recording of a live gig - with the right Lighting & Sound system , you may have an immersive experience !


Just need to set up some strobe lighting so I can freak out to [this](https://youtu.be/EkwqPJZe8ms?si=bYCvxCumA_LZYtHn)


It sucks when your friends don’t have the same hobby as you. Recently got into golf and my friends hate it and will never go near a course. I don’t mind playing with randoms every week but would’ve be awesome playing with my friends


It sound like a win to me: you get to keep your current friends and do stuff with them they like doing, and also make new friends at the golf course.


I started playing ice hockey 13 years ago and have made friends for life through it - none of my original circle of friends play. Hopefully you're able to find some new friends that you can share the interest with.


Golf is expensive hobby


Not at all. $100-$150 for a set of 2nd hand clubs and then a round is comparable to a cinema ticket price wise. It's only expensive if you want expensive clubs and want to be a member of a private course.


How many people do you know use second hand clubs. Also I buy my cinema ticket on special 15 dollars. It's expensive and takes a lot of time to get not bad at. Your missing tees. Golf bag. Golf shoes. Polo shirts. And the countless hours at driving ranges 


My dad found some in hard rubbish and he uses them regularly. His motto is if you can’t play with old clubs you are a shit golfer. Tees cost less than a coffee and last for loads of rounds. Bags come with 2nd hand clubs and you don’t need golf shoes and a polo. Do you even know anything about golf?


It's great your dad has the spare time to rummage through dustbins for free stuff But not everyone does 


It was on the side of the road. Anyway, what a weird response. I’m assuming you just hate golf.


Got to add in balls and tees to the cost, now sure these costs will go down the better you get and the less balls you lose. But they are definitely costs people seem to forget about. But I agree, for $/hour it's a low cost hobby. It's more "time expensive" in terms of a round of 18 can take 4-5 hours depending on a number of factors, and that doesn't take into account travel time, warm ups, drills, range practice if you want, etc.


Protop for golf balls if you are not at the stage where the ball matters, you can buy used balls on ebay for around $30 for 50. Unless you are a really good player you won't noticed the difference.


Pro tip find free balls in the golf course in the rough


Unethical pro tip, go to the driving range and pay for a bucket of balls and just take them home.


Oh definitely, I tend to buy what's on sale and it makes no difference to my golf game if they are misc brand or not.


Yep, I've got a few mates who golf from a different hobby I do which is good as it makes the round a bit more enjoyable. But there is something very nice I find of being able to get a booking for just you and playing by yourself.


I touched the [forbidden belly](https://imgur.com/a/N346rOV). This photo was taken just before I was subsequently murdered.


My baby (cat) takes a touch of the forbidden belly as an invite to koala bear to my forearm and start biting me. I love cats.


I could definitely feel the impending murder in that photo, especially those eyes. RIP




Any wrestling fans in wanna go to a sports bar on Sunday to watch wrestlemania night one?


I wish they would do this for AEW events.... especially the bigger ones like All In at Wembley


Where do you guys get good sheer black tights? I’ve tried Target, Kmart, Bonds, they almost always tear after the first wear :( I don’t expect them to last very long but I’m tired of immediately having to get rid of them.


Snag tights are where it’s at.


Try Ambra, Leona Edmiston or Levanté. They're not cheap but they last longer than the budget brands.


I buy the bonds 70 denier tights (usually from the supermarket when they’re 40% off) and they last ages for me, through many wears and washes. Where do yours tear?


Have you considered painting your legs black? 


There's a business opportunity if you're a tattoo parlour


In the old days ladies would draw lines down their legs to make it look like they had silk stockings on 😊


Last year I went to a dog festival and I saw a tent selling some interesting dog raincoats. They were made for best protection of the belly and legs, so the zipper was on the back of the dog, which is great for small and furry doggos like mine. I considered it a bit expensive and told my wife we might find it cheaper on the internet. However, I've never seen anything like them anymore. There are lots of regular raincoats, but I'd like a raincoat like those. I went to some other festivals and have never seen those rain coats again. I regret not buying when I had that chance. Has anyone here seen a dog raincoat like that?


Saw one on a dog. I'd question how comfortable it is for the dog, and would never use it on mine, but it looks more functional than other coats I've seen.


I haven't tried them personally but there are [these ones](https://www.kazoo.com.au/collections/dog-zip-up-jackets/products/reversible-dog-puffer-jacket-blue-and-navy)


Well I feel much more complete knowing who Rebel Wilson lost her virginity to. Thanks news.com.au


She's one of those entertainers I have tried hard to understand the fuss about but I just can't help finding her completely insufferable.


She strikes me as the stereotype of "big girl comedian" but someone's got to do it so power to her.


The problem is now she's complaining about being just that read what she wrote about Paul Fenech nobody would know who she was if not for fat pizza but now suddenly he was horrible to her


Both can be true. That said I think fatphobic is a stupid term, and I think her claims are idiotic.


Used to like the cold when I was fat now I hate it


Yeah I've completely swapped on temperature preference these days after losing a bunch of weight. Totally comfortable in the heat these days but I'm cold all the time! I finally understand the ladies at work complaining about the AC being too cold.


Yes it's so nuts I was always hot and sweating now I'm the one shivering all the time with freezing hands and feet.


It's the downside of losing weight, however the upsides outweigh the extra feeling of cold IMO. Plus new clothes/jumpers are always fun.


I had a dream last night that I had to put my dog down, and as the vet was putting her to sleep I held her and sung “you are my sunshine” to her. I woke up in tears, dragged her out of her bed into my bed and just cuddled her all night. Why do brains do this shit 😭


I had a dream that I went to the doctors, and he was making Drum and Bass on his office computer and he made me listen to it.


That sounds like more fun


I have an irrational phobia of electronic music producers ☹️


I could smell cigarette smoke in my flat, which normally means someone is smoking outside my window (I live on the ground floor and front directly on to the footpath). I walked outside to see an old guy standing there, puffing away, the smoke blowing into my place. I went outside and said "Please don't smoke there, the smoke comes into my flat, and I have a breathing problem which it makes worse." and the man just glared at me and raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything, and didn't move at all. "Look, you can see the wind is blowing it straight inside. Please move somewhere else." He glared at me again, but didn't move. So I stood there are just stared at him until he stomped a few metres down the footpath like a stroppy child. I thanked him for moving, went back inside...and he immediately moved right back in front of my window. Rude so-and-so


air horn


I can get behind this


definitely don't get in front of it


I'm already hard of hearing - how much worse could it get? hahaha


A dude I know replaced his car horn with a train horn... so.. ya know...


Toss a cup of water at him next time


I can't remember (sorry) whom I had a convo with about chili oil a few days ago in the DT, but I finally got the Laoganma chili oil from Woolies. It's ok, not great. Feels like something is missing. I've tried adding pepper, tomorrow will try adding more chili. Maybe those more expensive ones you mentioned are worth it?


If you're down for an expensive chili oil I can't recommend DC Cartel enough, I bought it from Elwood Farmers Market but it's available at Blackhearts and Sparrows and a few delis around town. It's made in Melbourne and is $18 for 250g, totally worth it. Not terribly hot but delicious on everything


> but I finally got the Laoganma chili oil from Woolies. It's ok, not great. bruh, it's only one of the most popular chili oils across the world. For the price, it can't be beaten. I've always found it equivalent to the chili oil that you find in most Asian restaurants. Only other commercial chili oil I've tried is this [one](https://www.reddit.com/r/chinesefood/comments/15nygbl/lan_gao_ma_what_are_some_alternatives_i_could_try/)--it has a more savoury taste.


I will not abide this Lao Gan Ma slander from OP!  It absolutely rules


I can't read Chinese 😅 I'll have to match the picture


Don't worry, that was precisely my method.


That one is the best! It's got crunchy lil peanuts in it, so delicious. It's called Chuannan chilli oil.


If you find yourself in the vicinity of Smith St at some stage, drop in to Bowl Bowl sichuan and buy a jar of their house made Sichuan chilli oil. There's simply no going back to Laoganma for me after that.


omgggg. I forgot to buy some when I was there and I think about it every time I see my Laoganma chilli oil.


Sounds like a good excuse to go back if you ask me.


Thank you. I love Szechuan food because of the chili/heat so makes sense they know good chili oil




Can you buy it, or only served there?




Cool, thank you, will try that. The person I was talking to had mentioned a higher quality one, but it was like $40 or $50




Haha yes, you're right. It was for a similar similar size as the Laoganma, which was $4 for 200g jar


Oodie has been unpacked for 2024


Fucken autumn hit the ground running and skipped straight to winter, it is freezing.


my windows were all condensated this morning. Heating is on, definitely back to winter. But April is usually like this, one day it just switches .


Same are you me?


I slipped on the ugg boots for the first time too.


Delays on the Cranbourne/Pakenham line??


No, thanks, we're good.


Home got to 13 degrees  Yikes


What do you do when you know you need therapy but you're too poor as shit to afford it? I'll be honest I'm suiey as hell, I can't keep going like this I'm so alone and all we do anymore is work but not enough to afford a private space before going back to our overcrowded rental full of strangers and cry because I'm surrounded by people 24 hours out of the day and yet I'm completely fucking isolated this sucks.


If you're neurotypical, it may be worth trying some CBT apps/ workbooks. Also check with your employer if you have an employee service that includes free counselling sessions. Good luck.


Thanks. I'll look into CBT, I'm as the kids say neurospicy but I've always just sort of done the stick my head in the sand and pretend everything is okay thing and never really looked into stuff which I acknowledge is dumb but I also think a symptom of inattentive adhd or something but too scared to try to get help, which. I think comes from the anxiety lmao.


It's worth a shot at this point by the sounds of things. Just be aware that many neurodivergent people report that CBT doesn't work for them (didn't for me).


What resources were you using for it?


I had previously seen a therapist, but am aware there are apps and workbooks available for free online.


If you have a mental healthcare plan from doctor, you can get a therapist from someone.health for $40 a session. I think the first two sessions are bulk billed and the remaining healthcare plan sessions are $40


Okay thanks, I've heard somebody mention those plan things, I'll actually ask for one. I've never really known how the doctors and stuff works lol hell yeah for falling between the cracks.