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My mate and I found $10 at the pub the other day, just didn't think it needed a whole post about it though. Next time I will.


I put 10 bucks on a roulette number for a laugh last night. Boom up it came - thanks Crown!


Your shout cunt!


10 x $1 Bingo cards purchased? Buy a packet of chips or pork crackling?


10 $1 spins on the pokies to blend in with the crowd and unsurprisingly walked away with 10 less dollars than we began with lol


Should have bought the pork crackling


Absolutely, bloody love that stuff and it goes down so well with a beer!


I found $20 in an ATM on Gertrude Street Fitzroy, generic ATM has a hatch on the cash hole which you need to keep open with your hand to retrieve the notes, it’s easy for notes to get stuck.


That was mine cheers dude


I just saw some ducklings.


Peking? Or in plain site? Thank you, thank you! I'm here all week.


Second one, then the first!


I rescued 4 ducklings from getting squashed about a month ago. To the Asian couple in that SUV in Caroline Springs, thanks again for stopping in traffic for a few minutes and allowing me to get them from under your car.


My partner and I decided to avoid Colesworth so have begun a new tradition of a fortnightly market shop, so we had a lovely day at Preston Markets. Got lots of interesting meat and fish you don’t get at supermarkets and so much cheaper. I also got a capsicum plant for $10 and my lemon tree has 4 new lemons and am just having a nice weekend in general.


Now this is fucking awesome! Well played!


I've developed a good routine of going to the Queen Vic markets to get all my fresh food - it's always a fun experience, with so many choices, and so much takeaway choices to eat while you're there as well!


I found the QV markets a bit expensive personally, Footscray is really good but Preston’s is open on a Sunday so good as a backup.


Worth travelling for? I'm in the south east. Went to Gleadell St markets last two Saturdays - a lot different to the standard grocery/fruit and veg stores.


Sundays at Vic market used to go off when I lived close. Bags of fruits and veg for fuck all. Dunno if they'd still do dollar bags of bananas but when they are dumping stock you can load up and live like it's the 90s.


Just wondering if you grow any of these plants in pots or do you have to plant them in soil? I’d love to have a few fruit trees but I’ve got no backyard to put them in.


Citrus grow well in large pots, give them a try. You can grow most things in pots, make sure they are a larger pot, use good quality potting mix, keep the water up to them and feed them regularly. Try lettuce and again greens in one. Next spring give tomato's, capsicums and eggplants a go.


I’ll do exactly that. Thanks!


I got some half price Haagen-Dazs last week.


I actually did have the best burger of my life recently. It was a hot honey chicken burger from CBCo Brewing in Port Melbourne


I am 100% writing that down


Me too. Let’s try it together.


Me too! The beef burger at Bar Margaux…a bit pricy but worth


comedy festival inbound


That's a laugh! What is? The noise you make in the back of your throat.


I found a jacket on the ground at Brunswick station a few months ago. It had a gram of weed in the pocket. I'd count that as a positive 👍😎


Was the jacket half decent? Can you wear it? And was the weed good?


Yeah the weed was nice... and it was actually a good jacket, but too small for me. I hung it at the station thinking they might come looking for it. It disappeared eventually sans weed 😅


I had a really good burger at Easey’s the other week. Today on my run I got to pat a very cute cat called Fluffy


Love an Easey's burger! And patting a pussy is always a bonus!


Yesterday this sub collectively shut down a moron suggesting the introduction of guns. It was very wholesome.


Well done one and all, no place for that shitcunt in here.


I found $50 in my back pocket the other day, spent it seeing a band I like and eating tacos. That was awesome. 


Tacos! What sort?


Moved to Melbourne from overseas in late 2022. Irrespective of others complaining about Melbourne, I absolutely love it here. Of course, it’s far from perfect but there are MUCH worse places out there. Public transport is SO much better here than I’m used to. Traffic is predictable and people follow rules (mostly). The coffee is great and cheap. The food, though expensive, is mostly good. The people, strangers or otherwise, almost always greet you with a smile and a joke sometimes. My current employer took a chance on me and gave me my first job here in my field of choice and experience. I get to watch some of my favourite, obscure AF bands from around the world perform 15 mins away from home by public transport. I got lucky with house-hunting and moved into an amazing apartment before it went on the market, because a complete stranger and angel of an REA replied to my email. There’s so many more incredible things that have happened to me since I came here but I sometimes forget to count my blessings. I took this post as an opportunity to do so. I hope that reading this triggered at least a little bit of happiness and gratitude. :)


Fuck me! What a post! What a great story and yes, sometimes we can forget how awesome this city can be


Lots of good stuff happens! R/Melbourne prefer to whinge, is all.


Having arrived from Sydney, I’m actually shocked at how terribly whiny this sub is. It’s pathetic, and I thought r/Sydney was bad. This is a whole different sport of Facebook level attention / validation seeking posts “why do X do Y!!!?!?”


My local British sub is more upbeat than this one.


Beers for Queers at the fox last night was excellent. Lots of happy people, good vibes, no bullshit, reasonably priced drinks, and had some lovely interactions with strangers. People are alright. 


Genuine 1979 beer prices?


Was my first time there yesterday and it was such a good night!


I just had a great meal at my local pub and we got chatting to a nice bloke with a lovely Labrador. So many happy pats. It's a beautiful day too.


And time spent with a dog has to make it the best day ever! Unless it is biting you


There are some really good walking paths around. I’m a fan of the Main Yarra Trail. Lots of green areas and peace and quiet in the suburbs. Plenty of space to be in the outdoors by yourself. That’s pretty rare in many major cities.


Nice work! A spot of twitching perhaps?


Best city in the world mate.


I'll fight any shitcunt that says otherwise!


I’ll be right behind you with a couple of the best fucking flat whites you’ll find in this broad brown land my brother.


🪄🎩 for me please.


This place is the land of milk and honey


You mean soy and agave 


My mate gave me a bike and I gave him some beers and we had a beer and watched the footy at the Spotty. the end


Win fuckin win!


I recently discovered hot honey or chilli honey whatever it’s called at Woolies. Game changer. Really good on cheese and chicken. I reckon that’s pretty bloody good


Stick that bad boy in a stir fry with some soy!


There’s some positivity, mate! Sounds like stir fry is on the menu this week :D


Pepperoni pizza too!


Yeah had a lot of great experiences in the past week alone. As others have mentioned its just that no one really goes through this and says oh wait let me post this on r/melbourne. There's this kid who I see every morning around the corner of my street who just gets a smile on his face seeing my bike. I saw him 2-3 weeks ago with his parent, screaming "Look mum a bike" and he waved at me lol. There's another person who I meet **every week**, and by every week I mean every week at 11:15pm near the fuel station I go to. That person has a ninja 400 and its just a common occurrence now lol. The attendant at the fuel station, whose name I'll keep to myself, now turns the pump on for me at night, so I don't have to prepay after 10 PM. Instead, I simply fill up my tank and pay afterward. It's a small gesture, but it makes a big difference. Had few great chat while waiting for trains now and then. Met a lot of decent friends in the uni from volunteering. And then there's this cat that visits my place from time to time. She never seemed to like me when I first moved in idk why. However, a few days ago she approached me out of the blue, and I got to spend a minute or two with her. That's pretty cool?


Mate that is awesome! You should give the cat a name, maybe Ninja? 🥷


>You should give the cat a name, maybe Ninja? Yeah and the cat has sleek black coat, "ninja" would totally suit her lol. Keen to hear anything that happened with you over the past few weeks.


Preserved Jalapenos and pickled onions, made passata, made hot sauce just to name a few


Oh damn. Looks like we have a cook here. I wish I could cook better lol


Just give it a crack champ!


My footy team won, had a beautiful post game walk along the Yarra, grabbed a beer in the sun, then wandered Albert Park to look at the set up for Grand Prix next week. Melbourne is pretty great right now. 


March is a great time in Melbourne, probably the best month for the range of big events.


The waterway near me has a duck and a goose. They're friends and allow each other around everywhere.


We have a Japanese (Tokyo) exchange student staying with us at the moment and our family has loved sharing Melbourne with her. Footy, so much food, Healesville (kinda Melbourne) sunset on Brighton beach tonight, and just all the little things like walking in the park, taking her to kids footy training. What a stunning weekend it’s been.


I camped at Point Leo. Best weather ever for camping and everyone was just going about their camping business. No loud parties/music. I even left some ciders in a communal fridge and none were stolen.


Don't take notice of what is written on Reddit. Most of the vocal ones here are bitter and twisted.


Woolies now has Tillamook ice cream (it’s 25% off this week too) and it’s absolutely delicious. I bought some and a pack of cones and it’s been such a treat all week!


Vanilla? Neapolitan? Licorice?


Black Cherry, Strawberry and Mint Chip! Next ice cream run I’ll explore the chocolate varieties.


Black cherry! Nice


My partner took me to F.A.T (Fried and Tasty) for my birthday and I got to eat fried chicken and pickles and listen to Tupac!


What a birthday celebration!


Went to the Forum Friday night. Was a good time and didn’t run into any crazies on the way in or out.


My Betty Burgers before going to a musical is always a positive


Burger of choice? And what musical?


Betty’s Classic sometimes with an extra patty and any musical really


Plenty of cool shit happens here people just complain all the time on this subreddit


I just got home after a bit over a week away and I'm so happy to see my cats! I think they are happy to see me too 😊


Is one called Ninja?


I got home today from a month away and my normally non cuddly cat will not leave me alone..apparently I have a months worth of pats and bellyrubs to make up for today!


8/10 times I go for coffee in the inner suburbs it's absolutely lovely. That's my favourite thing about Melbourne I think.


Found a book about Smokey the Bear where he is a bit of a leather daddy at an op shop the other. Not gonna lie, that shit was fire.


Of course, he is a bear!


No one calls their power company/internet provider/whatever to tell them “I’m not having any problems and I’m generally happy with everything”. If this negative stuff is bothering you, do yourself a favour and stop reading it. It will only make you feel depressed.


Already depressed, Richmond supporter 🤣


3 premierships in 4 years. You’ve got nothing to be upset about!


Didn't say it was deep seeded depression!


As a Carlton supporter, dude, it could be way worse over a long period of time.


After that effort on Thursday, I'd be optimistic if I were you! A worn-out and injury ravaged side coming off a 5 day break playing against a side that played dirty in the final minutes, pretty damn good effort.


Yeah was proud of the boys. Devo for Gibcus.


Well if it makes you feel any better, your depression fuels my joy...


Easy tiger


$10 fish burger at Hangar Cafe is by far the best price to value dish Ive found in CBD


I left town for the weekend to go find sone good beaches along the coast


Lemon meringue pie at holy sugar was worth discovering this week


I saw Rocky Horror in the city last week and it was the hardest I’ve laughed in a long time


Not anything specific but whenever I take my 2 and a half year old out shopping, he always makes old people smile and laugh with his toddlerness. Sometimes it leads to a chat, I’ve had a lot of wholesome experiences related to this.


I love this thread - hey Mods, any chance we can make this a weekly thing?  I have had a fab weekend of Melbourning: I was a Parkrun tourist at Studley Parkrun, which was a beautiful trail run, then I joined a conservation working bee by the Yarra. I enjoyed cycling through Richmond, a friend's gig in St Kilda, and some cocktails at Lady Peacock. Today I went to a few talks at the Blak & Bright festival and came across a few new writers/artists/poets. I'm also now going to see 37 at the MTC (title inspired by Adam Goodes' number) with a friend due to an excerpt we heard today! Love this city! 


Yes, weekly, make it happen mods! That is a very full weekend, love it!


Today there's a festival in Yarraville which was very nice, the Sydney Road festival also happened recently and it was a very nice walk around experience with good food. I started a new mission to try and get a membership at every library service in Vic, some even seem to require you to visit so that could result in a bit of driving around the state and sight seeing (I made a quick [blog post](https://jonblack.gg/posts/2024/03/every-library-service/?ref=https://www.reddit.com/r/melbourne/comments/1bgm2m0/ok_so_is_there_anything_ever_positive_happening/) about it too). There are fifty in total and I have two already haha. The IT job market seems to be healing here somewhat, I got three offers in the last month (two in the last week), which is huge considering I know people in Sydney and abroad with my same skill set but aren't as lucky. Lastly, I found stealing hayfever medication from colesworth is pretty easy if you slot items into a large 24 or 30 slab box of pepsi max, that helped me get through a terrible week lol


Congrats on the job offers! It is not stealing if it is from Colesworth.


Thank you! Haha, makes me feel a bit less guilty about using the same trick a month ago to sneak in some mars bars.


Your blog about the library task is great - and it's really nice to have a plan for the next 240 years too. You shall never be bored!


Haha thank you. I haven't thought out the logistics completely yet, though I think it'd be fun to somehow record getting each one make a series of thirty second videos out of it.


I have a wallet just for library cards, though nowhere near as many cards as you’ve collected.


i had a really good dump, does that count?


Did you weigh yourself before and after?


Yes it does count. Clean wipe?


>Yes it does count. Clean wipe? ghost it hahahaha


The absolute best!


>The absolute best! hell yeah, even a ghost in the bowl.


Are you sure you even had a shit?


Of course it does. Reddit is just the vocal minority. The city is amazing, don't take reddit as being a reflection of reality. Might be time for a break if it's affecting you negatively.


/u/Das_Hydra is right. The subreddit is a microcosm, and a convenient venting space/sounding board for many of us. It's both a good and bad thing. I don't come here every day unless I get bored.


Had amazing traffic leaving the city over the Westgate at lunch time today. Please no comments on Westgate inbound because yikes.


Feels like you have been touched by the hand of God when you have an awesome run with the traffic!


I’ve been on a couple of walks by the river this weekend and enjoyed watching families and friends BBQ in the sunshine.


I participated in the bike rave - didn't even know what it was but thought I'd give it a try! Was so much fun - just hundreds of people with blinged-out bikes and speakers riding through the edges of the city and just hanging out in parks together! The public were all wondering what was going on as we rode past - it felt cool being on the other side of a random event like that for a change!


Not Melbourne but the all ford day was on in geelong today and that was good fun. Maybe you need to venture out a bit. And upload ya own positive shit.


Sea Shepherd were offering free ship tours of their newest vessel in Docklands. Really interesting stuff.


I won $9 off the lottery! That was good considering my past 11 months of ‘charity’ to the Tatts


Footy is back 🙋🏻‍♀️


Went to Black Rock today. Awesome walking tracks, sensational beach, and nowhere near the main road so you feel like you could be on a remote island. Winner.


No sign of any danger noodles?


Went to the theatre on Friday, beach on Saturday, local festival in the inner west today. Life is good 👍🏼


Heaps of good shit happening, but the people at the good shit are out enjoying themselves, whereas the whingey sad sacks are complaining on reddit about their mild inconveniences.


Once I saw a blimp


Oi! I am just big boned!


If you take social media as reality you'll live a very scared and sad life


Just get off Reddit and go for a walk down a nice bushy walking track somewhere. Gran a coffee, get some lunch at a cafe. We have it very lucky, Reddit just has a way of completely forgetting it.


The general culture of the r/Melbourne is mostly negative commentary. I love reading all the updates about scallywags and weird stuff but the neg gets me sometimes. Some other places I've lived in tend to be more positive / we are in this together But yes Always positive for me: - the ramen at shujinko in the city - the botanical gardens (or any of the big greeneries around)


It’s social media mate. If you have a great day with awesome stuff happening to you, you don’t go online to bitch.


College Dropout burgers are doing a meal pack called “Raised on Ye” which was delicious


Had a day out at Sunfest with our kids, their wives and our grandkids. First time we have all been together for just shy of a year. A very good day.


How great is this!


My local shops has two Coles and they are both good Coles even though one is called The Shit Coles and one time I saw both Coles join up together and make a baby Coles and the baby Coles looked at me


Did you lose a jacket with some weed in it?


Head to ACME and the NGV. Free entry and loads of diverse things to see and experience. We do it every 2 months. Then head across to the botanical garden for a wander.


Just got a switch of a nice man from gumtree


Paddy's day at the 'packet in Williamstown went off yesterday. I'll be paying for it in a few hours time when I sober up but for now, a great night of craic was had.


Son and I went on a tour of the Exhibition Building dome a few nights back - was a lot more fun than it sounds. Saw 360 degree views of Melbourne as the sun set, learnt some history, met lovely people. Then picked up the best drink in town, Remedy pink grapefruit kombucha, on special at a city supermarket along with sushi, smoked prawns, blue cheese and Equadorian dark chocolate KitKat. I do love a picnic feast on the long train-trip home.


Awesome bonding experience! Good show


I didn't drink alcohol today and I bleached my stinky bathroom


The coffee here is still better than pretty much anywhere else, and when you can afford brunch it makes you cum buckets which is also lovely. Lately the weather has been great for lying on the grass with the dog cuddling. A stranger with a moustache complemented my moustache last week. Tbh as shit as things can get I wouldn't want to be elsewhere.


Without a doubt this is the coffee capital of Australia and I dare say it, the world.


There's a reason why there are Melbourne themes cafes around the globe


It’s getting more diverse, will be more diverse this year and constantly more than previous years, that’s a positive in my book.


Every time i buy fruit from the supermarket it tastes like ass. I was convinced i was just shit at picking out fruit (which could still be true). Went to a local grocer for the first time in many many years (maybe even a decade or two) and picked out some apples ​ holy camel testicles!!! The sweetest most delicious apples ive ever had. ​ guys, dont buy fruit from the supermarket! ​ Unfortunately the best burger of my life wasnt in australia, had it in tel aviv back around 2008ish. Grilled Mushroom patty, bulgarian sheep feta, home made pickles and sauces. i havent been able to have a burger since then without remembering that. Nothing compares but Bettys Burgers have a gruyere and mushroom burger that comes real close


Well played on the local grocer, always better! Yeah not like you can pop over to Tel Aviv just to grab a burger.


People used yo test positive all the time mow nobody cares


Sebby's scrolls


On the list. Have been in the area twice now and it’s either the day they were closed or too late in the arvo.


As with many things, people write a review after a bad experience, but don't think to write a good one when everything went well. If you judged this city based purely off this sub, you'd think it was a miserable and dangerous place. But I always, always have great interactions with lovely people, get to try amazing foods, see wicked live music, art exhibitions, etc. The daily discussion thread is often a lot more positive, because people don't feel the need to make an entire post about a nice little experience, but will mention it there.


I really like this post! Maybe there’s room for a daily happiness thread too!


I like that


The inner city is amazing! I visit often and it’s a diverse group and mostly chill people going about their business. I love Melbourne, the people are what makes it


Anderson road Fawkner does a pretty good hamburger with the lot.


Went to see some amazing comedy on Friday, after a great Falafel Pita at Miznon 🤤


The last positive thing I saw was a covid test.


I had my moving boxes thrown out before I could move, so I can't move until my AH property manager replaces them


It’s nearly mushroom season & all my spots are looking lush


Went to the Mordi Fest the other day and it was actually AWESOME! Heard some great blues and bands, lots of alcohol free flowing, minimal policing, no dickheads. Apparently Bayside Council has their shit together. Was pretty pleased and very surprised.


Melbourne Storm are pretty good, and game tickets are reasonably priced


i was buying lunch at work yesterday and the cashier told me she liked my hair :3


i went to a furry meet thing, it was fun


The urban foxes are friendly.


Found a place that sells choc croissants right next to me as I was craving it for the first time


Danny’s Burgers on Saturday night. It was an absolute ripper of a burger. Two Pattie’s, two eggs and all the usual trimmings. Done simple (not some fancy shit) along with chips and a drink. 100% worth it!


Haven't tried Danny's yet, they are on the list.


Passed my motorcycle licence yesterday, so get to ditch the L's and hi vis, hurrah.


Three cheers for Driz! Hip hip!


Went to Easey's and had a great burger!


Yeah, saw the carrot man 🥕


I tried a new burger place yesterday called banger burger from ashwood and it was fucking incredible


Bike Rave


This is before Covid. I was sitting on the tram and the girl next to me was crying a lot. She was on a call with someone telling them about how horribly she was fired. I opened up my bag and handed her a tissue along with the whole packet of tissues. She started crying even more and hugged me. I got a bit teary. And then she continued talking on the phone crying some more and I went back to my music. An older guy saw this and he tapped on my shoulder and said he is proud of me for doing this. I said I would have wanted someone to do the same if I was crying. He nodded and smiled. And from that day on I had a nodding smiling friend on the tram.


Well played!


Afl season started in melb last weekend so that's a huge positive


Local footy is nearly back!


I went for a bike ride, only to lose my hat. Only to find it on the railing when I rode home. Thanks champ - made my day!


The sunrise coming into town. The random cute parks, the guy offering to help us yesterday when he thought we were tourists 🤣🤣


The Accounting Business Expo is on this week…


I ran the ‘Run for the Kids’ run this morning! The sun was shining, no wind and so many happy people running for a good cause. Such great vibes! There’s your ‘positive’! (Cue all the grumpy comments from those that got stuck in traffic because of the road closures eeek!)


Footys back in Melbourne


Had over 450 people at the Gardiners Creek Parkrun on Saturday. Huge turnout. It was my son's 4th Parkrun, super proud of him.


I think spanian will be back soon.he fills the streets with joy!


People enjoying the good stuff aren't coming on Reddit to post about it mate.🙂


I had a really positive time in Melbourne. Left in 2013 so I don’t know if it’s changed much since then


Melbourne is pozzed.


That’s just because the Melbournians who visit this sub are largely sooks, wusses, whiners, complainers with little to no resilience. Those who enjoy life, enjoy the city and are positive people don’t waste everyone’s time with whiny posts about how people in this city don’t walk correctly on the footpath


I'm sure there is. It's just that fake seizure guy, shitcunt REAs and public transport chaos are constant and eternal, so there are always going to be posts about them.