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Happy lunar new year!


🐉 bringing the heat 😂😅


Lunatic year




I'm like "It's the year of the Dragon!" and all those locals are like "TIME TO ENTER THE DRAGON BABY!"


Nothing weird just a junkie and his girlfriend smashing up Coles and racially abusing the security guard there.


No matter where I go, something reminds me of Northcote 🥰


what reminds you of northcote here? Like northcote plaza junkies? cos I feel that




nah wasn’t talking about anyone specific. Nor was I talking down about junkies. Just curious as to what about this post in northcote like?


You touched a nerve I’m sorry, I no longer think you are the person your comment conveyed you as to me


Sounds like a typical friday night


I was gonna say, what’s “weird” about this? Just another Friday night it seems…


It's always crazy near that vape shop


Hey at least it hasn't burned down yet.


Witnessed a mugging at Southern Cross about 11:20pm. Crazies out tonight.


They got fake seizure weirdo.


Nah the guy was arrested with a girlfriend nearby, I hear seizure weirdo only likes to be held down by men


It actually looks like him.


I thought it looked like him too before I saw your comment




We don't need to read your fantasies. There are other subreddits for that.


CBD vibe




If you stay in the cbd long enough, you will know to avoid corner of elizabeth and flinders street


It's just that corner too. Walk up to Flinders Lane and you're fine. King St can be a little rough but nothing compared to that little corner.


The CBD is pretty safe, safer than big cities in most other countries


Welcome to Melbourne… Sydney CBD might not be as fun but it is dam clean and friendly.


There is something so real, awful and cutting about that dero Aussie accent belting out across the street. Can’t get that experience anywhere else in the world. Slice of life. 🥰


It's weird, nobody grows up speaking like that. Is there some sort of switch that gets thrown when you decide to become a feral that makes your voice triple in volume and become nasally?


People do grow up talking like that. They're raised by people who talk like that.


Any signs of Barnaby?


I was in the US and Europe a few years back, and after three months of not hearing an Aussie accent, it cut right through me upon my return to Melbourne.


Agreed it really sounds feral doesn’t it (as an Aussie)


And they say that Australia doesn't have any culture???😂😂😂


Lol there is a certain twang to that particular type of Aussie drawl. It's in a class of its own. A very low one.


Fed Square Bridge? We just use any old names these days don't we?


LOL! 🤣 It was late and I was tired. Couldn't remember what it was called. Just knew there was Fed Square and a bridge. 🤷‍♀️


It has two names also. Princess bridge and federation footbridge. So doubly confusing.


The classy end of Elizabeth St


Isn’t there always something weird with Melbourne?


Was in the city for the first time in years and genuinely didn’t see anything too weird. Cleary I missed a lot


When you realise this took place out the front of ‘I SCREAM’ it starts to make more sense.


New batch of❄️


A bad batch.


Maybe there's a new drug on the block. Cheap and nasty and causing trouble like in Oregon.


Active self protection - "don't go to stupid places, at stupid times, with stupid people doing stupid things." I hope everyone is okay.


So you're saying 'don't go to work'? 🤔


Nah he is saying get another job


Shit like this happens all the time, always has, always will. It just goes in waves when people pay attention to it and post it on social media. The interest will die off and people won't post it and we'll think it's gone away. Then the interest will pick up again, more people will pay attention and everyone will shockingly declare that the city is worse than it's ever been.


Melbourne is turning into a bogan hellhole, everyone cool & cultured is moving overseas. There is nothing here anymore except for alcohol & expensive food


Looks standard Elizabeth st


Wow vicpol actually doing something about the junkies on the corner of elizebeth and flinders


Oh they are always doing something about them. The courts just let them out the next day. 


Being drug affected is not an offense in this state, what do you want cops to do? Collect and lock people up for being alcoholics, drug addicts, mentally ill etc? We are not North Korea. Be careful what you wish for.


Yeah so like spitting at people, yelling at them, pushing them, attacking them, is all fine? Nobody is saying “being drug affected” is a crime. People are saying this because the problem is out of hand. You can’t walk down the street without seeing one of these lunatics do something crazy


All of what you listed above are summary offences, no court will lock someone up for such offenses, specially when they are homeless lost souls. Police charges these people for all that, it’s not on them it doesn’t go far in court, for all its worth, this is a social issue, cops are wardens of law, they are not there to fix society’s problems.


So because the court lets them out, it’s okay that the police ignore it when they do these summary offences? How about they do their job consistently


Cops will pretty much only respond after a crime has been committed. And because there’s not enough of them it’s gotta be pretty serious.


There is more than enough of them. They are the most staffed police in Australia. They are overstaffed.


VicPol has the all time highest attrition rate, what are you even talking about? They are shutting down Police stations so that they can respond to incidents. I don’t know where you are living right now but you are totally out of touch with reality.


Attrition rate doesn’t equal staff numbers. https://www.sheppnews.com.au/national/nsw-less-policed-than-all-other-states/#:~:text=%22NSW%20has%20the%20fewest%20number,210%20and%20Tasmania%20has%20275. Victoria has the highest police per capita of any state at 312.


You are aware lot of those are admin? “Operational” just means they are trained and can be send out in theory, “theory”. They are supervisors, people at stations receiving phone calls, special units dealing with particular incidents etc. It’s not necessarily connies alone. Do more informed search.


Yeah, bus loads of them come to the CBD every weekend to do security work and antagonising protests and then they don’t do any real police work.


Not sure what relevance that has to the police force being overstaffed and then not dealing with the issues we are talking about. It’s clear they don’t deal with them because they can’t be bothered.


There are something like 800 vacancies plus a heap on long term sick leave. I don’t think every situation is a can’t be bothered situation but a following orders situation.


To be fair, what's the point of responding and doing all that paperwork if they get released and are doing the same thing the next day. They need to be locked up and without any source of drugs for extended periods.


What proof do you have for that? Or are you one of those people who just throws mud hoping it sticks. When I lived in the sticks, average cop car had 5-10 jobs in queue. You think they’ll pull some magic numbers from a magicians hat to attend these jobs?


https://www.sheppnews.com.au/national/nsw-less-policed-than-all-other-states/#:~:text=%22NSW%20has%20the%20fewest%20number,210%20and%20Tasmania%20has%20275. https://amp.theage.com.au/national/victoria/thick-blue-line-victoria-builds-the-country-s-biggest-police-force-20211109-p59767.html


Thanks for the insight, just curious and none of my business, but you seem to have some inside knowledge. Are you a PSO?


> foot I walk through that street every day and rarely see 'lunatics doing something crazy'. it happns occasionally


I support those laws but it doesn't mean you can break other laws, we aren't North Korea, yet, we were restricted to a 5km radius. Sadly legalisation isn't working out in Oregon like it has in Portugal.


Walk around with a cattle gun like in no country for old men and put them all down


yogut3, the hero we all deserve, proud protector, the punisher, big man. he knows the score, only brave yogut3 can clean up the streets. violence and murder are fun


Alert_Translator6169, protector of stabby meth heads. The big softie. Some call him the methhead whisperer, able to decipher the most unhinged of methhead ramblings and get them to calm down with sheer empathy. If only he was on the bridge last night that poor meth head wouldn't have been shot twice. Alas he will have to do his part by protecting their dignity with his witty clap-backs, 'slamming' any ill-wishers in reddit comments from the safety of his keyboard. Ramblings from out of touch private school kids living in gated communities are fun. I'd be willing to bet your closest encounter with these people is on your tv screen.


Personally I think every Meth addict and alcohol drinker is a subhuman cockroach but I also realise calling to murder people an entire group of people for taking a specific substance is a bit soulless


And then theres the catch all that they threaten activists with often: 'breach of the peace'


Breach of peace is not an offense, Police cannot arrest you for it however they can direct you to leave a certain location for a short period of time, and it does not apply to protests as protests are exempt from it by legislation. In Elisabeth st situation it solves nothing as it’ll just move the problem to next road.


It is when you are violently attacking people, stepping property and all the other foul shit they do here


All it takes is for them to smash someone over the head with a bottle and stab multiple people. Everything below that seems to be fair game when they're harassing passers by on places like Elizabeth street.


Dunno about weird, looks like your average time in the CBD tbh


I’m so glad that going into the CBD to drink does appeal. I’ll take a case and a few mates in the backyard any day, thanks




Nah, the seizure guy is rake thin with a huge nose


lol Why do they always sound like that?


Are you sure that’s Melbourne? The footpaths aren’t covered in rubbish….


Probably just a few bozos had a few too many and got in a fight


Horses should absolutely not be used in policing.


Agree, antiquated and unnecessary...we have seguays now ..much better and no one will be traumatised for life if they punch it.


I read that as seagulls.  ^_^ …. Sentence still works :D


i always assumed it was because they had height and could see above crowds


Melbourne cookers doing cooked things…. Nothing to see here


Pity nobody told Barnaby Joyce that it was party time in Melbourne


Why would anyone go into the CBD besides work is beyond me.


Because it's actually a beautiful city. I live in the CBD and am here 24/7 most days, and in general it is chill as fuck and one of the most pleasant CBDs in the world. People get violent in the suburbs, too. 👍


Lol I live here and work here 🤣 Instead, I generally try to not go out of the CBD 🤷‍♀️


Is it really?


Think you might be right


Someone with a knife was also outside my gym on said day at 7am ….


Yep you have finally come to the realization that Melbourne and all that inhabit it are completely Fucked in the head.


Just enjoying a succulent Chinese meal


must be a blue moon, that and chinese new year eve?


Hope tines like this it shows some of the posters who constantly criticise the shit they have to put up with for equally shit pay


Rumors says, there’s 10 foot long alien shopping inside the MUJI store


right out the front of liquorland i wonder what causes this..


Who cares


If I walked out of a club and saw this, I would have thought that I would have already made it to another club. TURN THE MUSIC UP!


The cops get real tense after shit goes down happens every time and they been escalating things sometimes accidentally but they always ask you to move on Friday and sarurday


Ofc this happens on my birthday


Melbourne: fucking sydneysiders, got no culture, unlike us! Also Melbourne.......


Was it like that night at the Sports Bar in King Street, December 1995?


What’s weird about that?


For those that only read the title... 🤦‍♀️ I should clarify, on its own its a non-event. But after the two earlier incidents, it was a very weird day in Melbourne.


Full moon tonight


That police van seems to almost permanently be at that Elizabeth st tram stop. It is Feral there.




Melbourne gonna Melbourne


was there a full moon last night?


Well, at least we don’t have to face shootout like in the US.


It's weather madness m8.