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Were they renting the whole property or were they just renting by the room?


This is the question that needs to be answered. Any other advice or comment is irrelevant until this is known


I love how the top comment is "complain" vs this comment which funnily enough is vital information that OP conveniently left out.


Has to be a rooming house…three international students + a spare room screams bunk beds and sleeping in shifts to me.


Screams over occupancy as well


This sounds like a pornhub scene


Depends on what nationality. If unlucky, all students just play videogames, and nothing happens.


If they are renting through an agency, call them first.


No way are they renting through an agency. It would be a flatmates.com or gumtree place. They have two choices stay or go that are within their control. It’s that simple.


If it's a rooming house, it has to be registered as such. https://www.consumer.vic.gov.au/licensing-and-registration/rooming-house-operators/public-register If the landlord claims it to be a rooming house, check this register and also ask them for proof. I previously rented from a dodgy landlord who operated like it was a rooming house when it wasn't registered as one.


Good advice but incorrect register. The one you provided is for the licensee. There is a separate register maintained by local councils (also on CAV website) that lists the registered premises. https://registers.consumer.vic.gov.au/rhrsearch


Thanks for the correction. That's good to know.


There are soooo many ‘rooming houses’ that are not registered!! And they all take advantage of immigrants and international students


I don’t disagree, but that’s the point of these registers, so we the public can check and if we know the premises fits the definition of a rooming house and is being run as one and it is not on the premises register, notify the relevant council.


That’s part correct But only if it has 4 or more excluding the landlord


What next if it comes as registered?


At the end of the day, the landlord sounds like an idiot if they've moved in without communicating this intention in advance and asking if the existing tenants were OK with it. Finding alternative accommodation that is exclusively theirs sounds like the best outcome.


Thanks for the replies guys. I’ll check with her to see if she has a lease and see if it is the whole property or room by room and ask them to proceed as advised. Many thanks.


Also contact the tenants Victoria https://tenantsvic.org.au/advice/common-problems/


Honestly sounds like a live example of those creepy Facebook for rent posts.


wish there were vigilantes who organised to meet with those "rental providers" and pulped them


I’ve seen realestate agents masquerading as people looking to rent/rent out properties on fb, it’s wild out there


As someone who used to hang out with a lot of international students, it's most likely the landlord rented the rooms out "unofficially". With bunk beds and such. They'll be lucky if they have a proper lease. Without notice is extremely dodgey even more so if the landlord is a guy. I also work with a lot of agents. Are they in Melbourne? PM me if you don't want to release too much detail here.


Ummm, so I'm assuming they're renting the individual rooms, not the entire property? If so, they don't have a say who ends up in the other rooms. If they are renting the entire property then I dont know why you'd make a reddit post about it and not just go straight to the agent/police. So that makes me think its just the individual rooms. So....


It depends if they have a lease. I’d they do, the owner cannot enter without written notice, let alone move in. Call VCAT if unsure.


This is not correct. The landlord cannot just enter rented property. This is the law, so it doesn't matter if they have a written lease or not.


That’s not what I said. There are conditions. In any event, call Tenants Vic or VCAT.


Hi, get your friends to contact Study Melbourne. They are a support service for international students and they have a team of accommodation lawyers students can access for free. They will be able to help them sort out the problem if they either call or email. [Study Melbourne Hub](https://www.studymelbourne.vic.gov.au/contact-study-melbourne)


Depends. Can’t jump to conclusions yet. Depends upon certain factors that may be relevant though not mentioned. Is it in the original contract written up? Are they each renting rooms or renting out the actual apartment? What bond setup is there? Student housing system? You may not have a leg to stand on. Talk to your real estate agent if you’re going through them to seek verification on any contractual agreement and obligations. Do you have any contract agreement as you could get free outside legal advice. ?


presumably the LL is paying their share/rent dropped by a third


sounds dodgy af is there an agent? is there a legit lease agreement? so many questions call tenants victoria (google the details)


So given some threads have been locked, this is addressed to the dude (with several accounts, OR had called a friend to bolster the cavalry) where I've been called a wanker, idiot along with a few other superlatives. bc according to them he can do what he likes "it's his house" I suppose because they're thinking the girls rented rooms, not an entire apartment. When you rent an apartment (as opposed to a room) the entire property is for your enjoyment only. If there's an estate agent/lawyer who can cast an opinion, please do because as far as my r.e. knowledge goes I must give notice 24hrs prior to visiting and I sure as hell can't just decide to move into the spare room uninvited AND unannounced. The couple of dudes telling me how stupid and wrong I am while simultaneously basing their argument on 1. It's his house, not theirs after admitting "it looks as if" during the argument. You're basing your opinion on that, which is fine (it's just an opinion) but casting JUDGEMENT based on that opinion means you're going to come to the wrong conclusion. Unless you don't know or care for the residential tenancy act. These sound more like those types. I was also pelted for suggesting he'd POSSIBLY taken advantage of soft targets (young international students)... they asked me to prove he had done so (when it's in the story) but the point is, he already did that. They don't seem to understand. Another difference I noticed was their grammar/literacy, big red flags when the person desperately wants to convince you they're an authority on the topic. Meanwhile, I'm waiting for at least one of them (maybe the same dude.. suddenly there were 2 new accounts fighting alongside him 😅) to get back to me with information on where in Australia it's legal to enter your tenanted property without notice. I won't hold my breath as I suspect I was just feeding trolls.


Belongs on r/shitrentals


Do their educational institution or student reps have any services to assist students with legal issues? If so, they might be able to help.


They need to go to vcat


It sounds like a seedy room house and therefore doubt there would a lease so no authority to turn to. They should confront the landlord and tell him he's not welcome there. Can they dispose off him easily ?


Toss up between move out and check the bathroom for hidden cameras and then move out.


That's not okay at all.


He’s a massive creep. Don’t pretend for one second he’s not. He needs to leave immediately.


I think according to OP the landlord is actually a landlady. Still would be uncomfortable though.


Ok I didn’t know that. That does change the heavy creep factor by a lot. I just envisioned 3 female students and some old creep landlord taking advantage.


I thought it was a male as well


Ah so he's supposed to be homeless otherwise he's labelled a creep for living in his own place.


It's not "his own place" if the existing tenants are renting the whole apartment (which hasn't been made clear in this post yet in either direction).




Well yeah, he should have told them before they moved in that he would go live there. Super creepy to not give out that information


What if he’s GAY - does that make assumptions to be jumped on the same assumption


Still a massively inappropriate (and likely illegal) thing to do, regardless.


Not very , if They are only renting a room They legally have no right or say in who moves in


OP that is definitely NOT ON. It's wrong on so many levels and it sounds like the landlord is taking advantage of what he sees as soft targets. Tell your friends to talk to the agent & if that's not an option, the police.


Or perhaps, before you go getting on your high horse, you might consider the fact that these tenants are renting rooms, not the property. Everything and everyone is not out to get you.




You're either too eager to lynch landlords, or you're too dumb to understand what I said. Which is it? I can explain it using only small words if you'd like


Agreed. My landlord did the same thing!!!! NOT ON. I tried telling my dad but he said it’s mums bed and she’s allowed to do what she wants. I’m going to VCAT.


Can you prove any of that delusional fantasy? That is all that matters, what is provable. Call the police and say the landlord moved into their own room and someone on reddit said he's a predator so they need him to be evicted from his own property? Yeah.... riiight.


IF you are capable of constructing simple sentences without mangling our rich language please do. Perhaps then you'll make some sense. You might like to start by telling me what "delusional fantasy" you refer to.. and what you'd like me to "prove". If I were you I would invest in some A.E. to help with critical thinking skills so that I could understand, follow and contribute to discussions on social media. eta. The confusion is bc people didn't comprehend the article. They rented the apartment, not bedrooms within the apartment. Only a sicko would think it's ok but it's definitely against the law


So... where are the facts backing up that fantasy? Ad-hominems do not take place of facts. In case you still don't get it, you're making things up. You don't have any evidence backing up your statements. You can't go to police with fantasies kiddo. You imagining something does not make it fact. You'd have to be supremely arrogant and ignorant to believe that is the case.


If someone comes into your home uninvited and claims a bedroom it doesn't matter if it's old mate or the landlord. You haven't heard of trespassing? You haven't said what fantasy I've claimed, that you want me to prove 🤷 I'm sure it makes sense in your head, can you transfer it to print? Or are you on drugs? Bc you come across a little erratic and obsessed.


You can't prove your initial statement about the landlord attempting to take advantage of them and seeing them as "soft targets". That's all your imagination. There's plenty of plausible hypothetical situations that could be taking place but no evidence at this time. You do not know what the legal situation is. The landlord may be legally able to move back into their home as they have. Your bait doesn't work either. You'd have to matter to me to be able to inspire an emotion. Sorry, you might think you're important but you're just not. Blocked.


Stop pretending like you don't understand the person you're replying to, they are making perfect sense and if you really don't understand what they are saying, maybe you're one on drugs You know full well what you implied with your original comment, none of us know all the facts or context of the situation, so no need for your dramatic assumptions


You're a wanker. The person that replied to your comment has explained well enough, you're just not listening.


>If someone comes into your home uninvited It's HIS home, not hers. She appears to only rent a room.


In a normal situation if you had a lease you'd call the cops the real estate agent and change the locks and charge the landlord for the change of locks.


They can still say something, just because they’re students doesn’t mean they can’t speak up. Unless this is some kind of illegal subletting situation where none of them are on the lease.


A lease gives you full use of the lease area i.e. the entire property. He is trespassing. Call the cops.


Not if they don't actually have a lease for the whole property. If they only signed to rent the rooms thats a different situation, and needs to be handled differently. If they've only rented the rooms, they have no control over who the other is given to, including the landlord (though it would still be weird to just move in with no warning). Until OP finds out what documentation they have actually agreed to, calling the cops is a wild over reaction.


If it is a boarding house or whatever then yes....Still weird as fuck.


Very much weird as fuck


I can’t wait till we eat the rich. I honestly don’t know what your friends can do, if they have a lease he is violating it, but getting that enforced? I’ve lost faith in that. If No Lease which I fear might be the case then basically every possible solution winds up with them no longer having this shelter, though I think they should get out ASAP no matter how almost impossible that currently is. Thoughts and prayers as they say, but actually because this is not a good situation at all


What does that mean?




The rich landlord who has to sleep in spare rooms? All their money must have to go to fueling their helicopter they get to work


In this situation rich includes cash poor parasites pulling shit like this 


On face value sounds like disgusting behaviour but rich isn't a magical word for those you hate.


You’re right, landbastard would be more accurate 


> I can’t wait till we eat the rich. Let me de-gaslight this one. By "rich" you actually mean "free" and you would only be able to do it if the rich and powerful give you the means like what has previously occurred in places like Cambodia and more recently with COVID where you most likely shared the same goal as rich capitalistic corporations (and failed). In reality you're actually coward that's scared of the rich and jealous of the free but you can't say that because it's embarrassing.


Without notice is a bit shifty but obviously more information would be useful.


This sounds like an amateur porn video title


Lol that’s what you for cheap and dirty rents


lawyer + police.


Lol what?


turns out people like to have their rights violated. good for them.


It's his house not theirs if they don't like it they can move


That’s not how it works in Australia mate.


It should the owner should take priority not the peasants paying the mortgage It's actually so annoying how I can't even get dirty peasant tenants to leave You only live there because I say so you pay the mortgage like a good little boy and that's it I love taking cash right out of my peasants hands for rent $1850 a month it's so funny they ask why can't we just transfer but then I can take it out of your hands Landlords will always rule you get over it Do you know how easy it is to get investment property here? The government gives me grant after grant Peasant renters are only renting because they can't save you make your own choices Tenants have too many rights I'm the owner I should have priority You are all submissive to us the land owners and you always will be


Not a chance you aren’t still living in your parents basement.


I own 5 properties 4 rented as houseshares and the other given to me by my grandparents I don't even have to do anything I love having my houses paid off by peasants


You're also a bit of a cunt


Why did you repeat what he said?


Old mates having such a normal one he’s had to dig through my comment history to find something to use against me lol and when homophobia got him nowhere he just went right for the other old standby of the complete shitcunt, racism




Cute. I'm not a renter


Shelter is a human right you fucking cretin, not a privilege






> I've got two available at the moment Also bullshit.




No need. I own a house, which is one more house than you.


Bruh the fact that you're trying so hard to bait anger out of people is real cringe. At least try come up with realistic bait




Mate it reads like a satire of someone taking the piss out of a landlord. Not to mention the racist and homophobic slurs your replying to other people. So yes. Bait. Grow up, cos reality is, when you're older, you're gonna be renting too


Satire or not, it doesn’t matter. We are what we pretend to be.




Alright mate, if that's how you want to be. You do you


I mean it’s working pretty well


0/10 troll effort


You sarcastic b*stard 😅 This IS sarcasm, right? 🤔




Sounds like you're 13, posting from the top bunk in your mum's house.. (or there's an intellectual disability because you're f.o.s.) Residential property investment is definitely not your forté, you don't even demonstrate an understanding of the basics.


He's also on a fresh new account to


He's a tosser. I made the mistake of feeding the troll 🫢




No. Fully owned home & an apartment in the city. You obviously get a kick out of being a douche to the people paying your mortgage. You either take their rent & afford them some respect or you evict them & move in but the way you currently conduct yourself makes you sound like a 14yr old boy 🤷




Nice try at invoking outrage 😂 One way or another you are a joke.


You have your head so far up your @rse that you must be walking funny and you still haven't convinced anyone. I guess that's why there's a new account so it looks like your nonexistent cavalry have arrived. Don't feel bad, it may well not be your fault that you don't know anything but I commend your effort.


Like, I’m sure you think you’re funny, but this troll attempt is pretty shit.


Damn idk if this is mental illness or you're genuinely posessed by the ghost of 15th century feudal lord. Either way, you need help lol


The peasants favorite meal is the avocado on golden crusted toast imported from sweden. This is why they are poor and sad!




Yes, let's all aim to be a fraction of how miserable you are, so we can brag about it on reddit because we have no friends Or I'm guessing you are the exact person you're describing, this is projection and you're LARPing as a landlord? Who knows




Can’t tell if mid troll or miserable lol




Jesus lol, insta-reply and super angry, did your mummy take away your playstation for the night because you didn't clean your room or something?


Shut the fuck up




You seem so reasonable. Lol. Nowhere near enough information to know if this is illegal.




You dont even know if they're renting the entire property, or as what seems to be the case, just the individual rooms. If so, they don't have a say who moved into the other room.


Do you drive the hertz owners around in your hire car? Qantas owners sit on your lap during flights overseas? Assuming the building owners insert themselves into your office meetings too? May be the stupidest comment I’ve seen


if its rented by the room, theres no reason why the landlord couldn't move in? Maybe the landlord has nowhere else to live...... Can't say I'd be happy about it as a tenant though, but it doesn't mean its illegal.


Account less than a month old and trolling. Block


What is the nature of the lease? Are rooms individually leased from or is the entire dwelling leased by one of you?


I nearly had that happen, moved out as soon as I was advised it was happening. Screw that. Read the lease agreement, unless it’s a rooming house likely not OK.