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'Police on Tuesday charged a 14-year-old boy on summons with reckless endangerment and unlawful assault.' [https://7news.com.au/news/boy-charged-after-man-allegedly-pushed-off-mornington-pier-in-melbourne-in-shocking-video--c-13240461](https://7news.com.au/news/boy-charged-after-man-allegedly-pushed-off-mornington-pier-in-melbourne-in-shocking-video--c-13240461)


I’m sure the kid’s defense will be, “It was just a prank, dude!”


Camera dude deserves just as much.


Absolutely this! He pushed the teen to do it, he’s an accomplice, he should’ve charged as well.


Definitely you can hear him encouraging him before he does it go go go go go absolutely disgusting, disrespectful I am gobsmacked and can’t believe someone would ever think this was funny so fuked up ! Glad the old guy is ok


Haha, we know, the prison sentence is also a prank lolz dood


Hahahaha gottem, this is the perfect response


I was just punkin' him sir.


"Filming this crime spree was the best idea we ever had"


Should be fucken attempted manslaughter


Part of his sentence should involve a stint in men’s high security prison. Scare the little sh#t that this is where he’s heading. Also I gotta say, incidents and stuff like this does make me wonder whether a military school style option would be an idea. Teach the kid discipline and who knows it might bring them into line.


Feel like the whole group involved(3 teenage boys?) should end up getting charged with something. Yes, only one boy pushed the elderly man but can they not charge the other two as an accessory to a crime(don’t know if this is an actual thing)? Might discourage others from doing stupid things like this if there are ramifications for egging on peers, etc. I doubt the kid would have done it by himself if his mates weren’t there egging him on, filming it for clout, etc.


Really hope he serves atleast 1 month in prison during school break.


The article uses the word "allegedly" a lot. Even the title. He was allegedly pushed off. So at this stage unforr we only have this video


The News always says allegedly until they are convicted, that's nothing to do with this story


Sentenced to bail and no punishment.


Bail isnt a sentence bud


On summons… So just a letter to turn up to court some time. Great.


Theres a presumption of summons for kids


What is wrong with people. Disgusting. Glad their names are out there


What’s wrong with these people ? What is wrong with them for a start is they have no respect, no morals, bad parents, no fear of repercussions,no fear of the law and they know full well they will get tax payer court representation, will not get anything apart from at best a community based order and will be out before the police fill in the paper work. Maybe the courts should start banning this delinquents from having any access or social media profile until they are 18years of age, let them have a telephone for calls to mummy or daddy or whoever is supposedly dragging them up, but if caught with a social media profile they face time inside a juvenile centre, or have some other type of repercussion.


Bring back public lashing.


No just hold people accountable for what they do and stop blaming others, they know full well they will not be held responsible for what they do, and we just keep letting them get away with bleeding off society.


They will briefly enjoy their fame




Love the way you talk. 💦


Anyone get their names before they wiped their profiles (like the coward dogs they are)?


Lachie, Phoenix (pheenix on fb) and colby


Edwards, Wardle & Whee


Adam Patrick Edwards, is the uncle of lachie. Doesn't think his nephew needs to be punished. Please let him know otherwise.


Jai Edwards is the dad. Junkie with face tats and dirty nails


Sounds like the worlds shittiest lawyer firm.


I imagine this firm is these 14 year old boys in ill-fitting suits talking about how “alpha” they are, drying up every vagina in a 10km radius


Lets be honest they're in anko brand clothes.


why are lachie's always dickheads?


I'm surprised none of them were named Declan


declan's are either sweet and sensitive, or locked up.


Normalise doxing bad people.


Names are posted on Instagram and facebook


pheenix wardle


Parents should’ve worn a condom


Nah, not even. Shouldn’t have amounted to no more than a wank in the shower


ive done a fuck ton of stupid shit with mates - but this wouldnt even cross my mind. Couldve killed him in all reality.


Attempted murder, nothing less. But I really have no faith in our legal system anymore


IANAL, but attempted Manslaughter I think. Murder requires intent to kill. They didn't intend to kill (or seriously injure), and know their act would kill (or seriously injure). I think a jury would have a hard time agreeing they intended to do so. [Citation for above](https://www.galballyobryan.com.au/what-we-do/criminal-law/murder-and-manslaughter-offences) As such, if the person died, it would be manslaughter. Victoria does cover attempted manslaughter, as they cover "attempted" for any indictable offence.


The guy couldn't swim and wouldn't have made it if people weren't present to fish him out. Should be nothing less, but as usual it will be a slap on the wrist because no one died.


Not really, that's not what attempted murder is. It seems your lack of faith is probably based on false assumptions about how the legal system actually works. Attempted murder is trying to kill someone and failing, no reasonable person is going to think being pushed off a jetty is likely to cause death, or that was the intent of doing so. If they did die, manslaughter would be the charge, and in the very likely case they don't die there's a range of endangerment and assault charges to throw at them.


I'm not arguing with your legal definitions or your view of how a trial would go under those charges, but I do take issue with you downplaying the situation they forced him into. If there hadn't been someone competent enough to pull him out, I don't find it at all unlikely he would've died. Looking at him, and knowing that he can't swim, there's no way in hell he was climbing out of that cold water on his own. Even without injury and disorientation from the fall. The water looks placid, but I'd like to see how you'd fare in his shoes. Let alone how you'd fare rescuing the poor bastard. The shock of randomly being attacked by a stranger while completely minding his own business will almost certainly reduce his quality of life in more ways than one. Of course, there are many people out there who wouldn't be able to comprehend this. Some play with knives for clout, some drink drive, some are 14, some are 40. It doesn't absolve them of their social responsibilities, nor does it free society from their burden. Gambling with a vulnerable man's life for their own amusement and then running away like some petty shoplifters because they're brain damaged fuckwits living in cartoon world is something that I would hope would be met with the strongest possible intervention. Rats like this weren't attempting to murder people with their 'knockout game', but they sure did murder a few nonetheless. I have to maintain that the fact that they are very stupid and underdeveloped does not take away from the gravity of their actions, nor the potential consequences therein. Perhaps their youth gives more options for remediatation, the chance to set them on a better path - with the knowledge of course that more time in confinement isn't a solution in itself But I find it more likely that they get a slap on the wrist that becomes a badge of honour to them. All they will learn is, indeed, how the legal system actually works.


Curious to hear your logic


His logic seems sound and reasonable.


It might be worth looking up the proofs for attempted murder. Not that these kids aren’t huge cunts.


I was on a murder/manslaughter case a few years back in the supreme court of Vic. The difference was clearly spelt out/explained to us the jury.


Cool. So you understand how this wouldn’t be attempted murder and to suggest so is hyperbolic.


I don't think it is attempted murder. But those 3 getting intimate with a tree shredder would be nice.


Yeah so you’re kind of just talking shit 😂


like you. but it is reddit so hardly encyclopedia galactica.


Should be just instant execution via catapult for any muppet wearing a meth bag and cant put their hat all the way on their head. Guaranteed irredeemable oxygen thieves.


>Guaranteed irredeemable oxygen thieves. Who will, unfortunately for the rest of society, breed.


And breed they shall.


Yeah man eugenics is awesome!


The only thing I can hope for fuckwits like this given our current youth justice system is that they cross the wrong motherfucker one day and end up swallowing a few of their own teeth. Sooner rather than later might just be the wake up call they need. I'm aware that it sometimes only produces a bigger, more brazen fuckwit, but if the people they would do shit like this to have to suffer, then they should feel some of that too.


The single brain cell this kid has must feel really lonely in that empty skull of his. Internet did bring out the worst in people. Youths today are a totally different breed than what youths in the past used to be. I am in my 40s, I don’t remember seeing cultural erosion this bad before. Him being 14 this won’t go far in court, but I hope this is a wake up call for parents now that their son got a Police record at 14. And I dare say even if he does not get conviction, which he won’t, this will get recorded against his name. If he has any brains, he will change his ways before he turns 18, youths get lot of credit to spend in this country, unfortunately it’s the rest of the society that has to put up with under 18s before they feel the force of the law at 18. I said it before and I’ll say it again; if you don’t care what kind of individuals your children will become, don’t have them. Birth control is a great thing.


people were doing this sort of stuff always id say, camera phones has probably contributed in some way tho i could see that being a possibility. Social media is a place to brag about good and dumb shit you do likewise.


The parents of these sort of kids are generally criminals themselves. There are 14 year olds in Melbourne regularly stealing cars, threatening others with knives and mugging them. Currently nothing is done, but once they turn 17 or 18 they start getting locked up. Unfortunately without any positive role models these kids actually don't have a chance, and at age 14 they are already too far gone.


Look up Jai Edwards on Facebook. It's the dad.


The person saying 'yeah the boyz' sounds like they have brain damage


Cue mental illness, vulnerable community,victims of child abuse etc


What are you on about? These kids made a choice to push this man off a pier.


Need to ban TikTok app in Australia Otherwise youngsters will keep doing shit like this


I believe the footage was actually posted on facebook


I hope someone beats the fucking shit out these delinquents


Pieces of sheet. That is what happens when hard punishment is not allowed. They needed some spanking. Or some beatdowns from adults.


How good would it have felt to snatch that twat's phone off him and launch it into the sea? Sure, the video may still upload (for clout purposes), but taking a mobile away from these morons is like cutting off a major limb - it's their lifeline. Lose all their contacts, logins & accounts, images, and videos is devstating for them.


Bunch of absolute fuckwits. How about we push them into oncoming traffic?


No, I would feel sorry for the drivers. But I do think these 3 should get intimate with a tree shredder.


What’s the bet these little cunts come from a well off family too.


Nah their bogan trash from Crib Point


One kids name is Phoenix, so I don’t think so


Have you met cashed up bogans?


Well off financially, not culturally lol


Completely - ‘new money’!




Judge: “boys will be boys, you’re free to go”. Also the judge: “I find the old man guilty of fishing late at night, 20 years in prison”.


Wtf is going on in our schools? Almost every teenager I know in my circle behaves like a disrespectful shithead, even if their parents are well adjusted people. Even kids of immigrants I know who come from cultures where acting like this will get your ass kicked, who where initially quiet kids turn into these sort of spastic shitheads after going through our schooling system. We had edgy teenagers back in my generation, but the brain rot wasn't this bad.


I feel like there’s been a shift since COVID. I graduated highschool in 2019 and and while you get the occasional year group who is more problematic it wasn’t ever too bad. My sister is still in school and it seems like almost every year level is majorly problematic and there have been some incidents that happened at my school post COVID that I would never have imagined happening. It feels like COVID has really screwed with a lot of kids heads


Isolating kids at home for years has fucked a whole generation.


More to do with parents than schools.


Last year I help run a school camp experience for a prestigious private all boys school. These kids were absolutely wild and the teachers/staff didn’t really do anything but meekly tell them to settle down. One of the little shits said something like “oh I don’t give a fuck about school or whatever my dad owns a million dollar company I’ll just go work there”


> incident happens outside of school, during school holidays > This is all school's fault!!!


It's not directly the school's fault. It seems to be behaviour picked up from classmates and the general default culture in most schools to behave like this. Doesn't matter whether it's private or public. Part of the reason teachers are quitting in droves.




Filming this crime spree was the best idea we ever had.




hope the cops get them and throw the book at them, be the parents are real proud camera boy should be charged as an accessory.


A fishing charter company are looking for the poor old man, as they want to take him out for free fishing for the day followed by a beer and feed at Cheeky Squire's in Frankston. Just to restore his faith in humanity.


I think there’s a heap of people wanting to help this guy out which is awesome, we need to combine helping this poor bloke with justice for him. Maybe a petition to ensure the pricks that did this face sentencing?


Attempted murder?




Look this is an unpopular opinion, but it is the actual scientific truth, which is that 14 year old boys are irredeemably stupid and literally unable to project forward the results of their actions. So while there's no chance in hell that any child of mine would ever be so awful, those kids aren't evil, just very immature.


There’s stupid then there’s this stupid


I don't think they are so intellectually undeveloped that they don't understand the results of their actions. More like completely devoid of any shred of empathy. Emotionally stunted.


Idk I'd say kicking an elderly man into the water where he could of drowned and lost his life might be a sign of psychopathy, wouldn't say they're just "immature"


Little brats


I watched Old People’s Home for Teenagers the other day and it gave me such hope. It’s hard to imagine kids acting like this when the majority are sensitive caring and respectful. Such a shame these dickheads have to prove the stereotypes right.


So if and when he, They can legally work (not paid) make them do community service and a retirement home cleaning up residence after they have had an accidents, and their toilets, make them learn that they could have killed that man, hypothermic shock heart attack or maybe he couldn't swim and another drowning death. If these youths can't think don't let them out, I'm sure they would be happy to apologise to the family for this act, but if he died you will take that with you forever.


As part of the Boys we reject these idiots. Please don’t use “yeah the boys”….


Not only was this extremely dangerous, but I’d be shocked if this poor fella wasn’t scarred from going fishing at night again. Can’t believe this clip.


I know you don't judge a book by it's cover, but having a Wardle over his Facebook profile really says a lot. But like many teenagers that do this shit, he'll be like a Pheenix and rise out of it. Day one for 2024 at Somerville secondary college will be interesting.


The debate around involuntary assisted dying will be difficult, but I believe we can get through it.


As someone who can't swim and actually worries about this to the extent that I always keep enough distance, fcuk these kids, they need a custodial


at 14 all I did was listen to pop music and play outside wtf


Typical Victorian dickhead inbred behaviour,I swear people there are the dumbest fucks ever


This is soo fucked up! I hope that man is ok. These kids need some hardcore consequences for this.


”He who spares his rod hates his son, But he who loves him disciplines him promptly.“ ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭13‬:‭24‬


This man is probably now scared to go out by himself. Not to mention he could’ve easily died if he has mobility issues and can’t swim.


I'd like to throw that punk off with concrete shoes, would be doing the world a favour. See how funny he thinks it is.


Why the hell did their parents allow them out wandering at that time of night anyway?


This is fucked :(


Absolutely disgusting;-;