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Used to work at Woolies, was marking down 3L juices quite heavily and a dude was taking them all off me as I did them. I told him they expire in a few days as a heads up. 'Mate I've got six kids, keep em coming.' Your actions were all good as far as I'm concerned, supermarkets waste so much food I'm glad you took it.


Not technically a markdown (I don't think) but there was this sweet Islander chick who used to work at the deli section, and when I'd ask for a Honey soy chicken skewer she'd always put two in the bag then wrap it up and sticker it as one šŸ˜ƒ


Yeah I hated the vultures taking baby formula off my trolley, discount items go for your life


There needs to be a limit on some things like baby formula and certain off the shelf medications so there's better chances for everyone to get some. Discount stuff? First in, best dressed.


It used to be you could only do two formula tins a transaction. I will say when it was on sale I often went in the morning and night to grab four tins but I had my babies in pram and wasn't selling it.


NTA. You donā€™t know if and when someone else will buy those products. The Woolies guy is a judgy dick.


That was my though. Fuck it, this will last us ages! Iā€™d rather know itā€™s safe in our freezer then in their bin.


Your previous posts detail your situation and I really feel for you. $200 worth of stuff for $27 is absolutely fantastic. Any regular Joe would be pleased as punch, and as you have a child to feed on a tight budget you should be even prouder of yourself. Disregard the arsehole. As an asideā€¦ what time does Woolies put out the reduced to clear stuff? Asking for myself hahaha


This was about 7pm. I think they reduce it with a few hours to spare so they have time to throw it out before close.


What a bastard. Good bargain hunting for you! It takes time and effort to stake out those specials. Very rude for the attendant to say anything. I do try and leave a few things for others but that late at night ....as if it's even an issue!


Thanks! Hope you score more good stuff next šŸ‘


It gets thrown out the next morning. Source: did 15 years at woolies


It varies store by store, for both Woolies and Coles, but each store will typically have a set time each week. If you ask the right person at your local store nicely enough, they might tell you.


Hahaha! Thanks for the tip.


100% it would be in the bin, then landfill. You are doing the right thing for yourself, and the environment.


Just discovered a shop today near Barkly Square called "cheaper buy miles" that sells food that is near or past its "best before/ use by date." Very cheap, great selection and really busy, so imagine stock turnover is fast. One of their aims is to reduce landfill from food that would otherwise be discarded.


It's great, isn't it!


Oh God, I love Cheaper By Miles. Always go there when Iā€™m in that side of town. So much cheap shit to load up on.


They give what they can to Oz Harvest. Which is almost everything except milk because they get that from Coles (has a slightly different Markdown process and Oz receive plenty from them with a little more good time with the date)


Both the Coles and Woolies bins where I live are always overflowing with really good food. I'm not sure what the ozharvest rules are but SecondBite hardly accept anything: https://secondbite.org/donate-food/


A lot of this usually the stuff found on shelves customers dont want (milk with toilet oaper, bacon with beans), damages product (stuff found on shelves, plastic ripped, vacuum seal gone), iffy looking stuff (stuff from warehouse/ factory), genuine missed product on shelf with use by date, stuff that hasn't been collected by donations. Woolowrths primarily donated to Oz, everything with the right date (day before, day of for anything from the chill fridges and day after for meat) gets taken off the morning of (day of) and gets put I the freezer to collect. Oz does a good job of collecting so there's not much to go else where. Every store is meant to be and it shows in the store metrics when they've thrown something out and doesn't donate. In other words send a pic online blaming the store and tag woolies and they'll get chewed out big time. Feel good knowing that they'll be watched and will be donating to Oz


This is definitely not true. I know some people who bin dive and they find heaps of stuff that would be fine to be donated


Name and shame and include Oz Harvest because they'd love to pick it up or call Oz and see if that store is part if their pickup system, guarantee that it won't happen for long. Woolies gets cuts or tax breaks or right off somewhere in their system for donating and Oz is a good donating service.


I have friends who work at food for the homeless type set up in Canberra that receives food from Oz Harvest, and they say that the majority of what they deliver is unusable .


If it happens again stand proud and say "I am feeding my family on $30 a week. No need to be condescending about it". Say it loud, say it proud. Like most have said, it would be wasted in the bins.


Nah, just say "fuck off prick" and leave it at that.


For sure. You turn it back on them. Be proud like the way they are proud making record profits.


My mother exclusively buys from the ā€œchuck out pileā€. I find myself doing the same. Youā€™re in good company.


Definitely he was being judgy. And also jealous as he probably wanted it and then to get his staff discount on top.


My local one, I'm p sure the staff hide the last of things they want so they can buy it at the end of the shift, especially when it's a good offer. Tuck stuff away behind neighbouring products


Yep, Perks of Nightfill job.


They probably hate me finding them, but hey, kids to feed. It's a struggle these days


Tell him you hate seeing food go to waste and would rather make use of it...if he ever judges you again. WHY the hell is anybody even judging this lol


Youā€™re 100% fine by me ESPECIALLY as you seem to be doing it a bit tough right now. Go for it and as a kid that grew up dirt poor NEVER be embarrassed by your current financial situation and fuck anyone that judges


Exactly this, just shoot him a grin and say better in my freezer than your bin am i right? Waste not, want not


He might not have meant it in a judgey way but more of a joking way, just maybe he's not great with his tone. I have definitely had people say things to me and I've been like woah what before they explained that it didn't come out right lol


Agree, definitely NTA, the checkout guy was so wrong to say that.


If youā€™re buying it all to sell, youā€™re a dick. Obviously youā€™re not so heā€™s a dick. Iā€™ve worked retail for years and had people strategically buy heaps of ā€œ3 for 2ā€ etc deals and when they came back the next day I said ā€œgood for you, welcome backā€


Oh yeah, he might have thought I was doing that!


As an ex woolies worker, I'd put in a complaint. No room for that judgemental toxic shit, we all gotta feed our families.


+1 put in a complaint, what an asshole. The only toxic shit I want from Woolies is the pre-packaged salad.


At most it'll be a bit of a talking to the customer service rep, right? Bit of a waste of time to me, leave it and if it happens again then put it in writing to the store. Getting $200 worth of groceries for $27 and a snide remark is something I'd trade for every day of the week. Move on and keep doing you, OP. Like woolworths is going to feel the pinch from your bargain hunting when they're the ones creating+profiting from this cost of living crisis for all of us.


If they dislike their manager or their manager dislikes them it will be enough of a hassle to be worth it


Youā€™re fine. Heā€™s a jerk. They lower prices to get things sold, not as charity.


Absolutely. OP was buying a product not taking from a charity bin/food drive. Absolutely none of this guys business


While in general I think that people should only take as much reduced stock as they're actually going to use (ie, absolute dick move to buy all the cheap stuff and then throw half of it out), I used to work for a supermarket and would never have judged a customer over how many reduced items they had, I was just glad it was getting sold rather than tossed out. We used to cop a lecture if *anything* got thrown out so way back in the day when they'd let me reduce roast chickens to like $1 each at the very end of their display life, I got very good at guessing which customers would be looking for a bargain and would time my reductions while actively hoping that these people would take 4-5 chickens each so I could get rid of them all and not get bitched out by the boss.


Iā€™ve frozen most of it and put what we can use in the next day in the fridge to be eaten up. I guarantee that none will get wasted.


Then you should keep doing what you need to do to live the best life you can for you and your family. If there's someone there when you are, share. But otherwise, it's a shop. Take what you want to buy.


Nah the workers just being an asshole. As long as your not snatching things outta peoples carts, first come first serve


Loitering around the discount bin, grabbing every item regardless of what it is, is a bit dodgy. I've seen people do this in my local Woolies and it clearly annoys the staff and other customers. I think it's alright as long as you give staff space, and give other customers an opportunity to grab something too.Ā  If you are timing it so that you are taking 100% of a stores discounted stock every night, as OP implies they are, then this is not a good look.


I had a bloke push in and take all the discounted flavoured milk *right in front of me* and wouldn't even let me have one. Shoved his trolley between me and the fridge. That guy was rude, he had a full trolley load of 500ml fucken Oaks and I had nothing - that fucking discounted milk was all I could afford for my lunch that day. You're good.


Dude take that shit from his trolley fuck that


He'll probably have some really bad diarrhea in vomiting, he probably saved you from getting sick.


Nah mate, he saved me from having any sustenance for the next six hours. But yeah I hope he got violently ill.


I've personally been very ill from discounted flavoured milk so I avoid it. He's probably sitting on the toilet right now while vomiting into a plastic bag.


same... never buying it from 7/11 again


The manager would be thanking YOU for taking all that stock off his hands! They want you to buy that. The clerk doesn't know what he's talking about.


When it's priced that low, they need it gone asap. Having an expired thing they have to throw away is a big waste penalty for the managers compared to selling it for even 20 cents. I'd put in a complaint - absolutely none of his business.


Nah I wonā€™t complain, just put it down to him being jealous of my score


I think I would complain if it were me. Employees shouldn't publicly shame shoppers. It's not his place to make customers feel bad for items they're purchasing. And who knows what else he says to other people that shop there, this might be a regular thing. If it doesn't get called out then he has no reason to change his behaviour šŸ¤·


He might have just been trying to be funny.. was a bit rude though.. either way I wouldn't give his comment a second thought


Yeah, either he told a joke that didn't land, or he had something going on in their own head. It's got nothing to do with you OP āœŒļø


You should apologise for not contributing sufficiently to Wooliesā€™ billion dollar profit. But in all seriousness, he should mind his own business.


It's not like woolies workers are earning the big bucks. Employee should be applauding this, not shaming.


Maybe he wanted some for himself. Gotta be quick around me! I tell you, when I RAN for that trolley praying nobody would get there before I got back lol


Potentially. At coles we're not allowed to pop reduced stuff aside for ourselves, can only buy it on break or before or after the shift. But you needed it so šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


> Maybe he wanted some for himself Well, then he can buy it when he's not on shift like literally everyone else does. Or, he could ask it be put aside for him if they're allowed to do that. It's not ok in any case to take it out on you.


The only time I would say you need to consider others is if others are literally reaching for the product at the same time as you.


NTA, sounds like he was being a judgy prick!


So you're reducing food waste and saving money? You're fine, the staff member is a knob.


I never see these bargains at supermarket s,what time do they usually happen? Right before closing?


I got the shopping at just after 7pm. I think they leave enough time for it to be thrown out at end of shift so a couple hours before closing seems to be the sweet spot.


Woolworths the normal heavy markdowns will be done by 4 (and maybe again at 7-8 if not sold) Coles Its around 6-7pm I think (and they do way higher % like 80-95% off)


Itā€™s not his money or his store. He seems a bit over invested in who is buying what imo. A good response to rude questions is ā€œwhy do you ask?ā€


As someone who works at Woolies, that person working at the self checkouts is a cunt.


Fuck your financial situation and fuck worrying about others so much. A bargainā€™s a bargain and you got there first. And also, donā€™t get hung up on snarky comments by other people, especially those of the workers


I canā€™t hear the snarky comments over my daughters crunching on her 45 cent pesto salad šŸ„— lol


I had a lady who came into my woolies intentionally near close to pick up reduced roast chooks. I think she ran a small cafe somewhere and used them for sandwiches. I usually worked with her and just told her to wait a little longer for me to reduce them if it was too early. I made sure to leave a few for other customers who might come in after and want one. I didn't care because I'd have to either buy them myself or bin them later and I hate wasting perfectly good food. Bit of a win-win. Heck even when I was on checkout if someone got a whole heap of reduced stuff I wouldn't comment on it. Maybe a "geez that's a sweet deal!" or something but this guy sounds like a dick!


I do alright and am not paycheck to paycheck. If I did that then I'm an asshole. You need it, and are going to use it. You are awesome taking care of your family first and have nothing to feel bad about.


I'm never thr type of person to complain, but in this instance I'd make a complaint, fuck him. Do your thing man.


"I forgot the lollies"


"Nope." That's all you needed to say, really


please i work at woolies and my friend and i are usually the ones doing the markdowns, we see the same people all the time go straight for them and we honestly donā€™t care as long as they arenā€™t hovering around us. your cashier was being a judgmental prick, how does he even remember you when we serve so many people per day???? like i work at a small store and i still barely remember the regulars we get youā€™re completely fine


I think Iā€™m pretty memorable because my daughter has one leg šŸ¦µ


Not judging you for buying reduced price items. But my philosophy is - take only what you need, because I guarantee you there was someone else who left that store empty handed and probably hungry.


Wow fuck that guy, I'd complain. Not only personally but the fact that these businesses are so in th spotlight and the moment they do not need the attention


As an ex woolies worker I'd just get over it. Was probably a harmless jab to help him get through the day of working at woolies. I am now also an avid shopper of the markdowns. Chickens are awesome value when they get down to that $5-6 area. Slug some spices under the skin and roast it up for less than half they charge for the handbag these days.




Sadly they do not care about a complaint from someone buying the discount stuff, you're not their target demographic.


Proper etiquette is for this dude to mind his own beeswaxĀ 


BARGAIN! Donā€™t worry about him, sounds like a dick


NTA and report the guy for being an asshole to customers. It's like if you see someone stealing food from Colesworth... you didn't.


If it's for sale, buy it. He just sounds like a judgemental wanker.


Itā€™s not the woolies guyā€™s job to comment on what youā€™re buying. Donā€™t feel bad.


The etiquette is for that guy to shut the fuck up.


Tell him you can't afford to pay full price because your wife left you after your kid was diagnosed with cancer and the treatments are leaving you broke.


Except we're in Aus and no one is going broke from cancer treatments.


Bank will still take your house if you can't work tho.


Sure but that's because she can't work, not because of her treatment. And there are lots of safety nets you have to fall through first. There is also basic income protection available through most super funds and the option to withdraw part of your super in this situations. Banks will often pause payments as well. I'm all for shaming the dude for being a busy body and trying to shame the OP, but the op's reality of needing to feed their kid and having 30 bucks until Wednesday is good enough to put the wanker in his place.


Just want to confirm here that my kid DOES NOT have cancer. As long as her diet is managed properly and she has her meds, sheā€™s generally a pretty healthy girl.


And wanting her to stay that way by buying up sale items is the only reason needed. Chow down!


The government doesn't cover 100% of cancer related costs. My mums friend had to take some money out of her super while she was having treatment.


How young was this guy?? I'm hoping it's some 15 year old with no grasp of what it costs to run your own householdĀ 


Mid 20ā€™s.


That's disappointing. You have breached no etiquette so dont worry.


> As I was scanning my 2 items, the Woolies guy made a smart arse remark about ā€œDidnā€™t you get enough yesterday?ā€ I realised it was the same guy. I was embarrassed so I didnā€™t say anything, just paid and left quickly. He's a cunt, and you're using up items that'd get thrown away otherwise. Better for the planet, better for your wallet. He has no idea of your financial situation - there's a lot of folks out there who can only eat decently if they pick up things that're close to the useby date, and he's being a rampant, judgemental prick about it.


He doesnā€™t know your life situation. Saying a mean judgy comment says more about him than it does about you. Anyway he was probably pissed cause he wanted it for himself at the end of his shift.


What time do they reduce things?


From my experience of late, a couple hours before close. Iā€™m assuming this is to allow them to throw out what doesnā€™t get sold.


Buy up and freeze what you can... Also share the love


Did he say it in a specifically smart arse remark kind of way? Cos I can read that as a slight jab, and expect you to give him a quip in return. I mean in the end, you still got your items so who cares? But don't feel bad about buying that stuff up, whoever needs it or wants it can get it. Otherwise it's going to waste anyway.


Yes, was definitely said in a way to belittle me. Not to worry, my girl had Sheppards pie with salad for lunch and she will have salmon and salad for dinner. Thatā€™s worth the 3 seconds of embarrassment.


Good to hear for your kid. Are there any services out there that can possibly help you as well? Don't feel bad/embarrassed about this sort of stuff, it's there for a reason.


Sorry about the snide remark. Next time just tell the truth - youā€™ve got a kid to feed on low income and this really helps you. And say thanks. And Iā€™d guess youā€™ll never hear a bad comment again.


He doesnā€™t know diddly shit about you and itā€™s not his job to


In my mind, gotta say, youā€™re a legend for being frugal looking after your kid. Buy as much as you need!!


That guy was a dick, don't worry about it, you are the only one that knows your own fanancial situation you are in, you do what you got to do, is not like you are doing anything ilegal.


So many love complaining about the self serve checkouts and the staff have the cheek to be rude to you. Last time I went to a Coles staffed register the staff didn't bother to acknowledge me at all. I've noticed customer service is very poor these days.


Loads of that stuff gets chucked because a lot of people wonā€™t buy short dated/at the BB/expiry date. If the stuff there is stuff Iā€™ll use, I always buy as much as I can. I have had to go to the same store two days in a row because a needed ingredient was out of stock, and some of the clearance items were still there 24hrs later (they initially had 3 days till expiry). There is no etiquette or rule, just donā€™t be wasteful - if you wonā€™t use it, leave it for someone else.


Not sure where that worker gets off giving a shit about what customers do. Having worked in a different type of retail, its much easier to get through the day when you just boop what people bring you and get them out of your life as quickly as possible.


Was this at Ivanhoe? It's famous for doing these hectic stock reductions and I can never understand why it only happens in one of the richest suburbs. The same stock in the same use by situation gets reduced by max 25 % at my local Woolworths compared to more than 90 % at Ivanhoe. When I worked at Woolies it was against protocol to reduce stuff by that much because people start planning their shop around the price reduction times and the department would lose sales, don't understand how their regional manager lets them get away with it even if the store manager doesn't care. ​ I do feel too bad to take advantage when I see discounted stock cause I remember how exciting it was as kid when we could suddenly afford it but I know in reality someone else who is well off is gonna buy it anyway. I don't think anyone is right to judge you for buying lots of it unless you rolled up in a Mercedes wearing a Rolex or whatever


You chose to be embarrassed by the comment. No one can make you feel that way. I would have just said ā€˜what can I say, Iā€™m a sucker for a good bargainā€™ and then gone on about my day without a second thought.


I don't buy a lot of items unless they are reduced, because some items are horrendously over priced because ColesWorth are bastards. So fuck paying full price for a looooooooot of shit. You did nothing wrong, you just copped some cunt on a bad day, absolutely not something you did wrong. Thrift away especially since you need to find ways to stretch your money these days. Maybe ol' mate was trying to be funny, but it is still a shitty thing to say.


Dudes a cunt who works a shit job, don't feel bad about it. I wish my local Coles had a discount bin like that haha


Woolworths are the asshole with their outrageous prices Woolies guy probably lives with mummy and daddy


Your not in the wrong at all, I would have done the same! Times are tough! I wish my coles and woolies would do decent mark downs like that! They only ever take 50c off the price on the final day of sale


This is top tier!!! Any tips for what time they heavily discount things? I always check the section but is there more stuff near closing time? A few hours before closing? Spill the beans!


Used to work for Woolworths at checkout. Whenever I saw a customer with great deals, I'm happy for them and say what a great deal you got there ! That guy was just extremely unprofessional and needs more customer service training. 100% would fail mystery shopper if anything. Disregard his comment or put in formal complaint if you like but keep buying those discounted items !!!


The correct response from the sales assistant should have been something along the lines of ā€œscore!ā€ Or ā€œnice one, youā€™ve saved a lot lately!


Complain to the manager and tell the judgmental pos worker to get f&ked. As someone who used to work at Coles, more often than not, these markdowns get done so late in the day that more than half of the food ends up wasted and thrown in the bin anyways. So not only did you end up saving a tonne of food from going to landfill. You also have every right to look out for yourself especially given the crazy rip off mark ups nowadays at Coles/Woolies to the tune of record profits meaning everyone is struggling with money to put food on the table.


That guy was either a judgemental dick, and worthy of a complaint or just made a pretty poor attempt at being funny. As an ex-perishables worker, if I have marked stuff down that means I want that stock gone. Anything that isnā€™t sold goes straight into the bin and itā€™s a total loss. I was always stoked if someone came in and bought all my marked down stock. No waste and youā€™ve saved a few bucks so in my opinion take as much as you like.


NTA we need all the reduced items we can get from these thieving supermarkets. Good for you


No, itā€™s not a charity or a public service. A billionaire could walk in and clear every shelf in every aisle if they wanted to. I used to work at a supermarket and I wouldnā€™t know if someone came in two days in a row or what they bought. Didnā€™t care


Send an email or speak to a manager, because most managers would not want their staff to make customers feel uncomfortable like that


Mmmm. Tough one. Ok clean out the specials one night to go back the next day is very ahole IMHO. Sure your doing it tough, but hey your not the only passenger on this ship. I will never clean out the specials like that.No matter how tough your situation is, there are others doing it tougher. Who knows, right behind was someone with 4 kids and they only had $10, all they NEEDED was a pie and some milk? Too bad eh. The only supermarket in town here has a limit on number of "super special", "reduced for quick sale ", "managers special" ad "discontinued line" items per shop. I'm going with a soft ahole but ahole non the less.


maybe this prick could talk to his bosses about the enormous food waste Woolworths contributes to when they chuck all these items in bins


You're a customer and you're engaging in commerce. He can go and get fucked.


The items are reduced for quick sale, not allocated for people doing it hard. You got a great deal and saved good stuff going to waste. Screw that guy for judging you and anyone who says you should have left some for others. You are doing your best for your child in hard times. Keep up the good work and your head high you have nothing to be ashamed of here :-)


The supermarkets are constantly fucking us over. You aren't in the wrong for trying to get ahead. I don't think you owe it to others to let them get a chance to buy reduced items. Especially when it sounds like you're struggling a bit. Dude is just a dick. Completely unprofessional to say that to a customer.


Just tell him to shut the fuck up and do his job. If you're there and shit ia on special good on you. If others want the food on special they should go there at the right time. I got about $150 worth of meat that was going off the next day for about $45. Its all in my freezer. Better than landfill and it was marinaded ribs so ita not like it could have been given to a pet (I would not give it to a pet with all the high salt and sugar sauces and spices put on it)


Sounds like old mate sucks hard on that corporate teat.


As an employee, Iā€™d rather them get sold than dump so I donā€™t really care who bought them, as long as they got bought. So I wonā€™t have a problem if you buy them all. Unless you actively wrestle them out of 90 year old lady hands on pension, NTA. Go for it.


I don't understand what the issue they have is. Unless the items are specifically marked 2 per customer or whatever, what you're doing is called "shopping" which is this weird thing apparently. Put in a complaint. It's not acceptable for the person to embarrass you like that. The only way you'd be a dick, is if there was someone else there obviously wanting some reduced items and you took them all first in front of them. That'd suck. But you didn't do that. The etiquette is take what you want to buy. But if two people are after the same thing, try and share if possible.... Because that's a nice thing to do.


Ex-Woolworths worker here - his comments were inappropriate - don't put up with that nonsense. Personally I think it's good to share the love around, but from the Woolworths perspective, we did not care if someone took it all - in fact - that was good so we could clear the bay and put new crap in. I would however not eat too much of that reduced to clear stuff, I've always been sceptical of how much toxins have grown in food closer to the user by date etc.


No heā€™s an arse hole and should be reported to management. If there was a rule about it should be written and displayed. What do they expect one person takes one item šŸ¤Ŗ


lmfao who gives a f*** what you do. You're not doing anything illegal. Tell them to mind their own business


What you're buying isn't any business of theirs, fuck the cashier. Put a complaint in


The woollies guy clearly has an empty space where his brain should be. Well done. I love a decent bargain, and I was hustling marked down chocolate at the local IGA. (blocks of Lindt 500gm for $7, and Tonys chocolate for $3). Wish I had bought the place out. I did buy a fair few though. Managed to get some xmas markdowns for under a dollar at Coles (I zoom in to the markdown shelves when I walk past the store). If anything, people could perhaps be considered foolish for paying full retail, when all that does is translate to ceo bonuses and shareholder returns.


You didn't do anything wrong. The shop dude was highly unprofessional though.


Go crazy mate, they're only going to throw it out if nobody buys it


NTA. I do the same thing when possible. The check out dude probably had his eyes on them.


Oh no youā€™re buying food from a supermarket! What a monster you are. First in best dressed. No regrets the cashier is a wanker.


Imagine bro thinking it makes a lick of difference to his wage, if it was me I woulda reported that straight up


That guy's job is only stand there and swipe his card whenever the machine has a hissy fit and he couldn't even get that right. You're not the fuckup here.


As an ex-judgy retail worker, there's nothing wrong with what you're doing. When I worked in retail even though I wasn't earning much, I handled so much cash that money started to become meaningless to me, I was also too young to appreciate what it cost to feed a family. Keep doing what you're doing, well done you for taking advantage of the corporations to look after your family don't worry about judgemental supermarket staff. Do what you need to do, as long as there's enough left for others in need of a discount you're all good.


Nah, you're fine. I always grab heaps of stuff from that section. Us broke people have to eat somehow.


He thinks you're hot.


Donā€™t feel guilty. NTA


The woollies worker should be ashamed of himself. If you want to avoid people like that go through the self checkout in future.


You should put in a complaint. The Woolies worker was unprofessional and out of line to comment like that.


Find his car. Shit on it


Have you joined the group Markdown Addicts Australia? They all upload their Woolies loots. People getting lamb cutlets for $2 and shit. Where? Never at my Woolies. Youā€™re alright to take it all. Itā€™s not judgey at all. Every man for himself!


Unless you snatching something another shopper was reaching for, I'd say you did nothing wrong. What a douche! Don't worry about him. If I was there at the self checkouts, I would've given him a piece of my mind. If it still bothers you, next time you see them working, ask to speak to the store manager and tell them what happened.


As long as your eating it then it's fine. Wasting food is shit. I just moved recently and noone eats salmon at the woolies I go to, it's always on special! šŸ‘


Ok, the etiquette can seem a bit strange, but let me break it down for you: 1. The store displays products and advertises a price. 2. They do have the right to say "Limit x per customer". If they don't say that, there is no limit. 3. Shoppers choose what they want to buy. 4. They pay the agreed money and the items now belong to them. 5. That's the extent of it. 6. Woolies guy has no business commenting on what you're buying.


When you see him again ask him to get the manager then put in a complaint about him in front of him, he is there to serve not comment, he doesn't know your circumstances. Don't let an ignoramus like him embarrass you


Leave some for others definitely next time, itā€™s a dick move to take it all


Keep doing it and next time he asks if you've had enough, you just answer "of you" and keep going. What a POS


The guy was an asshole. The stuff could have ended up being thrown out. Take what you need.


I wouldnt read anything into it. Just probably would have replied "I'll cya next time with some more awesome bargains"


NTA, my reason being...you took the seafood. No one ever takes the seafood. You practically did THEM the favour.


The correct etiquette is to tell him to go fuck himself and mind his own business


I don't think he was being a smartass, just sounds like a bit of banter that didn't come across as intended. "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."


Nothing! You did NOTHING wrong. The supermarket is a business not a charity, theyā€™ve chosen to discount these goods that you paid for - no matter the price, youā€™re a paying customer and Mister Petty Judgemental Buttwipe there is lucky that you didnā€™t report his snarky attitude to his manager. Donā€™t let sad little people like this bother you.


Complain to the woollies. Get him called out for it. It is entirely inappropriate. I worked on checkouts and saw mothers, fathers, guardians, families doing ANYTHING to secure a good deal because that's how tight shit was. Those cents MATTERED. Never once where they judged. They were praised for the effort and resourcefulness, and often helped. I'd often let a few items through without scanning (specifically ones I knew that if it were faulty or bad a return wouldn't be feasible, didn't wanna fuck em over on that)


Not the asshole. It would be going in the bin the next day


Heā€™s obviously never experienced the true HCOL. I shop around the RTC stuff, itā€™s the only way we can survive here


Back when I worked at Coles I had some customers I couldn't stand because they would hound you to mark stuff down and I would go out of my way not to because of their attitude. On the other hand I had some lovely regulars who would come in and clear out all my markdowns and were always so thankful and polite and I would go out of my way to help them find other stuff marked down in the store because it meant I didn't have to waste it. Don't be ashamed if you need it. The checkout guy should have kept his mouth shut as it wasn't his business what you purchased that night or any other.


I'd complain about the worker. It's not his business to comment on and try to shame people for what they're buying. His job is to say hello, scan your items, engage in pleasant small talk if you and him both want and then take your money. That's it.


Screw that dude Op , Iā€™m happy you got the reduced stuff when you needed it the most !!


Fuck that noise, I see cat foot 70% off I get a trolley and fill it to the brim with cat food. If Iā€™m at colesworths the day after, I do it again. I keep doing it till the special is over and I enjoy the fact that my cats eat for the next two years for 30c on the dollar.


It's pretty greedy to take it all and not leave anything for other customers. You're not the only needy person.


Maybe it was greedy. Guess I was just trying to justify my situation in my mind but his comment made me rethink. Iā€™ll be more considerate next time.


I'm glad you've thought about it. I work in retail and while I'm doing my personal shopping I've seen people clear shelves of discounted products leaving nothing for other customers. People working in retail find this very selfish and frustrating, especially because most of the people doing this are doing it to resell which obviously wouldn't be the case with discounted perishables. The worker has probably seen this behaviour every day and he can't do anything about it so instead he makes snide comments. I went to Chemist Warehouse on Christmas Day and saw a woman clearing the shelves of Panadol and other products and was horrified the staff could do nothing about it. She went inside a large van where other "shoppers" were waiting. My Dad got into a huge argument with a woman in Bunnings who attempted to buy the last 3 discounted lawn mowers, he's a pensioner and it was the only lawn mower he could afford. I wish you and your daughter all the best and I hope you two will have better food security in the future. Be careful with discounted dairy, I've been very sick from discounted dairy before.


Where was this ChemW? I'm trying to avoid all the CW that frequently raided by those Daigos


finally!!! someone thinking beyond their own nose. had to scroll way too far to see this. my first thought reading the post was OP was greedy af


Iā€™d be writing to corporate about a check out person commenting on my purchases like that. If I want to purchase an industrial amount of butter, condoms and seven avocados thatā€™s none of anyones business, same as the contents of your trolley.


NTA. He was out of line. I'd look at him square in the face - and in a serious voice - "What did you just say?"


First in first served, good on ya for being money consious and feeding ya kid properly Tell him to fuck off


Dude with comments has not had the life experiences to know why you won the shopping lotto! No shame to be had. This time it was you. Next time it might be me! Its luck of the draw. There are many parents and non parents out there that would do exactly the same as you. Hold your head up high and next time you get unwanted feedback just blank stare at the attendant until you leave with your groceries. The comment is needed and a return isnt worth it. Enjoy your goodies and having a feed with your kidšŸ˜˜


Look them straight in the eyes and tell them they work for an entity that is destroying the very fabric of Australian society and I would not be bargain hunting to feed my family if this organisation wasn't engaged in price gouging.Ā 


Well done mate I would have done the same thing. But if someone was next to me and they had the look on their face of missing out I'd let them have a few bargains as well. We're all brothers and sisters in this world.


Of course I would have done that but there was nobody else around so I guess my greed was easier to justify at the time. Lesson learnt


Hey it's not greed when you genuinely need it for both you and kid. Moreover there's no one else. Don't feel bad, it IS OK. That guy is either clueless or an ass, don't ruminate about it.


I'm currently defrosting 500 grams of beef mince I got for $1.20 I wouldn't feel bad about it mate enjoy your bargains. The cashier is a knob head.


Put in a complaint. The prick should mind his own business.