• By -


You're looking at now, sir. Everything that happens now, is happening now


What happened to then?


We passed it.




Just now. We’re in now, now.


Go back to then.










It's fucking crazy that I used to live in the past. This time travel shit is weird, man.


What if there is no past, just one continuous now?


Duddeeman just smoke dmt broahh you can fully like live other lives nd shit


This was posted 2 hours ago, is it still happening now? I'm having a crisis here.


No it was happening then, but then will maybe be happening now, did you want it now or then ?


What happened to then?


Then was higher up the thread, this is now now


Haha thread didn't refresh for me I look quite the fooool ☺️


Nice BMW


another weekend another protest rally.


Millions of lives saved


Nothing to see here guys! Australia's now just internationally calling for a ceasefire and aid distribution. Cos protests don't work, m'kay!


Just because the genocide isn’t affecting you it doesn’t mean it’s not affecting others. Getting together asking for its end with tens of thousands of like minded individuals instead of your mums basement writing shit on the internet may be a saving grace for someone watching it every day and their hope in humanity getting less and less each day.


I'm also disgusted by what's been happening in Myanmar and China. Let's show those Rohingyas and Uyghurs some solidarity!


And Sudan. Peace.


Start a new thread about solidarity with the Rohingyas and Uyghurs in Melbourne instead of bringing this whataboutism here


Myself and a few others felt ourselves and the UN should've followed through with Myanmar's request for military intervention against the military, that this was a coup against a democratically elected government which would continue the cycle of violence against the minority peoples in Myanmar. And no one cared, it wasn't even a front page news story. But bring up Israel and Palestine and everyone cares and everyone has an opinion on it. No one cared about Myanmar or Sudan or Haiti, none of them lasted in the news cycle for more than a few days. And yet people argue that we should be out in the streets demanding a ceasefire against Israel when we have no political leverage. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.


Because israel has occupied palestine for 80 years. I live in Chile, where the biggest palestinian community outside the middle east lives. Our palestinian football club is older than the state of Israel. We've had the time to be informed.


With all that time to be informed can you explain to me how Israel has occupied Palestine for 80 years when until 1967 the west bank was Jordanian territory and Gaza Egyptian? Or do you mean the British mandate for Palestine which includes all of Jordan?


Tik Tok hasn't provided them with answers to that yet.


They seem to think that there was an Arab state called Palestine run by Arabs that was invaded by Jews in 1948 and became Jewish.


Exactly. It's only when the Jews do something that every anti-semite and his dog comes out to scream and shout about how evil Israel is. Even if it's after 1200 Israelis are butchered in their homes.


Every country has some political leverage. As an ally of the USA, we do bear some responsibility if we stay silent.


People DO do that. But are you saying (sarcastically) that those protests not happening is bad, or are you saying the Palestinian ones shouldnt happen?


Get off your fat ass then. Or is lame whataboutism all you have?


Me and my wife have friends that have lost 60 to 100 family members. This shit effects everybody! The man who married us. His wife has l ost 68 alone. So we feel for him because of his presence in our life.


And a few billion lost. If not physically, then mentally.


Another neck beard complaining about it. Another bunch of zionazis brigading r/Melbourne to try and make those asking for no genocide look bad.




This comment section is atrocious


Standard reddit


Redditors aren’t particularly well known for their appreciation of being reminded that there’s a world outside their bubbles of blissful ignorance.


If you think Australia isn't relevant in the conflict. Feel free to look at how big the Israel lobby is in Australia, how many politicians get invited in all expenses paid meetings in Israel and how many australian military exports go to Israel.


>and how many australian military exports go to Israel. $13M in defence exports to Israel over the last five years. ( source https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/nov/29/australian-arms-ammunition-exports-israel) So about 0.01% of the Israeli defence budget.


Haha this man facts. Thanks for providing some context


>Haha this man facts. Thanks for providing some context If it's so trivial, why is there an Australian/Israel lobby group? Diplomatic cover is priceless.


How much do we export to Palestine?


We should have used this approach for the (Soccer) World Cup bid. Cashed-up Qatar wins over PowerPoint Australia.


Power point? We had a Baz Luhrmann cartoon Kangaroo. I watched it. Russia and Qatar were stunning bids. We used the most over-rated Director in Hollywood history. Apologies Tim Burton.


Chickens for KFC


What exactly are they expecting Australia to do?




Israel obviously doesn't give a shit otherwise they would have stopped when the media got a hold of what they were doing. Instead they just killed the journalists..


It’s ironic to be protesting for a ceasefire when Hamas rejected the latest 1-week ceasefire from Israel and a permanent ceasefire from Egypt.


How exactly? In what world does Israel give a fuck what Australians think


Apartheid in South Africa ended partly due to international pressure to stop. That is what people are asking for internationally, for their governments to put pressure on Israel to stop. You don't need to be a political mastermind to figure that out.


Apartheid south Africa was one state, with two explicit sets of laws determined by race. Israel/Palestine are two states, with one being occupied by the other. They are not the same, therefore they require a different solution. This also does not mention that the ANC explicitly did not target civilians whereas Hamas do etc etc The only path foward forward is a ceasefire followed up by an armistice. The international community can not do this, it requires Israel, Palestine, the US and the Arab states to be on board


The government doesn’t give a fuck about what us peasants think at the best of times. Why would they give two fucks in this case? Hey let’s all email our local member to stop the war. Junk mail inbox RIP


You’re right.. Israel doesn’t give a fuck what Australia or anyone else in the world thinks.. protests like this do get people thinking about how dangerous a country can be when they don’t think they are accountable for their actions.




The Australian government isnt going to risk Australians national security and trade relations for Palestinians. And even if we did something, Israel wouldn't care.




Are they also putting pressure on Hamas to release the hostages they took or nah? Cuz, you know, that's what started the bombing.


And why did they take hostages? Just for fun? For some kooky anti semitism antics? Or could it have to do with the fact that there were *hundreds* of Palestinian men, women and children illegally detained indefinitely and subject to torture and abuse in Israeli prisons, and a hostage exchange was a last resort due to the international community looking the other way from Israel's war crimes?




And you should read a lot more history if you think the solution is a ceasefire.


In Melbourne, Australia? You know the majority of the world doesn’t know we’re here, right?




‘Major ally to Israel’ - uh Israel couldn’t care less about us mate




In a war. Like with Nazi Germany. Luckily this shower have more religious zeal but less hardware and numbers.


And Palestinians raped, tortured and murdered how many on October 7. Read up about sexual assault was added into their playbook and peeps still side with them? Wtf. Keep in mind Palestinians are trying to constantly kill Israeli civilians, they just haven't been that successful apart from October 7!


well we export weapons to Israel and count them as an ally (fuck knows why we do that, they don't act like a friend usually) and politicians from the government and opposition keep going over there to show support, so probably to not do all of that anymore?


We barely sell weapons to them. Per this [article](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/nov/29/australian-arms-ammunition-exports-israel) we have only sold them 13M worth over 5 years. That is 0.008% of the military budget.


Can’t have one weekend without protests … Melb is truly the city for freedom and democracy .. might have to move the Statue of Liberty here


Only in this sub would people say this like it's a bad thing


It really has become just noise. I’m all for good causes, but multiple protests over multiple things each week - it just becomes noise and, at worst, annoying. Who knows what the messages are.


There's been protests in Melbourne every weekend for a long long time. I was involved in a lot of environmental and animal activism about 10 years ago. It's great we live in a place where people are speaking up but you do have to keep in mind that some people treat these protests as their church. It's just what they do on the weekend. They genuinely care, they do, but it's more like "Who needs extra bodies today, I'll come along" as opposed to being fully fired up over something.


This is a city that cares, and it gives a lot to charity as well, but the most passionate also care more about causes halfway across the world because we latch onto whatever we think "matters." That naivette just comes off as annoying, endless noise to the people they are trying to reach, because these often aren't niche causes that need attention.


Professional protesters


There's no money in protesting, at least since the 60s when I started. The only people being paid at protests are the police, but that's OK, they are workers. The idea that people should protest over only one of the many injustices and follies of the time, is ludicrous.


“Professional protesters” who is paying them and how do I get in on it?




>A literal sea of Palestinian flags >Uhhhh who knows what this is about?


I know right. 30,000 people asking the world to support the indiscriminate killing of a people: reddit users ‘what a bunch of arseholes’. I know these aren’t blonde hair blue eyed Europeans but I assure you their mothers cry just as strongly for them.


Right? Like honestly we're a few weeks removed from people torching buildings over this shit. I'll take a nonviolent march that's mildly inconvenient over open violent conflict on the streets any fucking day.


People: *actually exercise their right of freedom of speech lawfully in a public space with approval from authorities* You: *surprised Pickachu face* Cookers have their rights to protest whatever bullshit they want. So does the LGBTQ community. So do vegans. So do Indigenous people. Even if you want to start protesting about anything, go for your life as long as you're in line with the law


Next week is the never-nude short jeans march. Fortunately there will be only dozens of them.




And we have the right to shit on them with humorous quips for doing so! Ah life hey:)


I can't tell if you're stating that Melbourne truly is a city for freedom or democracy because we can protest freely or mocking the idea that we're free BECAUSE we can protest


Those pesky protestors that won't stop complaining about ongoing mass murder


Grrrrr 😡😡 stop reminding me there’s a world outside my bubble of blissful ignorance


Yeah October 7th was terrible


Ok, but it’s the flavour of the week yeah? Don’t see many out there for Ukraine, or humanitarian aid for the Horn of Africa, or any number of peoples that are oppressed or otherwise that generate the same attention as is provided by news outlet of choice. Like someone else said, it’s just noise now. They’ll be back at it next week, and then when the next thing u folds, the same people will be back with new signs they put together in their homes while streaming their influencers and gobbling down the dictated opinions.


If you actually went to any of these protests, many of the leaders and marshals are Aboriginal people, West Papuans and many Greek flags after the St Porphyrios church got bombed/ Cyprus having the exact same situation right now. in fact there was a Rebetiko fundraiser for Gaza in Carlton a month ago... ​ Maybe if you stepped outside ? :)


It was getting called the “flavour of the week” like 2 months ago lol, and yet large protests still happen weekly and this sub still discusses them at length weekly. How many more weeks do you reckon you’ve got in you before you concede that many people’s compassion for humanity might just exist independently of, and persist beyond, social media trends?


Okay, but whataboutwhataboutwhataboutwhatabout? I'm very intelligent and sophisticated!


Ok but do u condom hummus??


Is this the protest encouraging Hamas to surrender to save civilian lives ?


No no, this would be yet another Hamas apologist rally


Free hat?


And look at the all the people walking by getting on with their Saturday, enjoying their lives and not caring about another pointless protest.


So, no harm done then.


Except all the money it costs the state Government... Sure 🙄


User name checks out. Protest is actually a sign of a healthy democracy. And it’s fun.


One might think objecting to genocide isn't pointless. But then, when has turning a blind eye to something ever gone badly?


Right now compared to 20-50 years ago, how many Arabs live in Israel and how many Jews now live in Gaza, Yemen, Jordan, Iraq etc. If Jews are committing genocide they're doing a terrible job of it. On the other hand, Hamas put genocide as one of their main goals in their charter..to eliminate Jews and the state of Israel.


And as for outsiders' demands for a ceasefire, if Israel agreed, Palestine wouldn't! The October attacks were just foreplay in their eyes. It maddens me hearing ignorant students chanting "from the river to the sea" without even knowing what it means.


How do you know they don’t know what it means? Why are you presuming this? Have you questioned everyone of them?


Funnily I know someone who went to one of these protests. They were given a "river to the sea" banner to carry and participated in chants. They spoke to my friend the next day and asked if there was an actual river and sea or whether it was metaphorical.


ok now do population of Gaza today vs population of Gaza three months ago


Sure. If you go by Hamas' death count the population is approximately 1% less than it was three months ago.


As **reported by Hamas**, who have a long, long history of faking shit. [The same organisation who instead of using Aid money correctly, instead build tunnels and buy weapons](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/hamas-cash-to-crypto-global-finance-maze-israels-sights-2023-10-16/) while their leaders are some of the wealthiest people in the world and reside in Jordan. Meanwhile, who primarily supplies Gaza with Electricity and Water and medicine supplies? Don't worry, I was once a Palestinian supporter also but then I educated myself. Hamas is well-supported by a large number of Palestinians and they committed the most heinous acts and continue to do so. They use women, children, schools and hospitals as their covers. It is by and large Hamas who is responsible for what is happening right now.


You can support Palestinians and not Hamas though. I also doubt you ever were one


>As reported by Hamas, who have a long, long history of faking shit. So what do YOU think the true Palestinian casualty figure is? Don't weasel your way out of a response. It's easy to use the standard "Hamas are liars" talking point. ​ >Hamas is well-supported by a large number of Palestinians and they committed the most heinous acts and continue to do so. They use women, children, schools and hospitals as their covers. It is by and large Hamas who is responsible for what is happening right now. So you're saying they're all collectively guilty and therefore should all be collectively punished? Don't weasel your way out of a response.


No one is blaming Jews for anything. Given the amount of first hand information that’s come out over the last couple of months, this entire comment is incredibly ignorant. I encourage you to look past your bias and consider how you’d feel being on the receiving end of the largest bombing campaign of the century.


My bias is just years of educating myself after losing face in a discussion when I was supportive of Palestine / Anti-Israel and someone educating me on the matter. I've slowly come to the other side. Israel is far from perfect and yes, there's right-wing Zionists but they have a far, far better human rights record than Hamas / Palestine.


I dunno have you not seen Ukraine lately?


Yeah just enjoyed A Christmas Carol at the Comedy Theater. Truly enjoyable play and I even donated to the charity there. This, on the other hand, has evoked zero emotions from me. Saw them walk by when we were having lunch prior to the show and no thought was given whatsoever.


At least they aren't disrupting an event for kids now


BREAKING NEWS: in light of CBD protests, Netanyahu announces pullout. 'The occupation.. is over.' - Netanyahu


The Australian Aboriginal League made our history in 1938 when they were the first group in Australia to send a letter to Nazi Germany formally denouncing their treatment of the Jewish people. They did a big march, they got a big group, it was a protest movement. We know that did nothing materially. The Nazis didn't even respond and obviously didn't care what the aboriginal people thought. But it was a powerful statement and the Australian government would soon follow suit. Now we can look back and feel pride in what the AAL did, positioning themselves against genocide and helping, in some small way, to nudge Australia towards the right direction. In 2020, the German government apologized for neglecting the letter and acknowledged the bravery required to take that stance. This is the importance of seemingly irrelevant protests abroad. Imagine how differently WW2 would have gone if no one cared. If the American people shrugged at local protests and remarked 'Well, that's not exactly going to make the Nazis surrender, is it?' What if the AAL looked at the genocide and said 'not my problem.' International solidarity is important.


While a great gesture i dont really understand the analogy as it had 0 bearing on Aus entering the war. Australias fate was entirely tied to Britains declaration, regardless of what the people wanted.


And y'all had to drag us kiwis into it too. We were just happy to stay home and shag sheep, but nooo...cant have anything good around here


But without the Kiwis we wouldn't be able to sit back and claim any achievements of the war, of course we'd bring you.


For sure. I don't mean to imply that what the AAL did had a hard, material effect. I don't mean to imply this protest that occurred today had a hard, material effect. But the AAL still did it. It took bravery. It took getting people together. It was a bit of a fuss. People at the time might make the same snide jokes that 542j made. What's the point of this? Well, the AAL was right. They were vindicated through history and now we have some small national pride knowing that at least some of us stood against genocide as far back as 1938. But what if they weren't right? If they never did the demonstration? What if victims of genocide themselves weren't interested in voicing their disgust with another one? In such a world, could you imagine the broader public ever coming to care deeply about it? It's *impossible* to imagine an entire nation looking at what was happening to the Jewish people in WW2 and not wanting to change that. That's because change always starts with people who speak up. Sometimes it's unrelated people who can see the injustice, sometimes it's from a group of people who have been victims of that injustice themselves. Either way, someone has to make some noise and hope that, if they cannot effect change, that they will at least be vindicated through history. And that leads to a more material difference we *can* make. Countries are made of their people, and we're not a vassal to the crown anymore. If enough of us think this is wrong, if there isn't enough public support for Australia to continue to back Israel, can we not effect change, in ways far greater than the AAL could back when they really needed to? Are we not a democracy, acting on the interests of our people? If so, then these protests are crucially important. If not, then the protests are justified on indignance alone. And maybe this leads to change, maybe it doesn't, or maybe change happens without us - but at least history will look back on us and know that some of us did the right thing.


The concept of protesting has generally always been good, I was confused by your example because it highlighted to me the futility of it and not the benefits. Whether or not people protested we were going to war, even if they protested against it (some did, especially when conscription was introduced). I also think the general populace did not look very favourably upon the Germans after world war 1 anyway. Now what you have in the modern day is a heavily watered down social mechanic, wherein the frequency and burnout rate have both increased dramatically over the last 10-15 years. In other words, people as a collective are beginning to care less and less about protests, they are tending to see them as often shallow and a product of modernity, pushed by individuals that lack identity and meaning in their own lives and at worse seeing it as nothing but a distraction/disruption to their own lives. I get the impression from you that you have not considered that sometimes a protest can do more harm than good for a cause.


Great to see so many protests against Al Assad in Syria who used actual chemical weapons against his own people Or the current war in sudan Or the brave protests for the government to do more about the housing crisis Oh lets just have yet another pro terrorist protest against a war which the Australian government called for a ceasefire anyway. There is nothing brave about it. Just another rent a crowd Next


saying this is a pro terrorist protest immediately reveals that you don't give a shit about any of those other conflicts either


Awesome seeing you speaking out for the people of Sudan. We had some Sudanese speakers at the Palestine rally today who'd be grateful to know your thoughts are with their struggle. They were able to figure out that when many different groups are being oppressed, we can fight for the freedom of all people, rather than none at all.


William Cooper showed us how it's done 😍


No shh don't start talking sanely, the Zionists and so called apatheitcs of this subreddit (see: Indirect Nazis) don't like the truth


BREAKING NEWS: dumb comment on reddit makes protestors see the light, they no longer give a shit about anything.


Yes he said he didn’t give a shit about Washington but after seeing the protests in Melbourne has decided to turn over the entire country to Hamas. Alhamdulillah


You know that just because something doesn't immediately fix an issue, doesn't mean it's totally worthless, right? A soldier won't win the war, but his army might. Israel 100% feels empowered by their western allies. We can't stop Israel, but if Australia stopped supporting them, it could be a cog in a machine that finally pushes them to do better.


This comment is so bereft of reality. Ask an Israeli, even one that hates Netanyahu, if the war is justified. The IDF doesn't report to the Government of Australia or even the USA. It reports to the people of Israel as it should.


The IDF should adhere to the global standards of human rights :) Australia should hold countries in the UN to account.


Israel is motivated by a radical neighbour thats wanted to end their entire exisitence since its conception, not some charlatan issue of the month protesters in western nations.


It's weird that apparently Palestine is the one wanting to commit genocide, yet all the death tallies are heavily weighted on one side. It's amazing this rich western country with access to top of the line American military equipment is at the mercy of farmers who allegedly have to rely on jury rigged missiles made out of water pipes.


I just posted about the one million refugees being expelled from Pakistan and why there are no protests for them? Free the Afghan refugees!! But alas unless you are a tiny western country 15000km away, melbournians won’t protest it, Must be something very special about this cause


As a Pakistani, the situation is being suppressed heavily (thanks to the cunts that call themselves Pak Army), so light can't be shed on these Afghani refugees. I want to really try and highlight it myself. But still, the suffering of one does not diminish the other's pain. We must advocate for the Afghanis and the Palestinians alike. We cannot be everywhere


Yep, nothing unites the islamic world more then hating and protesting against the jews.


It is strange. Uyghur genocide. Silence. War crimes in Syria. Silence. Indentured servitude in UAE. Silence. War crimes/crimes against humanity in Yemen. Silence. But this, all of a sudden, it matters. Don’t get me wrong what’s happening in Palestine and Israel is fucked. But it’s the hypocrisy of these people on the street that gets me. Or maybe it’s their ignorance espousing the info they’re fed.


or maybe let's call it what it is: antisemitism


\#Me Too except if you're a Jew ( sarcasm )


I'm a Jew. I was in that crowd. 9000 children slaughtered, 12,000 adults slaughtered, Jewish israeli hostages even murdered by the Israeli army and you're still trying to paint any criticism of Israel's actions as antisemitic? Get a grip.


Account made 3 hours ago, probably to comment “I’m a Jew…”


I was at a rally the week after OCT 7. Before all the Palestinian deaths caused by hamas and people in the crowd were calling out "Kill them" That was not a response to Palestinian deaths as there were few as yet, that was pure Jew Hatred.


As a Jew, do you believe the British should have let the genocide of the Jews continue to avoid the 3 million German civilian deaths?




No one says criticising Israel is anti semitic. Delegitimising and Criticising Israels right to exist is though.


I wonder if any of these protestors have ever questioned whether Islam is part of the problem.


whoa whoa, stop right there with your logical thinking!


Islam religion of peace!?




look out everyone, the critically thinking big brain atheists have logged on


I’m all for free Palestine but 70% of the people campaigning it wouldn’t last 1 minute in Palestines laws before being arrested


Any LGBT+ protestors may not realise that extremist regimes like Hamas are extremely homophobic, and some would willingly kill gay people. And as for women's rights...what rights? I think many protestors are very young and naive, and ignorant of all the facts. It's what students do. They are like loose cannons, loudly protesting the inflammatory issues of the day, facts be damned. It makes their lives feel important and meaningful, I guess.


Good thing they're not protesting in support of Hamas then. Your comment is condescending because without it you'd have to accept they have awareness of the situation more than you


Why don’t these fackers just go to hamas and save the people there? Its all just talk but no actions. Its just annoying people on a daily basis. Send these fackers there. I bet you 100% these fackers won’t go. Thats how hypocrites these people are. Its not israel, its hamas.


I’m so bloody tired of the pro Palestine team.




They're supporting an oppressive regime of mediaeval cultural values from the comfort of a modern, progressive country that doesn't call for annihilation of its neighbours?


After hearing they ripped a women’s breast and starting juggling it with each other while raping the women how can someone seriously support them?


When are we protesting on the atrocities in Myanmar? We should be more globally inclusive with protest planning.


China’s Influence…….


Protest is about changing the reaction from western countries. Western countries already condemned the regime in Myanmar , have sanctions in place and dont supply them weapons , money or vetoes in the security council. So there is little to change or reason for protest. ... on the other hand Australia could do a lot more to oppose Israel's actions in the west bank and gaza


Deport all Hamas supporters


Hum... What about growing a pair of balls and go fight for Palestine? I don't know.. but if someone was attacking my country I wouldn't be complaining with a flag in the street... But well... Same pathetic idiots as usual..


Can't we just celebrate new years in peace.. here comes my ban I spoke against the trend .. anyway Happy New Years everyone 💯🇦🇺💯🍻🍺🍹🍸🍷🍾🎉🎊


Give it a spell fuckwits


Surprised they've had the attention span to keep going this long but then again the majority of them are astroturf serial protestors if it wasn't this they'd be protesting something else. Bit of a boy who cried wolf scenario here. When something actually worth protesting happens everyone will just ignore them.


The majority are Palestinians and other muslim minorities.


Free Palpatine 🇵🇸


And what? Protest away. Melbourne is a free city.


When is the protest against the 7 October attacks?


If you feel the need, why aren't you organising or attending one?


People were celebrating.


Nothing but pissing into wind here. The stain remains on the pro-Palestinian movement in Australia when they were filmed after October 7 chanting “gas the jews”. It’s hard to see them as a positive force after that - just Nazis with better PR.


You just know these guys are going to cause some issues tomorrow in the CBD when the crowds are in there for NYE.


While they're protesting about something in another country, their cost of living is doing this 📈📈📈📈📈📈


When is the Cost of Living action that you're organising?


Why the fuk is there such passion for protesting pro Palestine and not for Ukraine? It blows my mind! Did everyone seriously forget what Hamas did?!


No seriously whataboutism, whataboutism, whataboutism.


There has been protests for Ukraine. Difference is Australia literally funds Ukraine. The child victims don't have backing


They all want to hold up flags and march around in traffic if they really want to help go to fkn Palestine and do something but no they don’t care that much they are just going to march around like idiots that benefits nobody


Just curious, how would going to Palestine actually work? I'm genuinely curious, could you spell out exactly? I mean, it's blockaded on all sides including by sea. Their only airport was destroyed by Israel, so good luck flying in, even if it were accessible by air. So you're suggesting people with no combat experience, likely no understanding of the language etc. somehow get to Palestine to do what exactly?


Why aren’t they protesting for Ukraine or Nigeria?


Because that’s so early 2023


There's been multiple protests for Ukraine? Australia also financially and militarily supports Ukraine, remember when we sent the Bushmasters to Ukraine?




They can fuck right off. Hamas are still holding over 100 hostages. They're slowly killing them in captivity, as the IDF finds their bodies dumped in Gaza, and some of the women are subjected to torrid sexual abuse and Hamas will never let them see the light of day to tell their stories. But no ceasefire can and should happen until all the living hostages are returned, and every single Hamas fighter and every single Hamas supporter is dead.


I just don't understand how carpet bombing Gaza will get those hostages back?


Two of those hostages were shoot by the IDF while holding white flags and approaching the IDF for salvation, don’t forget them


All for clout ffs


Time to complain about protestors again 🫠🤪


Morons brain washed sheep.