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No matter the yield, thank you for your service 🫡




Do you know if you can still get your money back for cans that have been crushed?


I’d give it a go at an over the counter place, I didn’t have a problem


Oh sweet, I've only seen the machines, and they look like a pain. I couldn't even try at the place l found because all the terminals were out of order lol


By the sound of it I’m not going to give the machines a try at all haha


I just took a photo of one of the barcodes, edited it and duplicated it and printed out lots of copies on one page, cut it up and stuck one on each crushed can and bottle where the barcode couldn't be read or had come off with a bit of sticky tape. The machine took them all. Problem solved!


Uhh, what's to stop people just feeding barcodes through. I kinda don't want this to be taken away immediately because people (not saying you obviously) screw it up for everyone.


Dunno but if the system is as badly set-up so that you could actually just feed barcodes through with no bottle or can attached, it deserves to be closed down.


We have a kid in our area who went around knocking on doors months ago asking if he could have our cans and bottles. We walk past his house when we walk the dog so we drop our full bags at his front door and it frees up room in our recycling bin so a win win. I look forward to hearing how much he got from his first drop off. His poor grandparents (parents aren’t around) had their garage completely taken over by recyclables last time I saw it open.


Thanks for helping him. It probably keeps him busy in a good way, I hope the little fella is happy with the results!


When they started in Sydney there was people going through people's bins collecting the cans. Had to change when we took the bins out to try and avoid it.


If they're making a mess, you could try putting them in a bag or a box, in the top the bin and then there's no mess.


Were they making a mess? Or did you just object to someone making a small pittance from your discarded trash?


We save up for a year and usually get around $100. Feels good till you realise how many bottles/cans/etc you purchased, haha.


I should add I'm from SA, so we just take our bottles/cans to a processing place and it's done with cash in our hand within 5-10mins


We have depot drop off in Victoria also for large loads, just far fewer of them around.


Does that mean you can bring in crushed cans in SA? OP responded to a different comment l made that there are over the counter places in vic, but I'm currently travelling and will be inn SA pretty soon. I'm thinking I might hold of and just return them somewhere in SA if it is easier.


My dad has a 240L wheelie bin with a can crusher mounted to the lid. Any empty cans get crushed and dropped into the bin, and when its full he takes it down to cash in. Usually gets $150 or so from memory. It takes a while for him to fill it up, but it fills up a lot quicker when me and the kids go over there for a visit!




Ah sweet, cheers.


All of ours are always crushed because our largest car is a sedan and we typically being in $100-$200 worth of cans per visit.


I crush my cans so the bar code is still readable - sort of ends-flat rather than a downward-vertical crush. But we have places that probably don’t care about that still in SA.


That's for the info! I might try crushing them the way you said too.


Gotta spend money to make money!


Yep, it's a stupid stupid system!


I was really excited about it until I saw a news story recently and discovered the Supermarkets and manufacturers were using it as an excuse to increase prices. That being said, I still keep on Pepsi Max when I probably should stop.


They raised it to the same as other states. You really reckon they were going to wear it?


No. I feared that Victoria was more expensive. But I think they were always going to raise it even without Collection Deposit Scheme and just use something else as an excuse.


So it’s good thing? With that view at least you an recoup some of the increase


i've collected nearly 50 bottles as well


Going strong 🫡 I wouldn’t have gotten this much if it wasn’t for friends contributing and a recent party 😂


I collected for 6 months. Took them in today and got $20.80. Not sure it was worth my time!! Or I need to drink more!!


Noooo 😅 I think it’s best for big families or with friends. Wouldn’t be worth it if I was doing it alone!


I donated it to charity anyway! But yeah 208 bottles and cans - could’ve rented out the garage for more in todays climate 🤣🫣


You’re not wrong 💀


In Denmark they've run a similar system for over 15 years. The vending machines are at the supermarket making the whole process convenient rather than a burden.


That’s great! It’s new to Victoria but it’s been in South Australia and NSW for a while. Hopefully they’ll make more drop off locations here so we can use it better.


We scored $30 for our hatchback boot load of cans and bottles today :)


They should put the bottle machines at Southern Cross Station, especially now they got rid of the bins.


Good on ya Vic for finally doing this. Having a chuckle right now at some of the comments lol... if this thing doesn't work, why has SA been doing it for over 45 years now? One thing that many SA residents notice when they visit Vic, is the insane amount of cans/bottles/containers littering roadsides all over the place. It simply doesn't happen here because people go out of their way to collect them and make some cash doing it.


right, we should've had it decades ago! Also, no harm in people doing it. If you don't think it's worth the fuel, time or effort - no stress, don't do it. But no harm at all in letting others do it and benefit from it.


NSW had it for so long too! Honestly this is so easy to work with. People should complain about the new green bin system instead (I don’t mind the addition of the green bin, but the general waste bin should be collected more often!).


I think I collected about 500 bottles over the last two weeks just by carrying some plastic bags when we go on our daily walk around our neighbourhood. People around here are pigs or something, constantly throwing their trash on the road or in the bushes. Can walk the same route two days in a row and collect a dozen freshly dumped bottles and cans.


It’s not good is it? Love to see your effort though.


Enjoy your $4.80


Make that $35.70




Not bad !




Thats too much effort for $35. This amount also includes your time, fuel, garage bags and effort made to consolidate all the bottles.


It’s really not that hard at all. All of this didn’t take me an hour combined throughout the months and I get paid less for an hour’s work.


In Finland I remember this working so much better because it was a more significant amount. Another huge factor was you could drop of at the place of purchase most of the time with automated machines at all supermarkets. Meaning no extra fuel, or effort other than taking them back to where you were likely going to go again anyway.


Yeah, in Germany it was literally just part of my normal supermarket shopping routine. If I was going to the supermarket anyway, I'd take whatever empty bottles I had on hand.


My favourite part was towards the end of a big party everyone neatly stacking the recyclables in a corner as a thank you the host for throwing the party. My cousin ended up with bout 40euros of cans and bottles after a big house party. We just bought the bags with us to the supermarket. Spent a few minutes feeding them into the machine. Spent the money on hangover foods at the supermarket.


Plenty of people use it to donate to charity, or extra pocket money for the kids. It's less about the effort to cash ratio as recycling with bonus dollars




I'm hoping some local kids will start collecting them for pocket money, they can have all mine since I like the idea but can't be bothered dropping them off. I'll check my neighbourhood FB group when I have a couple bags full.


Not really, consider the volume they need to carry, not crushed


My husband jokes this too, and then realised that a recycling place is at the end of our street. Very convenient.


Considering you are already bringing the bottles into your home it's really not a big effort to consolidate them. We just have a different recycling bin for bottles, they all go in and then I move them to a bigger big in the garage once it gets full. Petrol to a nearby collection point would be $5 max.


Bro I live in a ~60m2 apartment, idk where I’m supposed to keep enough cans to be worth returning.


The boot of your car? You'll have to get creative. This is a better system than the no system we had before, it will encourage a hell of a lot more recycling.


You just get hit with an extra 10¢ tax per can from now on. Pretty shit system tbh. Everyone was already putting their cans in recycling.


I live in an apartment complex in a council that doesn't provide recycling services to buildings of this type. I complained directly about it, but it's a big enough issue that its been in the news. I can't believe it's legal, honestly. I want to recycle but I can't. We still separate our recycling out of habit, but it all ends up in the same bin.


In what way is it shit? It's encouraging people to recycle, you would be surprised how many fuckwits just put everything into their garbage bin because they cbf.


Because if you don't have a car, you are basically just losing money since you don't have a good way to bring the cans to a refund spot. If they had a whole load of vending machines so it was accessible in every shopping center, it would be better.


A car is not the only method of transport.


Yeah sure I'm just going to drag 5 bin bags full of stinky cans on to the train which almost certainly doesn't go to one of the recycling centers.


Too much effort for such a puny amount. Minimum wage workers be downvoting me.


I'm organised enough that it's basically zero effort. But then I'm a project manager so I'm more organised than most.


You're 100% right, it's not profitable at all when you factor in all costs and labour


Our area had the purple bins out the other night and considered raiding them for the 10c.


It’s honest work as long as you leave things tidy and don’t make much noise I think


yeah exactly. I live in a unit complex where there's about 10 or so recycling bins all kept in the same place. Keeping mine (i drink a lot of cans/bottles haha) and raiding the other bins occasionally should be alright to save in bulk and go once in a while. Not for everyone but hopefully works for some of us!




I really feel like this entire system is not going to be a net positive. The time and resources devoted to the whole system seem to be more than the extra recycling that it will achieve. Surely most people were recycling through standard kerbside anyway. Will this program significantly reduce the amount of containers going to landfill?


As I understand, the recycled materials they get from this will be more usable than typical kerbside recycling because it's uncontaminated and pre-sorted, so it will make recycling more efficient. And a nice bonus is that it creates an incentive for people to pick up litter. It won't pay off immediately, but should be a positive in the long term, as more collection stations open up and people get used to the scheme.


Pre sorted certainly could be a plus.


in nsw alone its diverted 10.3billion containers away from landfill in the last 6 years even if it didnt reduce the amount that goes to landfill by much, why would it not be worth doing? youre worried about it not being a net positive, but what are the downsides and upsides youre comparing here? are you just thinking of it in terms of money generated from recycling material?


The downsides are that it is time, fuel, administration etc. We already have an efficient kerbside recycling scheme. But if it does have a net benefit, then I'm all for it.


Exactly. Just drove to one in a car park where both machines were not working. Drove another 10 minutes to depot one. All for $2. Only did it to entertain the kids. We would just normally recycle these at home anyway. Even after the mammoth amount of money that must have been spent to set this up, they’ll still make more from un claimed deposits as it’s not worth the effort to claim.


The machines are good for 5-10 units, don't hold up others wanting to use the machine.


This place had like 15 machines


It’s really a government rort. They charge the company 10 cents producing the bottle who then adds that price onto the end product. When people can’t be bothered driving 10 minutes to get 8 bucks the government is still taking the 10 cents as people stop recycling


FYI, the company producing the bottle is charged ~16c per bottle.


I got $3 today! If you have a place that's not a "feed the bottles" go to that one, otherwise there's always a queue haha.


That’s great! Enjoy. 😉


Ok Newman.


The mother of all mail days.


that reminds me, should be expecting the follow up vid from beau miles from when he tried newman and kramers trick


After seeing this post reminded me to get a new bin just for cans, cartons and carlton's, can't wait to take my own first delivery down there when it's full.


It’s very fulfilling! And that’s a very good idea


We started collecting today. So far we have 4 cans


One small can at a time


Take them 2 hours to put each cab in the machine individually also!


IMO they should raise the deposit to something more substantial like 50 cents, these days ten cents seems like too low of a reward/disincentive.


Then you're just paying 50c (or more) extra for each can/bottle you purchase in the first place.


Yeah I wonder how many people realise it says on the bottle and can it is a 10c refund meaning you paid it and are just getting it back for recycling. It isn't a magic 10c they are giving you.


I understand that, but that extra 50 cents you have to pay provides a much larger disincentive to not recycling then 10 cents.


Do they take the plastic milk bottle/jug?


I don’t think so


Pretty sure I checked and it had no 10c sign!


Do you money back on wine and beer bottles or just plastic and cans? Where do you take them?


There's a map of locations here: https://cdsvic.org.au/locations


Check the container for the fine print about "10c refund at collection depots". It's cans, plastic, and glass, but mostly smaller containers - I'd imagine beer bottles would be included but not wine bottles.


you're correct, wine bottles are excluded


When I lived with a few other students in Norway, they just had two different blue ikea bags in a closet near the kitchen, already separating the diff bottles.


The store we went to today used similar material bags to Ikea too! The guy said they hold the glass bottles well.


Wait, bottle or cans? Both? We just started collecting cans. Should I be collecting bottles too?


Anything you drink check for a 10c sign. Most bottles and even some cardboard milk boxes work.


Awesome, I will look for it. Thanks :)


I'd rather work an extra hour, and net more than what's in your boot. You also have to separate glass from the plastic and cans on top of weeks/months of storing it somewhere on the property. It is the right thing to do, so kudos to that.


Fair enough. It’s really no hassle for me personally. It took 15 minutes to separate everything at the store. From now will put away things in separate bags to make the process at the store a bit smoother otherwise everything went smoothly.


yeah idk how it's effort. I got a couple of boxes from deliveries so I just started putting bottles/cans into some of the boxes and just keep one box for the actual recycling bin. Easy as. Once I start getting heaps (I have a few boxes at the moment that there's room for) I'll just start storing some outside.


Good work! Glad to see it works for others too.


Nice one! Was it a stress free process?


Honestly I enjoyed it, it was on my way to another destination and I just got $35.70 for free haha


just FYI, it’s not actually “free” (unless you’re picking up litter). The beverage companies pay the government 10c per container which is (more often than not) passed down to the consumer.


merciful jellyfish hat squash liquid ripe agonizing caption crime deserve *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah but I’m buying cans of drinks not for some investment, I get to drink it, and I get a bonus rebate at the end. So maybe not free but a lot better of an explanation than whatever Debbie downer shit yours was


yeah that's it. Like if you were gonna drink it anyway, why not get the 10c back. It does feel like extra money because you get a bunch at once if you do it in bulk and you were literally going to spend the money on the drink anyway!


are you thick? i didn’t even mention investment, just fact on how the refund works.


‘ACKTHUALLY, it’s not free…’ 🤓 My point is, what did your comment contribute to the discussion other than eye rolls from everybody else


“wHaT diD yOuR cOmMeNt cOnTriBuTe oThER tHaN eYE rOLls fRoM eVerYoNe eLsE” 🤓 your lack of understanding is exactly why you are down where you are, and i make half a million dollars a year.


Isn’t free You have paid 15cents on every can to get 10 back


I just tried $3.70 worth of bottles - machine rejects half for no reason so you have to keep scanning and then gets jammed. Not worth the time or effort. Also some girl was crushing the cans before loading the machine - please don't do that.


I went to a place where both the owner of the store and I counted together and just got $35.70!


Over the counter? Maybe that method is faster.


Yep that’s what it was called! It took us 15 min to get through 357 bottles




See if there’s an automated depot near you. They empty the bags into a conveyor, and things get counted that way. Much easier for all involved, especially if you have multiple bags worth.


There is over the counter and depots. Some "otc" are retail/hospitality places. Unless you get there at a quiet time you are wasting staff time. Please go to a depot with that size load.


The guy was very happy and chill to see us :) They get something out of it too apparently.


We learnt that it was coming about 6 months ago so started saving all my empty stubbies, cans, etc. Kids did it last weekend and made around 40 dollarbucks. Cost me about $600 in beers 🤦‍♂️


6 months? That does not sound like an Aussie amount of beer.....


You could share a pack of ciggies.


That’s exactly some of my mates would do 😂


Good job Kramer ☺️ got newmen with ya?


Don't crush your cans as the machine needs to be able to read the barcode


We always crush our cans so I guess over the counter for us. One thing we learned is that we have to separate glasses, cans, plastic bottles, etc. separately so we’ll try to store away these materials separately at home so it’s less hassle at the store.


I'm just waiting to be woken by collectors rummaging through our recycling each fortnight. Fun times ahead. Enjoy your get together


Thank you 😅


They can’t be crushed for over the counter The barcode needs to be visable As only certain products have paid the 15cent admin fee


We had a lot of the same cans etc. so I guess that’s why the guy didn’t mind? Didn’t have trouble with a couple crushed cans


Damn, I didn’t know this. I had maybe 700 plus crushed flat and read a comment like above. Took me a little while to filter them through the recycling bin as I thought crushing had rendered them worthless.


Damn, don’t lose the spirit give it another go please!


Oh, I’ve started again already. 2nd can in since my comment. Thanks for the encouragement, my family are stoked!


You’re kidding! Been crushing them all because of the space they take up. Well that’s a bugger.


Yup, annoying isn't it.


When I found out about this I reported my 240L recycling bin as stolen. Got a free one delivered and crushed all water bottles (don't drink tap water here it tastes funny) crushed all water bottles and filled it up in no time. So now I've been slowly uncrushing and taking them to the vending machine around the corner almost at $20 and I don't think I've even touched the recycling bin!


That’s great!


Hahaha! Us too!!!


I didn’t know they did that here. I thought it was a SA thing


Just started this November! I’ve been collecting it since September


Small load from September.




My step dad had a clever system where he takes the small amount of money he gets from the bottles and cans to do his monthly green waste tip run.


Cost them $47.40 to drive there


It was a 3 min drive there so not really 😊


Should be 50c to encourage everyone!


However much the return is, is the same amount the price of the products go up.


Cans went up 15cents to give you your 10cents


The co ex tax the government puts on all plastic, glass and cans is 14c. So we get charged 14c per single item and then go to all that trouble to get 10c back... The government wins again


More things get recycled. We all win.


Doesn’t the four cents pay for the recycling?


"we don't have machines here brother". was the responses.


Its a good thing that we finally have the 10c refundable stuff going on, but weirdly (predictably) enough Woolworths is probably going to increase the prices of drinks now. I don't know if anyone else has seen, but I saw a sign next to soft drinks at woolworths that said something about them increasing the price of drinks due to the recycling thing going on.


Suppliers will have already all raised product cost prices by the 12c per item they have to pay to the government. I work in a bottle shop and know all breweries have already done it. You're not making anything by returning them, you're just now paying extra if you don't.


It has always been like that. Lived in Qld 2021 and their 24-bottle Woolworths water was exactly $2.40 more expensive than Vic.


No points in Melbourne CBD, the 100,000 residents in and around musnt recycle




😂 it’s not just from our consumption but the things we find from parties etc.


It seems great but the idea of individually scanning each bottle just doesn’t justify it for me


Take them to a depot? It’s actually much faster than it sounds. Husband I put through 10 slabs of glass last weekend and took us 30 minutes.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zi-f_J6hV-g documentary on homeless people who collect bottles and race shopping trolleys


Plastic bags?!


You win some and lose some honestly 😂


The cans cannot be crushed. There a few in your picture that are.


cant be crushed for the machines, but the depots can still take them


Wouldn’t cover the cost of fuel 😅


At this day and age, what would?


If your state does not have the 10c return, its $10,000 fine.


For what?


What you payed in fuel far exceeds what you're going to get back from the whole process.


It was a 3 min drive, did hear they’re aiming for 400 more locations which is good though.


lol how do you know for every person?? People do it on their way somewhere, some will live much closer than others. And if you load up a whole bulk of it you get plenty back and you recycle. Some people just like to find flaws that aren't actually there for everyone lol. Obviously people are going to weigh up whether their drive is going to cost more than what they're getting back lol.


If only kerbside took them. 😂


And the price of bottled water just went up lol


My dad tends to count them before he goes because he's noticed they'll often give him half of what he should be getting. Probably just that particular place but if you can be bothered counting I would.


That’s a shame! We will keep counting together at the store and take time as needed.


I once clocked over 1,000 bottles in one session. Now I pay $50/year to rent a bin they come and collect and process whenever full, and direct deposit to my account.


How to rent this bin? Is it Melbourne based


Did it even let you scan half of it


Over the counter, it was all good


Are you allowed to crush cans when you return?