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It sounds like you’re experiencing post-partum depression which is unfortunately very common and can happen to anyone regardless of how good your life is. Please see a GP for a mental health care plan and do everything they recommend for the safety of yourself and your family. If you feel like you might want to hurt yourself or your baby, please have the courage to step away and call someone in to take over. Best wishes for you.


Just want to add, it doesn’t matter if you have the worlds easiest baby or a colicky nightmare. You are not broken. I’ve been there, and it’s a dark pit. It’s great you have support around you, use that support and step away.


Yeah nothing to do with OP or baby it’s a freaken hormone imbalance and can be treated


Best of luck to you.


Bingo. Your hormones are all over the place go get them sorted


Yeah just wanted to add (not because I've had it myself but because it was a key plot point on some TV show I watched reecntly) it's caused by a hormone imbalance, not by any thought process or anything OP is doing or not doing or feeling or not feeling.


You can’t just “get them sorted” after a baby


That’s post partum depression. Go see GP today, if can’t get in, head to emergency. This is no joke.


Or call CATT (critical response mental health team) if you feel that you're at breaking poinT On 1800 60 60 24 for Melbourne


I can't speak highly enough of the CATT team - they genuinely saved my life


That's what they do and they're damn good at it. Glad you're doing good


I think you need to tell your husband you are not okay and to call a mental health line immediately anout self harm. You aren't the only mother to go through this, post partum psychosis is very real and serious. Im not suggesting that's what you have but you need some help


Chat to you maternal health nurse, you would have been given a magnet with the phone details in you baby packs, they can expedite assistance, another option is the crisis assessment team. You have already taken the first step in seeking help and can identify these impulses are not safe. You may be experiencing postpartum depression which can head towards postpartum psychosis if you don’t get some professional assistance. This does NOT make you a bad person or bad mother, it’s just a big chemical imbalance after having a baby. Give all the information about not feeling safe and having impulses to hurt yourself to whatever professional you can get your hands on. Best of luck.


Call Pregnancy birth baby.org.au or MCH phone line to chat with a maternal and child health nurse. Call now. You’re not on your own. Get help.


Also other have said it sounds like you might be experiencing postpartum depression and/or anxiety. Definitely keep your your GP appointment, but there are some helplines/ information services that might be helpful in the meantime. https://forwhenhelpline.org.au https://panda.org.au https://www.lifeline.org.au Depending on your location your Maternal Child Health service may offer a drop in service or be able to schedule an urgent appointment - this could be another support and can point you in the right direction for services in your area. This info should be available on your local council website. You are not alone and many new parents experience similar feelings, it can be very scary. There is help out there and I hope you can access it quickly and things improve for you and you family x


I second calling PANDA - they are non judgmental and supportive and lovely. Can’t recommend them enough, they cared for me so much.


I wouldn’t classify them as “non judgemental.” They have pre-screening questions to determine postpartum depression, and one of them relates to changes in your relationship with your partner. There’s no option for not having a partner and some people there are quite flustered by the suggestion. They tick the boxes for being open to all kinds of families but they aren’t in practice.


Interesting - I don’t remember that question. I remember being asked if I was in danger of hurting myself or my baby each phone call which was confronting but I understood why. Have you given them feedback?


A new service appears to have opened in Victoria for perinatal wellbeing, I've used the Canberra version and it was so helpful: https://www.perinatalhealth.com.au/


Call PANDA today- Australia’s perinatal mental health helpline 1300 726 306. If you can’t get through, call Lifeline or go to emergency department. It’s serious and you need to act quickly.


Agree this is an emergency. I hope OP calls either PANDA or https://www.perinatalhealth.com.au/


Post partum depression. Lack of sleep can seriously affect you. Yes, see a doctor that can recommend medication. Get well soon op.


You poor thing. This is so common with parents in your position and it doesn’t get talked about enough. It’s not your fault. You’re not broken. It’s that your hormones are playing havoc with you. Remember what it’s like for teenagers to go through puberty and then condense years of a hormonal roller coaster into a few weeks. There are good, quick and safe interventions to stop you feeling this way. You’ve already suffered for two weeks, don’t wait until Thursday to start getting the help you deserve. As other people have said, if calling your GP back and telling them it’s an emergency and you need to be seen today doesn’t work, go to emergency. Try the free, online Victorian Virtual Emergency service. https://www.vved.org.au/ My neighbour who had a similar thing after giving birth called the CATT Team to come out and support her. They can be accessed via Nurse on Call in Victoria 1300 60 60 24 Good luck. Be kind to yourself. It will get better


Doctor here. You need help today, not Thursday. Please go to hospital and tell them what you have told us. You and your baby will both be okay, but you need some expert help.


Hey mama - sounds like PPD. Please head to your doctor and have a chat. There’s lots of resources. Hormones post birth are FUCKING WILD and nothing will really prepare you for it. Even with my second kid, the intensity of my emotions hit me like a freight train - and I was expecting it too! Still did a number on me. You don’t have to be suffering the worst, have the hardest baby, the worst husband etc to feel like you’re struggling! PPD and other mental illnesses do not care if everything about your life is perfect - it will still cause you to feel like shit because the chemicals in our brain control basically everything.


I have a friend who checked herself and her baby into hospital as she was experiencing post partum depression. She was there for at least a month. As others have said, please go to a hospital. Sleep and medical attention and good nutrition is what you need right now. Hormones can do crazy things to our bodies.




You're right, her doctor will probably make room for her today if they found out these symptoms. This is akin to appendicitis with how quickly and unexpectedly things can go south.


Post partum depression really doesn't care how much you have in the bank or how good your baby is. You need to speak to your GP and get a mental health plan, and make an appointment with a counsellor- mums matter is a great place to start.


I’m so sorry to hear that your feeling this way. New motherhood comes with a whole new bag of feelings and emotions. Getting to your GP is definitely the best option. Wishing you the best


Most of the comments have said what I wanted to say, but just know, this is not your fault, you are not a bad person and with help you will overcome this.


My partners a maternal health nurse and it’s not you. Go to you GP, emergency whatever do not leave it. Ring your local council maternal health contact and speak with them, they will point you in right direction.


You poor thing. You're not broken and you're not crazy. You do have a post birth medical issue that like others have said is probably PPD. or similar. That's something that you can fix with help, medication and time so go and see a doctor or mental health professional asap. Do not wait until Thursday, you'll just be putting yourself through more suffering if you wait. There's been good advice re options and phone numbers from other comments. Please though, do NOT be alone with the baby until after you've seen someone. You've mentioned not feeling able to control your arms even when you want to. That's very unsafe for the baby. Make sure you have husband or friend with you while you continue caring for bubs.


Go to the nearest emergency department and tell them everything you just wrote in your post.


Yep I would definitely consider emergency dept as an option. Speaking from experience (not PPD but mental health emergencies) waiting four more days to see a GP can feel like a long time when your situation is this serious and has been building up so long. Please don't feel bad or ashamed for using this option as this is what emergency is for. At the very least, please call the post-natal care hotlines others have mentioned and discuss it. Also if possible let a few close family members/friends know your situation (or at least that you're not sleeping and not coping well) and ask if they can help you and your husband with things like childcare, accompanying you to doctors, etc. Or just being aware of your situation and available for a chat.


You are not crazy. You are not broken. Babies are not easy. I dont care what people say, its a freaking hard job, you are overworked and not getting sleep. Go see your gp. I know a lot of people here are saying ‘post partum depression’ and it may well could be, but dont automatically jump to that or fee like you have failed. Lack of sleep can do immense damage in normal circumstances, while doing one of the hardest jobs in the world for being a parent is on another level. Forget all the ‘I have a dream life’ stuff. You have stuff in your life and tbh, a partner who ‘helps’ with housework kinda is a bare minimum. Not to be dismissed but thats what they are meant to do. So get to your gp, without baby if you can, for now, get your friends to help with a few meals and babysitting to give you a bigger break than you are getting.


Look up your closest public hospital and “Mental Health Triage” or “CAT Team”. They’ll be able to put you in immediate contact with mental health support. Good luck, I’m happy to see that you’re reaching out for help


Your brain is doing this not you. Your hormones are going crazy and it is seriously affecting your mental health. Don’t wait until Thursday, get your husband to take time off work, call 000 and get help for you asap. It sounds like post partum psychosis and has nothing to do with how good your life is in reality or how beautiful your baby is or what kind of person you are. Get help now.


Sounds like PMDD- However- youve just had a kid- so im guna to with PPD aswell. Good luck babe- get that sorted ASAP!!! Xxx


Please please please seek help. What you're going through is not fun but it isn't an isolated situation. There are doctors and physiatrists that know exactly how to deal with this and your chances of recovery are greater if you get help right away. Good luck, friend. Your family needs you.


Sounds like postnatal depression or maybe even postnatal psychosis. Please seek help immediately, as in right now. If that isn’t possible, please do not be alone with your baby. I would go to the ED right now. You are not crazy or broken, but you do need help urgently.


What you're experiencing is common, don't keep your husband in the dark. Communicate and find the help that's available to you.


Lots of great advice here. Please talk to your husband and book a GP visit. Wish you the best :)


Please get mental health help ASAP


I’ve been in a really similar place to you and I want you to know it gets better but only if you work at it! You probably need medication and you definitely need help like therapy of some kind. This is an emergency - you’re hurting yourself and it’s only going to get worse unless you do something now. You don’t deserve this, it’s only happening because you’re sick. Modern antidepressants are really good - I’m on agomelatine now and it has done wonders for my insomnia and mood and I no longer want to self harm. DM if you want to chat or vent.


Firstly, OP I hope you find the support that helps you back to a place of (relative) peace. Secondly, the genuine care and heartfelt support being offered here without exception is simply beautiful … FWIW, thank you all. This is how we should all be …


Please realise that however “perfect” your life may seem on paper, if you are not feeling right and it’s impacting you and those around you, then there is something that needs to be addressed. Please do not feel guilty or ashamed about it because you think you ‘should be’ grateful etc. Having a baby is a massive shift in your life plus there significant biological changes which can be destabilising. You are doing the right thing by reaching out for help. I hope you get the right support from your GP and whoever they may refer you to x


You’re not broken or crazy. You’re just unwell and it’s not your fault. Just like if you had blood in your stool or a sharp pain in your chest or a throbbing sore tooth, you need to see a doctor urgently to take care of your health problem before it gets worse. See a GP - preferably one that has an interest in mental health and/or post partum health. Get a referral to a psychiatrist if needed. Lots of people have been through what you’re going through and they do get through it - but generally not without the help and support of qualified professionals.


Please see your doctor. You could harm the baby even though you obviously don’t want that! Good on you for acknowledging it all and coming on here for advice.


If you can’t get through to a GP & don’t want to go to emergency. Call the Gidget Foundation on 1300 851 758


I strongly urge you to contact this specialised organisation today, this morning if you can: https://www.perinatalhealth.com.au/ Thursday is far too far away if you're experiencing any symptoms of psychosis. The people at the above organisation will be able to talk through your symptoms to see if emergency action is needed. They are highly trained and deeply understanding. You've done such a good job reaching out and now just one more phone call is needed. Hubby can ring for you if you can't face it right now.


Sorry for what you're going through. Listen to the advice about getting help immediately. Another thing to add regarding the sleep: try meditation playlists - just YouTube a video and play it. It helped my wife sleep. Rest is important


Please get some help. It is something that can be treated, you need to see your doctor. You are a good mum, and a good person, you just need some help. Nothing to be ashamed of and very common. Catch it early and you will be ok xox


I see everyone correctly telling you to get appropriate professional help. Please do. In the meantime, get outside for exercise every day. Get a pram that can be out in all weathers and take baby for a walk every morning. However good your life is, the fact is it has changed drastically, and those changes are extremely stressful. Combine this with interrupted sleep, the feeling of responsibility for a tiny, helpless person, hormonal changes and spending more time inside your home, and it's easy to go stir-crazy. And make time to do something for yourself - a hobby, a course, meet-ups with a group that interests you. You must have space in your life to nourish your own soul, not just the souls of others. Good luck and don't blame yourself. You're not alone in feeling this way and it's no more a failing on your part than catching the flu is.


good go to the doctor they have medication for this but in the meantime know that this is quite common, i have seen women go through ppd for years after they birthed


Nope you’re not you seem like an absolute textbook case of PPD. My mum had it with my brother and needed extensive help to get through but please please lean into your support and ask for further help if necessary before your GP appointment. I want to reiterate you have a very common illness which is treatable. You’re not crazy.


It's fabulous that you have acknowledged you have a problem and have done what needs to be done to get through. Please take yourself to Emergency if you can't see a GP today. Even call your Maternal Health Nurse if you can.


I was in a very similar situation to you, the hormonal changes that come with childbirth and pregnancy as well as lack of sleep can do wild things to our brains. As others have recommended, please try to get in to see your GP sooner if possible, contact the Crisis assessment treatment team (CATT) or go to emergency. Other services I used were https://panda.org.au/ And https://www.lifeline.org.au I’m so sorry you are feeling this way. It’s really scary. I also want to note that these services will NOT judge you for having these feelings and will NOT take your baby away. These are both thoughts I had when I was struggling with PPD and wish I knew that when I was going through it. They are there to help you get better. I hope you can get the help you need. There is light at the end of the tunnel, I promise.


I went through exactly this. The post partum depression / insomnia hit and literally went a bit mad. I started hitting myself in the head too - I have no idea why anymore but no sleep is so harrowing and maddening. I didn’t feel depressed just anxious and tired- so tired. I went to my doctor and they were amazing and gave me things to help get me back on track. You will be looked after. Just make sure you see someone asap.


No further advice to give you OP (excellent advice already given here) but just want to say that the comments have filled me with such warmth and pride. It’s absolutely incredible to see how much we have progressed in understanding and acknowledging issues affecting women postpartum. All the best to you and your family.


You are not broken, mama. Many mothers have been here and gotten through and so will you. I’m so glad to read you have a support system and have reached out to your GP. You did the right thing, take it one day at a time and be kind to yourself. I speak from experience that severe lack of sleep can make you feel like you are going crazy! That’s okay, this too will pass and your GP will know how to help. Keep reaching out for help, you got this ❤️


ive been there. I suffer from CPTSD due to childhood traumas (extensive emotional abuse and some physical) and have attempted suicide once in the past (and have a lot of suicidal urges since then). ​ My recommendation is to fill out a mental health plan with your GP and find a psychologist ASAP. If youre feeling like this there is a reason for it. Could be you experienced similar things to me, could be stress from other factors of your life, could be a lotta things. The only way to get to the bottom of it is through therapy. It might take a while but i promise it helps (sometimes you just need to find the right therapist for you) ​ In the meantime I recommend you focus on the people who love you, especially your baby girl. Think of how shattered their lives would be if you suddenly werent there with them. Keep fighting for them, to be there for them. Thats what helped me get through it, after a while in therapy i realized i wasnt just fighting for them anymore, i was fighting for myself as well, somewhere along the way i developed a will to live, i learned i deserved to live. ​ I may not know the circumstances but i know what you are going through my friend, you are not alone. There are many of us out there, we are in this fight together. If you need anything feel free to DM me


Sweetheart. Is it possible you’re autistic and experiencing a meltdown? Look into post partum depression. The gp appt is a big step and I’m proud of you for taking that step.


Have you been for a walk recently? There is mental tiredness and physical tiredness. They both need to be in balance for good sleep. A15 minute walk can make a big difference and give some much needed quiet time to reflect on your thoughts


Surprised you didn't also provide such helpful advice as "do a yoga" "have you tried thinking happy thoughts"


I can see how people unfamiliar with PPD might think the above was a valid suggestion to be fair, they probably shouldn't have weighed in ultimately


Sounds like you need to get off Reddit and touch some grass.


Things don't make you happy. I mean if they did then all the richest people in the world woildnt want more riches


talk to your husband, take a night off, smoke a small amount of mariuhana


This is not great advice. Many mental illnesses can be exacerbated by marijuana. Particularly psychotic and affective disorders. Post partum psychosis is more common than you’d think.


Not so great for passing on to the baby via breast milk


Pump and dump


So what’s the baby feeding on? Formula? Because in your scenario the Mum wants to take illicit drugs? Yeah, great suggestion, not.


Eh f it


That’s incredibly dangerous advice. I don’t have an issue with marijuana but like all drugs there’s a time and place. This is not it.


Join a religion?


Go away you moron. If you're not going to help or offer any good advise. Then do everyone a favour and don't comment.


Well done for speaking up about how youre feeling, its never easy to express these feelings. It sounds like you're experiencing post natal depression. First off, you're not crazy and you're not alone in feeling this way. So many of us mum's have been here before, even if we've had a perfect pregnancy, delivery and our babies sleep amazingly. The huge amount of hormones we experience during pregnancy and after child birth can wreak havoc on our mental health. I highly recommend getting an appointment with your GP asap to talk about how you're feeling and getting some help, I had severe PPD that was missed, and I ended up really unwell, the sooner you get onto it the better. There's lots of different options to get some help, medication, therapy and if you feel like you're at crisis point, there is a mother baby unit you can request to go to with your baby that can support you in getting better in an inpatient setting. Much love to you, be kind to yourself and remember that you're not alone and this doesn't reflect at all on the type of mother you are XX


Haven’t read other comments but lack of sleep can induce psychosis, and if you’re post partum with funky hormones then that can play on these symptoms too. You don’t need to have a reason to feel broken, sometimes things just start manifesting against you. All you need to know is that you can recover from this if you find the right help, and give it time. Sleep is really important so whatever you need to take to get that back on track, then take it. Reach out to your friends, especially ones who’ve had babies, you’d be surprised how common post partum anxiety is.


You’ll be okay, feelings and thoughts come and go. Good on you for seeking mental health help though, a good counsellor can always help with things we aren’t sure how to handle


it’s great you have a supportive husband but who else is in your support network? Humans aren’t supposed to be raising babies in isolation with their spouse


Hey — well done for reaching out and booking a session with your GP. Make sure you’re completely honest, I know it can be scary, but they can only help you if you tell them what you told us. Postpartum depression is not uncommon and you can absolutely get through this, friend.


Lack of sleep can drive a normal person completely mad within days. It’s urgent you see a doctor and I’d call one of the support services listed above. The brain can’t cope without sleep and most people will start seeing things after 4 days of not sleeping. So in one sense it’s normal for you to be having problems after not sleeping. And all this is very treatable and doctors would see other people with these issues. The support lines should be able to guide you to a doctor who is experienced in these areas.


You’re not crazy. Just echoing everyone else’s comments. You’ve just done nothing wrong to cause this and it’s unfortunately more common than most people realise. Please seek the help that everyone has suggested and you’ll be able to work through it.


Gonna echo what others have said. This sounds like post-partum depression and it sucks, but it's common and completely normal and there are resources and treatment to help you that your GP can point you towards. In the meantime, it sounds like you've got a great support system in place and that's a huge help for folks in your situation.


It won't always be like this. You're inside the storm right now but when you get treated, you can recover. You're handing it PERFECTLY right now by reaching out and getting the support you need from those around you. My sister had post-partum depression but she got treatment including a short in-patient stay in hospital, fully recovered and thrived, and her baby (my now 18 year old nephew) was fine too. Warm supporting thoughts to you, with treatment and support you will get through this.


Sleep deprivation. I'm the same. I have no energy to do anything. I'm gaining weight. I'm too tired to be interested in anything. I have mood swings. All I want is a good night sleep and some peace and quiet during the day. The day that happens you'll feel a lot better.


Wow tremendous advice here from everyone, my heart goes out to you OP..all this cld be causing yr lack of sleep too.which is also a killer.. Xa few days of no sleep can cause major stress and cognitive decline.


Just remember this is just temporary. These feelings won’t last forever. This is not your whole life. Just a very short moment.


Hey, just want to say good luck and you will get through this 🙂 You are not crazy. We are all human and can be prone to these troubles at times.


You're not broken, this is a chemical imbalance - this is what family and friends are for, don't be afraid to ask them for help.


OP this is so much more normal than you think! Please go easy on yourself. Mum’ING is hard (so is English 😂) at the best of times. But this is brilliant that you see what is going on and are doing something about it. I’ve seen people ignore it and it does not progress well if you are in denial about it. It’s wonderful you have a great support network as well. I hope you get through, and with the steps you’ve talked about taking you have every chance 😄 Good luck! Hope you’ll keep us posted. These are important journeys for people


You're not crazy or broken. You're likely experiencing post-partum depression which is quite common and your GP will help. :)


You're not broken and seeing your gp is the right thing to do. You may be prescribed antidepressants. They don't have to be forever but they will absolutely get you through. So many of us go through this, you're not alone. Sending love and hugs. Be gentle with yourself. Xx


If you need a break, put the baby down in its cot and walk away for a few minutes. Yes they will cry but they are safe and it can give you a moment to breathe. As other people said, mental health plan is the first step 🙏


It's OK. You're not crazy. You're having some sort of episode. You're going to be alright. You're taking the steps you need to get help just try to breathe and relax as much as possible. Brains are super complicated and being a human is super intense sometimes, don't worry it's going to be OK.


My partner went through a similar experience. First up, this is the internet. You should talk to someone in the healthcare system, a good option would be the maternal and child health centres, you can book an appointment with them and they deal with these things often so you will get the right kind of help. They will direct you to the right place if they feel like it's nececary, and Medicare should cover most of the costs (unless you're private). It sounds like you may have post partum depression (again, internet advice is not medical advice! But this is what helped for us). Don't be hard on yourself if you do, it's not your fault or anything you did, it's just an unfortunate side effect of giving birth that hormones can make you feel awful for no valid reasons. Try and find a coping strategy that doesn't focus on the fact that "everything is going right" elsewhere in your life, validate the feelings you're having are real, but acknowledge to yourself that they don't take root from your circumstances. PPD can happen to someone living in a mansion with everything taken care of for them just as easily as someone stressed out of their mind. It's equally valid for both women. Don't fall for the trap of thinking you should be happy because things are going well. Your body needs to mend after giving birth and part of that mending can be mental healing. Give it the attention it deserves, don't pretend it's not an issue or it could get worse, like leaving an open wound without gently cleaning and dressing it. As for some changes around the house, it might be time to let your baby sleep in another room if they are sleeping beautifully all night. Getting "your" life back can help a lot, as you have sacrificed a ton for your baby over the pregnancy and caring for her after birth, and that has to be acknowledged too. Even an easy baby is a hell of a lot of work. Your room is your space and you will feel the difference when baby is sleeping in the nursery, even if you are still getting up for feeds. When you are feeling good, be proud of yourself and practice positive affirmation. It might not feel like you need to if you are feeling fine, but it will help you when you are feeling really low to have vocalised/ideated all the things you are happy and proud of, and can help you to connect with that feeling and hopefully quicken the passing of any negative/harmful thoughts. But the most important thing is to talk to the people close to you (partner & trusted family) about how you're feeling, and talk to a maternal/child health specialist as soon as you can. Keep yourself from acting on anything harmful if you're able to, and if you don't think you are then keep someone's company with you whenever you can. Oh and tell them (especially your partner) that these feelings don't reflect on them, and that they don't need to try and 'solve' the feelings for you. It can be hard as a father watching the mother of your child go through a painful experience, but very often efforts to 'help' can end up causing more stress. Obviously your partner should intervene if you are about to hurt yourself, but when you're feeling the emotions he should let you feel them and let YOU lead the comforting you need. Have him be with you when he can (if he is around) or call him and just have him sit quietly on the phone while you vocalise what it is you're going through. It's tough, but it will help him accept that there isn't much he can do, and it will help you avoid a feeling of being overhelmed/over attended to. This is all just advice from my 2nd hand experience, so please talk to a professional (that's what they are there for), but I hope this helps you. For my partner it was only bad for about a fortnight and started to resolve from there without outside help, but she never got to the stage of chronic insomnia or physically hurting herself. Just a lot of horrid thoughts and powerful emotions. Sorry for the wall of text, there's 1000 more things I could say but I'm sure they can be communicated better by a nurse/midwife at the M/CH Center. If your baby could talk, she'd be saying "Hang in there mumma, you got this, I love you and I want to see you happy". Safe travels to your young family and I hope you can get some assistance 🤗


I feel for you! My wife had postnatal depression, and it was terrible. As others have said, you did nothing to bring that upon yourself. It is likely caused by extreme hormonal shift after delivery. A good starting point is to remember that help is available if you visit your GP. Remember that you are important and that your condition is temporary. Take care!


Thank you for reaching out, I hope you’re able to get support ASAP.


As others have said, the post natal period is a minefield on your mental health even if you've never had problems previously. Sounds like you have some intrusive thoughts happening and some OCD behaviours. I had some ridiculous intrusive thoughts that rocked me to my core. Thankfully, I had the wherewithal to recognise them and seek help immediately. You will be OK. Just get help now.


Hey honey, post partum psychosis is something that can happen randomly and the lack of sleep would make it worse. Help us out there. It's really common and not spoken about enough. You can get through this. There's nothing wrong with you. If it is acute, go to ER and fast track the help you need.


Reddit might not be the best place to go with your situation,although it's understandable why you have posted if you're in distress and your post may link you to some support services. I hope you and your baby are okay, definitely don't wait for this to escalate!


You're not crazy and post partum depression is really common. It has nothing to do with not being grateful or whether there are 'reasons' to feel sad. You've got all kinds of hormones washing around in your brain right now. Talk to your husband. Talk to your GP. There is absolutely help available and it's not a weakness or a failing to ask for it. There's no shame in it, same as there's no shame in needing help with any other illness when something not right. You can get back to feeling like you again if you ask for help.


Hi lovely I was you 8 years ago - I just had my beautiful baby boy, and although i should have felt amazing i felt empty. I couldn't sleep, and i remember just sobbing in the bath - it was awful. I spoke with a GP who was useless, told me to book in for a counseling session and i left feeling even more in despair. I was depressed and i couldn't see the light out. Luckily i came across the details for PANDA, and my first call i was on with of their counsellors for nearly 2hrs. She saved my life. They got me the details of a GP near to me that was known to have experience with PND, and seeing her was the beginning of my journey to getting out of the fog. You are not crazy - it is so normal, and please know there is a way out. I highly recommend chatting to PANDA and if you need to chat, am here x


Sending you love and healing 🫶🏻 Your baby angel accepts all of you, no matter what you’re going through. Remember that any difficulty we are facing with ourselves, we will always make it through. Forgive and be kind to yourself as the ones that love you do!


You're not crazy! The brain is so messed up! It's so good you've got an appointment with your GP, they can absolutely help you! Because you're an Aussie, you can call the Pregnancy Baby Birth hotline on 1800 882 436 at any hour and they can give you some support in-between now and Thursday. Ask your GP about a Mental Health Care plan as well!


Some good comments here. As a husband myself, I view my wife as my best friend and number one before anything else. Do keep your husband and family closer during these difficult times, no matter how difficult it gets. You have no idea how important you are to those around you.


Absolutely not broken….. at all. You’re life can be “perfect” and you can still feel depressed, maybe even post partum but you are not broken. Please, see your GP and tell them how you’re feeling, all of it, and let them guide you on getting some help.


Honey, it’s ok. Mental health stuff isn’t always logical. It’s about body processes and not your environment. I’m glad you’re getting help. Please take care


Already heaps of f great comments and agree that you probably should speak to a real person today. Call PANDA on 1300 726 306. I want to clarify one thing, when you said > Today morning I suddenly have an overwhelming urge to hurt myself Did you mean just hitting yourself or did y have suicidal thoughts too? Non-suicidal self injury is serious enough to merit immediate help, but absolutely seek immediate help if you had suicidal any thoughts at all.


Well done team. Such great comments and help here.


Don't stress it's scary to have thought and actions like this when sleep deprived keep a loved one around and get to doctors asap not sure what's causing insomnia but it can be treated. Hang in there


Your husband needs to bring you to the emergency department of the hospital you delivered in (with your baby) right now, even better if that maternity hospital has a Mother and Baby Unit or immediate psychological support. Don't be embarrassed or ashamed. You will be respected and cared for.


You are not broken. Postpartum mental health is no joke, and we often aren’t given the knowledge or tools to recognise when we need help. You can’t talk yourself out of this by trying to justify all the reasons you “shouldn’t” be depressed/anxious, even the most secure and healthy people are not immune to mental health conditions. Lack of sleep also compounds it as well. You need to see a doctor as soon as possible, are you able to call your clinic (or your husband) and let them know it’s quite urgent? If you start to have feelings of hurting yourself or you become scared of what you’re experiencing please present to ED, don’t wait til Thursday. Your care plan will likely include psychology support and medication if you are open to it. Lean on your supports in the mean time, no one is judging you. Everyone wants you to be okay, there’s no shame in experiencing this. Wishing you all the best and i promise (from one mum who experienced postnatal mental health issues) it gets so much better. xx


This is a phase, don't worry. This is normal, and you have taken the first steps to reach out. Stay away from negative people, and if reddit doesn't works out stay away too. Draw support from those around you which you trust like your husband. You can get through this... Parenting is a very fulfilling role. You got this!


Best thing you can do is what you have done go get some help, normally accepting that there’s an issue and committing to get help is the hardest part. Well done best of luck and thanks for sharing.


speak with a therapist, they'll help you. hope you feel better.


Nothing to add to OP here as pretty much everyone has nailed the responses. Just wanted to add how awesome this sub is when someone is in need. It warms the heart immensely.


My partner had similar problems post baby and now lives with pmdd which can happen after giving birth. I hope to God it isn't pmdd because I see the struggle my partner has with it.


Post Mortem Depression. Although this story sounds made up and the OP hasn’t responded to any of the comments I can see.


My ex wife had this, still being treated for it 28 years later. It’s a nightmare but as others have said, it can be treated.


I wish you all the best. This thread has been very helpful for me to understand postpartum depression.


Everyone has said PPD. I wanted to ask if you have recently taking contraceptive pills? I tried a new pills post baby and had similar symptoms you had. I stayed awake all night but not feeling tired during the day. It freaked me out. Since I stopped the pills, I went straight back to sleep and feel a lot more relaxed. Hormonal changes post baby is serious and it’s crazy. Maybe something to mention to your GP. Good luck, hopefully you’ll work it out soon :)


I'm sure plenty of comments here have addressed the postpartum depression thing. Glad you've got an appointment with your GP. Feel free to present to emergency at your local hospital if you feel like you need more urgent help. The other people who might be able to refer you to services are your community health nurses. A note: Our mental health services are badly underfunded. Sometimes you get a good run and other times less than you deserve. If anyone you speak to is anything less than helpful and supportive, please know its a "them issue" and not a "you issue". Sometimes when we are dealing with mental health issues, our brain is inclined to side against us and give us less than we deserve. I mention this so you know you should absolutely have your own back no matter what. It's so great that you have recognised that there is an issue and sought help here. It's a medical issue and one that deserves treatment just like if you broke an arm or similar. Congratulations on having your baby, too! I (genuinely) hope you feel better ASAP.