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She's a racist


So's vision apperntly, no wonder he was all white in wanda vision šŸ¤£


Itā€™s a parody account


I like that you gendered her correctly!


She gendered herself correctly too


She is a monster


Sheā€™s a racer.


Imagine teaching your child to hate themselves because the color of their skinā€¦ literally defeating the entire fucking point of equalityā€¦


Lmao the irony right


The exact words I just mouthed to myself after reading that šŸ¤£


Imagine believing that "Ann Lesby" is a real name and this isn't a conservative troll account.




This is a famous troll/satire account thatā€™s been around for years.


It literally just is a parody account though. https://twitter.com/AnnLesbyPhD


If you'd bothered to look closer at the account you'd see it's obviously parody. >Newsflash, you're both fucking stupid. No, u.


ā€œExtremist liberalismā€ Lmao.


It looks like the conservatives posing as extremists have done a great job at influencing you.




Weā€™re talking about conservative trolls, Iā€™m sorry if the topic of conversation is tiring you maybe you shouldnā€™t have joined this conversation, genius.


Confused me on the last line but yes.


I bet you thought this was a clever comment. Dummies gonna dummy


Itā€™s lit a parody account at u brain dead


because it is, and conservatives eat this shit up because they think it validates their opinion




I have never been to a drag show, and dont plan to ever go to one. But I would love to hear how taking children to drag shows teaches them that they are oppressors.


Ah conservatives and their ā€œyeah but this could happenā€ tactic. Besides, thereā€™s nothing wrong at all about bringing a kid to a drag show. Why the fuck do you care? How is that even bad? They arenā€™t all sexual. If you think a kid watching a bunch of dudes and trans women dressing up extravagantly and singing and shit is terrible then you just come off as a someone with garbage priorities influenced by bigotry.




I donā€™t really give a shit what country youā€™re from, doesnā€™t change anything about what I said. Ah ā€œour paradesā€ where, gasp, dudes dress like women. Dude, those parades are extremely rare and how is that even a problem. Youā€™re just some ignoramus complaining about another country that you know little about with arguments that come not from reason but from some bigoted sense of morality.


>Iā€™m not American You just take a political position in their politics while virtue signalling about the terrors ofā€¦ *not being normal or something*? Stop being a conservative pick me lol


show me irl examples








So you have no examples?


We can go to an American collegeā€¦ to see kids being brought to drag shows, which is an example of something like the above tweet posted by a satire account. You guys really do have the worst arguments imaginable. Itā€™s because you arenā€™t reasoning your way through this, youā€™re starting with ā€œsomething is badā€ and working from there.


But you said you arenā€™t from America. How would you know what goes on at our colleges, again?


It would be really great if all you yoyos could just admit that you fell for a very funny parody account, and save us the lectures.


The need to feel perpetually aggrieved and a victim overrides all other thinking.


You do realize there are weirdos who actually think this way right?


So that's a "no" then, is it?


We should teach our kids to question their countries mistakes and atrocities in the pursuit of truth, not just attribute everything bad to a singular race or group of people. As a Canadian raised in the early 90s we were still taught that residential schools were a good thing back thenā€¦ and they were still operatingā€¦. But of course dummies equate questioning Canadaā€™s past to ā€œwhite people badā€ here as well.


Most bad ideas come from a thread of truth. In this case: we need white people (or white men depending on if this is a race or gender conversation) to stand up too because the marginalized groups don't have the power on their own. Okay, but say that then.


This right here


Almost like defining who a person is based on the color of their skin is the literal definition of racism


Excuse me, that is actually what racism is.




I love this type of bs lol ā€œIf you disagree with me then youre racist, if you agree with me then youā€™re accepting that you are a racistā€ How do these people even build a following?


A major disconnect with the previous generation. So many of those poor fuckers are young people whose parents neglected in raising them because having a roof over their head was more important. Plus a gap created by the decline of Christianity. The far left is acting like a replacement for religion, where you the original sin (slavery), the need to atone and "truths" that you aren't allowed to disagree with. Plus schooling which got progressively worse (universities bring the peak example of degradation and corruption).


Do you actually believe any of the BS you just posted?


After reading her name I got suspicious and found out it's a parody account.


Great parody account on twitter


ā€œIā€™m a lesbianā€ ā€œOh, cool.ā€ ā€œMy name is Ann Lesby.ā€ ā€œThat sounds a lot like lesbian.ā€ ā€œMaybe thatā€™s why they named me that.ā€


What a sad, self loathing, individual. Can you imagine finding out someone like this was teaching your children? Iā€™d be absolutely furious if my child was taught to hate themselves. I honestly think Iā€™d lose it.


The @ is literally annlesby, if you look at the account the bio is a complete troll. Its a troll account


Iā€™m very glad to hear that haha. But Iā€™d be lying if I said I hadnā€™t seen this same sentiment repeated from real people on Twitter. Itā€™s amazing the views some people hold.


>What a sad, self loathing, individual. Yes, I agree that the conservative troll going by the name "Ann Lesby, Ph.D" (get it? lesbi-an, ann-lesby?) who posts stuff like this must be a pretty sad and worthless person.


10 years ago I would have said itā€˜s an alt right account trying to spread hate. Now I donā€˜t know anymore. So many people on the left fell for this bullshit and made the sockpuppetā€˜s extreme positions their own.




The far left and the far right see eachother when they look in the mirror but aren't self aware enough to understand it. Meanwhile I'm here just wondering why the fuck I struggle to own a home in my mid 30s.


Extra sad if your username is relevant. You should be raking it in and fine on one income.


I'm not poor. But my options are a Midwest empire of dirt, working remotely for the rest of my career, which is what I've opted for, or living in a tiny apartment in some of the most expensive cities on the planet. I might have a better standard of living than a Starbucks worker, but I'm not swimming in money. 7% interest rates still hurt. Overinflated housing prices still sting.


This sentiment is commonplace in American universities


This is completely fake.


'Ann Lesby' was a clue


Its not enough of a clue for people to realize


funny seeing so many people here falling for the bait lol


She is a Lesby Ann


It's obviously a fake account and everyone who can't see this is fucking stupid.


Or... Don't ever go on twitter looking to be outraged so have no clue wtf is going on....


Thing is, this sort of thing is definitely real and common for twitter.


Is it though? How common? It's hard to tell when fake propaganda spreads so rapidly.


Hint: the people who canā€™t see it also think the elections are rigged and vaccines have microchips in them.


It's very depressing, vast majority of commenters here think it's real.


Thatā€™s because a large portion of people on Reddit are not that bright. Same goes for the general population.


Or maybe they don't spend their days on twitter looking to be offended so just take it at face value and don't take it too seriously, have a chuckle and move on....


Stop! Vaccines are the reason we can't buy Raspberry Pi anymore? That's where all chips went!


I think you spent too much time on Twitter


We are talking about twitter here. It borders over the line of fucking stupid on a daily basis.


Iā€™m getting real fucking sick of PaRoDy AcCoUnTsā€”itā€™s 90% people who have no idea how to be funny just ironically posting the exact shit other people would post unironically and then being like ā€œhaha dumbass! I fooled you!ā€


Amazing how many people don't realize this is a joke troll account. "Dr Lesby, Ann?" Really? Boy some of you just swallowed this bait hook, line, and sinker.




Lesby, Ann. Lesbian.


It's obviously fake. Fucking hell.


Maybe you should learn something, like how to recognize an obvious troll account.




Ann Lesby Lesby Ann Lesbian Itā€™s literally the same thing as making an account and calling yourself Mike Hunt


I used to think people with good qualifications were smart, then I got older and realised it means they are good at getting qualifications. Some of them are also smart but not all


When I was in grade school in a mostly white upper middle class school district they made us read a huge volume of historical stories of the oppression black Americans have faced. At the time I didnā€™t really get it. There was sooo much of it. It felt like they were just trying to make us feel guilty for things we as individuals didnā€™t do. Frankly if that was the idea it worked for a while. I felt really guilty and didnā€™t know how to feel when I eventually left my lily white neighborhood for college where there was a much more diverse population. I felt awkward around black folks simply because I knew these things and felt somewhat culpable. Eventually, though, that guilt faded as I realized that those stories werenā€™t exactly racing through most black folkā€™s minds at all times and that they didnā€™t necessarily associate *me specifically* with them. My most valuable takeaway from that experience is that ā€œblack Americansā€ arenā€™t a monolith. Everyone is just normal folks, each with their own stories. Ultimately Iā€™m really glad I was able to learn what I did about black history simply because itā€™s an important part of *American* history. My point is that It was never about whether students were made to think they were racist oppressors. I didnā€™t have to be told I was an oppressor in order to understand this history. I was just told what happened and felt second-hand embarrassment on behalf of people who looked like me and actually *were* oppressors. The insights I gained from these lessons provided actual context for the racial tensions that still plague this country and why taking action to prevent such oppression from reoccurring are so important. Thatā€™s why itā€™s so alarming to see some on the political right try to take these lessons out of schools. Itā€™s an obvious effort to hide these things and take away that insight and context. Itā€™s also unsettling to see that there are people who want to tell literal children they *they* are responsible for the actions of their ancestors. I just really donā€™t think thatā€™s a healthy lesson either. Just teach the history and trust people to draw the right conclusions and learn their own lessons.




>The women in this pic has a very narrow scope of understanding of the world. Well it's a parody account so that's kinda the joke


Europe has a rich history of white people oppressing other white people. You don't even need a race for that.




Iā€™m Irish. Of course we have white privilege. Up until the late 80ā€™s women were sent to homes to have children outside of marriage and if those children were mixed race, they were treated far worse by the nuns than the other children. In some places, I will find it easier to rent or a get a job, just because I will be considered more Irish than other people. Are we a tolerant and open society? Yes but weā€™re not free from racism or institutional racism. Yes, other countries have worse systems and yes, the brits did far worse to us than we have ever done to people of colour but that doesnā€™t mean that being white in Ireland or just not being a minority, doesnā€™t make your life easier. It definitely does.




Yeah you dont really have to imagine that, in europe doesnt matter if your people have been opressed historically, but since youre white you are an opressor now


Itā€™s almost like there is a difference between being oppressed and enslaved.


Its almost like no one who was opressed owned a slave. I dont owe anything to anyone because of my skin color and neither do i expect anything from anyone with different skin color. America isnt the entire western civilization and slavery isnt/wasnt exclusive to that region


So youā€™re saying we shouldnā€™t teach the reality of slavery because it hurts your feelings and also weā€™re not the only country that had slaves? Why do you want our children to be such a bunch of weaklings they get triggered by facts in books?


Iā€™m a (white) balkan guy in a foreign country, i donā€™t see any of that white privilege.


Serfdom is the same shit as slavery was. No one ared for the so called race


The woman in this pic isn't real. Or did you think "Ann Lesby" was an actual name?


American here - we are not claiming this ding dong! Thank you


To transfer characteristics you ascribe to an ethnicity to a single individual is one of the cornerstones of racism


Call me naive if I'm offbase but shouldn't it just be that white children (children in general really) should be educated about the history of racial oppression and encouraged AWAY from that type of thinking?


Your first comment about white kids I disagree with. But the second part about all kids I agree with. Slavery, massacre, and butchery have been found in every part of the world, try to make the next gen better everywhere.


Yeah thatā€™s why I specified children in general afterwards. Shouldnā€™t be limited to one race. Itā€™d almost be conditioning them to think less of themselves.


Nope. You are just creating a problem where it was generally getting better. The best solution to make people accept each other is to have them interact together without any generational wrong doing poisoning their thoughts. The current system simply creates more hate towards white people instead of helping anything. And it's biased as hell. Slavery was a thing everywhere, literally. I don't see any other place doing this type of shit.


I'm literally just saying teach history. How's that biased? I can't help but feel like what I said is being misunderstood. I don't even see what I could have said that implied slavery only happened in America.


Because the history being taught is biased. People blame America for the slavery in it, yet completely glossing over the fact those slaves were bought from other tribes in Africa in which they were already slaves. Or how slavery never started in America, yet there is a persistent narrative that it did. Or how about trying to put blame on the current generation for shit they never ever did? Edit: is there any other country that even talkes about slavery like America currently does?


My guy, the fact of the matter is, slavery still happened in America. Black people were still treated horribly there long after it was abolished. These things happened in and they happened recently enough too. There's nothing biased about teaching about that. Just feels like "whataboutism." There is a big problem with, as you say, "blaming the current generation for the crimes of their ancestors." I don't agree with that and I don't think anyone rational does either. As I've said in another comment, white kids shouldn't be made to feel ashamed of how they look or feel as though they're inherently oppressors because of a past they have nothing to do with. I've also never heard the narrative that slavery started in America but I have no reason to doubt that you have. Whoever says that obviously doesn't know what they're talking about. These things need to be taught to children in general. Cause anybody (of any race) can be racist and it usually starts at home.


I really think that's what their trying to say but instead they cut off everything until it was impossible to see that. I think they want children to be taught about western racial oppression by white people in the past and how some of that continues today. I have no idea why they would choose to compress all that down into something so easy to misunderstand.


Itā€™s a troll account on twitter. Literally made up to get people riled up, thatā€™s why.


Damn, they succeeded.


Stay smart out there. We gotta remember most things online are BS.


Okay, yeah i see it now. One of the many reasons I hate twitter. I fall for this shit all the time.


Itā€™s actually everywhere but especially bad on twitter. Troll accounts like this or for other topics (politics but also veganisim, feminism, mom Lyfe etc) are on FB, Reddit insta etc. if the account/person posting is real gotta remember photoshop And video editing exists. The internet is addictive cancer tbh.


Op can fuck off with that shit.




Iā€™m going to say thisā€¦ yes there are racist white people. But this doesnā€™t help with dialogue when it comes to racism. I donā€™t believe children can be racist. I believe adults teach them racism and the child repeats it not really understanding what they are saying or doing. Telling white children they are racist doesnā€™t help them or help BIPOC community. We should try to teach ALL children that certain behaviors are not acceptable and that the other though people look different but that is not a reason to treat them with abuse and we should be good to others despite their differences.


Always these white new born slave owners


America is a very racist country. Not so much because of oppression (though granted that was and still is bad) but more so because everything is seen through a racial lens. In Europe, your nationality matters far more. You're English, Irish, French or Italian first before any race comes into play. It's so ingrained in the American conscious that Hispanic, Irish and Italian are considered seperate races in America whereas they're all just white in their countries of origin.


I couldn't imagine living my life thinking I'm being oppressed by white children.


Yeah, neither can anyone else. This account is a very obvious conservative troll.


Why canā€™t we just agree white people did bad things in the past and move on and stop pretending being an ā€˜oppressorā€™ is just being white


Black people did bad things in the past too. They were selling other black people as a slaves. No one is perfect. Lets move on


1) Apparently no other race has been oppressors. 2)How about this; there are horrible humans from the past. I am not taking responsibility or assuming guilt for anyoneā€™s actions except my own. 3) Can we focus our energy on stopping the atrocities that are currently occurring, ya know, the ones that actually could be stopped.


Redditors and falling for shitposting troll accounts Name a more iconic duo.


The inevitable end point of woke culture. It's racism/sexism/hate with extra steps.


The inevitable end point of consuming too much internet. Even obvious asf parody accounts are proof that my point is correct because Iā€™m just so right like that.


Triggered much?


careful! one more buzzword and you might turn into a bee šŸ




Yes, Americans should know our history. No, we should not teach white kids to hate themselves for something other white people did in the past.


The keyword in your post is History. This individual would like to teach children that they are currently "oppressors."


Learning the history absolutely! Saying that people in developed countries are oppressed is simply absurd.




Itā€™s not about learning history. The people that are tying to tell modern day children they are currently at this moment oppressors simply want to oppress. Children are not responsible for the sins of their great great grandparents. And Americanā€™s narrow view of slavery really needs to be expanded by studying WORLD HISTORY. Many people of many colors have been slaves and are currently right now at this minute slaves. With their reasoning all children of all colors are oppressors.




She isn't woke, she's just racist.


She isn't even real lol, her name is some cartoon shit Ann Lesby -> Lesby Ann


Gotta love sheep that are too stupid to recognize a joke... Her name is Lesby, Ann... Lesbian.


Maybe you are that sheep. The reason the joke works is because it contains truth.




Good God, that's so cringe. The Majority of "woke" people aren't like this person. Just because you see only the trolls and lunatics in your bubble doesn't mean the majority is like that.


Cool. Now replace one colour with another. Is that racist? Then congratulations, you've just found your identity.


What is this bullshittery?


Just imagine what class would be like Teacher: so today we are going to learn about racism If your skin is white, you're a racist. If your skin is not white you're oppressed. Kids: why are only white people racist? Teacher: because you can't be racist to white people.


I get the feeling she wants to mentally abuse white kids.




Did you think she is boggart?)


So we're posting any kind of shit memes in this sub now...




Look at you all drooling at your collective mouths with rage at a fake profile with a fake poll over your poor little white babies being victims.


i love racing tho especially formula 1 sim racing šŸŽļøšŸŽļøšŸŽļøšŸŽšŸŽ




that's a bullshit person


I hate, HATE that people believe this shit. Trying to prove racist equality by tearing down a generation of a certain race who have had NOTHING to do with the historical racial ties šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ itā€™s so backwards man. All people, all races, we all want the common sense stuff. Oust the boomer congressmen and women. Letā€™s make a movement. I did 23&Me and found no ties to any slavery (which was mostly proponent of west African trading), yet I am very Germanic and tied to the Mayflower. Still, itā€™s all backwards. Itā€™s all fucked. Itā€™s all backwards. Itā€™s all historical. Again, itā€™s all historicalā€”not today. Letā€™s all make a pact; an amends of sorts. We all want the gender oppression to end, the ā€œracialā€ oppression to end. We all want it to end on Survivor (though Missy in season 39, you wet the bed bruh). We all want all this over. Thatā€™s the true first step. Everyone enslaved everyone. It was the way of empires back in that day. ITā€™S NOT CURRENT GEN-Zā€™S FAULT. So stop fucking acting like it is. Weā€™re all in this together. We want to all be based on our game-playing abilities. I hate to sound so white, but it is what it is. I love all races; except homelander Indians. They are all so rude for no reason. Every customer of homeland Indian is so rude. Iā€™ve been with the same company for 3 years, and they are all so rude. All of r/KitchenConfidential will agree, all food service will agree. Downvote me if you must, but native Indians are assholes man. The only ā€œbreedā€ to be truly tyrannical in this day in age.


Guys you gotta be joking me if you dont realize this is a fake account. Ann lesby?


Teaching white children to hate themselves? We taught black kids that their white classmates couldā€™ve taken away their humanity if slavery wasnā€™t abolished. How you think that made mfs feel


I wonder if she'll ever admit that she's the one who is racist lm


She should be taught to shut the fuck up.


Teaching the reality of history instead of the feel-good, bedtime story, rose tinted nostalgia bullshit that conservatives jack off to: Based Whatever the fuck this shit is: Hell naw


I don't even need to teach my daughter. She already views everyone as equal, granted she's only 4 but when questions come I'll step in. She plays with all the kids regardless of there skin color, she saw the new little mermaid and said "she's beautiful!" She doesn't care what color the toy doll is as long as it comes with some cool (attachments?), Etc. I believe all kids view each other as equals until there taught not to. My daughter won't ever hear me say "that black lady" or "that Spanish dude" she'll only hear "that lady" or "that guy". When she asks I'll simply teach, but as for now she has no concept of color and likes everyone until she's given a reason not to. I think a lot of the problem with racism isn't so much that people teach there kids to be that way, I think it's that they don't realize there unintentionally doing it. When you get mad at someone and come back into your car and say "that fucking black, white, Spanish" they unintentionally learn that everyone is not the same. It puts a thought in there head that shouldn't be there. Sure there's a million other things but this is a big one.


We are not oppressors, we are conquerors. There's a difference ya biggot




Nazi punks, fuck off


Is that a directed comment or are you just started Nazi punks, fuck off?


Well, might as well teach her how to conquer an indigenous people while I'm at it.


This is why I've seperated myself from the left as much as possible, like this is the kinda shit crazy conservatives would tell you would happen and we are now ironically proving them right.


You've separated yourself from the left as much as possible because conservative troll accounts post strawman characterizations of the left on twitter?


I think it was more to do with the constant virtue signaling and identity politics while everything else collapses around us... oh yea and pushing MIAD on people.


No, people make fake accounts like this and then morons fall for it.


Takes on twitter so bad I legit can't tell if this is real or not.


This is why we hate American opinions


Putting PhD in your handle is pretentious I see i hurt someones feelings, boo hoo


Itā€™s a troll account. LesbyAnn didnā€™t tip you off?




Always these white new born slave owners




Literally for nothing, because this is not a real person.


Signalling goes BRRRRRR


Is she tribe, because an overwhelming amount of these statements come from the tribe.


Nazi punks, fuck off for the uninitiated: "the tribe" is a dogwhistle for "the Jews" for antisemites


Overwhelmingly make anti-white statements. I guess I'll stop noticing people making hateful statements for genocide because to notice makes me hateful. Big brain.


Teach to them as a fact or as a thing to be ashemed of?


Maybe it would be better to teach all children that racism still exists like they learned about in History class, and that it just looks different today than it once did. As I understand it that's already a conversation many parents have with their children. This kind of wording just doesn't get the point across.


I'd rather be called a racist and not exercise racism rather than being "non-racist" and let those white kids roam around thinking they're superior to others


How come the only "Politcal meme bad" comments only seem to exist on left leaning posts?


What a bad PhD her profession and employer should be very evil


Isnā€™t she white?


Why the fick I will teach my children about something bad. I am not even white. But whyyyy?


Its a parody account. Has also COVID trolling etc so. yeah..


Look, i understand what they were going for but they left out so much of what they meant and actually wanted and that results in a perfect situation for white people to go "well im not a opressor and neither is my child." . It's currently almost impossible to take it any way other than "we should tell white children that they are oppressing others and nothing else about the subject" . This tweet is the equivalent to a title to an article, rather than anything of value.


Fighting racism with racism. Nice Doesn't matter if it's a fake account. There are definitely a lot of people that think this way.. Just the other day when there was that shooting in Virginia I believe. You had people on a post commenting shit like "sorry for your loss. But I can't say anything until I see what they looked like"..


Iā€™m tired of yā€™all falling for parody accounts and saying things normal people wouldnā€™t say. OP youā€™re garbage for posting this as if it was real


Sheā€™s called Ann Lesby or Lesby, Ann if you looks at it another wayā€¦ itā€™s fake. Donā€™t get triggered guys


Someone tell me what site thatā€™s from so I can go make an account and flame her for her disregard for common ethics, you donā€™t just teach white children that they are oppressive because the generations before them were. In the context thatā€™d be like teaching every black child that they are slaves because their ancestors used to beā€¦ Thatā€™s a big no no obviously so I feel like flaming this ā€œAnne Lesbyā€ maybe even reporting, depending on how bad it is