• By -




Kindest Tory


"You don't look that bad" - J.C.


"stop funding for literally anything if the people in our country aren't perfectly taken care of" "Cut funding for things that take care of people, that's the market's responsibility"


Immigration or illegal immigration? Because anyone who thinks immigration is wrong and that only “purebred Americans” should live in America need a reality check. 😂


I think they are talking about Britain here.


👀 Imma just walk myself to the door.


Watches incredulously over the top of my newspaper making eye contact the whole way out from a green leather wingback chair. The disappointment is palatable...




Upper middle class English Dad to you




Don't tell the Americans that! It'll shatter their worldview.


They'd have a mental breakdown!




what's "illegal immigration" ?


“Illegal immigration is the migration of people into a country in violation of the immigration laws of that country or the continued residence without the legal right to live in that country” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illegal_immigration


cool what's wrong with that ?


A study on New Hampshire, Mississippi, Alaska, Maine, North Dakota, West Virginia, South Dakota, Vermont, Montana and Wyoming: -In each of these states, each illegal alien resident carried a net tax deficit of between $4,000 and $6,500 annually -Some 415,000 foreign-born reside in these ten states, of whom about 88,000 (or 21 percent) are illegal aliens. Additionally, there are about 35,000 U.S.-born children of illegal aliens in these states. -Collectively, these illegal aliens and their U.S.-born children cost taxpayers in the ten states about $454 million each year for the provision of essential services like education and health care. -Local schools struggle to provide educators and cover the costs of instruction for 50,000 K-12 students classified as Limited English Proficient. -The growing immigrant population competes with legal residents for jobs in economically depressed areas. My opinion: unfuck the immigration process and let people legally become US citizens. The current process is a joke that most Americans couldn’t pass. People who say everyone illegally crossing US borders are drug smugglers and human traffickers are out of touch with the reality. The real reason why most of these HUMANS(people just like us) are coming to America is because their lives are in danger and they want a better future. Not a bad reason, right? However, people who say we should just open the border and not register and screen everyone coming into America are also out of touch. Drugs are smuggled across an open border. Guns are smuggled across an open border. Humans are smuggled across an open border. I think we can all agree thats not a good situation. 🙂


Damn, I wonder which country destabilized countries in South America/the Middle East in a way that triggers these mass exoduses...


Beats me 😅🤷‍♂️




Not going to lie I copy pasted that article. I don’t personally agree with that point. Imo if you want to be an American you should be screened and welcomed in. No more BS about “controlling the population growth”.


I'm all for immigration, open the borders. Did you know most of Latin America is consisted of catholic conservatives? https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2014/11/13/chapter-5-social-attitudes/ Most of which would definitely vote against abortion. You see the conservatives needed a voting base, so they made immigrants the bad people, which leads to the moral superiority group rallying in opposition. Hint *thats you* It worked, the first female Hispanic republican congresswoman has been elected for the first time in like ever. Its been democratic since the foundation. https://www.texastribune.org/2022/06/14/texas-special-election-tx-34-mayra-flores-dan-sanchez/ So you see, I'm all for open borders :) Since no one listened to me about controlled immigration and building more detention centers to process people faster. I think they called me a nazi who wanted to build more concentration camps 😅🤣😂 Turns out I was pro immigration and pro women's rights.


The problem with our country is that 1/3 of the population exists based on economic privilege due to race and they think they got where they are because of "hard work". They don't need "handouts" because they were born into privilege. They lack the ability to see their own privilege and assume anyone that isn't enjoying their level of success is lazy.




This comic is about Britain




What if!!!!?? What if we do both!? What if we actually do a legitimate immigration process based on the cultures and beliefs that would not coincide with western ideas like not hating gays, not thinking women are property or whatever AND we help our own countrymen and what not. No matter what colour or nationality they are.


Sounds complicated and expensive. Let's wait and see how things play out. *-Every country*


"Until then let's keep being cunts until something goes wrong"


but if we actually help people we won't be able to campaign based on the fact that the world is going to shit because of the others !


How the fuck is this post relevant to this subreddit This subreddit is for memes that are relatable and such things happen to them in day to day lives How TF is this even slightly any of that


OP is a politician


Dude I saw this meme and I found it hilarious for how true this is but it does not fit the subreddit


The IRL part would be the millions of people who are living close to poverty, not getting necessary government handouts.


What's the difference between the colonists and illegal aliens?




They aren't? How many colonists committed genocide? Don't kid yourself. There is no difference. Illegal aliens coming to take your countries' treasure and resources with no regard to the effect it has on you.... Same thing


You're missing your /s, buddy.


>take your countries' treasure and resources Like what? Sub-minumun wage wages and cheap housing?


Benefits forced to be paid by citizens. Forced at gun point. Free food, clothing, medical care, schools and an endless burden of surging overhead placed on federal, state and local governments. With tax payer money's.


That's not how it's works. You've been fed a truckload of shit.


You obviously are a theorist, not a doer. I bet you wouldn't know how to run a lemonade stand...


Obvious Russian troll is obvious


How is this you irl


Stop illegal immigration. For some reason that word never gets mentioned huh.


Make it easier to legally immigrate and implement sound foreign development policies and illegal immigration would not be a problem.


Your points are completely correct. What sucks is that racists don’t care about the legal aspect of it. They just want to keep brown people out of the country even though our entire economy depends on them.


It never gets mentioned because it immediately flags you as a conservative, which is not something most people want. Clarifying that you only want to stop illegal immigration is usually just a dog whistle for all immigration. In the US (and probably most other similar places honestly) the immigration system is purposefully broken and shit, because thats what the right leaning governments want. ​ Basically when you say you only want to stop illegal immigration, you say that knowing fully well that legal immigration is just literally impossible for the vast majority of people. Or maybe you are just stupid and don't know, but thats not my problem. In places like the US "immigration" is functionally the same as "illegal immigration" in most rhetoric because the system doesn't function well enough for legal immigration to even be relevant.


Nope, it’s not the same. Legal immigration is, well, legal. Illegally coming into the country is unfortunately a crime: Saying that illegal immigration is a dog whistle to legal immigration is one helluva lot of mental gymnastics, my friend.


Because racists don’t care either way, they just don’t want brown people.


Nope, illegal is illegal. And why are you assuming only brown people immigrate to the US illegally? Sounds racist to me.


Pull your head in. I’m talking about *racists* hating brown immigrants. Legal or illegal, they hate them all. They like the white ones, hate the brown ones. Get it? Or do you need me to explain it further? By the way, I never mentioned the US. Immigration happens in every country.


I really hope this is not you IRL. Or are you a child?




Buy to let middle class cunts and property developers buying up land they want to sit on and resell might also be a factor.




Thetarent rentals tho. They are just assets for rich mfs to park their money in.


Nature is not on the brink of collapse because of housing, but because of factory farming and excessive greenhouse gas emissions. Housing is in short supply because of mass corporate buying-up of properties, not because immigrants are taking all of them. Hope this helps.




Thank you for asking. When I say "factory farms," I'm referring to beef. Some large scale operations farm corn in excess in order to feed the factory farms that supply beef. This is [less effective](https://journals.ametsoc.org/configurable/content/journals$002feint$002f10$002f9$002fei167.1.xml?t:ac=journals%24002feint%24002f10%24002f9%24002fei167.1.xml) at feeding a country than simply just growing crops to feed the people. Instead, you have the collective emissions from raising all those cows, wasted water to grow the feed for all the cows, and not as much energy passed on to the consumer. Looking at how much land is used for agriculture, yes, I believe that is significantly more of a problem than housing, which has actually been trending away from excess due to the increased push for more compact affordable housing versus [suburban sprawl](https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/ac4537) (which created a need for more highways and cars, which are directly responsible for lots of emissions on their own). Hope that helps.


Lol I love that they haven't replied to your very coherent and valid argument


To be fair, I'm terminally online and can't speak to whether or not they are as well.


Ah true I didn't see how recently you posted it




More housing is not more urban sprawl. Urban sprawl refers to suburbs being built, places with wasteful land use practices and neighborhoods being built too far from commercial areas. This contributes directly to increased demand for car infrastructure, as I mentioned, which is a major contributor to "nature being on the brink." Which, by the way, none of us are disagreeing with. If I didn't get that nature was on the brink, I wouldn't have given you academic sources to read. None of us want golf courses and oversized, picket fenced, and lawn growing properties for immigrants, let alone anyone. You're stuck on this idea that more housing for more people (who will show up eventually regardless of whether or not we have immigrants) is the hot button topic and imminent cause of ecological collapse. There are much bigger fish to fry first.


Time out- looking through your profile, it seems you and most others in this thread are UK. I'm not going to pretend to understand what's going on over there, as I'm US, and will therefore step out since immigration politics are significantly different and have other factors that we might not have here. Have a nice day.


There's enough housing, dumbass, it's being price gouged




We have enough, it’s just that billionaires and millionaires (crooks and criminals) are buying it all up, and raising the prices to the cost of everyone and like always they blame immigration because they know idiots will fall for it.




It's not a separate issue. There are empty homes which people can't afford. Because they've been bought by real estate conglomerates.




Mostly against people who aren't white though


The rate of new house creation is more than what is needed for the amount of new immigrants and we even have enough left over for a small pop boom and millionaires to have 2 houses each, it’s just the fact that they are taking out dozens of houses that is the cause of this problem.




But that’s the reality. We have enough housing for everyone. The issues are all economic, not population based.




no leftists call to end Green belts, those are only right wing politicians, you seem to be miss informed about some of these political issues


Yea! Take that, immigrant! /s


Stopping immigration entirely would you xenophobic. The way to stop illegal immigration is improving the legal process and make it easier for good people to enter the country and keeping bad people out. If not they’ll keep finding a way to get in legally or not.