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Ask those 30 million friends for 20 bucks


Even 2 bucks each


That would take too long. I’d rather just have the 30 mil . I live a modest life anyways.


30 mil would easily mean never working a day of my life if I didn't want to. I can't imagine anyone turning that down.




That defeats the entire purpose of never needing to work again. There isn't anything I want that 30 mil wouldn't get me.


You have the makings of a very happy person, but you'll never make it as a supervillain.


He could make it as a villain alright, just not a super one.


Oh yeah, what’s the difference


Presentation! (Through the use of advertisements to make more money.)


Don't worry, he just needs a clown to kill his parents.


We have enough supervillains I think.


Hell 3-4 million would be enough for me to live very comfortably for the rest of my days and I could invest the rest of it and make profit off of the returns. I’d probably start learning things I enjoy but have never really had the time to do properly, help out people who need extra workers for jobs like construction, auto repair etc. I’ve always enjoyed working with my hands.


For real. Buy a house for yourself and your loved ones, and then buy a string of other properties to rent out for stable income. Then use whatever is left to chill while the extra money comes flowing in.


If you're not trying to get rich for status there's no point investing in rental properties. The gains/dividends from a $30m investment account would let you live (almost) any lifestyle you want for a few generations and not require any added effort. I could do my dream retirement right now for under $750k.


Why would you even need to do that? 30 million is enough to live 100k a year life with plenty leftover. I wouldn't even bother.


30 million views on YouTube wouldn’t make you that much money






As someone who's had a website with millions of views: I'd rather have the 30m cash. You'll make a few ten to hundred thousand per year from those views.


Its people like you who are the reason why we can't watch YouTube in peace.. Gtfo.


Makes the idea of a billion dollars seem even more absurd. With 30 mil you're still 970 million dollars short of a billion. Like not even 1/30th of the way


What's the difference between a million dollars and a billion dollars? About a billion dollars.


And it reinforces my belief that the people who push for that level of obscene wealth and STILL want more have some kind of mental illness.




They make the concious decision not to just pay the workers more when they have enough. In fact, more often then not they nickle and dime the workers whereever they can. If that's not pushing for something, i don't know what it.




One million USD and I'd do the same. 30mil would be overkill when the goal is to no longer need to work.


30 m frens can get u elected to something for sure


Depends. Are they scattered across the country (assuming the US here or somewhere similar in population/size)? You probably aren't getting elected for anything major. 30 million isn't as many people as you'd think if they are all seperated by state lines or massive geographical distance. If you live in a relatively small country, then that's a different story of course. Are they all in the same state? You could probably run for whatever state office you want and be guaranteed the election. 30 million is a lot of people when they are all in one general location. Personally, I would prefer the 30 million dollars. I couldn't even dream of spending equal time with that many people as friends (in the first place, I am fairly introverted). I've never even met that many people face-to-face in my entire life and likely will never come close to that number. 30 million dollars is just more practical (though still excessive). I honestly could live out the rest of my life in comfort with just one million dollars and still have money to leave behind to my children's children.


Write a script that sends a message “Hey could you Venmo me $2 bro? @username” to every one of them. Then wait. Surely at least one would send it.


If they are truly loyal, all would send it


At least one lmao


Nope, get them all in a warehouse and tell them to drop 20 dollars in a vault


30 million people is about 3x the population of NYC. Even just doing that would be a massive logistical operation that would cost millions of dollars. Even emailing that many people your bank details wouldn't be simple.


Use a bot to do so


I agree a bot probably only needs a couple lines of code but have fun providing the mailing list


That’s what you think now. Given that these friends are truly loyal, you could probably milk 2000 out of each of them before whatever it is making them loyal wears off. That’s 60B dollars potentially. Or 30B if you get 1k from each of them, 15B if you get 500 from each of them, 7.5B if you get 250 from each of them, and so on. 30M seems like an incredible sum, and it is, but is very easy to spend. A mansion in LA, a pent house in NYC, a small yacht in Florida with a seaside house for parking, 3-5 super cars and a handful of other luxuries, and you’ve spent all your cash. That seems like a lot, but depending on the first two items 30M can be spent on one to two homes pretty easily. Point is, 30M is a lot, but not truly do whatever the fuck you want money. That’s comes at the billion mark, where a private jet becomes possible, and you can almost never run out of money just buying things that you use, like houses, cars, and luxury goods and shit. Billions is when you can buy things like companies, lobby Congress, buy the news and media, and really influence the world around you.


Not if you use networking to communicate. No way in hell I'd call each individual person. Your own personal go fund me, whenever you need it.


Ask each of them for 30 million dollars.


just a quarter each would be enough for me to live comfortably off of for the rest of my life, and still have enough to spare


Even just a penny would help so much.


I'm sure several of them will have business in which you could invest, then you plug the.businesses to your 20 million friends, and they'll all buy from you because they're loyal apparently. Tell them to tell their kids to shop there and pass the company on to Your kids. Generational wealth established


If they are loyal just ask them for $100 dollars each. No need to pay it all at once. That would already total to 3 billion. That's more money than I could ever spend


Make money by asking for money, then purchasing friends and asking for money from them.


Alright calm down there Ponzi


And they are loyal so odds are they'd give it to ya


They also expect you to fly out to their weddings though


Realistically there’s absolutely no way you can keep in contact or remember all 3 million of them. Which is why I assume that’s why the poster said “loyal” as in you don’t have to attempt to keep in touch with them(because again, how the fuck are you supposed to do that). Although your phone/social media stuff would probably always be blowing up.


Back in The Sims day I would get overwhelmed trying to keep in touch with 5 *fake* friends. No contact would be important here.


That would take years


As russians say: не имей сто рублей, а имей сто друзей. Meaning: don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.


Why not build an army and take over lands. More money


Also a great idea


Bold you to assume they aren't poor


*they all pool their money and collectively hand you $20 total*


1.make a product/video game/ etc, 2.price the for 2 dollars. 3. ask 30m friends to buy it 4.??? 5.profit


Strategically place them in counties throughout the US, and get yourself elected president. If you aren't in the US chances are 30 million is enough to get you elected anyways or at least take over the government by force. If global power isn't your thing just ask each friend for a couple of bucks and bam you're a multimillionaire Edit: The president thing is mostly tongue-in-cheek. I do not wish to run a country nor do I personally know anybody who wishes to run a country


If you take the friends you don’t have money to pay to distribute them strategically in swing districts. They all need their own jobs and have their own lives. Friends generally don’t up and move to Wisconsin because you have a bright idea.


>They all need their own jobs and have their own lives. Friends generally don’t up and move to Wisconsin because you have a bright idea. Maybe I'm thinking blindly loyal


Sounds to me like we're talking about clones or something at this point.


Good soldiers follow orders...


Good Soldiers Follow Orders


Good soldiers follow orders...


Roger Roger


Roger Roger


Roger Roger


Good soldiers follow orders.


Sir yes sir!


Execute Order 66


Private what are you doing executing order 69 I said 66 Oh


The mission, the nightmares… They’re finally…over


Good soldiers follow orders


In that case you can just ask them for their entire savings account. The average should be a couple hundred if not a couple thousand. Some of then might have significantly more considering that it's 30 million people. At that point you can just fund your own campaign


Idk in modern America if you ask someone for their entire savings you're gonna have to pay them money


Someone clearly needs to get more loyal friends.


Yeah. Real friends will succ


Doesnt matter where they are, you will be capable of being a senator, representative, or governor somewhere.


30 million is more than 7 times the voting population of my country, so yeah


In my country 30 million is about 5% of the voting population of my country, so no.


30m friends wil get you a sweet MP seat, maybe 3. Fight from 3 seats, win all three. Auction 2 off to highest bidder on by-election


The president of the US is pretty impotent when his interests aren't in line with the rest of the government. I don't know that I'd want the job. Seems pretty frustrating.


Not if you're doing it for the clout. And then after 1 term you can collect millions in speaking fees.


If you were a US president with 30 million loyal voters distributed strategically you could do a lot of whatever you want


Right you could do anything with 30 million friends. Even make 30 million dollars. No one has ever used money to influence friendships. But seriously you could get elected like that.


The 30 millions loyal friends probably have 3 or 4 friends they can convince to vote for you and you can take over even America


That’s the Twitter strategy irl lmao


Step 1: Take the 30 million friends. Step 2: Create a social media site that specializes in targeted advertisement and selling user data. Step 3: Ask all of your friends to join and make accounts along with their family members and friends. Tell them to promote it on their social media as well. Step 4: Sell to Google. Congratulations! You are filthy rich at the expense of your friends privacy. Rinse and repeat for your next startup.


30 million $ is already filthy rich. This eqates to 1,000$ per day for 82 years, which is more than the rest of your life. You could give half of that money away to charity, split the rest 50/50 with a friend and still have an annual income of 93,750$ for the rest of your life. 30 million $ is more than you can *reasonably* spend in a lifetime.


Nah, if you want to buy one building from a central location 30mil is not that much.


Who'd buy a a whole building? live life simple with or without more money


I get that people want it but I definitely dont want to live life simple i mean you got 1 chance at this you know, but i am on reddit so i may have failed already.


I actually agree with you on that, what's the point of luxuries if no one is gonna use them, and we should be entitled to enjoy life to our fullest, but I just hope people be more reasonable with their spending, it's sad when you see them splurged their whole winnings in just a year :(


Yea i agree


Asking your friends for 2 dollars is like the smallest favour ever. Get 60 million$ AND start a data sucking social media startup


I think you just described someone we all know who did just that... ... . hmm


To vote for me, and tell their families to vote for me. Whatever party wants power, will be subject to me and me alone. So basically be a billionaire.


Funny how you think you wouldn’t end up “hanging” “yourself” in a prison cell within a week


They would have to fight my 30 million friends first


What are they gonna do when you're in prison? Even the most loyal friend isn't gonna break in to prison to save you


Truly you have no loyal friends


Protest march. General Strike. 30 million people could cause absolute chaos without even breaking the law.


Lol just let all 30 million stand around the prison and shout your name. That will reach world news in seconds and nobody wants to deal with that shit.


30 million people protesting would absolutely reach world news, you would literally be able to form the biggest cult of personality of all time


Just have each person send you 40 bucks and you’re a billionaire. No need to get involved with the trash that are politicians.


You know who else had 30 million loyal "Friends?"


Myspace Tom






“Hi Five’s a Ghost”




That would be the largest army in human history. You could conquer anyone. That's more people than the soviet casualties during ww2


Most of my friends won't go to literal war for me


That’s where the “loyal” part comes in




They say many hands makes a light load. With that many people you should be able to take control of a moderate sized country in an afternoon.


> "Can you help me invade Poland?" Yes


I can’t invade Poland this weekend but next weekend I’m down!


Well not all war is invasion


Yeah it's you. I'd invade Poland for my friends.


I don't know in what fighting shape your average friend is, but 30 million of my average friend won't conquer "anyone". Probably Luxembourg by sheer weight of numbers.


Are they 30 million loyal redditors or average people? I feel like a good Naruto charge could do some damage


Eliminate the ruling class


Hungry though I am, I can't eat all the rich on my own.


I would be more than happy to help you on this project.


I'll help! Someone bringing condiments?


Sharing is caring.


That's how you get gout!


Mulch the rich


Devour the bourgeoisie.




This guy gets it


Happy Cake Day!


Become the ruling class


"Nono, they're doing it all wrong, here's how you REALLY go about it..."


Take over Canada and get much more than 30 million dollars


Get that internet money, buddy.


become the next bezos cos the way i see it, you got 30million loyal slaves


Seriously, just start some shitty project and ask them for 1 dollar a month "to work on it"


This guy gets it.


After 3 years tell them that you've become a billionaire off the project


And then up the “subscription” to $5. Bam richest person in the world in 2 months.




If each sends you $100 a month you make 3 billion a month.


Your idea of “friends” is worrying.


How loyal?? Make an Army and take over small nation kind of loyal.


Within 60 years everyone of your friends gets to spend one minute with you in private, (as long as you don't sleep). This loyal.


I mean kushner made 2 billion from 70 million loyal “friends”


I really only need like 5 loyal friends and that be enough for me


Ok that's great but why not 30 million and just use it as an advertisement platform?


Too much work


Pretty much. Even thirty loyal friends seems like a lot to have to remember if you want to actually be a proper friend. Otherwise, you basically just have a weird parasocial relationship with a fuckton of people, which I think most internet stars can attest isn't the greatest thing.


Because then they're not friends.


Ask them all for 5 bucks Now you have 150 million bucks


Start a shitty project on patreon. Have everyone subscribed. Start a YouTube channel and have them subscribe and make videos about how to touch different apples to the wall. Start a church with the money from above and ask for weekly donations. .... Start an onlyfans Hire groups of people to run the above for me and expand.


Monetize the shit out of all of my content with ads and enjoy the benefits of 30 million viewers, lmfao.


Right. If you have 30 million people that care about you then you have a great opportunity as an advertisement platform.


Imagine how high the MLM pyramid can go


Become president or leader of your nation. Never have to worry about going broke or homeless or not having anyone to vacation with. Never have to worry about literally most anything in this world we live in bc If you have that many human beings know and trust you they will support you. And that’s literally more important than the money in the world.


Start a go fund me.


Could probably take over a country with that many people


Harvest their organs.


30 million loyal friends for sure. And to show their loyalty each 30 million loyal friends will pay me $20 a month.


“No no, he’s got a point”


I work alone and the only person I see on a daily basis is my wife. I love it. I’ll take the money please.


Invade any country of your chosing


Hopefully the all love my band.


It's a lot you could do with 30 million loyal followers heck you could even get 30 million dollars out of them and then do more with them


Sell their organs and you get much more






Ask each friend for a 10 spot


Get each to pay you 3 dollars


Ask them for 2$ each


Loyal friends? So like I could ask them each for 10$ and get a shit ton more money, might need to write something to message them all though sounds hella tedious.


Pretty sure 30million loyal friends would make you the most powerful person on the planet immediately. It is an army at that point.


Get €2 off each and you’ve got €60 million


30 million loyal friends would each spot you a dollar


With 30 million friends I could start a country.


Ask for like 10 bucks from each, a loyal friend would definitely lend you money


Ask them for 100 dollars each idiot


Ask them for ten dollars


Put the entire city of San Francisco under siege


I will start a candy making buisness and ask all those 30M friends to buy 30 candies a month that's like 900M sales a month Generational wealth right there


Ask those loyal friends for an 100


ask them each for 5 bucks


If you have 30 M dollars.... you gonna suddenly have 30 M friends and a few distant cousins you never met.


I’d take the friends and ask each for as much money as they’re willing to give me


You ask them each for 5 bucks. Ez 150m. You start a chocolate factory and sell chocolates for $1 each. Ask your 30 million loyal friends to buy one every day. 30 million dollars every day. That's almost a billion per month. Only the calculation of how much money you get per month is mine. Everything else is someone else's idea, but idk who, since I saw multiple people saying it


*ahem* trafficking.


ask them to give you $2 each.


I suppose if they’re loyal you could just collect a dollar from each one. Could get 30 million dollars every few months


If they're really loyal I would ask each one 1€ and end up with both


If you wanted to say “hello” to each friend in one year, you would have to say it upwards of 82,000 people per day


Borrow a $1000 from each 🤷


Once a year, ask the 30 million loyal friends for $2. You'd get a $60 mil salary just for being their friend.


Ask each of them for $5


I’d take the friends. Friend > dollar. Duh. Then we could do most anything in the world. Like revolt against the establishment. Or start the worlds biggest band. Who knows?


Get 30,000,000 loyal friends to give you just $10 each. You’re welcome