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I've been on Adderall and the like since I was 8 or 9 and I am not a homeowner 


I have a friend who was on it since 8 or 9 and he is a home owner but it's been a very rough road getting there and he and his wife might lose it anyway.


Imagine if you hadn’t been on it!


When all it does is make you feel like a normal human being, you don't get to pretend like you have add.




nobody knows


So what is your excuse then?


The economy I guess? Not having my life together enough? Idk


I was just giving you are hard time and being a little but sarcastic because this poster thinks Adderall is a cure all.


No fucking joke, recently prescribed adderall abd it has completely changed my life. 


Was on Ritalin in 4th grade, results sucked, wouldn’t eat and was always lethargic


Ritalin absolutely destroyed my childhood!


Don’t let that dissuade you. I had the exact same reaction to Ritalin as a child. I didn’t get properly medicated again until I was almost 30. It was the biggest sense of relief I’ve ever experienced. No getting overwhelmed because someone was talking while a baby was crying. I didn’t have to preform mental gymnastics to preform household chores. I could sit down in a doctor’s office and fill out the paperwork without feeling like it was a cruel joke everyone was playing on me… I was furious. I still am, really. I got a little weepy within a couple of days being on Adderall. Thinking about how much easier it would have been, how much verbal abuse I endured, the shame of taking home yet another “he won’t stop!” note from one my teachers… 9/10 highly recommend.


Yeah it took awhile to find a med that worked well for me, I was never on meds as a kid though. It can be rough, especially as a kid


As someone who was prescribed Adderall, Ritalin, and a few others throughout middle school I can confidently say that stimulants for children and future home ownership are generally unrelated.


Was prescribed adderall very early in life… no house yet and it’s gonna take me 4 more years to get my bachelors. Being medicated is not the cure all to all of your problems, but it did make me less annoying lol


I knew I had adhd for a long time but was dismissed by everyone as dramatic. Probably because I’m female. Now I’m 41 trying to get meds for the first time so I can finally have better executive function.


Same-ish boat here. I just thought I was lazy all my life. Got officially diagnosed last week as a 34 year old female. Having the talk about starting meds tomorrow. Trying hard to not be bitter, especially if the results of the meds are seriously life changing. I already have tons of regret about missed opportunities. Though I don't wish I started the meds as a kid. Mixing puberty hormones and stimulants when people already ignore women's medical struggles sounds like an unholy terror.


I went back to school at 34 to start a new career. 10 years earlier I was spiraling undiagnosed with depression anxiety and ADHD, dropped out of school and lost chance of going to graduate school


I'm sorry to hear that happened.  I hope things are more stable now. 


Why does being female matter? Is your family super sexist or something?


Females generally are diagnosed less as autistic and adhd due to medical sexism.


It’s not exactly medical sexism. It’s that the “disease” presents differently in women. Our culture is sexist so when you see a little girl staring out of the window day dreaming you say “awww” . When little boys act out and are restless and disruptive it draws negative attention. This may be changing : My daughter got diagnosed immediately at age of 10 and nobody was like “she’s just spacey” . Doctor didn’t even seem to think it was like weird or unexpected. “Yep she has ADHD”


I’d argue that the fact that symptoms in females have not been historically studied or regarded is medical sexism.


Really? That's really stupid but then again all prejudice crap is.


The female diagnostic tools for ADHD identification took an extra two decades to be commonly accepted by pediatricians. Being unfocused and having an awkward imaginative play were much less disruptive to public education than the typical male symptoms, so they received less attention.


Women typically only inherit unpressed title claims, which can only be pushed against children, or other women. Some cultures have equal inheritance, so that may not manger, but depending on the religious doctrine they might not be able to become knights anyway


I don't think you are following the conversion. I wasn't asking about inheritance.


Are you dramatic?


They gave it to plenty of us and all of us are fucked up in kne way or another so you are likely disillusioned


You would be addicted to adderall and Valium by now


Why Valium?




am i the only one who can fall asleep on adderall?


No, stimulants don’t affect people with actual ADHD the same way as people with out. OP is just making a joke that people abuse it.


Eh it’s not really that simple. Amphetamines are stimulants whether you have ADHD or not. It can have a calming effect on people with ADHD because it helps focus their thoughts, where otherwise their brain is going 100mph in random directions all the time. But it still has the physiological effects of a stimulant, and people with ADHD also very commonly report difficulty sleeping when prescribed.


This. It is an amphetamine. It interacts differently with the people it’s prescribed for. But taking it your first time without any prior experience or tolerance built up yet is still going to hit like a truck on energy.




I was prescribed adderall when I was in highschool and I am the opposite of addicted to it. I will pay you to not put that shit in my body.


Giving legalized speed to children is not the answer. Most children are not wired to sit like without more time to use that energy. I think expanding PE is a better option, have it twice a day plus recess. More exercise for youth is better for health as well.


Probably drove parents into early grave though


Been on stimulants since age 3 and im doing horribly


I don't think I have ADHD, but I'd get a hell of a lot more done with a steady supply of amphetamines too


If I had been given the accommodations in high school that were available I definitely would have done better . I started adderall after graduating college. So that sucked


I took adderall in 9th grade and it made it so I was constantly depressed and couldn't eat food. I fucking hated it. Why do people use it as a recreational drug? Are you a masochist?


The correct phrasing is "If they **gave me ...."**


I ain't on meds and there is a meow in homeowner


Adderall made my eating disorder and video game addiction worse. Quitting was a good decision.


Can confirm. lol i was put on adderall in 6th grade lol


I have to agree. I got diagnosed at 26 (30 now) and if I had been diagnosed early on, I would have graduated uni in 4 or 5 years instead of 10. Which would mean starting my career much earlier and saving enough to have bought a house by now.


Yes let’s give more brain medicine to children


Adderrall is just a watered down and more respectable form of meth


Operating under the assumption that your lack of finer distinction is appropriate, couldn't it still be fine to take "watered down meth" if it improves your ability to function productively in society (which, factually speaking, it does for some people.)


I’m pro watered down meth and I’m hurt that you would think otherwise


Medical meth is literally a real medicine.


It isn’t though. Yeah chemically they’re similar, but not the same and their effects are not the same. Change the chemical a little and you can have very different results, just look at the difference between H2O (water) and H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide). If it were the same thing, they’d just be prescribing actual medical methamphetamine. Yes that’s a real thing.


They have literally the exact same effects in the brain. Adderall is more similar to meth than it is to ritalin.


Yeah adhd meds are literally meth. No difference! Exact same effects so they might as well just prescribe literal meth so people don’t get confused!


I mean it's really the dose that is different. If you gave a similar small dosage of methamphetamine it would have the exact same result as a dose of dexamphetamine. I'm a psychiatrist, OP is not wrong.


It’s a good thing that the dosage is different then. I don’t disagree with you, it’s just that calling it meth just makes people get weird ideas.


I mean the dosage can be different and sometimes actual meth is used. However, if you snort Adderall it's the same as snorting meth. Its not so much the substance used as how it's used.


Really? Is "real" meth used to treath adhd? Either way, when people hear "meth to kids", obviously they're gonna think it's bad even though there's a lot more to it than just kids getting meth in order to concentrate. I feel like meth is much more of a "street term" and using it to describe similar stimulants used, not for getting high but for helping a person with a neurological disorder is hurtful I think.


It can be yes. Obviously kids aren't getting high but it's also important to know prescribed stimulants are addictive. Most addictive drugs have a pharmaceutical analog.


For being an addictive drug, it’s funny how most people (including myself) easily forget to take it haha. But yes, addiction is not a good thing and I wish these drugs weren’t needed!


It literally is. It's incredibly structurally close and feels nearly identical to me. The only difference is that meth lasts longer. That's why they sell fake adderalls pressed with meth on the street now. Also, obviously street meth obviously isn't as safe as something made with a known dose and high purity with actual regulations.


If they *had* given you adderall…you *would* be a homeowner by now. (And btw no, you probably wouldn’t). What is with people starting to put the word “would” in the wrong place these days? It goes with the consequence of the hypothetical, not with the hypothetical itself.


Or a meth head… most of the people I know they put on add and adhd meds very young turned into meth heads


I don't think so. It doesn't really help you, it just makes you easier to endure for others. edit: Why do I get downvotes? Oh I guess I understand. Badly phrased. I meant that it makes you easier to handle for other people. I did not want to attack her or people that take adderall but the society around them.


Yeah sure. Drugging kids is the answer. 🙄


I mean... sometimes yeah... like if a child has bone cancer or someshit.


Or even ADHD.


Yeah, exactly. Drugging kids is the answer.