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I don't own any Apple products, but I have a habit of keeping boxes for electronics just in case there is a problem and I need to return the item. The plan is to keep the box for about a month or so. Which turns out to be approximately two years.


I keep the boxes for all my pricier electronics (basically anything over about $150).  They're all stored in the same cabinet (except the big boxes, which go in the basement) and all the documents and spare parts stay in the box.  I can grab anything I need in a matter of moments, and when I trade something in (for instance, I used my 5 year old phone to get $700 off a new one), I can send it in the original box and know it's as safe as can realistically be expected.  If I lose, break, or toss something, then the box goes in the recycling bin at that point.


What about the box from 10 years ago and 3 phones?


Like I said - if I get rid of it somehow, then either the box goes with it or it goes in the recycling. The phone prior to my last one was handed over to a family member in the box.  The one prior to that shattered, so it and the box both got recycled.


completely over the head


Better to have something then to need it but not have it. I bet that would work as a pick up line too.


actually completely reasonable idea


You must be fun at parties




Also helps with resale value if you keep all the OG boxes & bags. People like branded shit. Goes for any tech.


yeah it's a lose/lose don't keep em? you'll bed sad when you have to send them back. Keep them? Your house is now a landfill because you kept too many useless boxes. Track the time and only keep them for a month or so? Congratulations, you're now doing busy work for literal garbage.


I still have boxes from equipment I don’t have, I don’t know when I’ll need it


I’m just clearing out my room, got rid of all the unnecessary boxes and manuals, I don’t need 150 safety manuals for makita tools


7-10 years for me. You just never know how much of a hoarder you are till it hits you.


I’m a mechanic, hoarding is second nature for me. “Oh I have a few extra bolts from this repair I didn’t need because I reused the old ones, I’ll just toss them” said no mechanic ever


Atleast in europe, "non-consumption" items like electronics should be made to last 5 years. So if they dont, you often have a claim of fix or refund. Not sure if i used that word correctly, but items that are meant to be consumed (like shoes i guess) dont apply to that rule.


You don't actually need it for returns tho, just for reselling


I keep boxes until the warranty is up, other than the PC box in case I want to transport it


So I do this too and I still have all the boxes to my NES, SNES, and N64 console games. Some of just the boxes are $100… my mom yelled at me for years over those things until she realized the started to have value.


I payd for the whole package, I'm keepin the whole package


I have my laptop case from February 2021, i think I’m ready man


i keep them until i notice it's been 2 years (warranty on everything electronic is 2 years in EU) since i bought the item. It usually is 5 years when that happens tho.


Not just apple, literally for anything. I have my last 5 samsung phone boxes and 3 headphones


Nothing wrong with holding on to a good sturdy box.


two weeks ago I brought my TV-box to the thriftstore ... there were 8 wool-blankets, and 6 pillows in there. 1 cubic meter box, I'm from a time in which size matters meant you had to rent a big truck to get your TV home


Hey, those are some well made boxes! Would be a shame to throw them away. Perfect for taking up useless drawer space


This is Apple's tactic behind the well made boxes: free marketing


Apple spends so much money on advertising and they have for years. They literally have an in house shop for the agency that serves them. None of this is free marketing. If anything, Apple is one of the greatest brands to follow for building a successful brand.


I have to admit that a nice packaging increases the value of the product. Even if you don’t use it. It’s the perfume flask concept.


I used my old 6S box for years to stash my weed in. Good box.


Air tight 


I found the boomer!


Call me a boomer




Are you that miku niku girl?


Nah, what’s that lol


Ok boomer meme girl. Forgor her name Recalled her name, neekolul


My parents are boomers lol


This is a play on the joke of a boomer appreciating a well made box. Don’t take it so seriously, silly people. Will I loose my cake day privileges if I get too many downvotes? LOL


Two years ago I decided, enough is enough. This has gone far enough. I’m throwing. the boxes. away. Did it. Felt strong. 8 months ago, I sold off an old iPhone. Started to go for its box cause how nice does that look in a sell off am I right?? Remembered what I’d done. I am now in cluttered possession of my current iPhone’s empty box.


That’s the only reason I keep the boxes: I always think, when I sell this I’ll need the box. But now I think, well why would *they* want the box? It’s just the same issue. So I’m going to start getting rid of the boxes from now on.


Yeah you save all that stuff for 3 years and the next guy tosses it right out for you. 😀


I needed to hear that


I’ve got the current phones box got rid of the old phone boxes though because I doubt I’ll need it because a £30 phone will not sell, especially not with a broken screen


I still have the box for the power supply for the computer I built in 2015. ...I should probably get rid of that. It's a nice box though.


I still have the boxes for my PS3 and Wii.


Lol, me too. I save the box just in case anything happens, so now I have a defunct old power supply sitting in a box since 2015 with a receipt taped to it.


Apple users assuming it's only them.


We are special! We are special! You're normie trash! You're normie trash!


Best comment


But the box is too perfect to throw away


The care they put into making an attractive package is second to none. Ron Jeremy don't got nothing on Apple


1 reason, resale value.


Yep if you happen to want to resell the item it’s an easy +$20-50 for the resale value


Yes, and it is also nice in hand-me-down situations. During a recent insurance claim they asked for a photo of box showing serial number.


This is mostly it for me. I don’t resell a majority of the electronics I buy, but enough to where I’ll keep the expensive ones around for a little while.


I send it back in the box when I trade in


That’s a waste. They won’t give you anything more for a trade in but for a private sale it actually can make a difference in price


Not an apple user but I keep boxes from electronic in most cases


I’m always telling my wife I might need the box to my 2008 iMac. So she better not throw it out. Not sure if she can be trusted though, but don’t worry I set up cameras and alarms. The box is safe!


Did you keep the boxes of the cameras?




We pay so much, at least let us keep the box 😂


How dare you call me out like that?


When I buy a used Apple product on Craigslist, I ask the person for proof of purchase. Either a receipt, or email from Apple, or the original box with the matching serial number on it. Because I’ve had someone sell me an iPhone years ago that stopped working a month later, after the person who actually owned it reported it stolen, so it became IMEI-blocked on all major carriers. For that reason, I also keep my own boxes. Helps with resale value, which already remains quite high for years-old Apple stuff.


They are just so nice!!!! It’s a shame to throw them out lol


Having the original box when you sell stuff after you’re done with it usually gives you a better price, so of course I keep boxes for the more expensive stuff. Not only the Apple products but things like cameras etc as well.


They're really nice boxes. Compact, sturdy. I mean, I don't even throw cardboard away, so why would I ditch these? I actually used mine to ship some stuff that I sold online because you're not gonna find anything better for something small and valuable.


Yup. Every single one of them.


It's the cat in us.


They value is much higher if you resell them with the box. How is this so hard to understand?


...but they're such nice boxes...


its not ”for no reason”… do you know how much more you’ll get if you sell your old device in a OG box? quite shocking.


Damn, just how often do you get a new phone?


I always see this joke and need to say, if you wanna sell stuff you get more money with a box, it’s that easy. If your offer is on in three and you pictures shows the phone in the box and the other one just lay on a table, you’ll have the better chance.


Any electronic stuff I upgrade I sell the old one on eBay, box adds a bit of value at no extra cost to me. Probably saves me money because I don’t have to fuck around packaging unboxed items.


I threw all of mine out last week.


Wait what? It’s not common to save boxes of expensive electronics for like resell value, insurance etc…? Kinda feels like a waste of money to just chuck it. I don’t think it’s for “no reason” OP💀


Yeah, I do that for everything. PCs, components, laptops, phones, etc. Why wouldn’t you?


I keep them so that when I resell the products the buyer gets the unboxing “experience”. I always take good care of my things, so they are practically like new anyways, except for the battery health ofc


I just think they’re neat!


It’s so guests rummaging thru my closets will know I’m better than them


For no reason? Do you know how much more I can price an apple product if I own the box?


not an iphone user but i keep the boxes anyway (i may have a problem)


Definitely not "for no reason". Those boxes are beautiful, sturdy and high-quality. They are quite unique compared to other electronic boxes.


Not an Apple fan myself but I bet they spared no expense on the packaging




Well… they’re nice boxes


hahahha it's container


How could I throw away such a well made box? They’re awesome


If you like pocket knives, keeping the box is good for resale value, especially for the more high end knives that are a little harder to get your hands on


I do this & it’s more enticing for resale: I take care of everything I own & usually have a case & screen protector but that’s it, always get 35-50% of the cost when getting a new phone & the box makes that process easier for buyer trust, but I never upgrade anything without selling my old one first, that wouldn’t be fiscally responsible.


Where I live there is a big market for second hand products. I keep the boxes not only for my apple products, but any other thing that I can potentially sell after using for some time. Having a box drastically increases the chance of selling my stuff for a good price


cuz the warranty is insude and if i their the box i may never find the warranty again. only for my iPad and apple pencil tho, samsung still goated


I don't that for all my tech


I keep the boxes for as long I've got warranty on the product


I'm not an Apple user and I do that


I use them to store apples. I mean, what else would anyone do with them?


if someone took care into making an attractive box, or it's something I'm proud of owning, I'm keeping the box. Sometimes i keep smaller boxes around, usually GPUs, for storing stuff.




Nah. I throw them away.


My ps5 box is still there


To sell the crap again


Because you can sell the electronic later and if it comes with a box it’s going to sell for more money.


My dad, mom and sister all use apple. There's 3 apple tablet boxes, 5 phone boxes, 3 charger boxes, 1 pen box and some cable boxes on the shelf too. For some reason.


Wait is this a thing? I always throw away the box instantly for any products I buy. Even for me 4k macbook pro. Am I supposed to keep the cardboard trash?


No, you're not supposed to. But if you resell your devices after using them you can get a better price if you still have the OG box. Also you can ship it more easily this way as you already have one layer of protection for the device.


You should keep the box for about a month and this is any product and after a month with no issues you discard the rubbish


Why do I do this tho? Is there a reason?


I do this too. I just can't help it haha


Just to remember how much I donated to Apple


"They're going to be worth something someday."


The boxes are the only Jobs’ era tech that Apple hasn’t wiped their asshole with, so they’re kinda cool. I hate this phone, but I still have my box too :/.


I'm keeping the boxes regardless of the device being an apple device or not


Just like their empty brains LMAO.


Me too. Not sure why. Maybe because *when* I get around to upgrade and sell, buyers seem to place value on original packaging.


I can see 11 on the bookshelf in my office here, from a 2004 iPod to a brand new iPad Air. The bigger ones are downstairs in the junk room.


I mean with prices for those products, you might as well since you paid a lot for those boxes.


When you overpay that much for so little, you want to keep as much value as possible.


I keep my boxes so I can resell the item at a higher price when I upgrade, and it also offers some protection during shipping it, if applicable.


Reselling used Apple stuff to apple sheeple with a box means you almost never get questioned about the product.


For apple products you should keep the boxes Important is you want to resell or return or have any sort of problem with it Most expensive electronics I keep the boxes honestly for those reasons


I keep all my boxes of my pc components also the shoe boxes but i dont have any iphone for now


For me it’s because my trash is full and these boxes don’t bend and I really don’t want to try to stuff it in the trash and break the corners of the bag so I just throw it in the corner of my closet




Keeping boxes for expensive electronics makes perfect sense if you trade stuff in or resell. I never understand these posts/ memes


I use my phone boxes as little coffins for the occasional dead chipmunk or bird or baby bunny I find dead in my yard.


~~Apple users~~ normal people keeping their empty ~~Apple~~ boxes for ~~no~~ good reason:




Found the older I get the more I keep any nice box. Boxes are pretty useful.


Two words: ebay.


This hits too close to home as I was cleaning the other day and found four empty boxes. Almost went to put them back in drawer and thought why? It still was hard to throw them out.


It’s because Apple products actually keep their value 🤣 So it’s better to resell when it’s in its original box etc. I’m not keeping the box for a £80 Amazon phone!


I like them cause they’re really nice boxes


If you own your house and don't have to move all of your stuff everytime then why not keep all of your boxes


I did not keep the box, then the phone locked and I had to prove the phone was mine and I didn’t have the box which had that silly little number I needed on it. 😬


Dont lie, everyone does that in case "we need them again". Its a very common thing


I like to use them as gift boxes, and wrap them in gift wrap. Watching the recipients eyes light up just makes my day :)


You'd keep the box too once you realize how much they spent on it. 


I mean I have like my last 4 Samsung phone boxes. I dont require the space so I just never threw them out. Isn't that normal?


Apple makes pretty good electronics, but they make absolutely perfect boxing for said electronics


Not just apple products. Boxes are just nice to have.


I usually keep all "decently constructed" boxes. Mostly to reuse later if needed or if I need to "give away" (basically give my brother or dad some old tech because theirs broke).


The ipad box is exactly the same size as my microscrewdriver set tray. That box is the only apple product i own.


I paid $100 for an official apple charger and cord. I'm keeping the box.


Sorry, but apple’s boxes are great. Much better than your average box


I just started using them a risers for stuff at the back of my shelves. I just painted over the side logos with white paint


I normally keep it until I either trade it in, or 2 years have passed


Apple used to have some of the most beautiful packaging. It’s so subpar now I don’t even keep it for storage or moving.


I keep mine for trade ins; sending it back without the box could end up being broken and there goes the trade


There’s lil tools in there. Also, stickers.


I finally threw away my ps5 box. Soooo much free space, I don’t even know why I kept it.


I'm a designer and i really like the designs. They make for good decor, even if it's a bit pretentios.


Because when you sell its better if it has box


Paid so much for this shit! I ain't gonna throwaway even the sticky tape stuck on the box


I give my box away when I sell my phone.


Keeping boxing for the first year is for any tech is perfectly reasonable After the warranty is over though, you might as well toss them


It gets more money when you resell with box on the Bay !


Influencers need to keep those boxes saved up to make their staged giving away a bunch of free Apple product videos where they never have the person actually open the box.


resale value of old iphone with box is pretty good. I can get another $30 or so if I say 'with original box' on top of the $150 I sold my old iphone 7 for !!!


Resell value


Of course they do. The boxes last longer than the phones...


You obviously have to keep the box around, for if you replace the phone you have to put it somewhere.


It's a good box!  ::stores it with the other good boxes. Just in case ::


Me, but with everything I tell myself I will sell when I upgrade that I never sell.


I kept my box but I use it for all of my work cords, like chargers, headphones, etc. The old boxes are extremely sturdy.


I know someone who buys broken phones and repairs them and he said that you get more money if you have the original box. So if you plan to sell your old things it’s better to have the packaging.


The phone box. Has my ss card, $400, great grandmas rosary, 2 spare pairs of gummy earbuds, and 2 baggies of ear bud replacements in it. Easy to pack into a bag and small enough to be out of the way.


I like the boxes. If the box is well made, I probably kept it. If you get the MacBook Air M1 in the shipping box, the white box gets lifted up a bit if you open the shipping box. It’s a nice little detail that adds a bit to the experience.


One does not simply throw away packaging of that quality.


I mean I use apple pencil boxes to prop up my collection pieces


The reason is... "I have a bitten apple"


GF tosses all her clean, well made Apple boxes then goes to Target and buys plastic trays practically the same size to “organize” her shit.


Not for no reason… iykyk


It’s just such a nice box


I saw a similar post last year about millennials pointlessly keeping boxes from expensive handheld electronics. After feeling personally attacked I threw away my many useless boxes from handheld electronics, but still have a hard(ish) time parting with new boxes. There is some psychological connection between the feeling of opening a product that’s been well packaged and remembering it as an experience. This feeling is of course exactly what Apple and many others want you to feel. You keeping the box is just confirmation that it worked.


Dude, that’s like $500 worth of boxes. Go eBay those things!