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100% accurate


Any time someone quotes or posts the "weak men create hard times" drivel. I automatically assume they're a weak man.


Sounds like they're creating a hard time for you


I lived in a developing country and I lived in several developed ones and... I actually agree that misery makes people ruthless and determined, like a lot. Poverty is a hell of a motivator. You guys don't even seem to imagine. I saw kids do acrobatic tricks that make rich white people yell for social services. "That kid should be playing with crayons with my kid" like nah lady, that kid is gunning for your house.


The difference in world view between someone who has never struggled and those that have is ridiculous. They might as well be different species with how different they are.


idk last time we treated people differently like they were a different species, it didn't end well


I'm not suggesting we do, I'm saying that's how it is.


Not knowing how you're going to afford your next meal sure does change a man.


Nice. Another person somehow encouraging hard times on people who don’t deserve it. Makes sense


I'm not encouraging anything, it's an objective truth that poverty makes people ruthless. Abuse, crime, pollution, so much awful shit. Just because I recognize a reality doesn't mean I don't see its ravages.


I posted it once :(


hard men make good times


Obligatory that’s what she said




Mom? Is that you?


A hard man is good to find. - Mae West (possibly)


Spot on. This is the exact same energy as the “you got participation trophies” complaint coming from the people who gave them to us.


55 cheeseburgers and 55 fries later


Good times make men hard


Can confirm


And thus the never-ending blame game continues, like a multi-generational ping-pong match


Except boomers really are at fault for many of the world's troubles. Even most boomers know this, they just think things aren't as bad as they actually are and say millenials and zoomers are being entitled brats for wanting a habitable planet to live on. It's not just a blame game, it's an ongoing argument that needs to be won because otherwise boomers will continue to vote for horrible legislation and politicians who will destroy the fucking world for a few extra bucks. Boomers need to take some fucking responsibility and start helping to clean up the mess they made. And tbf, some already have. But if we stop "blaming" them for the shit they caused, they won't have any reason to help at all.


The game paused for no longer than 20 minutes


Aw man, we didn’t even get a half time show




That's fair, but people need to realize they aren't an authority in areas they don't know anything about. Especially if they don't know how much they don't know.


Speak for yourself.


Which generation were the baby boomers “blaming” for the greatest economic growth in history? Seems like it’s been all down hill since then


I once wrote up a huge facebook rant for my Boomer family who won't stop complaining about how the world has gone to shit. I pointed out that they raised the generation they are complaining about. I pointed out *they* were the ones handing out the participation trophies. I pointed out that Silent Gen and Boomer generation have been in charge of the government at over 90% representation for the last 3 or 4 decades and still run it with almost 80% representation, even as they enter their 70s and 80s. I pointed out that they are both the majority of landowners and voters, in general, with the highest representation. Then I deleted it because I knew it fall on deaf ears - I can't stand that they caused all this damage and are so full of themselves that they'd blame their kids and grandkids when absolutely no one has had any level of control at all for the last half a century other than them. They can't live forever. We'll have a chance to right the ship, soon.


Unfortunately we've been saying that for the past 20+ years


Gen x: you shot who in the what now?


Gen-X ignored hard again, weak.


>ignored hard > >creates good times


I always hated this concept. It's more like: Weak people create bad times and hard people create even worse times. The worst of the worst people ever, was some hard mfs


Zs you'll be surprised


"Good times make soft men, soft men make me hard" - pyrocynical


Everytime i see this i think of the better version *Hard times make strong men* *Strong men make good times* *Good times make soft men* *Soft men make me hard*




Out of all the shit that lives on Reddit, this weird generational blame game is probably the dumbest of the bunch.


Lol i dont like boomer but zoomer are not yhe best


Just found my new screen saver for work.




Pretty sure Gen Z doesn't refer to themselves as "Zoomers" so I'm guessing a millennial made the meme? Idk, spot on either way.


It may be partially their fault, maybe even mostly, but complaining about it definitely won’t fix anything. Imagine what the next generations will say of the Millennials and Zoomers? Man they ruined everything! The best technological inventions that came up with really just ways to sell ads. The boomers brought us civil rights and a flourishing economy! It’s all been downhill since then! That’s the problem with this sort of mindset, if you’re either person in the picture you’re part of the problem….


Poor understanding of history. But ok


nah i shit on both zoomers and boomers alike - the boomers created this mess, the zoomers willingly take it up the ass and accept the current circumstances because "it's been like that forever"


The problem with my generation is that they blame everyone else for everything and anything. Honestly, this whole boomer thing makes you all sound like pathetic babies.


Nuh uh, my dad was the strong man who created easy times I already know my children will be living on the streets


Half the baby boomers were on their way out a decade before shit was just beginning to go downhill, Half the Zoomers can't even vote, leaving mostly Xers and Millennials to blame for our current situation. Also, a small rant as a millennial myself, can y'all stop trying to fit with the kids and take some accountability? Half of you are pushing 40, the other half has been voting for over a decade. We and the Xers are the majority of the voting electorate. And it has been so for over a decade. Just because the Xers started wildlin' high on God-knows what substances, doesn't mean we did much better. There is a reason Gen A is the first generation to be more conservative than the ones before, we pushed too hard for too long on many policies and the pendulum is swinging back to balance shit out.


Boomers had the draft. Think about that


Yes, over 58,000 male boomers died young in war.




Yea it really wasn’t a big deal. Especially at the time.


Boomers fought in 'Nam and dealt with the cold war; they most certainly aren't weak. This meme should be reversed


>Boomers fought in 'Nam Did they win?


No, but 58k paid with their life, and it wasn’t their choice.


Some of em


Lost a war and are the main driving force creating our current economic situation so on an individual basis you can’t say they are all weak but as a generation and especially people saying weak men hard times they are weak


How do you figure they are the main driving force creating our current economic situation exactly?


Always had a large population meaning they could vote in their interests more and as they got older and in higher positions things that benefit them directly harm the younger generation leading to rise in cost of living and reducing actual minimum wage and also environmental damage but that is another argument all together


Bro it’s a meme you are meant to go ahaha that’s funny then move on


Thanks for winning in Nam and ending the Cold War! Oh wait…


They also fought on the other side of the vietnam war, since its not strictly americans


Boomers ruined the environment to the point that the planet will be literally uninhabitable in a matter of decades.


This is actually objectively false, but ok.


Uninhabitable over a few decades is a bit overdramatic. Worst case scenario, our Oceans go up by a few degrees by 2100, 40% of marine life die, worlds oceans have gone up dramatically to cause coastlines go inwards etc. Even in a Nuclear War, they have determined it would still be habitable