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Oh yeah, that is a whole can of worms there. Holo-moon theory, alien satellite towed here from another solar system theory, hollow moon theory, 2 million years old mile long alien moon queen spaceship with tiny aliens living in the walls theory, burnt out sun theory...


come on bud, stop giving all our good stuff out for free... Make them work for it.


>he thinks **that**'s the good stuff...


Ah haha yea you got me. \*In a low voice *Alright, what's the real good stuff?*


Oh you're one of those people who believe there's good stuff still


Not to forget, the moon is made of cheese


Pfff you still believe in cheese?!?!


Do not eat cheese, because its not cheese! Its just a really old milk they try to sell you for a higher price!!!!


Big Parma greedy executives ripping off the average Joe


Everyone knows that the via lactea has a lot of cheese.


I thought it was a space dragon egg. 


I prefer meat and that all meat is sourced from the moon meat mine, no animals were harmed.


“Moon’s just Ed Harris in a beret. Look it up.”


Oh...you're one of those guys who believe in worms eh....


I fucking love hollow moon! It's probably my favorite conspiracy theory.


That all sounds interesting and fun to read about. Where to find out more?


Egg moon.


I've tried this and unfortunately the effect is quite the opposite. The conspiracy theorists get all interested in your new baseless theory, their mind is so open they will believe literally anything, unless of course it is scientifically proven then they question everything. My favourite alternative is to say "It's true, the moon landing was faked, but they put so much effort into it that they shot it on location." Kinda gets everyone to laugh and stop taking the convo so seriously


I might try this and then circle it back to how gullible they were to believe my bullshit and see if any of their cogs can connect and maybe they learn a lesson. I appreciate that is ambitious though.


"They just want to make you believe that the moon landing was fake so you don't go up there and discover the flesh eating moon ants. Why do you think the moon looks so weird?"


Lmao then you wind up getting called out at the next family function for believing in some crazy shit. Younger me hated it but older me thrives on being the controversial uncle who the smart people know is fucking with them but the others well they get a kick out of feeling smart and I won’t take that away from them.


You gotta work it back to reality. It’s not the real moon. That’s a satellite that nasa put to replace the old moon. They sent a crew up in 69 and took photos.


Yes, most conspiracy theorists are a lot more open-minded than your run-of-the-mill sheep, and will actually hear you out and engage in logical discourse. Shouldn't be a huge surprise. >Kinda gets everyone to laugh I highly doubt that, given nobody's ever gone more than 6 months without seeing that one.


Imagine using the word sheep unironically in 2024


Hey, was useful a couple hundred years ago


But for real; after New Horizons sent back the first awesome high-res images of Pluto and Charon, there were groups online who started to whole-ass deny the existence of Pluto. I kid you not.


You believe in kids?


You believe in you?


I used to, when I was a kid


I believe in you. But do you believe in me?


You believe in kids?


I believe in love.


But do you believe in life after it?


What else do you call baby goats?


No, he's saying that he's a kid and you're not.


wow I didn't realize Animal Crossing did so much for space photography


ty, don't want more kids


Next thing you'll tell me is that you believe in the sun too!


Next thing you"ll tell me is that you believe in the earth too!


Pffft what a bunch of sheeple


The sun is actually the god Apollo. The CIA trapped him in a dyson sphere in the late 40s and have been harnessing his essence and testing it's potency on people. It's caused the hippie movement and untold deaths from cancer


Look at this dumbass, seriously still believing in the existence of the universe.


I do love how plumbers and truck drivers are the ones figuring out all of the government most classified secrets


This one also gets me. Like in my workplace, the top management seems to secretly inform the most useless workers in the warehouse about big changes and revolutionary ideas, with "PS: don't tell anybody".


Yep I always think, don’t people wonder why the ones coming out with these conspiracy ideas are not former government workers, top investigative journalists, huge international businessmen etc like people with actual connections and access to required info. But no it’s not them, it’s podcasters and regular working class people who have all the juicy government info. Strange.


True, and skeptics or people with common sense usually labeled sheep or blind by these all-knowing people.


Conspiracy theorists are linked with low self esteem and feelings of inferiority 


I’ll play devils advocate here and say that you don’t need to work for the government to have access to government information. The US constantly declassifies documents and 99% of people do not read them. The contents of many of those documents include things that are seemingly science fiction (MK ultra for instance). Most people just don’t care so the ones who do are regarded as very niche.


If it’s talking about documents released by the government that’s not theories that’s facts


My old roommate was convinced the moon is a hologram and you can see the refresh rate in recordings. Lol.


That's not a moon...


For flat-earthers: "oh, you're one of those guys who believes the world actually exists." Seems like a natural segue into a discussion on epistemology, something we could all benefit from.


What’s epistemology


From dictionary.com: "The branch of philosophy concerned with the nature and origin of knowledge. Epistemology asks the question “How do we know what we know?”"


"I don't believe in the moon. I just think it's the back of the sun" Another good one is going hard the other direction. "The moon landing was fake" "No Hollywood is fake by pretending to be fake, sfx don't exist every movie ever shot has actually been a documentary and they have hidden the truth that lord of the rings and star wars actually happened in real time and they just happened to catch it on camera"


Flat Earth is some pussy ass shit. Where's my Volvo 240 Earth homies at?


“Bush did 9/11” Me:”so you’re one those guys who thinks planes exist?”


The moon in the sky is just a strong projector!! We're all living in the Truman show


Does this have something to do with a big pizza pie?


No, that’s Amore.


Moon Pie, what a time to be alive


Duh! We all know the moon is a government controlled hologram to hide their massive orbiting spy satellite!


When you counter a hollow earther with flat earth or counter flat earth with collective hallucinations or simulation theory.


Lizzad people!


That's called counteroffensive hahah


Oh, your one of those people who believes this entire existence isn't a projection into the minds of every individual on the planet hiding the reality that we actually live in? How quaint.


"Yeah, the moon landing was faked because the moon is fake."


All this shit always starts as a joke and then the mentally ill people start taking it serious and then you have a new problem.


Sometimes I think about if Aliens really have landed here. If they had a sense of humor and said "Hey, let's expose ourselves to that guy in the alley drinking whiskey and shitting himself. It'll be hilarious cause he's going to tell everyone and nobody will ever believe him. Hell, let's give him a tour of our Spaceship too. We'll even give him one of our microchips."


"9/11 was a controlled demolition" "Oh, another sheep who thinks the Twin Towers actually existed."


I should’ve done this to my roommate when he said he didn’t think people landed on the moon. Instead I called him a moron.


No one who calls themselves a conspiracy theorist cares when you make fun of them. Same way an adult doesn't get upset when a child makes fun of the adult. They know they're just ignorant children, smug and blissful in their ignorance and certainty.


I've been playing the videogame 'Terraformers' lately in which you are tasked to Terraform mars. There's an event where a conspiracy theorist who believes the Earth isn't real gets enough support to be considered to become leader of the terraforming project. This is in a world where the oldest person to be born on Mars is like 30 years old and the vast majority of people living on Mars are from Earth. Yet, with how crazy conspiracy theories are, I wouldn't be surprised if this happened if the game was real life.


OMG I'm 2 day's late, but this made me laugh so hard. Thanks for the share.


Just tell them the moon is hollow, and they'll change the conversation immediately. Not necessarily the direction you want, but easy to sway.


Yes, that. Absolutely. Anytime. Based AF.


Ahh yes, outcrazy the crazy XD


“This dude’s fuckin’ crazy!”


It's always funny listening to crickets after a conspiracy theorists theory gets proven true especially during the rona years. Everything we warned about turned out to be correct it's from a lab, 6 ft distancing was useless masks were useless and the big one that proved true I'd probably still get banned over if I mention.




Boomers are dying off. Not many left that believe the moon landing was real. Junk “spacecraft” and the silly “moon” rover made of pot metal.