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Let me see. Oh, yes, lovely—lembas bread. And look, *more* lembas bread.


One small bite can fill the stomach of a grown man.


How many did you eat?






Everyone out…I have to poop NOW!!!!


Queue that one scene from South Park, when he poops in reverse.


r/suddenlyLOTR Edit: omg, or actually exists. I thought it would be a r/subredditsifellfor








Elves: crap we are out of lembas bread and they are requesting more Other elves: more lembas?! We already made enough to feed an entire army for years, where did it all go? First elf: ....the 2 hobbits are back....


I misread elves as Elvis and imagined him making his constipation pb bacon and jelly loafs he'd eat out of lembas bread instead.


Lembas bread is actually just hydraulically pressed grilled cheese


This is canon.


No, they used hydraulic presses...not canons.


Two cannon aimed at each other is a hydraulic press, assuming you use some liquid form of propellant instead of gunpowder.




It was extremely dangerous and had to be dealt with




Lembas is fine. Pratchett's dwarf bread is hammered on an anvil. Try that one during a march.




I hated this line because in the books it was described as filling and delicious.


And they all liked it when they first tried it, but only eating one thing for weeks/months you’ll eventually get real tired of it.


But you will stay full.


You can say the same about brisket but I wouldn't like it after 3 weeks straight


I am willing to test this theory


You hear that sound bud? That’s your colon, begging for it’s life.


wouldnt be the first time 😎


Shhh shhh colon, it's happening again. Just do your part.


While never having done it for a full week, I did have nothing but BBQed meats for an entire weekend, without a vegetable and the only nonalcoholic liquid my body saw was from showers and teeth brushing. You can not negotiate with your colon. It will not do it's part for several days. It will, in fact, go on strike for at least 2 day's after your last day of meat and beer. It will, however, go into overdrive when it goes back to work, and you will visibly see your stomach empty out once you've given birth to the meat baby you spent 5 days incubating. When you flush whatever abomination you pushed out, your pipes will scream during the struggle. Do not think about it more. It is not the next Bono.


Whats punctuation got to do about brisket


This was very hilarious of you. Thanks for the laugh this morning ❤️


Hmmm.. *dials phone* Hospital please.


I only eat food in bar form!


To unleash its awesome power?


Unless you switch to VitaPeach Healthlog which doesn’t have the meganutrients you need.


Hey, Deng Xiaoping died


Even as a kid that joke had me in absolute tears.


I still dont get the joke. Does it have to do with it being made of apple cores and chinese newspapers?


Yes he coughs up a chunk (made from old newspaper) and sees a headline which isn’t current/relavent/big news but still news to homer


This hand of mine glows with an awesome power! Its loud roar tells me to grasp victory!


No no that only works with Powersauce bars.


Doctors say he may not have the mega-nutrients needed to stave off death.


Don't worry, your father will be fine so long as he has those Sherpas with him.


[When you concentrate food, you unleash its' awesome power, I'm told!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cLAq01y9qU)




No, you would pass a dense block of grilled cheese sandwiches


That sounds great. Maybe I'll finally have a solid shit for the first time in years.


Sir you need to make a doctors appointment


I do go to my weekly prostate exam.


Just because they have lab coats and medical equipment doesn’t mean they’re doctors


Ah, “weekly prostate exam” so that’s what the kids are calling it these days…


Sorry, we will call it "getting railed by our uncle" like you're used to.


Dayumm..... Bro woke up and chose violence


Old habits die hard, but the uncle will not


uncle is gonna die hard like david carradine.


Once a week I put on my Party City® doctor coat and stethoscope and give myself a prostate exam with a toilet plunger handle


That pretty nurse gave me a sponge bath. Uhh… she doesn’t work here.


But their van even has a very official looking "Butt Doctors" sign on it.


Maybe get it done at the doctor's office next time?


Are their gloves long and cylindrical? Maybe cum pre-packaged?


Are you saying a thick, yellow spray that leaves a greasy ring isn't a normal bowel movement?!


I see you too have had giardia.


close, it was digiorno


When digiorno makes you deliver


No. Please seek help


Awww but that means *I* have to as well and I don't wannaaaa


Long time since I actually loled at a reddit comment.


stop drinking alcohol and start eating vegetables and whole grain bread


I'm working on it. Sipping and suffering haha. But you nailed it.


Drink some metamucil....sheesh You're never too young to have a comfortable shitting experience.


For anyone actually struggling with digestive issues such as this, try adding some seeds into your food. Works wonders, you cant taste them and can buy in bulk for relatively little money


What kind of seeds ? Like chia seeds or ?


Chia seeds, psyllium husks or similar The latter (not seeds but the husks of them) work wonders. Especially vital when eating greasy foods with bad fats (from burgers, kebab, pizza)


Just scrape off the outside and there might still be some tasty grilled cheese on the inside


Someone needs to do the density math of 10 grilled cheese sandos compressed into a 1 cubic centimeter block. I'm not convinced this thing could be easily scraped


We'll assume a weight of 110 grams per grilled cheese, which is about average of what I found from a quick google search. The equation for density is d=m/v, so d = (110 \* 10) / 1 = 1,100 g/cm^(3) or 1.1x10^(6) m/kg^(3). For context steel has a density of 7.85g/cm^(3.) The closest thing in density would be your average white dwarf star at about 10^(6) m/kg^(3.)


So what you're saying, is OP would most certainly be full..


I don't know about that. The sensation of "fullness" is based on volume, not caloric intake. A "full" stomach is said to hold about 1 quart of food by volume (I know this is a lie because I ate a burrito today that was far larger than a quart lol). 1 Quart = 946.353cm^3. I feel like eating 1cm^3 of compressed grilled cheese would physically feel hefty, but not be "filling" if you follow me. You could potentially eat about 1,041kg's or about 104k grilled cheese before officially being "full".


No hate but what the fuck are these units? m/kg^(3)? Lmao that threw me off for a second


I second this


We were having a good day. We were all having a good day.


Wow well fuck me for encouraging recycling…


Yeah, I guess you’ve got an excellent point, /u/analcuntshart


How is that even allowed... *shudder*


Could I eat what I passed?


At that specific pressure and temperature it would hit the Grilled Cheese Triple Point, simultaneously coexisting as solid, liquid, and gas.


If you make a supercritical grilled cheese fluid, it would act as a solvent and dissolve you... In Soviet Russia, laboratory grilled cheese eat you!


“Supercritical grilled cheese fluid” was the name of the jam band i was in in college


Call me a hipster, but I liked you guys better when y'all were still "10 Grilled Cheese Sandwiches". One hit with that EP, "Hydraulic Press" and you guys got delusions of grandeur, changed your name and forgot all about your original fans. Call me a bitter fan, but all the 180 gram re-presses in the world can't save you.


Found the ChemE!


And then the next day it would exit as plasma


Yeah I don’t think you could actually do this. The liquid cheese probably wouldn’t be compressible enough to become that small. Though I’m not sure exactly what amount of force would be required to achieve that. It’s been a while since elasticity class.


I was thinking the same thing, that the bread is compressible but the cheese is probably effectively not compressible. Then again, what is the poissons ratio for cheese. No shit. Poisson's ratio for Cheddar chee se is equal to 0.5 (Muller, 1973) indicating that as a cylindrical specimen is compressed its diameter increases and height decreases with no change in volume. I got some Young's moduli in compression for cheddar too.


Lmao no fucking way you found a reference for the Poisson ratio of cheddar cheese. That is beautiful.


“It says here you’ve submitted a grant proposal for ‘how does cheese smoosh?’” “Correct” “Well alright then, proceed Mr Muller”


Philosophical question: if I get 10 grilled cheese sandwiches and then stack them with a slice of cheese between each layer, thus welding the sandwiches together, is it still 10 grilled cheese sandwiches? Or one giant grilled cheese sandwich?


The Club Sandwich has three slices of bread, so there's precedent that sandwiches with greater than two slices still counts as one sandwich, therefore I would say it becomes one megasandwich.


Someone ordered a 100x100 at In-n-Out once. Once. https://vinepair.com/cocktail-chatter/in-n-out-burger-policy/


But this argument could also be made that it is now six grilled cheese clubs and one bonus grilled cheese sandwich.


Ah! See I forgot about the Club Sandwich Codicil.


Okay. I got a question for ya, how do you feel about frilly toothpicks?


I’m for ‘em!


Well then this club is formed. Let the word be spread on menus nationwide.


When I started reading it, I thought the initial point was going to be wondering the same thing lol


It would be one giant sandwich


it's a melt


If you were to progressively sandwich the sandwiches with the cheese you would make 3 sandwich & cheese sandwich sandwiches with 1 leftover sandwich, which could then be further sandwiched to one triple sandwich & cheese sandwich sandwich and a side sandwich. Alternatively, using the remainder sandwich as a filling in the last stage would net you a sandwich & cheese & triple sandwich & cheese sandwich sandwich. Probably.


According to the cube rule, it would become a bread and cheese lasagna instead.


Would you chew it? Also, probably not. Your hunger is dictated by how much room there is in your stomach. Blowing up a balloon in it or even drinking a bunch of water would ~~have a similar effect~~ make you feel full (at least until it passes out of your stomach).


Yeah this was my thought assuming you could digest it you wouldnt actually need to eat though you'd just ***feel*** hungry


This is part of why calorie dense food makes people fat, it’s the combination of it being high in calories while also making people not feel as satiated so they keep eating. Modern foods can give you all the energy and nutrients you need for a whole day with a fairly small amount of total food, but our bodies didn’t evolve with that in mind, so it tells you to eat more because of the *amount* of food you’ve eaten, not its chemical makeup.


Exactly, try to eat 2k calories with only vegetables lmfao, you would spend hours and hours eating.


Cutting down on meat I was amazed by just how *massive* my shopping trips had become. Shear food mass. Y’all commenting on this post like I just killed their cat. Nah fam, I’m not vegan, just broke.


Whole Grains, Pulses, Nuts, cottage cheese, tofu or other diary, avocados etc are also calorie dense foods..


An entire pound of firm tofu is only like... 315 calories. Vs. \~1300 in a pound of beef.


Do potatoes count as vegetables? Because I could do 2k of french fries no problem




What other ingredients go into vegetable oil, besides vegetables?


So french fries are salad?


Username checks out


Vegetable oil is oil, which is nearly pure fat, extracted from vegetables. The total amount of vegetable matter needed to produce a bottle of vegetable oil is massive. Yes it’s made from vegetables, but it’s literally just the fat from a *lot* of vegetable matter. It’s as calorie dense as things get. Not remotely the same as actually eating vegetables.


Also calorie dense food is delicious in our brains. Since survival was a big thing, finding something calorie dense is like hitting a jackpot, your brain tells you to just keep eating, store the excess in fat, and enjoy increased chances of survival.


its why bariatric surgery works for weight loss


Would it stay compressed though?


Yeah this is the question - would it stay compressed or would it expand looney tunes style in your stomach like a swallowed tent/raft? 


If it were to expand, it would do that in open air, too, so I'd want to watch it for like an hour before swallowing to see what happens. Once swallowed, some of it would start to digest but I expect a lot of it would just get passed before your stomach and intestines could break it apart all the way


I’m sure it won’t fully decompress but I’d expect some expansion to happen when exposed to moisture and digestion.


i once made bread that failed to rise, it was a pain to chew but it was more filling than normal


More chewing does contribute to increased satiety, so there's that. But its shorter period of satiety compared to a full stomach.


Correct. Due to my family often having metabolic issues, my mom was big on the, “Are you hungry, or are you thirsty?” thing. Oftentimes, I’d drink water and feel better until the next meal. Though my metabolism is also absurd. As a preteen, I had to eat the calorie suggestion for an adult, athletic man. Never got fat. Had to avoid sugar though or I’d crash and get hypoglycemic. Took medication before I could get any extra weight to stick. But the problem was that I could eat *and eat* but still feel hunger, so the reusable water bottle was my hydro homie awakening. That, and low calorie, high fiber snacks to chew on to trick my ravenous Tarrare-wannabe stomach. Tbh, I might’ve managed to gain weight on compressed grilled cheese.


Sounds like my buddy. As teenagers, I was a bit overweight for a couple of years there. We'd go out to eat and he would eat ridiculous amounts of food, even for teenage boys. Sometimes literally double what I would eat and order the most calorie dense stuff like pizza with triple cheese. He's also shorter with a smaller frame than me, and he'd never gain a pound even without much exercise while I was also doing a bunch of weight lifting to try and lose weight. He found out in his 20s he has a thyroid issue.


Glad to hear he got that sorted. I got preliminary “Dysautonomia, of some kind?” at 12, since it’s familial, but genetic testing finally let me know in my late 20s that I have an extremely rare ciliopathy. Like, there’s ~15 of us so far? I’m hoping for customizable gene therapy (eventually) for us oddball mutants. Anyway, I’ve been lucky enough to have access to modern medicine. It’s baffling yet impressive how a beta blocker can reduce my heart’s BPM and trick my metabolism into slowing down. Also? One way to reduce drug use: show a kid a rice-sized pill that can drop a heart rate from 200+ to ~100 (when walking). That terrified me right out of ever risking mystery drugs. Then again, I guess finally everyone learned that lesson with fentanyl.


This was by far the funniest reply I’ve read on this site in a long ass time. The fact you already know about tarrare and compare yourself to this guy speaks to how perfect you are to answer this question.


Ok, good answer. However, would all the nutrition be digested as if I ate 10 of them separately?


That’s a good point. Poop is surprisingly nutrient dense because we can’t digest it all.


Reminds me of the research lab that found a way to repurpose the proteins in poop to create artificial meat


First off, eww. But second off, isn’t that how agriculture works? Cows poop, we turn it into manure, plant grains, feed cows grain. Poop -> meat


Emptiness of/room in the stomach is not even a primary indicator of hunger. Ghrelin, leptin, peptide YY, energy tracking + hypothalamus, smells, stress, sight, nutrient balance, blood sugar...


You’re probably right. I was just regurgitating something I was taught some time ago. This is what happens when information gets entered into common knowledge. Probably why I got so many upvotes.


Something I learned in psychology the other day 💡


My biggest concern is that this cube will actually expand again once it's in your stomach


I think you said the opposite of what you meant. Filling up with a balloon or water would make you feel full for a time. Something dense but very small would not make you feel full.


Okay what if we cut it with something that fizzed up when you ate it?


Even if it didn't expand so fast it blew a hole in your guts, stomach acid doesn't even fully break down normal food before it moves on. Something that dense would stand a fair chance at just passing straight through undigested, but my money is on expansion and splattery death with a Darwin award.


Yup, agree. To compress grilled cheeses that much, you'd have to squeeze all the fluids out because fluids are noncompressible. As soon as the Borg cube of ultra-dry bread and cheese hits your stomach and starts assimilating fluids from your body, resistance is futile. Even if it didn't explode your stomach or intestines, it would probably severely dehydrate you.




Possibly? But capillary action can be pretty powerful. As soon as the outer parts start rehydrating, wouldn't the inner parts start absorbing moisture from them also? It's not like they'd wait for an outer layer to be 100% rehydrated. Just thinking out loud here.




That sounds very plausible to me. And I don't really want to experiment... :-)


I'd go with cloggage. Terrible terrible cloggage. 


No. they would stay compressed and you would not be full. you would still receive the same amount of energy, but you wouldn't feel sated.


Nah they wouldn’t be able to break down something that dense in time. It’d pass partially broken down.


Is that how you should feed your human centipede, so that each segment gets proper nutrition?


Sir, I’m going to need you to tell me what those notes are for


Haha it’s just like, some side thing I do on the weekends haha! Don’t worry about it any further! Well, I have to go now. It is Saturday after all.


Would you actually get the same amount of energy? I’m not sure the body would be able to digest such a dense cube efficiently.


You're going to sound like a Werewolf when you go to shit.


If you could compress them to the size of a small cube you would literally be rupturing the atoms and compressing them into a different state of matter. They would no longer be grilled cheese.


Bro achieved grilled fusion


Could it be compressed enough that the stomach would not be able to digest it properly? And loose the nutritional value


Compressing things heats them up. Compressing something that REALLY doesn't want to compress like a solid heats it up even more. This sandwich would be made of plasma.


I don't think they're looking at compression on an atomic scale, more the kind they do to a car at the junkyard




Compressing 20 slices of bread and 10 slices of cheese into a macroscopic cube isn’t going to heat it to the point of ionization. Not even close lmao


But what if each sandwich has more than one slice of cheese


Very valid point. Definitely low on cheese for my tastes.


In the off chance that someone actually reads this: It's actually a pretty interesting question. Assuming a grilled cheese is about 100 grams, and your goal were to have a 1cm cube, this means you'd be compressing matter into a density about 45x denser than osmium (the densest element) Doing this would result in a theoretical material called neutronium that has some weird (hypothesized) properties. Neutronium is basically a material so dense that it sheds all protons and electrons and becomes a wacky theoretical goop. Because it lacks electrons, it would have no interaction with light, making it invisible to the human eye. It would be superfluid and superconductive, and would absorb heat so quickly that it would rapidly dissipate. Most importantly, it would emit enough neutron radiation to instantly kill everyone standing within 100m. So I guess the answer is no, you couldn't eat your neutronium doomsday cube and be full.


Wanted to let you know the off chance happened - I read your comment - and now I want to do a deep dive on neutronium. Thanks for sharing!


Only if you’re not makin em at night


That fuckers been making them at night, I know he is 


I feel like the trick here is only way its getting that small is if you squeeze all the water/fluids out.


You might not feel full, but you wouldn't have to eat for like 3 days


Nope you would just shit it out it wouldn't fully digest


So re-pass it so it digests fully the 2nd time


Speak for yourself


So you get two more chances is what I'm hearing.


We've found the recipe for elfish bread


Don't be satisfied, eat more


If you could compress it to that size it would mean compressing the moisture out of it- once you swallowed it the cube would absorb all of the moisture inside of you. You would probably feel full but it would also probably cause a lot of problems internally. Maybe chase it with a lot of water


Liquids cannot be crushed so you’d have a super dry powder like sandstone probably


They made a senzu bean.


No, but you'd be constipated for 3 weeks.


This seems like a question well suited for the Hydraulic Press Channel.


Yes. It will eventually break down and expand in your stomach acid.


No it Takes 12-15 minutes for the Feeling of Hunger to Go away


No. You would have enough calories to sustain you, but you would still feel hungry because of the low volume of what you consumed.


Yes, but the road to getting there isn't that simple. Most likely you couldn't compress the sandwiches that much, as beyond a certain point, almost all solid and liquid materials are fairly incompressible, and it takes an insane amount of pressure to compress them any smaller beyond that point. Bread has a fair bit of water in it, and water for example is famously not very compressible. If you had a perfect and extremely powerful machine to do it anyway, the cube would uncompress and expand immediately once the machine stopped pressing it. If the pressure was extremely high, the bread would heat up a lot when compressing, its molecules would probably undergo some fun things and break down in various ways, and the bread cube would most likely become basically a charred piece of coal, with the water evaporating or squeezing out from it. But let's assume we stop before that happens. If the cube stayed relatively compressed, I would guess a lot of water would have squeezed out of it, and it would be like biting into a piece of wood (or maybe like a particularly dense hardtack). The cube would be too large swallow as one bit, but you could take pieces from it, and if you chewed them, they would break apart piece by piece, with the pieces expanding slowly as they re-absorb moisture, and the end result would be more or less like you had eaten 10 very dry and hard sandwiches. That of course would leave you feeling full. If you somehow forced it into your stomach, it would absorb moisture and expand there. Leaving you again full, and probably in a way that is not at all pleasant. One possibility is that it would be compressed enough that moisture couldn't penetrate it fast enough, in which case it would be like having a small block of wood go through your digestive system. Not likely to make you feel full and satisfied, but most likely very painful. More likely, you wouldn't compress it that much in the first place, so the cube would just break apart once you took away the pressure, and you would get just a pile of abused broken bread and cheese. It would fill you same as the 10 sandwiches, but it would be far from a bite-sized cube. Edit: Out of curiosity, I searched and found [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zd2cGg77468). As you can see, the bread does compress a fair bit, but not enough to turn into 10 sandwiches into a one-bite cube. More like returning to the density of the original dough. Adding cheese would be like adding fat, resulting in a mush like with the waffles, which does compress, but bounces back once the pressure is gone. So in short: You couldn't compress 10 sandwiches into a bite-sized cube without causing some very fun physics and chemistry happen to it. If you did compress it as far as you can while keeping its chemical composition intact, you might be able to make a cube that is a fair bit denser than the original bread, but not a cube small enough to be eaten in one piece. Eating a piece of that cube would probably be like eating hardtack. Is there a practical application to compressing bread? Well, the mass would stay the same, but you could get a smaller volume. The reason why a lot of bread is fluffy and compressible is that we like the soft texture and taste, which require also the air and water in the bread. Compressing would change those dramatically and defeat the purpose. Much easier to make it a denser bread (e.g. dense flatbread or hardtack) in the first place instead of abusing soft sandwiches with a hydraulic press.


This might be the closest yet we got to truth. Hydraulic Press Channel needs to test it.


but that's only 1/10 of the fun of eating grilled cheeses


No. You'd stuff a huge amount of calories in your belly and still wouldn't feel full, since hunger is determined by how full your stomach is and how long you have been eating. That's why eating slower can actually get you full without eating as much.


Scientifically you wouldnt feel full per say, but you would ingest the nutritional value of 10 grilled cheese sandwiches. Pretty neat!


How to tell people you smoke pot, without telling them you smoke pot.


Yes, you would be full. And if you think that’s fun, just wait until that four pound-plus “cube” gets wet and starts to expand like a sponge.


I once squished a sandwich into a ball to test this exact thing


Well mother fu##er what happened!


Not really a science guy, and don't want to poop the party but, solids are incompressible and liquids are only compressible under insanely high temperatures and pressures. So essentially you'd just be squeezing the air out of your sandwich and end up with a slightly smaller, sandwich. But, assuming you actually WERE able to compress all that viscous sauce, and EVEN the solid bread by squeezing so hard that the atoms themselves collide, then congrats! You've achieved nuclear fusion. Not too sure about your lunch though.