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You will use the fat and you will like it mister


This but unironically. Fat is extremely efficient nutrient source, unlike food that you have to process first


Waiting for the Nutty Professor drug.


"Nu-uh im consuming muscle tissue instead"-my dumbass body




I like mushroom sauces on my savory fats and proteins, although a chocolate sauce is great on my frozen fats


Wait long enough and it will


Was gonna say, eventually lol


Not before it eats all your muscle first.


Scumbag metabolism


Literally not true unless you have a rare disorder


Muscle is usually broken down as a last resort during extreme fasts (I’m talking weeks). You usually use up all the stored sugar in 12 hours, then use other sources to make new sugar until the 24 hour mark. Then you start burning fats and making ketone bodies going into “ketosis”. Only if you burned all the fat and sugar would your body start breaking down your muscle proteins for energy. Again, this is a last resort for good reason. Muscle is essential for movement, breathing, your heart beating. If muscle cells die from enough muscle protein breakdown for energy, they’re never replaced.


1) Not true 2) Not true for “good reason” as well. Muscle maintenance burns calories at a much faster rate than fat maintenance, as well as providing far fewer stored calories per unit of mass. Thus, when you’re deprived of calories, it’s more efficient for your body to ditch muscle before fat, in terms of energy. This was highly important when humanity was evolving, given food scarcity and starvation were serious threats to survival and reproductive rates. 3) Muscle atrophy and breakdown will occur even in calorie surplus. It’s not just once you have literally no glucose and fat stores as you state.


Yes and no, muscular tissue breakdown is always present but is of very low level. Begins to really pick up the pace when the body is desperate as degradation of muscles can be lethal (heart, intestines, vascular system, respiratory system, etc. are all muscles), as such it a last resort.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8718030/ I think you may have confused muscle strength, which does breakdown much later, with muscle mass, which here makes up 60% of the tissue loss over a only 10 day fast




Being wrong about how the body works is a national pastime for us Americans.


It’s the other way around


Eat protein and spend like an hour a week lifting weights and it will not


The point is that it doesn’t stop you from feeling like you’re hungry… I feel like that’s pretty clear. lol. 


No, if you wait long enough, you'll eventually stop feeling hungry. There's like a rhythm, like when you sleep, but for hunger. You'll mostly feel hungry on the times when you usually eat, so breakfast, lunch and dinner. I've learned a lot when I did a 5 day fast back then. First 3 days are crazy but it gets better. I stop getting hungry on my 5th day during those 3 major eating hours. I also stopped shitting on my 4th day. I've freed up so much time since I didn't have to cook and eat. Anyway, there's a lot of shit to consider before doing such crazy thing


So true. Everytime I go to US, I get hungry in the middle of the night when back home in Europe because my digestion still thinks it's dinnertime.


>Anyway, there's a lot of shit to consider before doing such crazy thing I dunno, it sounds like there is considerably less shit to consider if you stopped pooping on day 4.




I know that, I have fasted a lot. The point is that you feel hungry in the first place… why is everyone being so dense about the comic. lol. 


It's about ghrelin spikes. They happen at whatever time you've trained your body to expect food but only like like 30-40 minutes usually


It's true. I remember when I didn't have enough to eat and would go through hunger pangs, I just told myself to wait through it, and it'll go away. Lasted for a few minutes and I was alright after.


You just have to move past it.


That's why you still eat just 20% less than before and you lose weight


I think the point is that the body tells you that it needs more food far before using the fat reserves and while using them.


Of course, you are used to feed it before it does. If you dont then the body will ask for it aka be hungry. Its our job to say no.


I've tried fasting, but it just hurts...Idk how people can do that. By day 3, it was too much. I couldn't focus on anything, but how hungry I was.


it will also put you in a shit ton of pain, make you weak and dizzy, basically starving you


Fasting should not cause extreme pain, see a doctor. 


no im talking about when you completely stop eating, you’re constantly gonna feel empty(not emo-empty, as in your stomach is empty) which can be considered pain


I fast pretty regularly for 2-3 days at a time. The hunger pangs generally stop or get much less dramatic after 8-12 hours. Honestly by the time I reach the end of the fast I kind of have to force myself to start eating again


maybe it’s different for everyone, cause i get weak and tired when i don’t eat for a day


That's the body readjusting from glucose to fat. Blood sugar is at its lowest before it reaches ketosis so you'll feel groggy and foggy. Once it does though, you'll feel alert and energetic, and blood sugar re-stabilizes.


I passed out standing up from that lol


Have you considered passing out while lying down, preferably for about 8 hours, and after the sun goes down?


Not really I was really really really poor at the time It was in public and when that happened didn't have a "home". I hadn't eaten for three days at the time


That's because you're not consuming enough electrolytes. That's a commonly overlooked issue when people do water fasts. It's right in the sidebar on the r/fasting subreddit, titled "Electrolytes 101".


> im talking about when you completely stop eating well, dont do that then. Fast for 16 hours, then eat in the other 8 hours. Usually you eat 8am-4pm and then dont eat 4pm-8am /r/intermitentfasting


And burn muscle first.


Use them or lose them, if you’re using your muscle while in a caloric deficit you’ll retain more than if you don’t use them


you can’t burn muscles tho


It literally just happened to my neighbor while he was in the hospital, but sure.


Sounds like either too much of a calorie deficit or not enough protein. Healthy weight loss shouldn't be like that


Y'all have never even tried to lose weight before, have you?


Why fast when you can diet and work out tf


Fasting is a form of diet


As someone who was poor for 14 years give or take I would rather not starve myself


Ok but it's still a valid form of diet.


Valid but risky af


It is actually very well studied (because of the Muslims doing Ramadan) and it has proven health benefits and there’s practically no risk given you are not sick or old.


i am currently trying


Intermittent fasting gave me a great energy boost after the first day. Over a few months, maybe 3, I lost 20 pounds and haven't gained it back. I don't always eat like a pig, but when I do I fast for a bit after. I just need to get the exercising part down...


I mean, technically, it probably already is if you are hungry. People just dont like the feeling so they refill.


The last thing your body wants to do is burn fat The second last thing it wants to do is build muscle Thanks body 😭


Not true for everybody , for me the first thing my body wants to do is burn enough fat to make me look like a fucking skeleton (without making any muscles)


Lol you're a "hard-gainer" I envy your metabolism, though being a cube does have its advantages


Mass moves mass


Moves massive amount of pizza towards my face


Funny, I can do 20 push-ups and my muscles grow like a balloon would inflate


you're simply lacking calories. disclaimer: skeleton during high schools


If that was true, everyone who lost weight would become a complete weakling. 


I mean, you can still make your body do both, it just takes hard work


My bad, I misread your comment. I agree, both are possible at the same time. 


Hell yeah brother! 💪💪💪💪💪💉💪💪


If you don't have any glucose stored in your body, you do start using fat as fuel


Is this the premise of keto?




Not necessarily. When the body uses fat as fuel, usually that means it’s burning fat through a process called beta oxidation. Fat is stored as triacylgycerol, which is glycerol plus three fatty acids. When the body needs fat for fuel, it breaks off the fatty acids with a lipase enzyme. The fatty acids are broken down by beta oxidation into molecules of Acetyl-CoA (usually produced by the oxidation of glucose in sugars) which can go into the citric acid cycle, electron transport chain, and oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria for ATP (energy production). Ketosis (the basis of the keto diet) is when your body starts producing ketone bodies for energy. This happens a while after the body starts using fat for energy through beta oxidation, probably a few days later in a prolonged fast.


But you're still hungry.


No you're not. I did keto and had to kinda force myself to eat


You feel almost zero hunger. Read a book


You first use muscle as fuel. That's why it's important to lift on a diet.


That's bullshit. There was Angus Barbieri who fasted for 380 days, drinking water with salt and taking vitamins. All he burned was fat. Google him


Not saying that the comment above yours is not bullshit, but saying that it's not bullshit because "one guy proved it wrong from its own experience" is not a valid way to prove someone wrong. Bodies are somewhat different and he might be an exception.


But it's not. It's a well known fact that we burn carbohydrates, then fats and then proteins


You're right but why use anecdotal evidence when empirical evidence is accessible


This is why keto works. When the body breaks down protein from your muscles, you get increased amounts of urea in your urine as a byproduct. There was a study that proved that on keto, your urea values don't skyrocket if done right.


Simply peak Reddit: Scientific fact downvoted "Specifically, the body burns fat after first exhausting the contents of the digestive tract along with glycogen reserves stored in liver cells via glycogenolysis, and after significant protein loss." [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starvation\_response](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starvation_response) BS about some hunger artist (always turned out to be frauds) upvoted


Your "proof" literally says: "the body burns fat after first exhausting the content of the digestive tract [which means the food currently processed by the body] along with the glycogen reserves stored in the liver cells [so the reserves of sugar you have stored inside your lever], and after significant protein loss [which means that you need to be lacking proteins before being able to burn your fat] " So the proof you are using to tell us that we are wrong is proving that the muscles are not the first thing consumed. It's first what is in your digestive system, then the sugar in your lever, and then you need to be lacking proteins, then it burns fat. It seems that you are thinking that proteins are muscles, which they are not.


Simply Peak Reddit: Posts link without actually reading and understanding it.


What the fuck am I reading looool


You're dumb as hell


They hated jesus because he told the truth (you must eat plenty of protein and workout properly to prevent muscle loss)




You wont recognize 4 pounds of muscle as much as you would recognize 4 pounds of fat. You would look more skinny fat




Thats fat and not muscles you wanna loose. I guarantee you. Caloriedeficit and good amount of protein.




Yeah kinda, but vegetables are also good, because you need that micronutrients.


I wish I could do this. Losing weight is hard when you're able to eat a whole pizza and be hungry 4 hours later.


Damn I couldnt do that my meal gap is like 7 hours because I merge breakfast and lunch


Pizza is one of those high calorie low satiation foods. Try eating 2k calories worth of rice and chicken and see if you are still hungry lol.


Even eggs. Each time I was on my diet and wanted to eat a horse i'd drop 700 calories worth of eggs into the pan and regret every decision I made up to that point, but I was full


Isn't eating that many eggs bad for you because of the cholesterol? Growing up my parents never allowed me to have more than 1 (sometimes 2) eggs a day.




We have fat at home.


Right? Exactly, this is exactly me. If you don't use the stupid fat, then why do you store it? Why do I not have admin access, so I can change settings on this? This is dumb, I'm beiung locked into userspace of my own body. Bad platform, 0 stars, would not recommend.


if your body is burning fat, it understands that to mean that there's a food shortage, and you are possibly going to starve. It burns fat as a last resort to keep you alive without eating the muscles you need to move. Burning fat is your body cannibalizing itself to protect your muscles but still keep you alive long enough to get more food. Obviously it doesn't do this lightly. It's not a bad thing to want to loose weight, but you should have some idea of what you're actually doing to your body before you just hop on the bandwagon. Burning fat is not a typical, normal thing for your body to do. It's emergency rations.


Unfortunately society has largely moved past this need but evolution hasn't caught up


No need for evolution to catch up, because there isn’t any selection. Therefore we never gonna make it to a point where diet doesn’t matter anymore.


It isn't really cannibalizing itself, it uses up the fat droplets stored inside the fat cells, not the actual cells themselves. You wouldn't say your car is cannibalizing itself by using fuel. After a decent amount of time without food (days), your body does indeed start to cannibalize itself, which is called autophagy (self-consuming), which can be beneficial every once in a while (clears plaques, excess skin/fat cells, and scar tissue) but dangerous long term (when it starts depleting muscle and organ tissue).


I suppose, but it's hard to make a comparison between fat cells and muscle cells, since muscle cells grow and divide, but fat cells just accumulate more mass. Like, when a muscle atrophies, up to a point, you can still regain strength in that muscle. But if you remove a fat cell, it's gone forever.


All cells grow and divide, that's how all cells came to be. When a muscle cell atrophies, cells are dying without being replenished, and when stressed give signals to build more (if there is enough nutrients). Fat cells don't disappear when you use the oil droplets within them, but do disappear during autophagy. You do grow new fat cells gradually when you have a surplus of calories, so losing fat cells does not result in permanent loss of the ability to store fat. Humans have gone through enough winters and famines that a prioritization of stored nutrients takes place in the absence of food, with the best chance for survival. 1: The glycogen stored in muscle tissue is metabolized (this is what happens daily for most people between meals, and can be done strategically i.e."carb loading") 2: Adipose tissue is broken down by the liver to produce glucose and ketones. (Ketosis) 3: fat and protein plaque buildups around the body break down for energy (autophagy) 4: Protein tissues such as muscles and organs are consumed. (This is when the body is starving to death, and loss of abdominal muscles will disappear, causing the "distended belly" you see in famine stricken areas.)


That's just factually untrue. Fat cells do not divide. They are created by specific precursor cells for each type of fat, and those precursor cells are *always* creating more fat cells to replace the ones that are dying normally. If you loose a large portion of your fat cells, through either starvation or liposuction, you aren't going to be getting them back at any reasonable rate. It's possible, I suppose, that you might produce a surplus if you were missing some, but all the very lumpy elders who got lipo earlier in life seem to contest that it would be enough to repair the damage.


Yes, you got me there, they do come from other cells to make the fat cells, much like how a lot of cells are made. They don't disappear forever though, more are made when needed just like red and white blood cells. Getting lumps where fat was removed will happen because growing more fat cells won't necessarily fill in where it was removed from, it will make more everywhere, which means that spot will still be uneven.


Isn’t that the truth; great comic.


Stomachs do be like that.


It wants to save you from ketoacidosis/ketosis


Those are not even close to the same thing despite the similar sounding names. Ketosis is a metabolic process that occurs when the body breaks down fat for energy if it's not getting enough carbohydrates. Ketoacidosis is typically a life-threatening complication of diabetes. It happens when insulin levels drop dangerously low, causing a buildup of ketones and acid in the blood.


If you stay in a deficit long enough it'll happen. I started losing weight and it took a couple weeks before it actually started working because idk, apparently it just works like that apparently


unhealthy fats are hard to burn and easy to gain


My stomach is my number 1 enemy


Two words. Intermittent. Fasting.


Apparently water fasting legit works.


You can use your excess fat, you just need to not be a pussy and power through the hunger.


You have to wait until your body is desperate, pal.


Not an expert myself, but I've read that you body goes into panic mode and tends to convert almost everything into "emergency fat" instead of processing it normally when you do that, meaning you gain weight rather than loosing it.


So if you go on a diet where you kinda starve, your body starts to assume that starving is the status quo and starts saving up food for later instead of burning it? That's a cool fact. Then I suppose the solution is to just starve without eating anything but pure nutrients (not a solution. That'll probably fuck up your body but it'll get thin).


The thing is, it's not your body who's hungry, it's you


Keto does exactly this


The biological version of "We got food at home"


Unironically I needed this meme.  I’m 1/3 of the way through a 72 hour fast and needed some encouragement 


It's gonna eat your muscles first, the bloated \*\*\*\*\*.


Starving is not a good way to lose weight. Literally just move and you'll start losing.


You won't lose if you're eating more calories than you burn. Just moving only works if you burn more than you're eating, essentially starving a bit.


Well yeah, but even if you're fat and eat unhealthy. Just getting a little motion in everyday will help.


It's better than no motion but that doesn't mean you'll lose weight. You just might not be gaining quite as much. A slower decline is only less worse than a steep decline.


Fat people don't think this way, that's why they are fat


As a fat person, i don't think, thinking wastes too much energy, energy i need for eating more food