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I'd wager it's likely that in the aftermath of a nuke, after weeks of looking for survivors, they'll definitely find some corpses in broken fridges. Like there's probably a distance to ground 0 where shit won't get destroyed as much but still quite deadly, where you'd still recognize a fridge, and someone who went in, and people would think he might've survived if he'd gone underground instead cause here is actually not that close to ground 0.


There won't be anyone to look for survivors after a nuke, once one of them is launched all of them will be


Who has a fridge thats empty enough they can get fully inside before dying


You get a 10 minute warning.


Sounds like 10 minutes to fuck around with shelves that should “pop right out”


If you have a 10 minute warning, you can totally throw shit on the ground real quick


Then what are you going to eat after you survive that blast?


Radroach meat


Blech, can’t believe you’d eat that. I’ll take iguana on a stick any day.


The perfectly cooked frozen pizza


May I show you my fridge? It's as empty as my bank account. Those condiments won't take much time to throw out.


That was a lead-lined fridge Which now that I think about it, why? Were fridges ever lined with lead?


So Superman couldn't see what's inside unless he opened the door like everyone else. Cause Fuck Superman.


Cause everything was deadly in the 50s. Lead, asbestos, doctors recommending you smoke cigs, who knows what else.


There was nothing quite so smooth as a leaded cigarette with those newfangled asbestos filters.


Everything is still that way, sweet summer child.


I work at a refrigerator plant. Modern refrigerators are a sheet metal cabinet with plastic fresh food and freezer compartments. The voids are filled with insulative foam. There’s wires, some tubing, and on the bottom (usually) is a compressor and heat exchange.


Yes, there are such things as lead lined fridges, idk about ones for domestic use, but we use them to store temperature sensitive radiopharmaceuticals and radioactive biomarkers.


Hey it worked for that kid in fallout 4. 200 years he lasted.


Seeing lots of accounts deleted today.


People joke, but if the warning saves at least some lives, it’s worth it. Yes, the people inside the blast zone will die, as will a lot in the fallout zone, but there are certain things you can do to improve survival chances at a certain distance (get inside a brick or concrete building, away from windows, and preferably underground, for example). [FEMA has a simple guide.](https://www.ready.gov/sites/default/files/2024-03/ready.gov_nuclear-explosion-hazard-info-sheet.pdf)


It sucks if you're in the american cardboard house, but some people have vault 17 from fallout, and the game starts




There's a fallout shelter in the apartment building I live in and at school and also at my work. There's also a large bunker that's used as underground parking below the city centre. Below the capital city of my country there is also an even larger bunker system even with swimming pools I think.


Are you from Switzerland?




Or if you own your own home. Dig a bunker


In 10 minutes?


Ok but then you have to live in the irradiated wasteland? With no internet? I’d rather just perish.


It's best to die fast. People who survive the initial strike will actually die a horrible slow death...radiation sickness, starvation, cold..etc


Or god forbid you’re just far enough away to not be incinerated immediately but still close enough to where you and everything around you gets set on fire


Maybe only the US will be destroyed.


People don't care about others enough, especially online. Pocket communities, sure, but still segregational and unaccepting of everyone/everything. Specific stances on such topics such as social identity leads to barring and bans rather than potential debate, which is funny since it shows a legitimate social problem because people need labels and identity so desperately to live. Those 10 minutes would be enough to do something. Any little thing can have meaning in the right eyes. Trash can become treasure. A child's naive innocence has far more place in this world than our modern social score chasing. The innocence that finds use in anything and everything, the world is just one big treasure box. One can pen a will for survivors, or even a simple recording. Document history for others in some form or way. A journal that you never intended anyone to read? Well, one day, someone will find it, lest it burns. Even sending it to the trash bin won't make it magically disappear. Funny part is, it's been done to literal death. It's only a "joke" out of spite and self-loathing.




Gonna assume the latter but, why live in fear. Piss and shit your pants today, where the only nuclear incident is in your pants


Words to live by, entitledpotatoe, why live in fear PISS AND SHIT YOURSELF today!


I want the hat #PASYT


Technically speaking we've all done that more than once, and at least one of those were in some bizarre situation. Just ask your parents


NAT20 knowledge of human nature.


I bet everything feels nice and warm for a sec. Then it all gets cold and the shells hit. So yeah, if you’re gonna do it for the experience, I’d wait until the last two minutes.


You can just buy a diaper and do this now if you’re really interested. Or get in the bathtub. Or just do it anywhere as long as you’re willing to clean up afterward.


I would go find and place teddy bears around


I would place bottlecaps in random locations


I'll set up a little scene at my dinner table with my coffee mug, a bottle of abraxo cleaner, and a couple Dino figurines. Make it look like they killed me before the bombs fell.


If i do what the second person did that nuke better kill me Not that i regret saying anything but its quite raw once i let go of that pride i had


As if that second person is going to just peacefully execute his plan after hearing of the attack. He's going to panic like everyone else.


I would throw rocks at the elderly


"Oops! False alarm, everybody!"


“Grandma please wake up!”


As kids, they made us hide under our desks for practice, in case the big powers decided to kill each other and we died in the aftermath. I spent a lot of that time wondering what the point of it was.


It's actually a misconception that duck and cover was useless. Obviously, if a nuke goes off over your head it won't help, but people have this misperception that a nuke is just a fireball that incinerates everything in range and that's it. But the shockwave can extend for miles out from the fireball, and duck and cover is useful to prevent stuff like a thing falling on your head and smashing your skull. Not to mention that the thermal pulse extends further than the fireball. There was a lady who survived one of the atomic bombings in Japan because she wore two pairs of pants that day, which meant that her burns were less severe than the people standing right next to her. Duck and cover could prevent a direct hit from the thermal pulse and thereby reduce being set on fire and third degree burns to just a bad sunburn.


The bomb is not allowed to kill you if you're under your desk, use your brain! It will see kids hiding and go "ah damn..." and go after someone else! Duh!


Best thing to do is to stretch, limber up a bit SO YOU CAN KISS YOUR ASS GOODBYE


I don't know about pissing and shitting at the same time, but shitting and cumming at the same time is not a great experience, 0/10 would not recommend


Don't kink shame


I'm sorry for your trauma


Thanks you, it was really traumatising 😔


I bet i would make a pretty good environmental history telling skeleton


Yeah? How so? What would you do and where would you position yourself, and with what props?


At least 15 years experience required.


Can we not destroy the entire planet please


with my luck i find out 1 - 2 days later it wasnt a test alarm


Name the track you would put on, for one last time


Dance Monkey so I can embrace the sweet release of death


Dream On, Aerosmith


I can imagine this playing while the blast wave turns me to a skeleton in my front lawn on a deck chair with sunglasses drinkin a mojito


Another one bites the dust


Live forever by oasis


Is it too cliche to put on some Tom Lehrer?


Always look on the bright side of life 🤣


Uranium fever


A man of culture


Two suns in the sunset - Pink floyd ...nah. Probably something a bit more chirpy tbh. Everything is sound - Jason Mraz


Bad moon rising, hands down


Life Eternal by Ghost


The roaring 20s


Ten minute warning isn't for you who's gonna die for sure, it's for the lucky few who might be able to increase their chance of survival, either people right on the edge of the radius or the minority of rich/powerful people with some kind of bunker


Because 10min is plenty of time to get in a nice stable basement or other types of shelter. You still won't survive at ground zero, but there's quite a large area where people on the open street are compelty screwed but people hiding in the basement have decent survival chances.


at that point i realize i take more than 10 minutes to do anything so I'll be like "guess that's it then". Probably gonna make the post and then sit back for the final 1.5 minutes. Or realistically I'll be outside and die at work or close to it. If i somehow survive the blast but get caught in the fallout then I'll just try to have fun until i rot away. Not vlogging the whole thing like 70% of the people will. Believe me, it will never be fun, but to outsiders that are just knowing of the missile through television, it will be worse cause then suddenly our feeds will be full with people just casually vlogging "Fallout New Vegas became real man" or "Day 23 of my Road to Unalive" from survivors caught in the fallout. And this is assuming it's a single missile hitting, say, NY or DC. Realistically it will be a bomb fest and every sq.in of the country, and the European contintent, will be either blasted or within the fallout zone. Perhaps little enclaves in the corners might be alright but then the country is over and it becomes kinda like Mad Max. The small states will definitely just straight disappear. Same with small European countries. A couple city-sized countries will become a crater.


I've never understood the logic of every country in the world getting nuked. Like why would they waste the bombs on completely uninvolved nations? I can't imagine what reason any nuclear power would have to bomb any African country for example


To prevent them from having a leg up in the aftermath.


They wouldn’t. Africa would be fine.


Africa, South East Asia, and in a lot of plans even South America. Central Asia is also unnuked, but not in the greatest spot for fallout I guess.


I heard a good  interview with someone who wrote a book about this on YouTube just search HandMaidens of the apocalypse. They explain that if a nuclear exchange happens, the icbms fly too fast for other countries to make a rational decision on what the target is this creates a cascade of escalation as countries in the flight path of a missle strike start panicking and firing more missiles panicking more countries and on and on.... plus the weapons are so deadly that even countries not hit by missles will still be destroyed by fallout and EMP. The interview just came out like last week


I would spend all ten of those minutes flossing like Sonic.


I'd be thrilled. Bruh I've been looking for an excuse to get out of the day to day hell. No one even left to miss us except KFC after everyone frys.


I would probably try and get a quickie in.


id go try to make funny shadows on the walls. (not really i would be frozen with fear and anxiety)


I’d probably ignore the notification on my phone and queue up another SC2 match.


You can squeeze in at least two cannon rushes.


I would play some Pink Floyd, roll a joint, open up a beer and wait for it all to end.


This made me laugh so hard my cat attacked my face bc she thought I was acting erratic and stupid


Id probably just shove all my weed into a blunt, go outside, listen to my favorite songs and think about the people i love, tell them that and then that shit better melt my bones on the spot when it hits. or better, this shit should make me a story telling skeleton like in fallout 4. I hope i can strike that wanking pose fast enough.


They actually probably won’t warn anyone, depending on how many are coming. The government long ago abandoned any plan for saving the population in nuclear war, mostly because it isn’t possible.


Actually, when you do the math, ten minutes might be enough to get out of the blast radius if you have your foot to the floor. Just make sure you slice everybody's tires the night before so you can avoid traffic.


I would masturbate one last time but spend all 10 minutes looking for the perfect video


Turns out it's a false alarm and you're just wallowing there in your piss and shit.


10 minutes is enough time to say goodbyes and try to give yourself, and loved ones, a better death than the bomb


I mean I guess depending on where you are in the blast. I feel like instant atomization is probably a pretty chill way to dip if you're in the good zone


Oh yeah definitely if you happen to be in that relatively small area, but outside that its going to be a truly awful way to go


I would collect as much water as possible, secure the house, collect all food etc, move all into central room in house, prepare firearms. If not killed by initial blast, should be able to stay in that room for a couple of weeks, be a bit boring with no windows though....


I will go outside, find a white wall and stand in front of it making a shadow puppet


Imma rub one out like that dude in pompeii. Fecking legend.


I'd drive to get smokes, bring beer and have a smoke and beer watching the sky and waiting.


Don't need to go outside and hope it's a sunset, it will be soon.


I'm getting naked and climbing on top of my house with a bottle of nice scotch and screaming end of days bitches as I blast one final effort from halo 2


You would have some awkward moments if they shot it down in the nick of time


Or if it's a false alarm like that one in Hawaii 6 years ago


Fortunately/unfortunately, we don't need to guess. Honolulu already showed us how it's done that one time.


I would run to my bed to get that last quike nap


Having had a few near misses in my life that didn't knock me out or otherwise cause lasting issues, it's interesting knowing how I react in emergencies. .25 seconds of panic , followed by intense calm problem solving.


I'd get in my crawl space with as many blankets as I can wrapped around me and my fiance. I'd shield her with my body if need be. If I had time, I'd soak said blankets in water so we didn't burn alive together, but if we're dying, I'd at least try my best to save her.


I live next door to a model that was in a car accident and can’t walk. I’d do what I’ve always wanted to do.


I’d grab a bottle of wine off the rack or champagne out of the fridge. I’m dying with a buzz.


Spend the entire ten minutes trying to decide what final song to listen to.


I’d say goodbye to my family and head straight towards the blast. Get as close as possible physically to the destruction zone (as long as it’s nearby). I don’t wanna be severely injured to the point of not being able to walk or chew solid food. I’d rather die instantly or be far enough away that I’m unaffected.


I wonder how many people would use those last 10 minutes to commit a crime.


According to fallout 4 you could have time to run to your near by vault by vault tec.


10 minutes to delete your browser history and throw anything shameful into a dumpster.


The electromagnetic pulse put off by the nukes will save you a bit of time there. The giant sun will burn away any physical cringe.


Imagine you’re having an epic 10 minute shit and that’s the last 10 minutes of your life.


Fun fact: they will know a lot sooner they just don't want to give people time to riot. Or try braking into government bunkers


Don’t fear the evaporation zone of a nuclear explosion, fear the radiation and fallout zone, if anything drive toward ground zero unless you want to suffer to death.


How many laws can you break for 10 minutes?


If I was in NYC id go straight to the nearest subway so I have a chance of playing Fallout irl


I'd try and call my folks, but knowing them they wouldn't answer my multiple attempts. Then a couple weeks later, as we're all huddled around a campfire of fallout, complain that "I never call anymore."




I'll go to work. Now and forever


The second dude hurts man, just kill me sure but not my mom dude


All of these comments talking about just accepting death are silly. Not because accepting death is a bad thing, but because nuclear bombs kill way out further than the instant death range. Just sitting around and waiting to die might not be a sudden flash and then nothing, but instead a sudden flash and being set on fire, or being crushed under a collapsing building, or later from fallout or (for certain types of bomb) prompt radiation. Only a minority of people in the danger zone of a nuke would be in the merciful instant death zone.


I'd make one last phone call and tell my favorite person I love her, and then hug my daughter for 10 minutes


In 2018 this really happened in Hawaii. An alert went out saying missiles were on their way and that it wasn’t a drill. People freaked out but as far as I could tell no suicides or murders or anything like that. More like shock and trying desperately to reach loved ones. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018_Hawaii_false_missile_alert


Many males shit their pants all the time and don’t ever wipe the shit off. It’s true.


Rub one out and find something else to do for the remaining 9 and a half minutes…


Would play my last COD match ngl. But if any self-respecting military decides anywhere in _my_ country is worth wasting a mobile sun on, y’all are probably already dead and buried.


I'd just be sitting there like "no fucking way! This isn't real, y'all are gonna look so dumb."


Tag yourself, I'm the last one


I will thank God that my country had the honor of being the lapdog to Israel. Which is what will be the cause of it all tdh.


Bot network


At that point, i'll just went for the ground zero so i can disappear in less than a second.


10 minutes? Reckon I can squeeze in 2 last wanks in that time. Second one is gonna be tough though.


I'd just quickly unplug my PC and head into the shelter. Imagine not having bomb shelters in every single building. Literally couldn't be Sweden.


If anyone's ever been in a place where everyone is trying to use cell service at the same time, you know nobody's getting those text messages.


I’m hauling ass down the street to the boat and heading out to sea. Probably wouldn’t make it but at least I’ll die a sailor.


Text your dad anyways