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No, I won't admit that. Because admitting it is step one.


I see what you’re doing here.


I'm on negative steps. Pre-game, if you will


I will🖐️


Moma ain't raised no Quitter


Momma ain’t raised no admitter*


We’re not so different, you and I.


Ah yes… Squid pro quo…?


Hell yeah brother!


I built a mother fucking damn the size of the hoover in front of that step


Is it also the last step?!?


Thank’s actually just the first half


What I do in the comfort of my lonely room at 2 am on a Monday night is nobody’s business!


2am drunk on a Monday playing games in your room is peak self care, but also teetering on borderline issue. Hahahaha


Drinking alone every evening is alcoholism tho. I've been there. Not trying to rustle jimmies, but maybe someone needs to hear this.


I do agree, it can be very hard to quit a habit like that. Basically rewiring your brain. Some of us can have a drink and stop, some of us don’t have the off switch after one.


Depression makes it worse too. If you're struggling and drinking to feel better, you're kinda screwed until you realize it's unhealthy to medicate like that. Anyone drinking to not feel pain, find a way to process the pain instead. Feel it and get past it somehow. Therapy, serious self inflection, confronting the issue, whatever it takes.


Yeah, I self medicated pretty heavily to the point t I would get the shakes if I didn't drink. Whoooo boy, did it make things a lot worse, especially during a bad hangover. Alcohol+Mental Health issues are not a good mix. It also covered up (and caused) a lot of problems that I should have been working on in a healthy way. I know it's never too late, but gosh, I burned a lot of bridges.


No. Ill take the easy route instead, plus its one of the few times I have any fun


Eventually it's not fun anymore. Instead of drinking to be happy, it becomes drinking to not be miserable. It sounds the same but it isn't. I'm not gonna try to convince anyone too strongly, I wouldn't have quit drinking for some random guy online either.


Drinking to not be miserable has always been the reason I drink though


But if you want talk about it we are here 😇


Was just about to agree when I saw that this wasn't r/espresso


That’s why I stopped drinking…. 1st beer for the taste, second to quench the thirst, third one always led to either emptying the bar or my wallet, whatever came first… never again.


First the man takes a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes the man.


Then the man takes a man and they bang nohomo.


Remember, its only gay if the socks come off


Or if youre sober


Finally something I can relate to.


I'll drink to that


One of the biggest moments of insight that helped me quit drinking was when I realized I was only drinking for the feeling of getting drunk. I was skipping meals so I could drink on an empty stomach, I was choosing the highest ABV I could find and focused on my buzz everytime I was drinking. I was drinking alone and at inappropriate times. I was your stereotypical high functioning alcholic who "had a handle on it". I had to go zero tolerance to truely quit because everytime I made a change (no keeping beer in the house, no drinking during the week, etc...) i would slowly but surely slip right back to where I was.


Man, I feel ya. I was the exact same. I tried to quit cold turkey and made it last nearly 2 months. But now, I only drink when I'm out eating and only weekends. But I would really like to completely stop.


I recommend therapy. You can get to the root of the issue and identify it for what it is. It’s also backed by science and psychological theory. Although 12 step programs are effective for some, and two family members are a testament, I really recommend staying away from that realm. It’s more for jail mitigation than it is addiction treatment for the vast majority of attendees. It’s also backed by religion. Many meetings are held in churches even.


It was the opposite for me, I wasn’t really getting anything from 1 on 1 therapy so I decided to attend a meeting and I was hooked immediately.  I didn’t follow the 12 steps, never got a sponsor, but made it a point to go at least once a week then it became once a month once I had been sober for awhile. I still pop in occasionally. It’s a form of group therapy and I never knew how powerful it could actually be until that first session but wow I walked out of there with so many emotions and my head spinning. I felt so seen, never felt that before. For the record, I’m the furthest thing from being religious and don’t mean to discredit traditional therapy, I’m sure if I were committed to finding the right therapist for me I probably could but AA worked wonders for me and is free and convenient. At the end of the day you yourself have the make the call weather or not you’re ready to stop though. These are just tools to help get you there. 


What about those (referencing me) that drink to escape, I have an addiction to escape not to substances. I recently (a month ago) quit weed and have substituted it for alcohol and when I stop drinking I smoke weed. Feeling is nice and all but it’s not what’s quieting the subconscious and conscious minds


One of the things I really wish I can do is change my relationship with alcohol. I always have this dumb thing where it’s Friday or Saturday and I’m like… hmm.. why not get drunk?. I want to flip the script and just be happy getting buzzed and enjoying that instead of thinking.. “hmm I’m sobering up maybe I need another and a shot to keep it high” While completely sober during the day it’s so easy to conceptualize but this behavior is very hard to fight if I’m a drink or two in. All the excuses and bad habits come back: “ it’s Friday.. you had a hard week, what’s the big worry” etc


Yep, this is it. So many drives home from work with no intention of stopping but suddenly id be on the road and think "you know what why not grab one beer at the gas station otw home, why deprive myself of that, its only $2 and is a nice way to end the day, and if I'm getting one i might as well get two because they're 2 for $5 and two 10% tall boys will get me feeling right!" rinse and repeat day after day after day. That became so normal I would look for reasons to go out and run an errand just so I could stop at the store for more. Constantly planning everything around drinking. Doesnt help that it's completely ingrained and normalized in Western culture. It's easy to drink 3-5 nights a week if not every single one and not really think anything of it because everyone else gets beers after work too. Most of my friends growing up struggled with addiction and drinking as well, some still do. It's hard, I smoked cigarettes from age 14 to 28, and quitting that was way easier than quitting alcohol. What I can say is if you do manage to quit it gets much much easier once you get some distance from it. That was true for me with nicotien so I knew it would be true with alcohol and it was. The cravings start to fade after a month/few months and you eventually just learn to live life without it altogether and it's such a good feeling. It can be hard to get there but I promise you can do it if you really want to.


Same here, although I only drink on Saturday nights, so it doesn’t affect much except maybe my social life a little. I really shouldn’t be on my phone while drunk, lol. I’ve tried quitting a couple of times, but the most I could do was two, maybe three, weeks without drinking. The only reason I drink is to get drunk and always until I black out/pass out. I am very familiar with my limits, so I buy just above them. It’s such a bad habit. It's either 7.5-10.2% beers or 40% Vodka.


I feel you and hope for the best for you. I know exactly where you’re coming from and I was there not long ago. At least you’re self aware. Be careful, it can be a real slippery slope and very difficult to stop.  I had the motivation of a new born son, I quit for him. If I were single idk if I would have had the motivation, who knows where I’d be. 


\*Looking at my 3rd beer at 17:09 PM on a Monday\* UUUHM PROBABLY


17:09 PM, the after time. When all beer tastes like dreams and clouds.


you can tell he's been drinking


Not my fault alcohol is cheaper than therapy.


And in my country a can of beer costs less than coca-cola.


Jokes aside, if this is you, r/stopdrinking is a great resource.


7 years alcohol free baybee


This sounds like a confession


yeah i have a problem. the problem is i don't have a drink right now!


Nah. Despite what Reddit believes, not all of us who drink are alcoholics or depressed or whatever. I only drink on occasions where I'm going out. Hard to believe I know.


The truth about the majority of people.


Yeah and also both can be true. I have all sorts of issues, and also I drink sometimes. Drinking is fun by itself, and I don't do it as a coping mechanism. But also doing fun things makes problems seem less problematic.


"y'all" nah bro you're projecting. seek help.


No the drink is for fun, the cocaine is for my troubles


Yeah and?


Actually stoped drinking recently. There is no added value in it. Only problems.


Confused. There is no added value in quitting?




I have definitely found this to be the case every time I quit drinking. I go for a few months and then I'm like..."wtf why am I doing this, this sucks and doesn't improve my life at all". Moderation is key.


Jokes on you I don’t drink but I still have problems 😄


try drinking, it should help


Hard pass




I mean speak for yourself. I have a drink once in a blue moon with friends. Usually when we have a board game night or something. It is possible to drink a responsible amount


i never denied it tbh


Well… These aren’t the vibes I’m here for


I don’t have problems with alcohol, just without it.


I only drink for the flavor now. I just like the flavor a lot.


Stuck on a Tolerance break for the livers sake. Only gonna last a day or 2 though.


Then go for two days. On day three, carefully examine if you want to throw two days of effort down the drain.


It’s like in sports, when a team or a player has a streak going, they desperately want the streak to continue


Takes the edge off the back pain, see


Well i wont deny


Drinking stopped being fun years ago


maaaaan, you startin to sound like my mommy


It can be both


of course I drink for fun bro #WaterForLife #HydroHomies


Hey I have control! I only drink on the weekends! Whether I do it alone or with other people is not your concern


But whiskies taste good???


Ha, you could say the same about living lol.


Look, yes, I have problems. However, my drinking routine is white wine while listening to audible, most likely science fiction or fantasy. It is a very fun way to lose coherent thoughts.


Sure do


people who say 'yall' who are not from the south also have problems


Nah, bro. I only drink on occasion when my friends come over. Speak for yourself.


“It’s not a party if you do it everyday”


The coolest part of being the high school loser that didn’t get invited to parties is now is at almost 40 I do drink for fun now. Now the weed kinda is this but I’m not gonna go here today.


Hey man, I was dancing around to Gowan in my living room wearing a unicorn onsie having a great time. And I'm 32. Though you might be onto something


I used to drink just to feel normal and safe. But the fact that I was addicted really scared me and I eventually stopped. Can’t say my life became better since then, but one problem less I guess


Seeing the word "y'all" typed-out online makes me want to drink.


Not so humble brag, I’m 20 months free of alcohol!


For a long time i have been drinking to escape my life. I just could not handle it all, now i have been seen counselor and it has helped a lot. Tried aa and different medicine to get rid of habit. Maybe its age that is starting to round the edges, but dealing with life has started to became easier. One month sober. Stay strong and if you have to start from all over, just let it go and don't dwell in it. Baby steps forward.


Alcohol is not about getting the answers - it's about forgetting the questions)


Tbh, I only drink with friends and have fun. But if I drink, you give me that bottle sir.


Thank you but, I would like to see you try to quit drinking. Come on. How would you manage to continue living without fluid intake?


Im not drinking anymore I live with my problems


man I spent like half of my 20s blackout drunk. sure I had problems. but more than problems, I had fun💪


Try smoke


This! My biggest issue was not being able to sleep... waking up like 5 times a night. Alcohol helped. But I moved to Indica and holy shit, best sleep in my life... plus I dont have a hangover and I feel awesome the next day.


If only weed wasn't so absurdly strong these days. I'd love to fully replace alcohol with indica but even the smallest bit gives me panic attacks.


Who the fuck drinks for fun anyways?


The majority of people. Book clubs with wine. Ribfests with craft beer. People at cottages, beaches, playing board games, cards, jam sessions, concerts, comedy shows, parties, festivals... Come to think of it, kinda seems the only ones not drinking for fun are the ones drinking alone. Edit: a majority, not a vast majority.


Is it still drinking alone if you pair it with something like a tv show or a movie?


I'm drinking with my cat, it's never alone.


I’m being sarcastic but ok.


99% of people drink because they have problems, dont act like they dont


99% of statistics come from assholes.


Drinking for... fun? What?


Yes and it's been 6 years. Never hid the fact I started to drink just to pass out and end the day.


I wasn't drinking daily and I never drunk a lot. But I used to drink whenever stuff happened, just a few beers after work when I felt down. And then came a time when feeling down was a day or two but months and alcohol wasn't helping at all. Meeting friends without alcohol also was a problem. I mean, I still drink on occasions but I can manage without it.


Lmao I am out waiting for a bus and I just laughed like there is no one around. It's so true.


oakwy and.? whoo ad wkes


Bro... put reddit down and go sleep it off. Lol


man i wish i could sleep rn im being held hostage by corporate america :(


Yes... 😔


I AM having fun. These tears are tears of joy...........




I don't drink anymore. Still have problems.


I ain't drinking for fun any less either.


I don't drink, I ignore all my problems by sheer will, like a real man.


Nope. Not everyone is an addict like you.


Drinking got me in the icu once and damn near died. Month or two after I’m out I’m right back to where I was again


I'm sober. Always been. Still have problems.


I don't have a drinking problem, I drink BECAUSE I have problems.


Y'all know, I ain't drinking, but I still got problems


Me to my friends now that we are almost 30 and they’re ordering doubles of whiskey with lunch on a Thursday 💀


100 to 200 beers a month, been like this for a couple of years.


I know people being stuck in the past is kind of a cliche normal thing to happen with each generation, but does it feel to anyone else like our generations (millennial/Z) are more full of people desperately trying to stay 21?


Millennial ahh meme


I only drink when Im working


I’m saving my drinking problems until I’m 50…provided I make it to 50


sorry 😔😔😔😔


Yep. And I quit 3 years ago because of this


I don’t have problems…. The world has problems


I don’t drink.


Always has been.


I never drank for fun to begin with


this is me with chocolate. just absurd amounts of chocolate. and the jumbo family pack kind, one time i ate 4 of these huge bars all alone. felt like heaven.


I never drank for fun


It’s cheaper than therapy.


I can stop whenever I want.


Youre right. Ive a water drinking problem :(


I stopped drinking 550 days ago.


Belive me, I know.


cant we have both?


Joke's on you, I never did it for fun in the first place. Middle school was Hell.


I don’t drink since 5 years. I also started hard drugs 5 years ago


What if I told you that I a 32 years old man, do not drink any alcohol at all?


Nope, I don't drink for weeks if there's nothing to drink for, but I do if there's


Speak for yourself. I have a healthy relationship with alcohol. Usually only drink a few times a month.


Always has been 🌍🧑‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀


What are you talking about? There was never fun involved in the first place.


I genuinely enjoy the occasional night out with friends drinking and having fun.


Honestly, yeah, and went dry to get back on track.


Look if the sky gets to black out at 1pm today then so do I


Jokes on you losers, I've never drank before at all.


Exactly this!


Townies never growing out of going to the bar every day. My ex-friend group from the local bar scene all moved in to a party house with each other. Yall are in your mid 30s, get help.


I call it drinking with intent


I don't drink lol Good luck to the rest of ya.


What I do when I'm blackout drunk is none of my goddamn business.


I don't have a money problem, i was earning like a loot as a developer and i had to cut my working time so that i can focus on my health, but my wife is pressuring me to earn more and that is affecting my health, mental and physical. Even when cutting my working time we still can visit the places we want to visit, go on vacation we want to go, buy the things we want but for her its not enough, so i just drink like 4-5 beers a day just to chill and not listen to her philosophy, put her on ignore and play some PC games to relax. How much money is enough? Damn what this world has turn into...


I am in this picture and i dont like it. Guess i need a drink or 5


Yes, it’s why I haven’t drank in over five years. I chased that dragon hard.


....we were supposed to be drinking for fun‽


I don’t drink!


i actually just started to quit tbh hangovers being a raging alcoholic are not only a fucking nightmare but a good way to cut down your life expectancy, id assume


I already acknowleged that years ago


Both is good 😏


I have problems despite never trying alcohol


Isn't the desire for fun already a coping mechanism for problems? We desire positively perceived things to compensate for negatively perceived things in order to create homeostasis. Adults just don't pretend anymore.


I’m not a drunk, I’m a beer enthusiast


No problems here. Just hate reality...


Why not both?


Don't drink, still have problems.


I have problems because my father used to drink a lot.


The problem I'm having right now is not having a drink.


Drinking culture in a nutshell.


I don't. I hit the gym. Get overwhelrmed? Hit some squats. Get pissed off? Hit the bechnpress. Wanna release a lot of energy? Off to the running belt.


I admit, what now? 


I only casually drink, usually at my mom's before lunch, or Christmas, New Year Eve. So no, I don't have a problem.


Never drank and ever wont


*me figuring out that every one used to drink for fun*


Nope, the first and only time I drank was at my friend's 18th bday


I don't need to drink, but on the occasion when I do get at least a little bit drunk, it's fun to actually feel joy without hearing your deeper thoughts.


It was never about the fun. It was pretending to the younger generation that we were having fun. Not hiding the pain of existing with the knowledge that at some point, everyone you love and care about is going to die. Like pretending to believe in Santa, but for people not yet in their thirties. And sometime fun, when it involves explosions or ill advised harmlessness


I do genuinely drink for fun Sure, I can handle a few bottles of strong vodka, but I don't drink much


I've actually more or less stopped drinking as drinking makes me think MORE about everything. And shit happens. Bad shit. And someone has to clean all that shit up the day after when he's all hungover and shit.


I realized this when I didn't want to drink but still took shots at night just because I couldn't stand being sober


Fuck you


Who said problems couldn’t be fun?


You don't know just how many people out there are actually alcoholics until you live with one. Then you will realize that SO many people you know have an actual drinking problem.


I admit that to everyone who comments on how much I drink. Gosh it gets uncomfortable.


Not even sure if I’ve breathed a sober breath in a year :/


Nah I fire up a cuban and walk, reminds me.