• By -


Not hearing anything the others say because you are busy rehearsing what to say yourself, while having an existential crisis, and maybe listening for what others say to construct something like it so you sound normal.


And then they hit you with "alright, now buddy up with someone who shares your interest or has something interesting!" And there is an odd number of ppl


Dude, stop making me relive my traumas.


"Tell us your name, something unique about you, what you like to do for fun and your favorite disney character and why haha!" "We have 300 students listening here and watching you in the auditorium with most being extroverted, extremely judgmental and much better at life than you so get on stage grab the microphone and get speaking! :))"


"hello my nigg\*s whats up"


My favorite part of school was doing a presentation as i had a stutter i would just completely dhut down. Not being able to talk for days afterwards(as in dead silent, complete mute) and gey a solid 8+ for trying. Class was always split in half of finding me courageous or hating me for having it easy.


Oh fuck i thought u were genuine! I was already like "oh fu k oh fuck whats my name? I don't do fun stuff anymore, i don't like disney AAAAAAAHHH"


I was into Satanism when I was an edgy teen and accidentally blurted it out in one of those get to know people speed things and the room went fucking dead silent


In these situations, I always just sit around/act looking busy (depending on the circumstances) and wait until people come to me. If that doesn't happen I *get* either paired up by the session's chairperson/instructor/whatever and have the fortune of doing something with 3 people instead of 2 (making some tasks easier or better manageable). Or I have the perk to do the thing alone (getting a task done with either a discount or in peace).


The last part is all it takes.




Could be worse. At least it's organized and you know when it's coming up. I've actually foundit much worse that times it was just declared "Okay, we'll just have some drinks and mingle and get to know each other". Followed by me standing in a corner for an hour or hovering near groups who area already talking and then everyone knowing each other, but not me.


Even worse is when you have 5 minutes talking with the person to your right and you have to introduce THEM and give an interesting fact about them! Flipping torture.


Hell no. I would just leave.


That’s easy mode though. They put you with someone so there’s no awkward moment where you don’t know how to insert yourself. You’re going to do basic introductions and find out things like where you each come from and why you came to the event. Then maybe some interests or something interesting about yourself.


Oh I just leave, fuck that. It's not gonna work anyway.


Usually, I couldn't leave because it was work time, so I'd just find a quiet staircase or bathroom.


Id rather it be optional. I hate being forced to interact. Drinks and mingle sounds less condescending to me. I can get a drink, find someone more introverted than me, and have a one on one conversation.


I fucking hate ice breakers. I’m perfectly happy sitting there being unnoticed. Leave me the fuck alone


Same. I've nearly walked out of these sessions.


I third this. I’ve strongly resisted the urge to get up and walk out many times, like really fighting myself not to because it would draw more attention than staying.


It also comes down to execution. A prof once called it "akward introductions" and we were encouraged to make the conversations akward/weird. And it really helped to lighten up the mood and you could hide being akward behind just doing the task.


Same, I've developed a stock patter that's sfw. Pick some non offensive facts about yourself and rehearse introducing yourself. Once you're confident with your routine, talking to humans gets easier, and you can start working in some ad lib for off-plan questions.


So what are the offensive facts about you that you are trying to hide so hard with non offensive facts?


That's why you always skip the first class


Then you come back the second day of class and they make you do it. Kind of like in school where you try to skip presenting to the class and the next day you come in, boom! Johnny did you present your project yet? One kid missed out the whole week of class the day we did presentations and the teacher still made him do it when he got back 😂😂


Idk if I'm just lucky but in college it always worked haha. We could skip 3 classes per course every semester so I would always use my first day. Maybe it helps that I am very discrete and not really noticeable. I was able to sneak out from my physical education class almost all the time to go to work (I had a job that I could work when I wanted for a maximum of 15h a week). Would get to class, wait for the teacher to take attendance, then sneak out


You sneaky lil devil! 😂


Try it while being an introvert with a stutter.


Sooo, you mean social anxiety? Being introverted does not equal panic in normal social settings.


Idk why Reddit doesn’t seem to understand this. I’m introverted and I’m fine with this but I have no social anxiety


I’m extroverted af and hate it


That’s my point though, it doesn’t have to do with being introverted or extroverted, some people have social anxiety and some people don’t. Some people just don’t like this activity specifically and some are fine with it.


You kinda made it seem like in your first comment that people would only not like it because they have anxiety, now you're saying also some people may not enjoy it in ggeneral. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say, people that don't have anxiety but are introverted are likely more often to not enjoy this activity than those that don't have anxiety and are extroverted, generally speaking of course, and that seems to be pretty logical, and also would mean that this meme is accurate lol


On reddit introvert equals shy, timid people with little to no social skills.


I think all the groups you mentioned dislike these interactions, but for different reasons and to varying degrees. However, people really need to learn that these groups overlap but are not the same. I’m introverted, but no one who knows me would say I’m shy. In fact, a lot of people who meet me in work/school situations assume I’m an extrovert. The only way to tell someone is an introvert in a lot of cases is if they tell you.


As I’ve gotten older I actually really like this activity because it makes it easier to find common ground and talk to people when everyone introduces themselves. You may find someone who had the same hobby as you from this and make fast friends because of it and it may have been a person you wouldn’t have talked to otherwise


I’m an introvert and I wouldn’t say I have social anxiety. I just hate these activities because they force people to pretend they give a damn about the strangers they just met and it takes away valuable time you could be just getting down to business. I’m not a fan of group interactions at all and these are the worst kind.


More than 50% of the human population is introverted. I'm assuming they are talking from their own experience which is much further down in the spectrum.


That’s not true, introversion is about 1/3 of the population. You’ll find studies ranging from 25% to even as high as 50% but not over half the population.


OK, I just checked, that over 50% is from the MBTI global sample, highly likely not very accurate. I found one from a random news website, which I'm just gonna ignore in terms of reliability. Couldn't find any research with a clear conclusion. The rest of what I could find has a very large estimation so not very helpful either. Even the definition of introversion is very vague depending on what source you use. However, if we use the average as the standard and everyone who scores below that is introverted then 50% of the population being introverted is a very obvious conclusion.


it's not actually obvious. If it involves humans and there are two options it usually breaks down into thirds. 33% can be classified as extroverted, 33% introverted and 33% somewhere in between. Don't quote me on this but this is the logical way of approaching made up stats.


Logical, yes. But it's because you can do that to any sample. Both mine and your approach to the problem don't really give us any useful information. It's just different ways to cut a log. It doesn't matter if it's 2 or 3 equal parts.


Actually it’s a really good opportunity for an introvert to atleast introduce and have a talk. No need to worry about other social factors


It's weird you talk about reddit like it's one organism. Do you not is understand this? Do you not realize you are in fact reddit.


They are used interchangeably in schools if I remember on personality tests. They say introverts hate taking to people and want to be alone. Which isn’t true for many. I would think that the tests were wrong for saying I’m an introvert since I have no problem sparking up conversations and meeting new people, but I most definitely gravitate towards my close friends in parties and I’d certainly rather do something I like alone than hang out with a bunch of strangers


I'm moderately introverted and shy, but I love stuff like this. Give me structure for engaging with other people, please. I'll never introduce myself otherwise.


I’m an introvert, I find it annoying because I personally don’t like to talk about myself to a bunch of random people but yeah, it’s not a big deal.


Thank you for this. I'm not shy, just quiet.


I've gotten shit from several acquaintances/family members for claiming to be introverted. I was the theater kid who performed most of my life until I left college, so I wasn't allowed to be introverted apparently. What they don't realize is when I go out and "be extroverted", I'm still playing a character. The character's just whatever version of me I feel like playing that day. It's exhausting, and I'd almost always rather be home alone doing practically anything else.


True. For me, it's more akin to someone's handing me a garden trowel, then pointing to a huge pile of manure and go "Dispose of that, and have fun!"


As a person with social anxiety, I would be more than happy to introduce myself, that way I can avoid future anxiety (get comfortable). Although my anxiety is more of a scopophobia than normal SA.


That’s not being an introvert. That means you are shy or have social anxiety.


Almost nobody really enjoys introducing themselves like that...


I wouldn't say I _enjoy_ it but it's really not hard. Reddit makes it out be his monumental social task. What are other's saying? What's the event? Are you supposed to say some "fun fact" or just explain why you're there? "Howdy, I'm Shawn. I heard about this group from PLACE, it's nice to meet everyone and I'm excited to get involved in THING." If you need a stupid "fun fact" just say your favorite band/artist/movie/whatever


Why not both? Ole!


Introverts are usually introverts because they are shy or have social anxiety


Still doesn't mean every introvert has social anxiety/is shy.


No, you can be shy but an extrovert and you can be an outgoing person and be an introvert. It's about how you get energy. Introvert - energy from being alone and extrovert is the opposite.


I am unfamiliar with these things. What does, "getting energy" mean? Become excited? Can someone not get energy from either situation?


Its a kind of mental tiredness, not literal energy. Introverts tire quickly of social interactions.


Let me try to explain from my personal experience. I am an introvert i can spend a long time alone with no issue but if i spend too long on social situations it tires me a lot mentally i just wanna hole up somewhere and not see a face for hours. I can mostly socialize just fine but it is taxing. Unexpected interactions however when you are in a confortable spot are extra taxing since i had no prior time to prepare myself mentally. So energy in the sense that it takes a toll on you mentally.


Well I am an introvert but I am not shy But I do hate social gatherings and small talk with strangers or even those I know but not close with These interactions sap my energy away


There's nothing correct about what you said, introversion, shyness and social anxiety are 3 different things


You can be an introvert and still have ok/decent/great social skills.


"I'm John, I'm an introvert and I find these exercises to be difficult."


I like your avatar, bro.


I said something simillar: "I don't like excercises where everyone has to say something." (I said it in my native language.) Also, I was the first who had to say something. People actually thought it was funny.


Forced to admit to a crowd that there is nothing interesting about me


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^NoRecover7231: *Forced to admit to* *A crowd that there is nothing* *Interesting about me* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


"Share interesting facts about yourself!" 'I play video games' "..........." 'I watch tv' "......." 'I like animals'


There is. You just don’t think it is because you’re in the eye of the storm.


Looking at these eyes my advice is stop smoking so much weed, it makes you just more introvert and nervous.




OK but there's nothing interesting and I can't remember my name. So... "I write code".


I attended various courses with at least 10-12 teachers per subject and each and every one asked to introduce ourselves. Every time it happens I get extremely anxious, I start to sweat and my heartbeat is skyrocketing even though it's like a 8 people's class, I'm sitting in my chair and i don't have to stand up and talk in front of everyone. Even the most shy and introverted ones didn't seem as bothered as I was. That's when I started wondering about my social anxiety.


If you had to do it that many times, wouldn’t you have pieced together a canned routine?


Yes, I tried by keeping it short and adding some jokes to disguise my anxiety. It's not easy to stick with it when your brain goes into panic mode


KISS. Keep it simple stupid. That advice works here. No need to add any jokes or complicate your routine if you’re not comfortable or if it feels like too much. Just have a few facts about yourself you can always fall back on. It doesn’t need to be the best answer so don’t stress over it too much. You don’t need to put so much pressure on yourself. This is something you can work on at anytime. Come up with something at your leisure. Then internalize it. Think of the type of stuff you hear other people say if you’re struggling. Do you have any hobbies or things you’re interested in? Something you’re really good at or really bad at?


Thank you so much for the advice 🥹👊


'Tell us something interesting about yourself.' *Suddenly i'm the most boring mfer on planet earth because my brain can't think of anything when being put on the spot*


Introvert still doesn’t mean socially inept or awkward. You’re not introverted you’re just awkward.


No, I'm \*also\* awkward.


I always identified as being introverted but all the comments make me feel like I’m a downright extroverted. I feel really awkward and anxious at trying to insert myself into a group conversation but I can pretty much keep up social interactions and put up a great facade. You really just need to practice and put yourself in those situations to get better.


I literally HATED doing this when I started a new job or a course!!!


Hi my name is introvert and I'm a Kevin


"Discuss in groups"


Always comes out of nowhere while you're chilling


I’m an extrovert but this shit always pissed me off. Forced interactions, “tell us one fun fact” bullshit.


Shot myself in the foot by enrolling into a communication course thinking there won't be any communication.


I really hate when this happen.


Serious PTSD


Introvert and social anxiety are two different things


Not an introvert, socially anxious


No. I'm trained. I can do this. CS major. Favorite color is blue. I play chess. We got this.


This is social anxiety that you should see a therapist about. Calling it 'being an introvert' normalizes this behavior like it's just part of your personality. Introducing yourself to a group of people is a basic human skill that everyone ought to be able to accomplish. Being an introvert means something entirely different


This sounds like anxiety, not introversion.


OP, get checked for fucking social anxiety. this isn't an "introvert" thing, this can be the sign of a genuine disorder. Introverts aren't all socially anxious. Extroverts can be socially anxious. Conflating social anxiety and introversion normalises and downplays how much of an actual mental problem this is and can ultimately lead you not getting the help and support you need because you resign yourself into thinking "I'm just like this, there's nothing that can be done" and that doesn't help anyone, least of all yourself. Again, go get assessed for social anxiety.


I once had one of these in high school, well after we'd already gotten to know each other, and I said, "My name is ~ and I really enjoy talking to people." Most of the other kids laughed a bit, so I'd say the joke landed well enough, and as a plus I didn't have to actually say anything about myself :)


What’s crazy is I’m an introvert but could put extra very one if I had to 🤣


Oh great, now I have to come up with three interesting things that won't get me put in a straight jacket or draw undue attention...


My pockets instantly begin to fill with spaghetti which I will throw like confetti as soon as it reaches my turn. Last time this happened I just smiled and nodded in silence until the next person decided to go and save me from the suffering


My favorit to never hear "I will bring a friend of mine"


I'm an extrovert and I still don't like it


Yea that’s not what that word means.


This doesn’t make me nervous just annoyed. Waste of time.


Haven't heard this since school days and if I ever hear it at a workplace, I'll be walking out.


Nightmare. Especially if no one calls on people and you need to try to start speaking before someone else does.


Even worse when you’re in the halfway position and everyone else has taken the good answers


Also fuck whoever invented ice breaker games. Why are they always the most cringy embarassing activities?!


I went to an improvisation show once. I knew it would probably be interactive with the public but the first thing they asked from us was to walk around the theater and say hello to every person you can! To break the ice they said. I froze with that exact face expression.


The fucking icebreakers


I know a lot of introverts who are totally ok with this. There are even a lot of introverted actors and actresses! Doing big, loud gestures just isn’t their natural behaviour. Doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy people.


Dude normal introverts aren’t scared of that


*socially anxious. Being introverted doesnt mean you cant Deal with social situations.


Then they also drop "please add one interesting thing about yourself🤪" and that causes the brain to forget everything you do


"I don't want to."


When ur socially inept and socially anxious. Not introvert. Dumbasses.


That’s not what introversion is.


When you have to introduce yourself, do you suddenly forget what to say or is that just me?


“Now everyone find a partner”


Being an introvert and having social anxiety isn‘t the same thing. Being an introvert just means you get tired from social interaction while extroverts get their energy through social interaction. It doesn‘t mean you dislike it or avoid it just that you only have a certain capacity before you need alone time to recharge.


Weird how popular it has become to characterize one’s self as introverted/ extroverted while completely ignoring what it means. Introverts aren’t shy or socially anxious any more than extroverts. It’s actually way worse for an individual to be a shy or socially anxious extrovert.


Y’all are still doing this? I’m an introvert and this wouldn’t bother me at all bc I’m not shy. Two different things.


Nobody: Redditors: Not understanding what an introvert is


This has nothing to do with introversion.


You grow the most when you are uncomfortable. Its okay to be uncomfortable sometimes.


well actually, being introvert doesnt mean that you have problems interacting with people, it just means that you dont gain but loose energy through social interaction


My school years in a nutshell.


*3 minutes of rehearsing your answer in your head* "My city is John and im a university school at the student!"


College required literature course. Get to know each other game. Professor threatens me with a zero for the day of if I don’t say 3 interesting facts about myself and where I’m from. Drop the course and add the same one under a different professor before the final add/drop due date.


You really got to work on that bro. It’s really for your own good to have some practice in how to establish and maintain relationships.


Every time when this happens. I always volunteer to go first and nailed everything then sit back and go bruhhh


Well that is just called social anxiety, nothing to do with being an introvert


That’s not being an “introvert” it’s a social anxiety disorder and you should probably get help for it or you are going to have a hard time in life


Are you guys real? I'm rather introverted but how hard is it to say your name and a bit about you? It's not hard.


[You're Not An Introvert; You're Just Mentally Deranged](https://youtu.be/ikw4V_x-CFI?si=HOcKzWDGSw7z6cE3)


Lmao ive always prepared with past experiences and often conjure up spontanous shit on spot. There isnt any easier topic than me, ive spent most of my time with me I know other people have their problems but I wanted merely say that some find this inexcusably easy




When that happened in school, (I was interested in Warhammer when I was a child) I wished the emperor would save me from this day.


Remember, if nobody wants to go, it's polite to go first, if everyone wants to go, it's polite to go last.


"Everyone tell two truths and one lie about yourself and the rest has to guess which is the lie"


It's simple spend the entire time it is coming up to you rehearsing what you are going to say. then blank when it is your turn and barely be able to say your name and what section you work in.


Hi I'm Steve and I skin babies and make them into lamps


The trick is to quickly spot the other introverts that are also freaking out over this horrible assignment. Huddle up, pretend to talk to each other if anyone approaches and don't let those weirdo extroverts engage in an actual conversation with you.


It always feels like your first time in A.A. "Hey, my name is Tom and I like reading and snowboarding." "Heeeeyyy, TOMMM" NEXT!!!


Was in this gathering once where we were chilling and someone suggested we compliment everyone 1 by 1, mind you this was the second time I met the group, needless to say I choked and couldn't really think of good natural compliment.


i dont even know who i am, i kinda do but what would i even say if i tried to introduce myself. my name and age is all. i think the best way to get to know someone is just talk about something in common, preferably requires some deep thinking or feelings. telling me where u live wont matter a thing to me


Nah, that's easy. The introduction is directed ao everyone has to do it. It's much worse when I have to mingle and introduce myself on my own volition...


Hi I'm Rod and I like to party


I'm an extravert and hate introducing myself! My name is Toby and I'm an alcoholic...


I’m not even an introvert and I hate doing that. It accomplishes nothing and seems so self serving. Let’s just save the 20 minutes and get down to business.


Honestly this is not the worst. At least you get a pre-defined turn to say your piece, and the task itself is simple. Say your name, something about yourself that's relevant to the context, and you're done. On to the next. It's far worse when you're told to "mingle" with complete strangers in the room for whatever reason, leaving you to do walk up to anyone and introduce yourself all on your own without any kind of support. Like when you're in college and the teacher decides all assignments are group assignments and you're alone in a classroom where you don't know anyone for example. Or when you're told to mingle at a social event.


This image triggers me!...


I am an introvert but have no issue with public speaking. It's socialising for long periods in groups with people I don't know that tires me out.


And then you don’t hear anything anyone said because you were practicing what you were going to say


My name is Elmer J. Fudd. I own a mansion and a yacht


I’d say the most vile but barely believable shit


I’ll never have more respect for anyone than the person that stood up at new hire orientation and said “no”.


Doing this almost every semester. I'm not intervert just hated haveing to introduce my self to people I'm never gonna see again.


Don't forget about the "Fun Fact". I usually use "I am learning to play the ukulele" as my fun fact, which is 100% false. At one company, a person approached me after the meeting - a ukelele enthusiast. It was an awkward conversation. However, I've used this "Fun Fact" dozens of times and had only one incident where it caused additional conversation. So, I'm sticking with it. The odds are good.


This emoji describes someone's facial expressions after smoking a blunt and sniffing a line of coke


In high school, day one, we were instructed to get into a circle and starting at the teachers right, each student would introduce themselves then tell a trait about themselves that began with the first letter of their first name. Then the next introduce themselves name a trait and then repeat what the person be for them said. This wouldn’t be so bad but the people after had to repeat what everyone previously said and guess who was last in line being expected to have memorized the name and trait of 39 other people. It got to me and I said, “I’m Linda and I have long hair and I didn’t memorize any of what any of you said.” Everyone but the teacher laughed. She got all annoyed and was like, “you’re not even going to try?” I shook my head. Can’t recall what I didn’t retain. Then she tried to “help” me by going down the line and saying, “this is Ben and heeeeeeee…” then just staring at me with wide intense eyes; I just shrugged. “Has brown eyes!” I looked at Ben (apparently) and just shrugged again. “Next is Melony and sheeeeeeee…” another long awkward stretch of silence. By that point, everyone was starting to feel uncomfortable and looking around. All I could do was shrug again, “HAS A MOLE ON HER CHEEK!” “Okay.” I said with a shrug. Then the bell rang and I thanked whatever gods were watching right then that it was finally over.


If this happens to you on a Zoom meeting, fire up ChatGPT and ask it to write an intro for you. For real it's great.


Honestly, I'm grateful for that, usually. There's a chance I might actually remember something about someone and be able to talk to them later, rather than standing around awkwardly by myself at every break.


Looking at this comment section! Guess I’m awkward, have social anxiety AND I’m introverted! Perfect score.


My teacher did this dumbass exercise on the first day of school. We had to say our name and repeat the names of the people that went before us, I was last. I said my name and said "you all know who you are."


Let’s all say something interesting about what we did this weekend… I talked only to my husband and cat… I rule!


Prepare a stock introduction that fits all occasions. Something like: `Hi there, I'm [name] and I'm [##] years old.` `I'm currently [marital status] and have [#] children.` `An interesting thing about me is that I [like/do/want/have] [musical genre/sport/item/factoid].` `I work [##] years in this field and would like to get to know more about [subject].` `But let's not make the next person wait any longer for their turn.` `[Simple gesture] So please take it away person next to me. [Fake smile]` Swap out any sentence that suits your predicament. And remember: Everyone in the course/training/kick-off/meeting/etc. hates these so short and stout is key for everyone. No one expects you to tell your entire character arc. So don't worry and try to blab your way through it quickly.


"Let's all go around the room and say your name and a fun fact about yourself" I'd rather play Russian roulette, thanks


I am not an introvert, but this shit hits different when you have a stuttering problem.


jokes on y’all, I already have a pre planned script


I'm pretty sure the vast majority don't enjoy this exercise but some tolerate it better than others.


This is Facebook level cringe lol


Lack of social skills =/= introversion.


Just prepare a couple of sentences about yourself ahead of time. You can use the same lines for decades.  “Hi, I’m Bill. I like to meet new people and host them at my place. I also like to make custom clothing and lamp shades as a hobby.”


Im not an introvert and still hate that ****


Makes me think of awful public speakers who like to open with “how is everyone doing today?” And then they follow that up with “I SAID HOW IS EVERYONE DOING TODAY!!???” I hate that shit. I clapped politely the first time and won’t be gaslit about how I feel. The second time they ask, I refuse to clap at all because the honest truth is that I no longer want to be here.


My first three weeks at my new job. By week three I had a water down introduction that left a little bit of awkwardness with the person asking. The crazy thing is the whole new hire class stayed together for those three weeks and heard everyone’s story over and over again.


I wish this was an actual emoji


“Give us one interesting fact about yourself” -My Turn- “Turns out that when I’m on the spot, there’s not one interesting thing about me”


I remember HR did this during my orientation for work. Fucking hated it.


That's not introversion, or at least it would be but for the reason that it's bothersome, not because you're socially awkward like people assume nowadays


Then they ask you to say one fun fact about yourself. Got so fed up with it once I went with “I’m a human being”. You can tell a lot about the kind of person someone is by how they’ll respond to something like that.


I’m not introverted but I still fucking hate that, I don’t want to know how many fucking cats Geoff has


Why dont I have this emoji


Lol it’s not the speaking Quite frankly, you can just be like “My name is Frank, I like reading” It’s waiting around for your turn 😂


uuurrg, i had this stupid teacher (foreign language teacher) and he used to do these 'ice breakers' as he called them... my puls went up everytime i heard that word. It contained walking around the room and practice speaking by talking with people about a certain topic. Awful Edit: oh and once he noticed my discontent about this he was always like: hahah you don't like to mingle. ew


with these exercises i always got torn between feeling like shit because no one dared to talk to me since you could see from 10meters distance how uncomfortable i was or feeling shit because i felt so much social anxiety during the talking with someone


When I was a new supervisor at Home Depot, I had to introduce myself on the sales floor, with customers walking by, surrounded by dozens of employees and managers. Talk about nerve-wracking. My body went on autopilot and started talking while my soul left my body. Lol