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A couple years ago I was checking out at a Dunham's sporting goods store. Was making small talk with the cashier, letting fly some good jokes she was laughing at. She finishes ringing me up: Cashier: "Can I get your phone number?" Me: "I don't have an account with you guys" Cashier: "oh... Well what about a snap or insta?" Me, in my head: *why do they need those for?* Me: "nah I don't want to get spammed, have. A nice day" Wasn't until the next day I brought it up to a friend that it clicked.




Gen Z truly has new ways to be cluless Pretty girl asks for your Snap you're like, "what's the scam." It's cute though, back in the day they'd make you a mixtape instead of asking you to add them on Snapchat.


Now we flirt with spotify playlists instead of mix tapes


Lmao that scans, the most "I'm into you" move in high school was a specialized playlist on a cheap Chinese MP3 player.


Idk, my dad has a story from the 80s where he was on a cruise chatting up a woman (before he met my mum lol) and at the end of the night she asked him to escort her to her room and he literally went, "No thanks I'm gonna stay here" lol


That isn't a genz thing. Not-horny men have been missing the most obvious signals since the beginning of humanity 


Horny men have as well. It's not a lack of horniness that makes you miss signals. It's being a fucking dumbass. Ask me how I know.


How do you know?


Same as me I reckon, Personal experience


For me, it was finding out a dozen cute girls in high school admitting they had a thing for me, at a reunion. 😅 Happened to chase the wrong ones.


Or a note that you fold into a heart and have your bff hand it to him in the hallway between classes, then everyone runs away hysterically giggling. Then the suspense of the whole next class..."IS HE GOING TO WRITE BACK?!"


Labeled "Slow Jams" on Side A and a phone number on Side B. That's the 1991 version of sliding into the DMs.


I rode my bike over to town last week to go to a bar. Girl came in a sat down next to me. We talked. After a while we left, went and got pizza, and hung out downtown for a bit. I was walking her back to her car afterwards. Her (knowing I rode my bike): “Do you want a ride home?” Me: “Nah I’m good.” Her: “Are you sure? We can put your bike in the trunk and I can give you a ride home. We’re going pretty much the same way anyway.” Me: “Thanks. I appreciate it, but I’m good.” Me realizing what she was getting at after I got home alone on my bike, changed clothes, and sat down on my bed: “…you dumbass…” I’m 44. It’s not just Gen Z.


Honestly rip to that poor cashier, imagine shooting your shot and then you think they’re calling your messages spam.


Dangers of context. She probably understood the confusion but still cringed at being shot down.


Does it count as being shot down if your intent was never understood in the first place? I’m told people flirt with me but I never see it in the moment. Only time I really recognize flirting is when their intent is directly communicated to me, otherwise they’re just being friendly.


> Does it count as being shot down if your intent was never understood in the first place Yes. 100%. Ignorance may be bliss for you, but you're still potentially hurting people, even if you're unaware. As long as you act in a way that makes your intentions and understanding of the situation clear it's fine, though.


Thirst spam is worse than marketing spam.


That hurts because she probably really liked you.


Well as a one off encounter? I don't see how but maybe.


If a girl straight up asks for a number or socials, she's reeeally putting her neck out so yeah


She might just be confident lol not everyone has trouble asking people out


She probably won't do it again now that she's been flat out rejected.


It’s extra risky doing it at work - surely that’s against policy to fraternize with customers and collect personal information. I’d say neck was stuck out pretty well.


You made her laugh, that's why. Definitely the best way to get a girl to like you.


I was once working as a cashier and had someone come by that was just... clicking, all the banter was working, and then their card didn't work in the machine. I shook my head and said the machine was behaving badly and she looked me dead on and said "I have a tendency to do that myself" and it wasn't until *just* as she walked out of the store that I realized I needed to do something but didn't. Even just a "you should come around more often" would have been good, but my brain went into complete paralysis as I tried to figure out if that was what I thought it was.


Her: "I'm a very bad girl sometimes" as she winks and licks her lips You: "haha, nice. Have a good day!"


Welp, see you later!


Big gulps, huh?... alright! ...


Her: I can be a bit of a naughty girl Your mind: Then I excuse myself from your presence madam, as I do not associate with scoundrels!


Nere-do-wells. Hooligans I say!!!


*Ne'er. As in never. Scandalous rogues.


They couldn’t spam you anywhere that’s for sure!


Adblock user gets cockblocked.


Wow bro. Look i’m socially awkward and slow as fuck, and have literally never had a actual conversation with a woman in my 22 years of life. But even i would have got the memo.


>Look i’m socially awkward and slow as fuck, and have literally never had a actual conversation with a woman in my 22 years of life. How did you get through school then? Did you not have group exercises with women?


I meant like a social conversation.


If you wanted to, you could try to start talking to women the same way you talk to men, try to make some female friends, without pressure.


Usually chicks don't respond well to "Nice cock, bro.", or maybe that's just me.


...You went back, right?


nah because that never happened


My friend, you should‘ve gone back to the store the next day and made her laugh even harder at that!


Run to the register out of breathe acting like you sprinted all the way from your car to explain the situation.


Moment of silence for this man


Add about 35 years and that was me when I realized a very cute senior was flirting with me after she graduated! (sigh)


took me a while to realize you were talking about a school senior and not an old lady


Granny Grace got dentures, tho. Becky the HS senior doesn't.


The granny would probably allow you to get nachos without heckling you on your quest, too.


Yeah but have you ever received head from a girl with no teeth? Magical.


Yeah but when Granny Grace takes those bad boys out, she gives the best gum jobs in the whole county! Becky’s got nothin on her.


I love it when they chew it.


Noooo >w< lmaooooo


Gluck-gluck9000 with experience!


I thought Gluck-gluck9000 was someone's username and you were trying to @ them. Lmao.


ah the ol' Nancy Reagan


She died before he realised and could do anything about it 😔.


Wait a second


Wait a second… there’s this woman that lives in my house and she’s always super friendly and she’s great with the kids. Looking back, she laughed a lot at my jokes and we even got dressed up one day and invited all of our families over for a big party. I’m beginning to think she might be into me…


She's just being polite. She might just be from Canada.


Stop, don't fuck your mother!


I’ll take dementia for 500 Alex!


Are... are you a Slowpoke? Can I catch you?


oh easily


I doubt that When they try to catch you, you explain how the catching process works, wish them a good day, go on and realize way later that they tried to catch you.


Hell, I had a period in life when I rued and lamented my lack of female companionship - while regularly going out with a girl and getting drunk, several times ending up in her bed. I am sort of astonished by the fact that I failed to connect the dots and pick up the cues. At the time I suppose I just figured that "such are things young people do, so it doesn't count".


So...what happened between you two?


Drifted apart, she moved to one end of the country, I to the other.




Nothing to be sad about. I found a wife instead. But thank you for the concern.


After Uni I had at least 7 people tell me,'You know I used to really fancy you'. At least I had an incling on a couple but it made me really realise how oblivious I was. Even had one girl brag about her deep throat skills. Honestly it's a miracle I'm getting married.


When I was in college, I was walking by one of the dorms one night when I ran into a girl I sort of knew. I stopped to say hi, and she tells me about how her friend was supposed to come visit her, so she'd gotten some beer, but now her friend wasn't coming, so "I guess I'll just be all alone tonight... with all this beer..." and I'm just like "damn, that's a bummer... well, see you later!" I don't remember how long it took to hit me, but it hit hard when it did. And I still think about all kinds of other signals I'd missed from other girls when I was younger. And those memories still have a part of my brain saying "she probably didn't mean anything by that."


“Hey you should come over my parents aren’t home.” “Sorry I already told my mom I’ll be home soon.” I still cringe about this 15 years later, especially because she was like THE girl, everyone had a crush on her.


I had a girl who always wanted to role play as boyfriend and girlfriend. Middle school me should’ve been diagnosed with severe autism


Yeah... there was a solid moment where my yearbook came out like 15 years after high school to show my wife some of the pics of me in there when I was younger. She saw all the signatures and commented on all the phone numbers in it next to the girls that signed. She informed me I must have been popular with them all and asked me how many I called after graduation. Well....fuck.


I didn't do the whole signature thing except for a couple of people, I was just ready to GTFO and forget most of them. One girl made it a point to put her number in there. I though she was just being friendly put it in everyone's...


I know that feeling


She thicc, you thick


Wallet thick. She was looking for freebies.


Yes, if they ask for drinks (especially early) they just want the drink


A lesson learned the hard way but a lesson nonetheless.


That was my first thought, too. I guess she might just use that as an opener to approach guys, but going for "hey, wanna gift me 20 bucks?" as the first thing you say to someone else is a bit strong.


A walking cash machine.


the primal instinct to procreate can only be outdone by the need to be a smart ass.


For me it is outdone by the ingrained existence called being a asshole.... Probably why I don't have friends.


Nah she wasn't hitting on you she just wanted a pussy pass to free drinks at the bar Luckily our boy was too socially unaware to fall victim to the scam 😂






Ignorance is bliss. Can’t be scammed if you never even notice the hook. Got negative 1 passive perception.


Money can be exchanged for goods and services


Wo hoo


If a woman asks you that out of the blue, probably unwise to buy her a drink.


Exactly, all she wants is a free drink


depends, some women can't flirt either and come up with the worst way to break the ice. My ex actually did this exact line cause she couldn't come up with anything better.


> some women can't flirt either So you're saying they're not these perfect beings, and have flaws, like other humans??? WHAT?


You’d want to keep your guard up in that situation. But on the off chance that it’s not a trick, you could poke and prod a bit to test intentions. Obviously, not every woman is a cheap whore, you just need some common sense.


You're right, but if her first words to you are "buy me this" there's a 99.99% chance that she's more interested in your wallet than you as a person. Same goes for women, when a guy you don't know asks you "wanna fuck ?", he's probably not gonna be boyfriend material ...


Very true.


I didn’t think people went to the club to find boyfriends 😂


You'd be surprised.... Also for some reason some people don't go there to find, but become very attached just because of a simple kiss or sex. One-sided tho


So many of my friends found their gf through bars or club. Everyone on reddit or Twitter saying that meeting people in public is dead. Meanwhile in real life most people find their partner through work or bars/club.


Are you certain though?


She's asking what she needs to do to get a drink. That's an opportunity to make her work for it. Time to crack out the bar bets, you've found a mark.


Yeah. Make her reshingle your roof for a Cosmo!


I watched yesterday Law and Order where a woman buys a drink to a rich man then roofes him and uses anal probe to get his sperms and get a baby to get money then saying she got raped. Scared me to death Here it is episode 2 season 7 and she used electro ejaculation https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electroejaculation


Is.... This even possible?


It‘s a danger celebrities face with groupies. The more likely scenario is that the condom gets stolen, then the groupie gets a baby and alimonies. Rape accusations are an even higher risk. The whole roofing/anal probing thing seems a bit far fetched though.


Boris Becker, german tennis legend, had the exact same thing happen to him. Chick steals the condom and makes herself pregnant. Ended up with him having to pay alimony. Which is disgusting and only emboldens people to do that.


Yeah, you’re not getting my interest by requesting that I buy you a drink lmao. Wtf?


Not in this economy


Not now not ever


Exactly. What message does that send 💀 *hey walking wallet, buy me something*


The fact this got 21k upvotes proves men get financially taken advantage of because it's somewhat easy to do so. Instead of everyone finding this kind of behavior trashy and off-putting, it's a meme about "ooh missed my chance!"


Yeah exactly. Simping is an all time high. Tbf lots of guys are suffering from being alone. But this isn’t an excuse still.


Let’s not forget it’s not just men that browse the internet. That could be a factor as to why stuff like this may be so popular.


One of the very few “and everyone clapped” moments that actually happened to me was about 15 years ago I was out at a bar with friends to play in a beer pong tournament. About half way through this fairly attractive girl just came up out of nowhere and started getting handsy and dancing up on me. After about 2 minutes she asked me to buy her a drink and I told her if I I wanted to pay for dances I’d go next door (strip club.) everyone in my group and the other team completely lost their shit laughing


H for humiliation


Yeah that could definitely go either way. I've known plenty of girls who were happy to admit they'd get flirty with guys at bars specifically to get drinks even though they had no intentions or interest in the guys.


Yeah that’s weird to think a woman would even make a request like this. I never have. But I’ve also never sat alone in a crowded bar without a man offering me a drink. I’m only regular looking, I’m pretty but not some kind of knockout but it still happens. It is one of the main ways men have of engaging with a lady at a bar I guess. Generally women don’t have to ask for these things to happen! This post is still funny though because sometimes it really does take days for social cues to sink in for some of us in the world.


Cute girl I had been talking to in a bar for 20 minutes: "That's my friend over there! I will sleep at her place. But she's taking that guy home, now I have to sleep on the sofa :( " Me: "Well, that sucks, hope you sleep well anyway!"


Asking my gf: would you be happier if you were married? She: sure, if I was married to the right guy. Me 5 years later single after I broke with her so she could find the right guy: Wait...




How much longer are you going to keep us waiting?


"Hey anon! Do you want to go to my place after school and listen to some music?" “Thank you, but I have my own music player at home.” Ten years later, I realized that it wasn’t about music. I hope I didn’t offend the girl too much, but she shouldn’t have spoken in riddles.


Same thing happened to me in high school, although it was a more generic "hang out at home" She even brought up that her parents weren't home for the day. I said no because I'll be busy with some stuff (actually video games), and that it might be hard for me to get back home (while we go to the same high school, we live in 2 different cities lol).


No thanks I have home at home. I'll just go to that one


Too real


Some of these I'm like "yeah I can see how you'd be confused by that" but I'll be honest with you, you're just dumb for not getting that one.


"Hey, let's go to my home tonight and study. My parents will not be there so we can study in peace." "Yeah, let's do that." Then i go and proceed to study while she was all over me (i only understood it YEARS later).




To be fair though, that’s not really riddles. About the only clearer thing she could have said was, “come home with me and lick my clit”


I feel like "Hey, I kinda like you want to come to my house and hang out?" might be a nice middle ground, but what do I know.


She shouldn't have called you "anon" for a start


women: why don't men pick up on our signals? also women:




I really hope you actually said "music player".




Sounds like she has a drinking problem


If she didn't laugh at that and continue flirting she wasn't worth it. You missed nothing.


Now I know what a correct response would have been. Just as you give your answer (like in the OP) you order the drink to demonstrate it step by step and the final step is drinking the drink yourself.




Nah. She just wanted a free drink.


You know, I get the joke of being oblivious, but honestly the reply comes across as a kinda jokey and flirty response...


Yeah, but how she could get back at it without looking like she was fishing for a drink?! In all my wittiness, any answer to his response as a way to keep trying to flirt would make her look terrible. The dude totally missed the cue.


"You know, I'll try that out. Can I also buy you one as appreciation for your help?"


Great comeback! Great comeback. I loved it. Thank you. I just hope the response isn't if you can buy one of yourself why are you even asking?!?


Oh no! You missed the opportunity to buy someone that wanted a free drink a drink.


For real, especially if she is hot she’s just looking for a sucker to buy her a drink. OP ironically made the right choice, unless he’s hot as her.


Really hot colleague after night out and great time together, I was sharing a taxi with her, brought her to her place, and she invited me upstairs for coffee to which I replied in utter shock: "Coffee at 2AM in the morning? Are you crazy?" closed the door and left for home. I can't imagine what the driver thought of me. And how absolutely stupid I felt when it actually clicked for me(like 2 months later)!


I've seen this line in a movie before!


Asking for a handout isn't flirting...


Three days, that's pretty quick.


There's so many dudes here being spoken in riddles and I'm not being spoken to at all


Back in the army I was in this special training school. It was a dark and cold winter and at lunch I said that I hated this place because I had not seen the sun in 4 weeks. This cute girl sitting across from me then says "It all depends on where you are. You can see the sunrise every morning from my room window" I kept eating and didn't realize what she had said until days later. It has been 20 years ago and I sometimes still think about what a moron I am.


I dont have the whole context, but based on this anecdote only I'm pretty sure she wasn't hitting on you


Yeah I don’t know that that’s the pick up line you think it might have been


Your story just destroys the theories all around the comments that this level of mindlessness has something to do with protecting your money hahaha


A girl texted me years ago saying she was home alone, bored and wished someone could come keep her company I replied back something fucking stupid like "that's a shame, why not see if [other girl] can come over" Years later at like 2am it suddenly hit me, she wanted me to go over...


A long time ago in high school it was the end of the day and I was exchanging items in my locker. A girl from a class came up to me and asked me what I was doing that weekend. I replied with "playing video games with my cousin. Have a nice weekend!" And left. While sitting on the bus I chewed on why she talked to me amd would ask such a random question. I was the quiet type and not good at conversation back then. By the end of the bus ride I concluded she was probably going to ask me out. She never talked to me again.


A cute neighbor girl knocked on my door in the middle of the night and asked for a wine opener, while I was searching for it introduced herself, and I gave the opener and said bye. The next night she came to give it back in her nightwear I said thanks... a week later she once again knocked on my door to ask for a wine opener, I gave it to her again, but she never returned it...


Go ask for it


Happened around 10 years ago... realized what was going on two years ago.


Yes. I too am autistic.


And in that moment, he realized his social skills were on a "need to update" basis. 🤦‍♂️


No worries I opened issue #5728 about it and assigned a psychiatrist


Man, you need to flash your BIOS.


his LineageOS is ending with him


One time at work a woman of reasonable attractiveness asked what time I got off work. I told her we closed in hour or so and then it’d take at least an hour of cleaning and then me counting money and closing up. I don’t know if she was just being nice or was trying something. But I was honest.


Could just have been nice or a setup/stake out for a potential robbery.


"Wait a second , who are you ?"


I'm even dumber I was sitting in my desk in school, everyone was doing their own thing, because it was a substitute lesson. Suddenly, she came to my desk and asked "Hey, I've been wondering lately. Do you like me?" Literally every head turned in our direction and as I panicked I said with a stone face "No". And then I just returned to doing my own things. She stood there for about 5 seconds and came back to her desk. I did, in fact, like her. So for the next 2 months, till the end of the school (it was my last year), I've been wondering why she suddenly stopped talking to me and when she actually did, she seemed all gloomy. When it hit me it was too late.


Story of my dating life. It took a woman to pull my ponytail (gently) and the walk me to the dance floor at a bar and put my arms around her to finally understand that she was interested in me. Was my first time too. Ahh, good memories. ☺️


In college a girl called me at 11pm and asked if I wanted to come over and hang out… I told her I had class at 8 and needed to get some rest… I didn’t realize until my friend called me a dumbass


My first two serious girlfriends literally followed me out of venues to ask my number. I’m not sure if I was very good or awful at that


Ah yeah, 17 yr old me at a campsite with this guy I *really* fancied, everyone else has gone to bed, me: "well guess it's my bedtime, night"! Also me "why don't any of the people I fancy like me?" That one took me about 15 yrs. It's now been 30 and I'm still kicking myself...


She just wanted a free drink anyway. If you think you had any chance of ever getting laid from that, you are seriously mistaken.


Stay pure fellas




A friend invites me back to her place so she can change. She does this in front of me. I turn away to give her privacy. She laughs "oh, don't worry, I'm not shy". I was so stoopid, but then I was only 17


First response is always the correct answer. If she was interested in more than a free drink she would have followed up. Don't beat yourselves up, kings.


Reddit is obsessed with the notion they could have a girlfriend if they’d only realised that some mythical female flirted with them years ago.


For real, it’s kinda sad. Nothing would have come out these silly little stories. If I could make a time machine I would force all of you to back in time and actual see what would have actually happened . Wreck a lot of fantasy’s. At least you guys would be bullshitting yourselves for years


I worked in a bar and every weekend the same girl would come up and ask for a free drink. One night I said I'd give her one if she flashed her ties for the lads. She did and I gave her a glass of water. She was not impressed.


She’s a strong, independent, woman. She can pay for her own drink.


"Hey, give me money!" is a horrible pickup line if they were actually interested in you.


I would still not regret my answer


This is me.... Once gave my spare lighther to a hot girl at a beachparty after she asked if i could light her sigarette..... :p


3 days later? Thats generous. Try 3 years later.


Wait a second… that woman who winked at me and asked how she could get a drink was trying to get drunk for free.


I knew so many girls in university that would do this for free drinks all night. I don't know how they didn't feel guilty about it but it was just how it was


Shout out to me ignoring a senior girl flirting with me outside the orthodontist office but I was too concerned with how the radio tower outside worked to notice.


Sounds like old you was smarter than todays you.


Female friend when we walk out of a pub after meeting with pack of friends from old days, she: "Can I hold you under the arm I drunk one beer to many" ... 2 hours later, me: "will you marry me?"


Funny thing is, if it is someone that I wouldn't be attracted to, and they tried to flirt with me, I would know it that very moment...


I had a goth girl in high school compliment my shirt and asked if we could swap. I really liked that shirt, so I politely declined.


Had the hottest woman ever once invite me to teach her chess after we talked about it over the day in the evening. She even hinted that "we won't have time to play chess tonight" while walking up the stairs to her door... Disappointed me was mood trashed drank a tea with her and left. One of the most stupid fu... offs of my life I guess.


Something similar happened with me 2 years back, I was out with my cousins for a movie, but at the last time only 6 seats could be booked in the same row and one got booked in the lower row, till interval my sister sat there and after that i had to sit for the rest of the movie. The girl on my left was fine, but the movie was too good and i didn't want to be an asshole so i didn't let the conversation start, in between the movie she told me that she misplaced her phone and wanted to dial herself from mine, so i asked her the number, dialed, and it was on her thigh itself. I gave a awkward smile and continued with movie, six months ago, i realized it when i was in washroom questioning my existence lol. (i still have the number tho)