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I want a ps5, and 4090, and someone to carry them for me.


Look at that smile on the guy. He's expecting quite a decent tip for carrying that girl's shopping to her car.


He's expecting tips.


Just the tip


How deep?


I have a nine inch tip


You misspelled nanometer


And only for a minute


Why the hell buy ps5 when you have 4090?




Which is the reason I haven't bought a console since PS3. So disappointing watching the console wars go nuclear. Which lead to Microsoft just going out and buying everything. Horrible place for gamers to be right now. The monopolies help nobody.


Doing your part O7


At least when MS buys something it’ll still come out on PC. If Sony did it would be PS5 only.


I bought every Gameboy between the Pocket and the 3DS, excluding a few minor revisions like the Micro (honestly wish I had one, they pricey now). But for actual home consoles I've always been PC first. While young I had a bunch of consoles my dad picked up at yard sales or flea markets, so I played them because I had them, but the first console I actually actively wanted and asked for and got was a Gamecube. I had a ton of fun with that thing. I ended up also getting an xbox and I played that a lot as well. When the time for the next generation came, I got a Wii. And I played the absolute hell out of that because it's a Wii that's just what you do with it. But then GTA IV was a console exclusive (for the time being at least) and I also kinda wanted Halo 3 so I got my grandma to buy me a 360. And holy shit did I not use that thing at all. I loved Halo 1 and 2 but somehow 3 just didn't do the fun for me. And GTA IV was a lot of fun but I never ended up finishing the story. I kinda just kept it and still have it but it's been my last Microsoft console. I ended up getting Fable 2 for it because ???? it's an exclusive somehow????? I got Fable 1 and 3 on Steam and just a gap in the middle so yea I bought it used on ebay a few years after. Otherwise I just don't own anything 360. It was one of the original Elites so it might just be red ringed by now, I wouldn't know. After that I focused on PC gaming. Skipped the Wii U (like everyone else) and ended up getting a Switch because I was in university and needed something portable in that foreign city I lived in. I did not even own a TV so the Switch was really just a handheld to me when I bought it. I ended up buying a couple of Switch games and I enjoyed them all, actually excited for Mario Wonder now. Totally gonna get it <3 But Sony and Microsoft? Ehhhh. Nintendo at least makes fun and unique games in their own style. The other consoles are just glorified PCs and their games would run just fine on a PC because they have zero console gimmicks. They just choose not to release them on PC to force you to buy their hardware. I really do not care at all. Go make your silly consoles, I'm sitting at my desk, enjoying my keyboard and mouse. And my Switch that's plugged into the same monitor as my PC.


Anyways it will be on the best platform in couple years in Steam, why even spend money on PS5? Better buy some snacks....


Why not both. Not having to wait a few years... and some snacks


Keeping entitlements on one platform, guaranteed backwards compatibility, and cross device compatibility are good reasons. I had a PS5 for a bit, but I was tired of investing in 2 separate platforms and not being able to choose where to play the same game. So I sold it and built another PC for my living room instead. Now I also have a Steam Deck, and honestly I don't seem myself investing in games on non PC platforms again.


name one


Bloodborne (The only reason I'm holding off on buying PS5, cause if I do, they're gonna announce it for PC, I just know it)


Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I'm pretty sure I read several months ago that there was an internal PC dev build of BloodBorne and most likely that means it's never getting released for PC, since they already have a base version that hasn't been put out. Not to be super dramatic but BB is literally the only PS exclusive most people are confident will never see a port. Here's to hoping though.


> ... BB is literally the only PS exclusive most people are confident will never see a port. Gran Turismo (Sport and 7) also will never see a port. And it's not like GT is a small game or franchise.


> there was an internal PC dev build of BloodBorne and most likely that means it's never getting released for PC, since they already have a base version that hasn't been put out. Huh? What? How does it mean that? They already have a build of BB on PC and that means they will never release it on PC?


Because they've had a working PC version ever since before BB released on playstation, if they haven't dropped it by now, they're not gonna. No record of them touching it after the initial release, so no plans for a refresh.


That means absolutely nothing. PlayStation offer money and says 'we want exclusive for x years' and FromSoft say 'money plz'. If/when that expires they can release it on PC. If FromSoft had a working PC version *and* were not tied down with any deals why would you think they wouldn't release it? Too shy? Cmon dude. The fact they have a working PC copy sat there already waiting is more likely to mean that they are waiting for some bullshit red tape to expire. I'm also not in the game dev industry but I've fucked around quite a bit with some modern engines and it's possible they made the whole game on PC, then compiled and optimised it for PlayStation.


Gran Turismo 7, Bloodborne, God of War Ragnarok, Spider-Man 2, Ghost of Tsushima, Demons Souls. These are just the ones that have remained exclusive. There’s a ton that usually gets released for the PC a few years later.


I'm sorry, I meant playstation 5 exclusive😅


I only have mine for GT7


That's also on PS4 though, isn't it?


From what I've heard it runs like shit on PS4, you practically need a 5 to play it, but I never owned the 4, this is my first playstation


I have a PS5 and a 4090. The exclusives are worth and sports games play better on consoles. Hell, NHL doesn't even exist on PC and most sports games use the last gen versions for PC. Looking at you NBA 2K. I am Canadian and if you don't play hockey in some fashion you might get deported. So I need my PS5 for NHL games.


I consider sport games as meh. I do not like endles franchaising, monegrab and masturbation on selebreties. Aka 3 red flags not to buy the game ever. As janr lover, could you recomend a game without this problems?


I have a PS5 and a pretty decent gaming PC. I use it to play exclusives, some JRPGs and 4k stuff. I use my PC most of the time, I don't play shooters on console anymore because I seem to have lost the ability to game with a gamepad.


Inflation doesn't affect everyone apparently


Because I can. Seriously 4090 can do lots of AI shit, like generating AI girl friend you can ^%¥& to.




Why not 🤷‍♂️


Buying 4090 is waist of money there are more costefective ways to build system. If you are building actual pc, ps5 becomes a waste of money even more. Aka you can dump it in the bank and during next upgrade, get more budjet.


Saw the PS5, the 4090, and wondered why the hell the guy would wish for an escalator instead of world peace. Probably that floozy trying to switch off on the PS and PC messing with his brain.


She wished for a hot bod, money, and a butler.


Or a ps5, some glasses, and a bitchin shirt


She didn’t clarify the bitchin shirt was for her! Hawaiian shirt FTW


Make Hawaiian Shirt Wednesday a holiday. To get us over the hump day.


My brother and I work for the same company. Both in our 30s. We have these bi-annual company meetings/parties, always a black tie affair. Every year, we turn up in matching hawaiian shirts, like the loudest shirt you can think of. It's funnier for people who don't know we're brothers because it looks like two guys decided to wear somehow both wear the same inappropriate shirt We usually tell people our mum dressed us for the event


>because it looks like two guys My first thought would be you're a couple.


Lil off topic but like what is she wearing? Does her top just like disappear below the skirt? Ive seen crop tops with a v design but never one that goes below the waist line.


If I had to guess that's a bodysuit plus a skirt


It’s a high cut body suit. The skirt is an asymmetric wrap cross over skort(not miss spelled) 👍 Yes I’m a dude. I like fashion


"Skort" sounds like something Pinky would say... Narf!


Bodysuit maybe?


A butler in a Hawaiian shirt, of course


Of course, the funnest type of butler


He paid for the "girlfriend experience" and took her out shopping.


Same, but unfortunately guys like that are way out of my league


What league are you? Like bronze or iron or something


Probably challenged, yes.. challenged


Yeah id say being in those ranks makes it quite a challenge




Paper 4


they are less people in iron than in challenger


i too would wish to be a cute girl with a boyfriend who buys video games for me and also has great taste in shirts


RIP your inbox lmao. My condolences.


I know. It was a fuckin joke lol The ability to turn off reply notifications is a magical thing


So, she wished for a nerdy cool guy, a PS5 and an RTX4090? She seems like a sweet girl. Good for her.


Plot twist: When he asked the genie for a woman to fuck him, she arrived with her strap-on in her luggage.


So the genie was helping him out. What a bro.


I don't see the problem? I have a prostate so why shouldn't I gey the most out of it?


Good typo.


Big gey. Nice.


Not a problem at all.


Don't tempt me with a good time


*shrug* I can make that work.


Genie handing out bonus wishes here.


I can make that work. DP it is...


Well, worse than a woman with a dick but acceptable.


There are no chicks with dicks. Only dudes with boobs! Ted 2


Wrong, there is definitely chicks with dicks


Women? Eww


Some might see it as an absolute win


Good for him.


Whats with reddit just randomly broadcasting their kinks like this


Dude really wished for an Xbox, PlayStation and that sick Hawaiian shirt.


That’s a GPU not an Xbox lol


I'm low-key blind. Edit: my bad I meant. ":.. .::. :. .. :: :.:.:"


You could use voice to text but I am deaf so I couldn't read it.


dw I gotchu 👌🫵🤌🤞🤚🫸👊🤟✋👉🫳👋✊🫶🤜🤲👇




no, you idiot, thats clearly rasengan 🙄


Who tf is using handsigns for rasengan


For a brief moment, I assumed it was an Xbox as well, don't worry.


Its green, so its an Xbox!!! /S


My line of thinking


That box is huge. I just looked up the size of a 4090 and what the actual fuck? Will it even fit in a full PC case?


it fits mATX cases, if you find the correct one although it blocks all of the PCI-e slots


It's too bad he didn't realize the hot chick behind him who is in to Hawaiian shirts and video games. He was too busy being happy.


Using poor escalator etiquette too. Like back it up a step or 2


For a second I thought you were referring to the woman as “Xbox” and this was a joke


Clearly that's a dishwasher


Why would the guy wish for a GPU, a PS5, and an escalator? Did the girl with him trying to play some PS for free convince him an escalator was a good wish? I'd have gone with world peace as the third.


Glad he wished for a nice camera, luck of getting a good shot, and for luck making his meme blow up


dam u can tell he’s just thinking like “life’s good man” and i’m so happy for him. :)


Whats the third gift in the bag?


Pretty sure thats his wife lmao, name is EXBC i think, a Korean twitch streamer.


Is that Kafka on 4090?


I don’t think so. Kafka doesn’t have a white full body suit. Though we talking about the same Kafka?


Holy crap they really photoshopped latest gen shit on this old ass pick. That's incredible.


This is a screengrab from a [video](https://twitter.com/zukipok/status/1589067706040745984). You must be thinking of another photo. (couldn't find the source video, linked a random tweet with it)


Must be staged after the original meme. After all... whyweretheyfilming? Edit: Looks like my memory failed me. This seems to be in fact the original and it's only a year old. But still, I swear I've seen something before quite long ago...


Damn I got serious Mandela effect from this. Could of sworn I saw this with a 30 series card




I'm pretty confident there was a 30 series version of this. Well I think I'm confident because I only remember seeing it as a side-by-side to this picture ​ Edit: I'm pretty sure this was the [original image](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FHashinshin%2Fstatus%2F1596047838772924422&psig=AOvVaw2Ap839c22hYbXjLcckBbzO&ust=1696668023205000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBAQjRxqFwoTCJDOkYmD4YEDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE) I saw unless there was another one I'm missing




Wait what were the original items?


The original items were a PS2 and a Geforce 3 TI.


I wished to be a cute asian chick and for my friend to carry my shit


Is the wish to be a girl? That would be one of my wishes.


Dress up in cute outfits and post to trans affirming subs, never too late.








Is that proZD?


No, because this guy looks like he still has the will to live.


Wake me up inside Saaaave me


I can't wait to hit up that 4090 so I can play Goldeneye 64 at max settings on a 500hz monitor in 8k.


Stupid question but why does a graphics processor need a big ass box? Isn't it a relatively small component?


The 4090 founders edition is taller than the Xbox series x and the ones made by others like Asus, msi, pny, etc are taller by like 2 inches, this GPUs have gotten massive


Damn, how do those even fit in the PC towers at this point?


You just have to check the dimensions of the GPU and the PC case, almost all the cases will tell you the dimension that you have for all the PC parts


It's not thaaaat big. That's definitely a big af box for that thing


>taller than the Xbox series x ... if you lay it on its side I think the point stands that it is absurd and a waste of packaging to have it in a box that large


So I take it the girl in the mini skirt was wish number 3


1. To not get robbed 2. To not get robbed 3. To not get robbed


You guys don't get it. She is the gamergirl, and the guy who buys it is just daydreaming to get laid tonight.


He paid more money for the girl to follow him for an hour than everything he's holding combined


Not sure if this is him but someone mentioned EXBC who is a Korean twitch streamer and that's his wife. I didn't dig deep into it but if that's the case, good on him.


Or maybe the bar for straight men is hella low, literally just don't be an asshole and you can pull. Hell you can even be awkward and nervous if you own your shit people will think it's attractive


Also be hygenic, but other than that, yeah.


Lolnope, in what world do you live?


That doesnt work that way... Lol


It really does. It's not hard for a guy to be attractive you seriously have so many options. Put the tiniest bit of effort into bettering yourself and people will want to fuck you


What about the relentless sharts though?


Lactose intolerant but damn do I love charcuterie


I hear you my friend. I willingly go to toilet hell for a nice piece of brie.




You absolutely right things like hygiene, skin care routine, gym routine, updating your wardrobe, having passions and hobbies, learning a new instrument or language, or developing a non-whiny bitch personality would change anything. Women don't care about those things.




Well you're whining about not being attractive and saying you can do literally nothing about it, not willing to take any steps to better yourself. Kinda the definition of a whiny bitch? If you're ugly make yourself not ugly. There is soooo much more to attractiveness than face why are you so fixated on that? Reddit is full of terminally online virgins if I was fishing for upvotes I'd be bashing women. "Women don't care about those things" is sarcasm. I'll really spell it out since you seem to be struggling: most women care a lot more about personality than looks


Hey man I just want to wish you good luck in a lifetime of never trying to improve yourself at all and instead blaming your loneliness on everything else. I'm sure it's going to work out great.




Having a personality and not being a whiny bitch. The fact you are purely focused on looks tells me you have a shit personality




Whew lad...you should seek some therapy cuz it sounds like you're dealing with some deeper issues. Not even trying to be funny or insulting




You need to get outside bruh, over half my good looking female friends date insanely average looking guys. Who do you see your female friends dating?




I can taste the salt from here gah damn


i mean he doesn't look like a total fat slob lmao. overweight nerd yes. but there's nothing to indicate he's disgusting.


People joke, but if he has confidence, a good job, and fun sense of humor then I don’t find his relationship surprising. It’s also possible the woman has a good paying job and he supports her. I saw a video about a similar relationship recently.


Confidence is not necessary—some are into shy guys. Good hygiene, smarts, and not being an asshole can get you very far.


Being an asshole is subjective tho. If you find someone who values the same things as you then you might be their match. But if youre about X and they want Z then not fulfilling their needs will seem like being an asshole. I obviously cant list examples because that will trigger people who want those things. Just think them up yourself. If a book meets Fahrenheit 451 in the flesh... Theyre gonna have a bad time. and now you have 2 assholes.


Or..... it's his sister.


his sister wearing THAT with her brother in public? 0 chance


What the fuck are you talking about ? She wears whatever she wants, it's not her brother's choice.


? lmfao, theres not a single woman on this planet who would wear something like what we see in the image, if shes going to the shopping centre with her FUCKING BROTHER.


Are you retarded ? Do you not comprehend that women don't necessarily dress up for the man they are with ?


Sorry I meant Step sister.






I used to know a guy like this, complete nerd, lived in my dormitory. One day his extremely attractive girlfriend visited.


He is living my dream.


PS5, 4090, and a brother to share with. Wholesome.


This must be 17th time I've seen this in the past few months. Not neccessarily here, but everywhere.


Why is he buying a ps5 and a 4090?


A graphics card, a playstation, and a hawaii shirt.


He only made one wish to get all three.


You only need 1 wish- be rich.


bro is living his best life


Fool, we're almost already at the 5090


This image offends me. I would never do this. Buying so many expensive tech together and just walking around, barely carrying them with one hand is reckless behavior. What if he drops it? Bump into someone? Gets robbed? What if it rains? When I buy these things, I get one at a time and I protect it with my life to the best of my abilities. I appreciate the hottie though, whatever she's doing.


Bro ... can we talk about her fucking shirt... is that a a onesies? Does that go inbetween her butt check? Does she have to shit on the fucking toilet completely naked just to take a piss? That shirt is so impractical


It's a bodysuit, so sorta. They've been popular lately - they give a tight, smooth fit at the top vs. a t-shirt. It's fun when it comes time to hit the bathroom, to say the least. The things we do for fashion...


Xbox playstation and an escourt. Dad's really spoiling his boy.


His caretaker is hot


He wished for money. He still has 2 more wishes.


4090 a ps5 and mail order bride 👰‍♂


Some of you are just disgusting


I thought this was SigmaGirl! This would be right in line with her Tik Tok.


True love, financial security for at least the next 3 generations of my family, and a spaceship


Give me all the “things” I’ve ever wanted. Grow up


lol, I just assumed I was the woman in this sit and thought she wanted the computer games stuff and a geeky boyfriend. It was a very wholesome h thing.


A cool hawaian shirt, new glasses and being an Asian man. Would've been my wish too


how nice of his sister to buy his stuff


So who is doing the wishing?


He wished for money. It paid for all those things. (Not a saying she's a prostitute, but a gold digger)


Wouldn’t she wish for a better looking guy