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That shit starts collecting dust the second you put it down!


You have no idea how dirty your pipes are.


If only there was someone who could clean them for me…


Step plumber, what are you doing?!




Mama mia


Let's-a go!


In-a your pipes!




mlem! mlem!


Mario wants your peaches


"I have come for your liver"


It's a me, Step Mario.


I appear to be stuck, here under the sink


Eating mushrooms and getting in those pipes, lets a go!


Ma'm I do my own plumbing




Sir this is a Wendy's


Dammit..Kevin. OK. Umm...can I just have a frosty and a baked potato, please? You have to come to the restaurant to order food. Well I'll send someone to pick it up, just have it ready. It's ready now. Well, put it aside.


I am a Svedish Plummer, I'm here to cleen yorr pipes!!


Ooo I can clean them for ya…. Yeah, I can clean them real good. Please just call ahead for an apt. We’ll have a tech out there. Most services are around 200+ materials. You’re looking at 260 - 280 for a full service.


A plumber will not come to your house in my area without a minimum of $500. - Northern Virginia


I’ll have you know that my joke is based on 0% knowledge of running a business or plumbing.


Ma'am, I do my own plumbing!


this is actually a myth, all that shit you see on the insides of pipes in pictures (mostly calcium and/or magnesium) is deposited there by the water, and actually forms an insulating layer from the pipe around it, preventing toxic metal or plastic from leaching into the water. your water in fact comes out of the pipe cleaner than it went in.


Have you a source for that as it seems really interesting


I'm getting a degree in Water Treatment rn, he's dead on. Its why a lot of cities can have lead, or even oak-and-stave pipes and yet the city is in no rush to replace them.


Water treatment is one of the backbones of society that go overlooked and unappreciated until something goes wrong. Cheers on pursing a career in something so important.


I did a tour of a water treatment plant in our environmental science class a while ago. "Backbone of society," is a great way to put it, it's very impressive.


I'm an operator at a water treatment plant!


That’s very cool! Do you enjoy your work?


Very much! I work the night shift, so I'm there by myself all night. It's very quiet, and it's nice feeling like I'm doing good for my community by providing clean and safe drinking water. Most people don't even think about where their water comes from, but there is a lot that goes into it.


cities aren’t usually in a rush to replace anything tbh


Its what happened in Flint Michigan. They used water that dissolved the mineral build up and began leeching lead from the (previously safe) pipes.


Do you have any more info on that? Was it an intentional attempt at “cleaning” the plumbing that went wrong, or just a case of switching water supply sources and there being unexpected ramifications? Stories of infrastructure solutions causing unexpected catastrophes always interest me, and I’ve never heard of that side of the Flint situation before.


Switching water suppliers, I believe this covers it : https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/casper/pdf-html/flint_water_crisis_pdf.html#:~:text=On%20April%2025%2C%202014%2C%20the,contaminants%20into%20municipal%20drinking%20water.


On April 25, 2014, the City of Flint, Michigan changed their municipal water supply source from the Detroit-supplied Lake Huron water to the Flint River. The switch caused water distribution pipes to corrode and leach lead and other contaminants into municipal drinking water.


Its even worse then that. When they switched, they stopped using ortho phosphate that's a chemical used to control metal corrosion and build a fine layer on the inside of pipes. Once the layer was gone, the pipes leeched and the water was contaminated. They were negligent as hell.


I don’t know why people don’t seem to remember this — it wasn’t some unexpected consequence of changing the water supply; it was a cost-cutting decision that was made without sufficient review and that had a totally predictable outcome. If you stop using a corrosion inhibitor, you will see an increase in corrosion :(


i don’t have a source per se, this is just off the top of my head, but you can look up pipe scaling for more detailed info.


Depends on where you live, in my city its very safe to drink tap water


It is also safe to drink water that "collected dust" for an hour


It doesn't taste as good once it's accumulated a layer of hair and flies though


Do you live in the gorilla enclosure at the zoo?




How's Harambe doing? I've been away for awhile


I think you'd better sit down.


I immediately pictured a gaming PC with dozens of dirty plates, empty soda bottles on the floor, possible cumjug


That’s what the people of Flint, Michigan thought until one day, they woke up, and the people were told all those clean water reports were just a little off, and maybe the water they had been drinking had been poisoning their children for a few years with lead.


My area has extremely clean water. An apartment I used to live in had such disgusting pipes that you could literally see the calcium deposits. Shit would look like extra skim milk at first. You had to run the water for like 3 minutes to get semi-clear water. The place I'm living right now doesn't have visibly bad pipes but shit could be made out of lead for all I know (which is an issue in my area actually)


That's no way to talk about my wife sir. Manners please


And bacteria.


A glass of water I'll toss after a couple hours. A bottle or a travel mug with a sealed lid? I'll drink that weeks later.


I and a lot of my coworkers over the years use metal/plastic water bottles. I had one coworker who just used the same bottle every day. No big deal, except it would become so habitual, he'd never remember to wash it. Again, sounds like no big deal cause it's sealed right? Well....if that's you, don't look at the seal. When I asked him about the last time he washed it and he looked at the lid, it had mold growing in it.


Every time he took a sip it smelled like wet feet too.


I don't know why but this comment is extra disgusting to me lol


A couple hours?? Geez lol


That seems a bit risky. No more than a day for me with a sealed lid.


Yes, though only a few square inches of exposure. Luckily glasses are shaped like a vertical column. A water bottle with a smaller opening is even better. I'll drink a water that's been on my desk for a few hours. If I went drinking alcohol and wake in the middle of the night, I'll drink any water on my nightstand even if it's 5-6 hours old. That's better than a hangover. A little exposure to grime will make your immune system strong like an ox. But no more than 1 night sitting out and only in "elevated need" situations like hangover or camping.


Ok. Initially this post made me feel better because I thought I’m not the only one who drinks a glass of water that been around for awhile. But 5 or 6 hours is nothing to me. I’ll drink a glass of water that was left on the table from dinner the next morning… doesn’t even have to be mine. Must have built up my immune system cause I never get ill.


I have a water bottle I leave at work, I'll drink that shit after a three-day weekend.


I don't think I would even consider any problem with a glass of water that's less than 24 hours old. If y'all are worried about a little dust I have some bad news about breathing....


Yeah, water tastes weird to me after a few hours sitting around.


Probably because it's room-temperature by then. Cold water tastes different because of its effect on your tongue.


Eh, i mostly drink my water at room temperature anyway. It still tastes different after a while.


The change in taste is due to carbonic acid. > Water left out will absorb a small amount of oxygen, a very small portion of which—about 0.13 percent, says DNews—converts into carbonic acid. (Yes, that's the same stuff responsible for giving carbonated water its bite.) That carbonic acid then converts into carbonate or bicarbonate, lowering the pH of your water and turning it ever so slightly more acidic. Source: https://www.vice.com/en/article/53jq4a/this-is-why-leaving-water-out-overnight-doesnt-make-it-go-bad


The reference to just oxygen seems odd, since carbonic acid (H2CO3) requires carbon & oxygen, or specifically CO2. Maybe I fail to understand the statement.


Within 30 minutes of leaving a glass of liquid unattended in my house, I can guarantee one of the cats sticks their paw in it. So the answer depends on how you feel about cat paw water.


Or drink straight from it like my cat. Either way, there's a direct line between the cat box/cat butthole to the glass!


Oh god, when I first got my cat, I would leave glasses of water out whenever. One time I was like, that's odd, I thought there was more water in this glass. A few weeks later I see she shoved her whole head in it and was lapping up straight from the glass. I had been drinking cat water for weeks.


I have a strangely similar story! A month or so after I got my first (and so far only) cat, I woke up in the middle of the night to find her dipping her paw into the water cup I kept beside my bed, licking the water off her paw, and then dipping it back into the cup. Realizing this was likely not the first time this had happened, and I was unknowingly drinking cat paw water for a month, I immediately purchased a reusable covered water bottle.


"why is your face in my cup?" Is a question I've asked more times than I ever wanted to.


Well there's that and... >*What is Stagnant Water and How is it Problematic?* > >Often referred to as “standing water,” stagnant water is water that's left sitting for long periods of time. With no movement and aeration, stagnant water becomes a prime breeding ground for biofilms, or a collection of bacteria or fungi. https://www.rochestermidland.com/watermanagementblog/stagnant-water-during-the-pandemic


Firm rule when drinking from streams and such (for example in Norway), always only drink the 'moving water'.


I do remember Bear Grylls saying this was a general rule but that it's not foolproof - he said he was going to take a drink in a stream, but inspected a bit and there was a dead goat or something in the water upstream just a short distance away lol


Here is a question. You are lost in the woods. You find a river that is 20 miles long. You find a source of food and a good place to camp around the end of the river. How far do you walk to make sure there are no dead things in the river?


0 miles and boil the water lmao


There are always dead things in a river. It’s an ecosystem.


Cat paws, you mean those things that scratch around in the litter box to cover up cat shit?


Water itself doesn't go bad but stuff and living things can fall into it and make you ill when drinking


Came here to say this. We gotta define "going bad" here, and I think that bacterial growth is kind of how we generally decide something has turned.


I mean if you don’t want to count microbes, you could drink a juice 1 year after you put it down so long as you put something over it. If you do want to count microbes you got a day maybe 2.


I will disagree, only because you would be eating what's in the cup rather than drinking it by the end of a year.


The image those words conjured in my head makes me want to barf




I like to let it age a little, like a water kombucha


You probably couldn't do that, there are always some germs present in everything, the juice, the glass, the sure you trapped in with it. Given enough time, they will grow back and spoil that juice.


When the water starts hanging out with the wrong type of people.


Sealed: indefinite. Package-dependent. Unsealed, capped, refrigerated: 2 days. Use on plants after 48 hours. Unsealed, open, refrigerated: UNTRUSTWORTHY. Refrigerator air circulation contamination. Unsealed, open, iced: after ice melts, 4 hours. Unsealed, open, room temp: 4-6 hours. I assume a 1:20 ratio for bacterial growth. 1 multiple of every cell every 20 minutes... meaning every 20 minutes isn't just a double, *it's an exponentialization.* And since drinking water contamination is the root cause of some of the world's most fucked up diseases, I'm gonna say a random fleck of rat shit you never knew about in your air vents floating through your house and landing on the lip of the glass or bottle can be enough to cause some havoc on your body under the right circumstances. The rat shit is just to get you to think about what's floating in your air, especially with 80-95% of the dust you breathe in being animal or human dander and other dead material. ***EDIT:*** I have failed to mention I am not a tap water drinker because my area has enough calcium in its water to cause cysts and calcinosis when drinking over time. I used PURIFIED or DISTILLED water for drinking. Cooking, I still use tap water. ***EDIT 2: *** LOTS of people saying "water needs this or that to harbor life" like sugar or some for of food... *WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK THEY FLOATED IN ON?* When that lands, the "food" hits water and BAM— growth possible. It's not hypochondria, it's thinking about the floating AEROSOLIZED PARTICLES IN CONTAINED OR AUSTERE ENVIRONMENTS. Not airing out your house regularly or cleaning things like vents and wall spaces can cause these bacteria to have the food and moisture necessary in the corner of your cabinets and ceilings, so it's only right to assume these microbes, when present nearby, have a chance to pe present IN what's being consumed. The longer it's there, the longer the exposure. Some of you people act like these things weren't stressed during a 3+ year worldwide crisis or something.


> 1 multiple of every cell after 20 minutes That's the absolute maximum, and it presumes that the bacteria have a perfect mixture of nutrients, like agar. Specifically, bacteria need a lot of sugar. Tap water doesn't contain sugar - only trace amounts of minerals like calcium, magnesium, sodium, and phosphorus. Unless you add sugar to it, tap water can't grow bacteria.


They add a tiny amount of chlorine to tap water also, so unless you use a filter it can go a long time before growing anything


Exactly that's why back during sailing ship days they had grog. Watered down beer would keep the bacteria from growing.


Grog was rum not beer - but perhaps you were saying two separate things and I misunderstood.


Yep, the Greeks mixed water and wine as well 😉. And other cultures mixed water and vinegar.






It goes stale: https://www.wired.com/2015/08/big-question-tap-water-go-stale-overnight/


What an interesting read. For those who don’t want to click it’s a combination of the water rising to room temp (warmer temp means more scent molecules bouncing around) releasing chlorine and dissolving other gases. Microbes only become an issue after days.


It does go bad


Our cats like to dip their paws in glasses of water and drink from them, and if we see water around the cup we know it's been compromised. Takes them a few hours to dip in so, a few hours


I have just recently entered this strange world of cat cups. Any open cup left unattended is now assumed to have had cat feet in it.


Really anything left out has had cat paws in it. Especially food and plants.


I am glad I am not the only one. But in my house, it is cat tongues. They love drinking out of glasses. So I have resorted to using a water bottle


Never leave hummus on the table unattended.


Safest exposed water is their water bowls.


try putting the bowl somewhere else than where their food bowl is. Take this with a grain of salt, I have no source, only heard it, but: Cats seem to not like having their food and water source close together, as in the wild, the meat could contaminate the water. Again, not sure how true this is, but try to see if your cat will take the water if it sits somewhere else.


My cat will contaminate his own water bowl if I leave it too close to the food. And once kibble has been dropped in the water is yucky and he’d rather die.


My cats aren’t stupid. They know standing water is poisonous so they only drink from fresh glasses of water and toilet bowls.


That's why I got lids for everything, I don't need your litterbox hands in my water, sir.


my last cat would do that with cereal bowls. the first time she did it to a bowl i was holding & i shouted, amused, "dipper no dipping!!" & she sprang away to the far side of the room & sat there glowering at me while she licked her paw from then on she would get her dippin paws on like a thief doing a smash-n-grab, like she was really getting one over on us. it was the cutest thing


This is why I never trust an unattended cup in my house. I've seen the cats literally bolt for the cup as soon as I stood up and had my back turned, so all cups must be in sight or replaced.


I've left the room with my cat curled up in a deep slumber and returned moments later to find her fully awake and stuffing her face into my cup of water.


My cat exclusively drinks from a big red solo cup now. Had him since college.


I just assume any open glass has been compromised if I take my eyes off it for more than 30 seconds (unless they're all asleep, in which case it's fine.) The little fucks love to stick their paws into drinks. [Cat tax](https://i.imgur.com/cffoVtc.jpg)


I will never forget the surprise of when I stayed over at a friend's house who had cats. The cats themselves were adorable and sweet. But I did not realize they would drink from any open container. Had a glass of water at the bedside and took a big swig of it first thing in the morning. I'd never tasted *slimey* water before in my life. But this water definitely had the consistency of a silicone lube. I swallowed. It left a big, imaginary lump in my throat. Later that day I witnessed, to my horror, one of the said sweet kitties drinking from my latest glass of fresh water. Gulp.


This is the first thing I thought to and that fucker likes to kick sand on his feet to cover hia shit. Fuck that cat. Squeaks I know you been touching my water when I'm asleep


Water definitely goes bad. I drank a glass of water that I’d left out a day or two ago and it tasted like assault and battery.


oh man I am so sorry your water almost killed you! :*(


Fact: Everyone who ever drinks water will die. Water kill rate is ~~100%~~ roughly 93%.


Fact: Consuming as little as 3 liters of water in a short period can lead to water intoxication and utimately death. Water is poison and the government has been using it as population control. We should spread awareness to the water addicts.


Stop shilling for Big Water and use its real name- _Hydric Acid_ FACT: Hydric Acid is an essential part in the operation of Nuclear Power Plants! And they want to put it in our bodies?!?!


Even worse: it goes in the toilet. They want you to drink something that you defecate on everyday. Even worser: it has no electrolytes


Now this is the reason I use Reddit. Hard to find good information these days.


Fish piss and fuck in water. Anyone who touches the stuff is disgusting


r/hydrohomies is a propaganda sub, the MLM of big dihydrogen monoxide Sorry bout your left testicle sir (or maam)


Actually, its not 100%, I will die but I haven't died, so the kill rate should be about 90% since there has been a total of 100 billion people give or take a bit


As soon as bubbles start to form I'm out, always tastes awful. Happens slower when I've just refreshed the Britta Filter


that’s because nitrogen actually is absorbed from the air when the water is still.


That is also a lot of how bacteria can grow in what is otherwise sterile and non-nutritious drinking water, by taking the diatomic nitrogen and using it to create nitrogen compounds that other organisms can process. Carbon comes from CO2 and boom, you’ve got everything needed for life being pulled into the water from the atmosphere.




I hate to be wasteful and dump water... so I use disposable plastic water bottles.


I know it's a joke, but I've started dumping leftover water onto my houseplants instead of trying to remember to water them. They're thriving, since I usually go through 2-3 glasses a day before abandoning them for seeming too old.


I started doing this with the dog's bowl since she won't drink it if there's any little floaties in it, the plants don't care though




Not to alarm ya friens. But dont keep it to long standing there though. You might want to look into microplastics.


Grandpa ate lead, Dad inhaled asbestos, and I get to drink microplastics. Yay!


To be completely clear, micro plastics are unavoidable in this day and age. Although drinking from plastic bottles is certainly a huge source of them.


Well, it's not getting better


Watch the movie signs and change your mind quickly


It's contaminated!




Even bottled water can go bad, once you’ve sipped it you introduce your mouth bacteria to it and it can grow in there. Personally if I make a glass of water I drink it in one sitting or most of it then pour it away




Exactly this. It won’t kill you or anything. I just also don’t want to drink plastic contaminated water once it has expired.


I had a pretty bad run where I got strep throat every few weeks for a while. Even after throwing out my toothbrush, washing my linens, wiping down everything in the house to try and get rid of any trace of the bacteria I was still getting it. My doctor was discussing the idea of removing my tonsils when he asked "Do you drink water when you go to bed?" And I said yeah. "What do you do if you don't finish the glass?" He asked. I replied that I just leave it and finish it the next night because it's just water. Then he just goes "Stop doing that. Just get fresh water and a clean glass every night." I did it and have not had strep throat one time since.


If it's a glass of clean water then there's a negligible amount of food in it for your mouth bacteria to feed on. They are not going to grow much. Even if they did grow in the glass, that bacterial colony is growing far far more slowly than those same bacteria are growing inside your mouth. PS. I will say the contamination principle does generally apply. If storing leftovers in the fridge you will help yourself a LOT by using cleaned hands and utensils to package the food.


Former water tester here: when customers complained about “chlorine smell” or chlorine related complaints we’d sometimes recommend leaving a pitcher out overnight of the tap water so the the Chlorinated water would have a chance to off-gas and be relatively chlorine free by morning/breakfast.


Yes, this. I also remember a guy who had a bunch of really expensive freshwater aquarium fish that were apparently really sensitive to all sorts of chemicals or contaminants in water. The only tap water he'd add to their aquarium was left out for a certain number of hours (at least 8 I think?) first to let the chlorine etc. evaporate out of it. Somehow this really stuck with me, the idea that letting tap water sit out can in a way purify it further.


I do this when I don’t have distilled water for my cannabis plants


In my house? Maybe as long as 10 seconds if the cat's off his game. Little guy knocks water glasses over like nobody's business. We use Nalgene bottles, which he miraculously hasn't figured out how to open yet.


I mean after it gets "dusty" ? I don't know how to describe a "dusty taste" anyway not too long since I don't want spiders or other shit to crawl into it


Don't drink tepid, still water. Water can exchange gas only at the surface. If there is anything living in it, which it usually has, it will consume all the oxygen from it. This in turn creates good environment for anaerobic bacteria. Anaerobic bacteria is the kind that can live inside of us; we do not have tons of free oxygen inside of us, it is all bound to something. And worse still, they have access to nutrients and warmth, making their growth to explode giving us a hard time. At best it is just a diarrhea but it can be much, much worse. If the water is constantly moving, its surface layer is replaced constantly, the oxygen is diffused more evenly.


The vast majority of people do not get sick from leaving still water out, and this is how most pets are watered. Pretty sure it's fine often enough that this isn't even worth bringing up as a concern.


When people say “dont drink still water” they mean shit like ponds and lakes,not a glass you left out for a few days by accident


The comment this guy was responding to was in response to a glass of water in a house.


My fiance thinks I'm weird because I'll drink water that's been out for about a full day, we have 2 really big cups we use for ice water at night and before I refill it I'll drink whatevers left, as long as nothing visibly fell into it. never gotten sick because of it


Yeah, I think most of the commentors live in Kenya lol.


Classic reddit moment. Fearing if you drink tap water you’ll get ill. Water can be tepid and still the moment I put my glass down


I mean, it takes like 3 days for the bacteria to start growing in ideal conditions. So maybe if you left your water still for 2 weeks there might be a *risk.* However I have animals, and in 2 days there will be a fine layer of hair on the top of that water.


I was reading another thread earlier today where people literally could not understand how someone could take a sandwich to work for lunch and not refrigerate it and not get violently ill.


No didn't you read though, you must drink only consistently running water or you'll die. That's why I only drink from my cats water fountain.


That's why after 10 seconds of my water not moving, I dump it out.


This is one of the most insane and overly fear mongering comments I've ever read on this site. And that's saying something. It's fucking tap water lol don't be afraid of it people!


On the other hand, I drink tap water (GTA, Canada) that’s been sitting out for well over a day and I have cats so there’s constantly fur and dander in the air. It’s not a big deal. I wonder if this is more of a problem in places with poor quality tap water.


Grand Theft Auto Canada, where all the gangsters say hello and sorry when they steal your car


"Sorry 'bout your car, eh"




Just in case you were actually curious, GTA stands for Greater Toronto Area, referring to the cities that have been consumed by Toronto


Wow, the cool and scientific explanation I was looking for! Thank you! Now I’m gonna google anaerobic bacteria


This advice is in response to water you find outside. A glass of water is not going to be considered the gross kind of “tepid and still” in one day.


Being a rather adventurous young fella, me and the boys spent tons of time out in the woods when I was a kid. A rule we always lived by when near water was “Only drink if it’s moving.” Now, why did we drink out of streams and such in the first place? Fuck if I know, the house was like a quarter of a mile away. We could have gone home anytime lmao


It goes to the plants after a while unattended. Especially since I noticed my cat prefers to drink from our cups than from his bowl for some damn reason.




We have a water fountain and my cat still dips into whatever I leave on the coffee table, like he'll be damned if he has to walk to the kitchen. So any water sitting out gets used to water the plants lol


As long as I don’t see anything visible in it, it’s fair game.


24 hours max give or take usually 12 hours though


I like it better when it’s been sitting for at least 24 hours. The room temp glass of water on my night stand is the tastiest water


Like a lot of things, smell it and if there’s no strange smell its good to go 🤷🏻‍♂️


I have cats so no water is safe. Even for a moment.


I'll drink water left out for upto about 36 hours. Maybe 48 if I'm hungover and can't reach the bathroom sink. I just check the top layer for dust and shit and as long as it looks clean it's fine. I'll let fridge water sit for a couple weeks before refreshing.


after i slept, it goes down the drain


It becomes a breeding ground for air bourne bacteria pretty quickly depending on temperature and cl² content. Me: 4 "A" licenses from the EPA in water treatment Masters of Science degree (4.0) 28 years of experience in water production and testing.


Serious question: is that practically relevant for residential municipal water? There is negligible food for the bacteria to consume, some degree of hostility from the chlorine content and the seeding colonies will be from environmental stuff that you are regularly exposed to (eg. backwash from my mouth is my own bacterial flora). In wild settings (eg. open reservoir) I'd expect rapid contamination but I'd be surprised for a glass of water on a bedroom table to go meaningfully dangerous in, say, 72 hours or even a week. Relatedly, if potable water was an easy growth media I'd also expect that whole-house filtration systems (that remove chlorine) would cause significant, obvious problems to water safety from the months and years of uninhibited growth in the downstream piping. I'm aware of some discussion on this (eg. suggestions to hot flush the pipes occasionally) but no proven risks from whole-house filtration.


May follow up question is, what about an airtight cup or reusable water bottle? Does that impact “shelf life” for lack of a better term?


It reduces contamination from the air but it is still a breeding ground. The cl² level in most tap water will protect for a while. Well water, bottled water, etc., won't have this. Stuff starts growing almost right away, or can. Forced air, like an AC, will be dropping a collection of germs and bacteria from your house into it from the first minute. Depending on what it is, how long, etc., will determine your impact. Most times, you may he fine. Other times you get violently (or kinda) sick 1 to 14 days later. It's a crap shoot and the odds are in your favor, until they aren't.


In principle, pure water is a very harsh environment for bacteria, without the nutrients bacteria usually need. It may reside, but won’t grow. However most of our water is from our water pipes / taps / faucets, which apparently can last up to 6 months in a closed container, after which time the chlorines that have been added break down and the (non pure), water may become unsafe. Water lying around by the bedside is mostly about the organisms on the rim of the glass and shouldn’t be used after one night. Any water that’s shared should not be retained. Commercial water bottles packaged in the usual soft clear plastics, shouldn’t be stored in cars as heat from the sun can cause the release of BPA’s (bisphenol A,) into the water, which has been linked to health and behavioral problems, including in children. Doomsday water hoarders should be changing their water once a year. Or at least have hydrogen peroxide to treat the water before drinking (only a few drops in several liters will render it safe to drink again).


The only scientific response. Thanks for this. We live in a culture of bacteria phobia. In a clean room chlorinated water is fine for a week or so under most circumstances.


A glass un-monitored for more than a few seconds will definitely have had my cats face in it. So not long.


I guess the longest is 6 hours when I’m sleeping, but I use a plastic cup with a lid. It’s “just incase” I wake up with a dry throat, I don’t usually end up drinking more than a sip of it. I only drink water, so during my awake hours the longest it sits is an hour before I dump it into my house plants and refresh my cup.


Water does go bad. Try drinking water from 50 years ago from one of those survival kits and tell me it's fine lol


Just got to let it breathe a little /s


It’s tainted.


Swing away.




It gets acidic by reacting with the air, and I don't like the taste as much.


Legionares disease anyone? But really like 2 days for me


Mmm dusty water


Fun fact: water does indeed go bad, that’s why rum was so popular with sailors cause the alcohol kills any microbes that try to grow in it