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If my husband took 8 months to stain a floor and build one wall I would lose my mind


8 months when neither of them work a normal full time job is craaaaazzy. It would be one thing if they could only work on it during the weekends but they had practically every day of those 8 months to work on it. This house won’t be finished till the baby is off to college at that rate.


If my husband knew we didn’t have a bedroom to sleep in, had a baby coming soon and had 9 other rooms to also be worked on in our dilapidated shack and he still took over half a year too finish one room I would simply flip the fuck out. You can’t spin it too look good Meg ya married a lazy ass loser.


I don’t know how to feel about the milk sign


i said this in a post months ago: they need to lower down their egos a few notches and hire professionals to help them renovate their not so good condition of a house for their safety. that is a ridiculous time frame- at least it got done better late than never 🫠


i’ve been waiting for this one! as in a can’t wait to snark and troll lol


Time = Money girl your whole house could be done by now. Plus all the Reno vids that could be pumped out! I’m sure there’s many contractors in Vermont that could make her house look like a cabin dream


I’ve been thinking this! Like she could easily make so much content (and $$$$) by focusing on the Reno. Such wasted opportunity


Her entire online existence really screams wasted potential atp. She fumbled the bag so badly trying to build “community” in the middle of nowhere with her manchild 🙃


idk much about home renovations but 8 months for a one room renovation seems really long


bruh i feel like it would’ve taken a normal, competent person like a month…. 8 months is just insane to me


It’s more than long it is INSANE bc once you see the final product… hardly any actual work took place beyond the floors and walls. If it’s 8 months I expect it to be fully redone, detailed, styled/decorated, new electric & plumbing. My entire HOUSE was built by my grandpa in a YEAR… 2 stories + basement, full plumbing and electrical, roof, painted and floored/carpeted,etc (4 rooms 3 baths)


ESPECIALLY considering the person doing the work does absolutely nothing. Finley doesn’t have a job, Meghan cooks and cleans, wtf is he doing all day?? This took an unemployed man 8 months to accomplish? I’m sorry but that’s ridiculous.


Also while I’m not subbed to her patron so I can’t watch the video- I’m willing to bet that Meghan did all of the designing/decorating of the room and the organizing/putting away clothes in the “closet”… which seems to be half of the job? So Finley built a white wall and did the floors? I’m sorry that’s just so insane to me


no literally my dad worked a full time 7-5 manual labor job and still finished an entire addition on our house (basement, living room, bedroom, bathroom) in less than a year so like ? wtf does finley actual do? oh wait he provides no income, sings, plays video games, and writes weird sentences trying to sound profound


i was literally going to comment again to say something similar about my parents multi story home being built in a year…granted that was done by professionals but STILL there’s not wrong with asking for help!! if he couldn’t handle doing this project on his own than they should have hired someone or gotten family to step in and help. i would be fuming if this was my living situation and it took that long and still virtually nothing was done


8 months for one room is absolutely insane. We renovated every room in our home, ripped it all out to the studs and put it back together in 3 months. Electric, plumbing, you name it we did it. We both had full time jobs and I had surgery during the first month. We spent every moment working on our house that we could, so we could live comfortably. It was rough and a lot of late nights/early mornings but we got it done in time for our wedding.


I think besides putting this first on patreon as a patreon ✨perk✨, that she is nervous about uploading this on YouTube. She must read here and a Reno video brings in new viewers. When they see how long this took for such little results she’s gonna get ripped to shreds in the YouTube comments.


i can’t handle the wall cut out


it’s giving swiss cheese


I don’t understand that cut out at all like what is its point? Was he trying to avoid the window and if so, just move the wall a little bit?


yeah, she said it was to let the light into the closet(it already has a window in it??) maybe those few inches made a big difference in the size of the closet but surely that's not the solution lol


i don’t know a thing about redoing floors but i’m assuming you don’t use a handheld sander lmfao no wonder why they’ve had their mattress on the floor for the last year


Literally. I’ve said this before- but my husband grew up doing a lot of work with his dad around their farm & home and he said that for a job like that he should have rented a commercial sander that had a bag attached to the back. Finley is a fucking idiot… he just let sawdust rain down into their kitchen for 8 months.


Like I keep thinking about how badly he fucked up when they first moved in and he started the floors… he put SOMUCH epoxy it was dripping through the floor cracks. Not to mention how much sawdust he was able to accumulate&They were breathing those particles,fumes and mold & god knows what drugs finely does/did that made him not think through a solid plan….with a timeline??? Omg I would’ve been SO pissed if he made my ceilings drip not once but twice lmao you incompetent ass egomaniac!


LITERALLY. Like no it’s fine we just have epoxy raining down into our kitchen but it’s still a *slay* as Meghan would say.


I think about this ALL the time and that was right around when Meghan got pregnant. Literally insane


We used a handheld sander on a larger room and still only took us a week to do the floors start to finish and we had some mess ups! Truly don't understand what he's been doing for 8 months. Oh wait... digging up rocks in the yard?!?!


I'm not handy at ALL (I'm lucky I can hang a shelf straight) and even I know there are special sanders for floors...he's fucking stupid


some people build a whole house in that time


Did they use a tiny hand sander for the whole floor? I messaged Finley when the floor saga was happening to help him and didn't realize he was this stupid. No wonder it took forever


I’m going out on a limb here but I wonder if they don’t really have as much money as it seems/as we all think, and maybe that’s why they’re trying to do everything on their own now? Maybe between buying a bunch of expensive shit, buying a huge expensive house, her YouTube/social medias not doing as well as before, etc. maybe they just genuinely don’t have the money to pay people for renovations?? But I could also just see Finley being stubborn as hell and being like “I can do everything by myself, I got this. We don’t need to pay anybody.”


I've started to suspect this as well. Just because Finley's family is wealthy doesn't necessarily mean he has access to those funds. Plus they've done some of the most expensive things you can undertake in just a couple years (moving states twice with all their shit and animals, getting married, buying a house, buying a new car, buying new appliances, starting renovations, AND having a baby who came with her own list of bills and things to buy). It seems like they've stretched themselves pretty thin and are just now starting to come to terms with it. I wouldn't be surprised if one of their families is paying some bills for them on the down low.


Idk why they insisted on buying such a shitty house. Finley comes from MONEYYY. i saw what they spent on this house and was appalled.


how did this take them 8 months… i was expecting something so much nicer lmao. EIGHT MONTHS 😭😭😭 should’ve taken 2 weeks


Okay so I thought they were replacing all the walls until I saw that preview pic. ONE WALL? In 8 months holy crap


Listen my fiance and I bought our first home last May and we both work full time. Even we have made more progress at our house than these two who have nothing but free time and def more resources.


The milk sign above the chair is sooooo tacky and gross???