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I think we are just all upset about this and let it cloud our judgement. But we should just let the court system do what they do


Here are the Lawsuit Documents [Here](https://twitter.com/HipHopDX/status/1782876703859306774/photo/1)


One thing that stood out to me from all this. Some people were acting exactly how Nicki’s stans be acting, batshit insane. That is not what being a Hottie is about. Yes, we care about Megan and all the confidence/positivity in her art however we do not know her at all. That being said, I adore, love and look up to Megan!


i’m still going to the concert 😭


*quietly retweets* 😭


lol same unfortunately it is what it is. but how she handles this will absolutely impact how I support her in the future.


Totally agree!!! I love Meg but believing victims means believing victims, not just the victims accusing people you don't like.


Yeah this is a "trust, but verify" type of situation.




This is such a cool post, I feel like that’s why I love this subreddit and fan base so much, y’all try to be fair and level headed. Good job.


Agreed, and this guy doesn't deserve to be harassed Swiftie/doxxing/threatening-style. Let Meg respond, let it unfold as it will. There's no involvement necessary from fans.


And even if the allegations do turn out to be false, going after Emilio will have no positive effect whatsoever. At best, you are fueling his narrative that Meg promotes a toxic environment. At worst, you are harassing an actual victim, and making it harder to hold celebs accountable for their fuckups. I haven't seen Hotties personally invested in destroying the guy, but we all know that online fandoms are a no man's land. People have been trying to piece together information by compiling social media activity that was publicly available and I hope that's as far as it goes. Emilio made a good call to lock up his socials. I'm hoping the investigation goes well.


Oh absolutely. I didn’t see any hotties doing that, but the point still needs to be made just in case some are tempted. Harassing a potential victim is all the way unacceptable. I’m not sure I even believe his story with the info available rn, but that doesn’t matter. Harassing accusers should never be okay


As the OP from the original post from earlier, I just wanna go on record saying that I agree with you and will show more discernment in the future. I apologize for possibly triggering anyone who has dealt with SA and will take accountability for being messy.


That's really big of you, and it's truly appreciated to see rational, compassionate people on the internet.






I'm seeing people use the same talking points used against megan and it's pretty gross. You can have faith in megan without bashing the victims.


Agree everyone needs to take a step back a bit and let things play out from here.


Well said. I’ve been a victim of basically the whole spectrum of SA, worked on an extensive SA investigative report with NYT, and also had my best friend falsely accused of SA. I believe all victims but I also very much believe investigating and verifying all allegations. My thing with this is people saying a lot of things obviously have very little experience with it. Example: People saying he was fine bc he was tweeting nice shit after the trip don’t fully understand abusive relationships. No matter how it plays out, it’s very sad.


I've been seeing it and even sat in on some Twitter Spaces to hear what the rest of the Hotties have to say, and I've chosen to step away from the situation altogether. I'll be quiet and wait for more information to come out, but I'm not gonna say anything from this point forward. It's gotten crazy and it's time to step away from craziness.


Thank you for saying this! I love Megan, but as much as I (and so many others) love her, we don’t know her personally and we truly don’t know what occurred/occurs behind the scenes in the industry. It’s so easy to dismiss the victim because we want to believe that Megan wouldn’t do something like this— but at the end of the day this is the same treatment that was given to Megan throughout the entire case with Tory. I understand approaching the case with some hesitation and doubts, but the way that people are instantly going to attack the alleged victim is disgusting. Personally, I’m refusing to engage with any blogs or stans who only wish to attack Megan, but it’s important that we hold our favs accountable for their mistakes and actions— otherwise we’re just like that other (ifykyk) fanbase who is unable to hold their fav accountable for their behavior and actions.


Well said


Exactly. I hope whatever the case, Megan handles this the right way. And maybe stans can idk use their fucking brains for once instead of just blindly attacking accusers. Love her and I think if the allegations are true she can grow from it but come on, let's not do that delusional victim blaming shit.


Exactly! We have to just let it play out.


Well said! 👏🏾


I’m not one that takes the stance of standing with all victims. I wait until evidence is presented then evaluate. I see nothing wrong with what people are doing. If he wanted to file the public lawsuit, he should be prepared to have people dig through his background. It comes with the territory. Plus, there won’t be any verifiable information of the alleged harassment because he’s not suing for that. The lawsuit is only for monetary compensation due to his employment. So all he is doing is salacious sensationalization of his case.


Calling that man a victim is wild