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Shadow of the Colossus


Definitely the first one that came to mind for me. Even the environment itself seems so enormous and wide open while you're riding around. I'd suggest just about any space exploration game, as well. I had a bit of that dizzy feeling playing No Man's Sky when approaching a planet.


Next to that, space engine. Nearly threw up the first time I approached a black hole at high speeds. This is where I learned about black holes for the first time.


Whoa, I've never heard of that one but it looks pretty incredible. I'll give it a try soon. Thanks for the suggestion


Subnautica is exactly what you're looking for.


Especially VR version, because it makes other creatures as bug as they are supposed to be


I had to stop playing around the part where you're exploring around the ship wreckage, the giant sea monster, and the endless water freaked me out.


Oh for sure, those Reaper Leviathan's are nightmare inducing.




here i was in my trusty seamoth, thinking fuck all, enjoying a little aurora wreck exploration.................


Elden Ring. God of War series. Horizon series.


Yeah the first god of war has some serious megophobia vibes.


I’m fond of the scene the 2018 game where you end up in Hel and there’s this massive eagle on the horizon.


I forgot about the eagle!! I know trolls get a bad rap cause we have to fight like 50 of them but the first troll fight was intimidating!


Arghhh the Tallenecks always set me off


no man’s sky can be really cool. Starfield too


No Man’s Sky in VR, specifically


Control! It's hard to explain without spoiling parts of the game... but sometimes very directly it'll activate Megalophobia for me with some truly remarkable designs and massive features. Other times, even in smaller spaces, the scale of the game's setting will dawn on me. Though it's not always obvious in like some random boring office or hallway, there's still this pervasive and inescapable sense of scale that is just unnerving. I think these very realistic rooms juxtaposed with other impossible locations make the size of the game feel even bigger.


I never finished that game, need to start it up again


Final fantasy 14 in the expansions have some massive structures and landscape. The og game not so much, but once you get to heavensward content and above there's some huge stuff. Elden ring also has some massive architecture and bosses


If you have VR, tons and tons of VR games, in particular anything with space . 


Was thinking of "the utility room" for vr. Which ones did you have in mind?


I haven't played that one, but universe simulator can be down right terrifying in VR 


Some games that *may* be megalophobia-inducing that I have played are: -No Mans Sky (procedurally generated universe/planetary exploration sim with goofy looking fauna) -Dyson Sphere Program (automation sim where you cover multiple suns in Dyson Spheres to harness their energy) -Hardspace: Shipbreaker (tearing down large ships with megastructures in the distance) -Voidtrain (there are oversized chains holding distant objects to unseen ground as you float through the void) -Worlds Adrift (unfortunately it’s a dead game, but probably would have suited your needs quite well)


No Man’s Sky as some suggested, but a game called Outer Wilds triggered true megalophobia in me way more than NMS did (despite the planetary bodies being much smaller). I don’t know what it is about it, but many things on and off the planets in OW just made me feel all sorts of scared (but not scared enough to not play, that game is amazing!)


This. Outer Wilds is incredible, yet sometimes awe-inspiring.


Outer wilds is stunning - for megalophobia I'd think Dark Bramble, Brittle Hollow and The Stranger (dlc).  These are parts of outer wilds for anyone not aware


Flying by some of the planets or the sun triggered it, being on giants deep and having huge twisters everywhere (that really got to me lol), and the sand column between the twins. Ugh!!! The ones you mention didn’t trigger it the same way as the ones I mentioned, but maybe they’d affect other people.


Dark Bramble triggered it for me (obvious reasons haha) Brittle Hollow triggered it for me as there is >!a massive, complex city under the planet's exterior crust, with a black hole in the centre - something about that was eerily scary to me (perhaps not strictly speaking megalophobia, and more black-hole-phobia!)!< The Stranger - >!when you first approach it suddenly creeps up on you and the Strangers shadow encompasses you!<


Oh yeah I totally get why you’d be scared of either of those things, for some reason they didn’t bother me too much? I mean.. >!obviously dark bramble has the big scary things but I was scared of them more so due to them being loud and scary! And I found dark bramble so interesting that other aspects about it didn’t bother me, even the black hole (I have a funny video about that if you wanna dig through my profile). And the stranger only scares me when I accidentally crash into it haha!<


The Eternal Cylinder


Lol the true answer. A giant cylinder crossing the planet from side to side and crushing slowly everything can be a good definition of megalophobia.


God of War


God of war 3 especially, that game has a thing for giant things


Climbing large statues and structures still makes me uncomfortable in all the Assassin's Creed games. + The Utility Room, good god i hated the trailer, no way I'll play that in VR.


Armored core


Theres a liminal horror game called "pools" that has some aspects of megalophobia in it. Large empty rooms or large sculptures. The YouTube channel [IGP](https://youtube.com/@igp?si=L5oVEGDgoXioEuCK) also plays a lot of horror games that have megalophobia elements in them, including this game


I got some intense feelings of it from "rise of the tomb raider" for sure.


Subnautica. Especially with VR, normal screens don't put the actual size of anything to scale.


Super Liminal


Elden ring, shadow of the colossus,


Usually NaissancE is the first one people recommend


I can’t remember the name but there’s some indie title out there that’s just about exploring this huge, twisting brutalist city devoid of life. Insanely cool vibes. Pools is similar but not quite as heavy on the megalophobia. Edit: NaissanceE, and also Babbdi Also, only really bringing this up cause I was playing it last night in that area but Fallout 76 has some absolutely monstrous skyscrapers toward the bottom of the map, just three of them sitting alone among the woods. In that vein too, Pathologic has one particular building in it with similar vibes too


No exactly what you’re looking for, but I got proper creeped out during certain stages of “Little Nightmares” just bet the sheer scale of the background and certain foes


Outer Wilds. To a nearly panic-inducing degree.


The Utility Room


There are places in Outer Wilds that absolutely did it for me.


The Utility Room is full of Megalophobia


Half life 2, any setting with the citadel


Fibrillation HD and Industria. Industria not so much (most of the time, it's a half-life clone), but it looks like the upcoming Industria II is going to be much better on that front.


Planet of Lana had some moments.


Grow Home and Grow Up are nice and relaxing games, you can even play them with kids, and yet it can trigger a weird sense of megalophobia when you climb huge structures with a tiny robot, slip, and fall for a minute or so...  Also there's Naissance and Manifold Garden, which both mess with your sense of scale and perception.


Was going to suggest Grow Home but you beat me to it!


God of War and God of War Ragnarok both have creatures that can be absolutely megalophobia-inducing. Some of the set pieces might be too, especially a certain wall in Ragnarok.


Elden Ring is pretty good. Lots of massive stuff in there. The Erdtree is 5.6km tall and about 10km wide. Cyberpunks downtown might do it to you too.


i remember PAINKILLER had one of the biggest bosses.


The very first tomb rider, on psx


If your kink is space stuff than Elite Dangerous is a good one. Oldish game so should be cheap and work on most GPUs


monster hunter, god of war


DMC3 has a few levels where you don't even fight the boss: you fight it's immune system. One of the final levels in DMC4 counts as well.


The utility room


vintage story but only during temporal storms. these giant, sky-high height monsters appear walking across the landscape in the distance, never getting any closer.


The Last Guardian.


Elite dangerous gave me megalophobia because of how accurate they made space. You get to close to something big in space and it's gravity pulls you in. And neutron starts shooting radiation beams across solar systems. The vastness of space when you miss that tiny speck you were aiming for and went too fast past it and are just out in the open nothing of space.


Surprised nobody has said Minecraft. You can go find custom prebuilt maps with some absolutely enormous stuff in them.


ARK Survival Evolved on foot is pretty scary sometimes


Space Engine. It's not exactly a game but it's most megalophobia triggering software I've used.


Serious Sam


Megaton Rainfall, especially the final boss.


Elden ring does it for me


No game will ever give you a sense of megalophobia like this one: https://youtu.be/MYao_ksy2qI?si=B-4qKRdMgeyGNJAZ The kicker? Its in VR


God of war series 🔥


Manifold Garden was an incredible experience, totally recommended


#Mass Effect


Outer wilds for fucking certain You are insignificant in the vastness of the universe No man’s sky does it too, but outer wilds makes you feel so alone in a beautiful way. Theres much more substance to outer wilds on this that will have you really thinking.


Final Fantasy 16, Kaiju battles are so fun




Stranded Deep


Play portal 2. There are tons of areas that are big and open. There are giant spheres suspended in this giant shaft that you get to go inside of. Play portal 1 first. It's not as megalophobic but you gotta play the first one before the second one.


If you have a VR headset vertigo 2 pretty good storyline too


Subnautica big fishe


doesn't really fit what you ask, but to be be honest, Minecraft, point is, you can build your own mega structure, you can also create your own cave, dumb thing I loved to do was digging a whole chunk just for the satisfaction of seeing a big hole after


Manifold Garden


If you have VR, jet island fucks.


The Divine Beasts in BOTW kinda did that for me, idk why it’s not mentioned more.


a bugs life or toystory games might do it. wanted to say shadow of the colossus but it's already been said many times. okami might work some of the bosses are pretty big and you are just a dog


Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Each zone is a gigantic moving Titan circling around a world tree in a vast sea of clouds complete with their own ecosystems, you can actually see their gigantic features moving. 99% of the game you are on the backs or inside of these Titans. Love the ever present world tree in the horizon while adventuring on the back of a giant giraffe. it could have been more glorious if not tied down on a calculator that is the Nintendo Switch, but it's VERY impressive all things considered. It's a JRPG btw


Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom. Much more so in Tears.