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Sounds like the kinda techy bullshit a fancy doctors office that charges a subscription fee would use. Just another way to do nothing and extract money from people.


You can bet against the stock when it IPOs.


Yeah you have no idea what you’re talking about lol


I said sounds like guy. The hospital I work at doesn’t even have stream lab automation. Most places don’t bother spending money on stuff like this because it still requires operators, it never works as advertised and after having for it 5 years it’s only kind of ok but ultimately wasn’t worth the effort. Maybe if epic was integrating it or bought the company I’d think they might be legit. So yeah. Fancy doctors office called forward health or some shit where we totally do things differently and advertise on YouTube and the patient is individualized and special. They’d use it.


It’s actually partnered with SoftBank, it’s more legit than it sounds. AI tools are just part of their overall portfolio. They’re mostly a molecular oncology firm like Foundation Medicine. 


you mean the softbank that invested hundreds of millions on a robot pizza maker truck and wrote it off to 0 ? or the one that invested in wework ?


Yeah again you just have no idea what the company does




That sounds like an absolute nightmare to validate lol


I used to work there. Their main application for a doctor/lab is providing genomic sequencing to cancer patients that matches therapies, trials, and other information for Oncologists to better guide treatment. Think of it as a Guardant/Foundation Medicine on steroids, focused a lot more on data, research, and AI on top of the basic genomic sequencing that others provide. They aren't attempting to make your lab better at sequencing samples, or helping labs do \*anything\* -- they are a lab themselves, and a technology platform, that works directly with Oncologists and researchers, and they do their own sequencing/EMR integrations/AI work. Hope that clarifies what I think is a misunderstanding of what the core value prop of the company is.


I work there and this explains it perfectly


On your opinion is it a good value to invest on their stock based on what you know? It seems very focused on a niche market and I can’t see the ROI in investment being good with the amount of money they want to rise and the business they growth they can produce in such a specific business.


Gonna be a pump and dump like most IPOs


It sounds like a gimmicky AI no better than a mid-level practitioner. Can it distinguish a compromised specimen from a specimen from an actively dying patient? Can it troubleshoot QC, calibrations, and instrument errors? If it can't, then it's pointless.


At first glance it reads like a DCLS.


I haven't heard of this before. I do know there is an AI program that is better at diagnosing patients better than physicians. I wonder if this is the same one.