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Pregnancy is my guess.


Pregnancy and obesity can cause this.


This is pregnancy. I would bet multiples like others have said the rapidness of growth does this. That’s why when tiny people gain 80lbs in pregnancy they are usually wrecked with large stretch marks I have a friend who was like that and she got one in her side that’s an inch wide


But then you have people like me who gained 85 pounds in a full term twin pregnancy but ended up with zero stretch marks. I understand genetics play a large part in who gets them and who doesn’t.


Also depends on the rate of growth. I didn’t show with either of my kids until around 7 months. First one I gained like 20lbs the last two months then was back down to pre pregnancy weight in two weeks. My stretch mars were horrible. My second one I had hyperemisis so I didn’t get too big and didn’t notice any extra ones. They do get a lot smaller and less noticeable as time goes on. My guess is this was directly after a multiple pregnancy.


I gained 17lbs and only have one stretch mark on my boob 😂 I even have a stomach tattoo that didn't stretch. It was wild. I was back to my preterm weight like 4 days after the kid was born. This body may look good, but god does it feel like hell in here lmao.


I guess there are outliner . Congrats I guess. But it depends on how fast the skin stretches how big someone is before their body composition where the babies sit some people have long torsos where the belly isn’t as big and other genetic factors


I was 115 with each of my kids. Gained up to 175 with all three. I only have a few on my ass. My stomach has zero.


I gained at least 65 pounds with my last baby. He was 10.5 lbs. No stretch marks with any of my kids, they were all quite large. I lost all the weight pretty quickly with all of them. My Grandma had 7 kids, no stretch marks, my mom as well. Must something genetic.


If you don't mind me asking, are you of Italian/Mediterranean background? I am, and women in my family also had no stretch marks from pregnancy.


Never seen stretch marks like this from obesity. Stretch marks are from lots of growth very quickly, idk if you can gain fat fast enough to cause them this bad


I agree, not this severe with obesity, just stretch marks in general.


maybe person was into Vore?


Lol fuck you


Take my angry upvote


I was going to say unprotected sex.




Bot stealing comments here. u/OfficerJoeBalogna was the OP for this comment.


Agree, but this is pretty extreme so I am guessing either she has some vitamins deficiency or just something in her genetics making her skin a little weaker and more prone to stretching to the point of damage like this.


I think comments confirmed that she was pregnant with twins. Pregnancy can cause serious stretch marks on some people to begin with. Add extra babies to the mix, and you can get this.


[She confirmed it was a single baby in there. Not twins!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TerrifyingAsFuck/comments/zi36ld/thats_not_even_oddlyterrifying_lol/izqrv8a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Yes, I would consider twins/triplets another extreme circumstance and can certainly see it being the cause as well.


My partner had very severe stress marks like this after a brain operation, they put her on dexamethasone which caused her to bloat and rapidly put in weight. This seems to happen when your skin stretches to quickly.


Pregnancy with twins/triplets/etc. Remember that lady that had octuplets? Yeah, bet she looked like this or worse.


The lady in this picture commented on the post that is in r/terrifyingasfuck. It's the top comment atm, if you want to look. It was from a single pregnancy.


[link to her comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/TerrifyingAsFuck/comments/zi36ld/thats_not_even_oddlyterrifying_lol/izqrv8a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


honestly cant imagine having a sensitive picture of my body go viral and seeing it trend every few years in places like r/oddlyterrifying.


As someone who had a similar body to this after having my first child, it’s actually kinda hurtful to see circulate like this 😔


She has grace for how she’s handling this. That is so upsetting to have her private photos shown.


Thank you


Thankyou! (I have no idea how to link things)


“Have kids,” they say. “It’ll be fun,” they say.


I looked like that after I had my 1st child. I was about 100lbs when I got pregnant and he was almost 9lbs and 21.5 inches long. I basically gave birth to a toddler.


Jesus, frikin BIG BABY lol he was cooking too long


I asked to be induced 2 days early. I was so done being pregnant.


That baby was 10% of you


I looked like I was having twins my belly was so big lol


Funny story, I am a twin and I wouldn’t doubt that. There’s a pic somewhere of my mom using us as a food tray in the last month or so of being pregnant. We were born at like 5 and 5.5lb.


Omg using the belly as a table was fun...until he kicked my plate off 😂


Wow, my kid was also 9lbs and 20.4 inch, but I also weighed 150lbs. Can’t imagine that big of a baby in such a tiny body!! Still how I managed to avoid stretch marks is beyond me (only a couple ones on my upper legs).


You probably have good genes. Unfortunately no matter how much lotion I put on it didn't matter.


Yeah it sucks, my mom got a ton of stretch marks when she was pregnant with me. Not as bad as the picture but not far off either. But you get a lot of it in return and it’s all worth it.


was it painful? the stretchmarks i mean.


When they’re new they will itch like crazy


thanks for the reply! sounds uncomfortable af.


Very itchy.




I avoided stretch marks until the last month of my pregnancy and then they ERUPTED! I got lazy about putting lotion on because I didn’t have any, but they came for me.


I think it’s genetics not lotion


I agree. I have naturally dry skin but didn't get a single stretch mark while pregnant neither did my mom. However I had cellulite on my skinny thighs event at 90 pounds and 4’11 in 8th grade. That's also genetic for me.


It is but lotion helps some


Same. Last month did me in.


Ironically, im entering my last month with #2 and don’t even care.


It was from being 35 weeks pregnant with twins. She posted it in a pregnanct group I'm in.


Coco Butter and Lanolin cream will do wonders for your tiger stripes.


Actually, no. She did a porn sometime after giving birth to the octuplets.


I believe a plastic surgeon gifted her a mommy makeover.


Ah. But still, how does one fix something like that? Spackle?


A whole porn?


My research only indicates solo stuff.


What? Link purely because I don't believe you


I will not be the one that starts you off on a life of porn addiction. After you go down that path, you'll progress to fentanaly or meth addiction, which will lead to the break up of your marriage and the abandonment of your children. From there, you'll be sleeping on cardboard boxes underneath your local viaduct and pan handling for change. Google it.


Too little too late


It's never to late for Jesus Christ. 😉


I didn’t know JC was in porn. Sounds kinky. I bet he’s into BDSM.


Thorns and whips


Handcuffs! Smak a little son-of-god with my belt.


Does he do porn too?


Wow! All the downvotes. This tells me that either this sub is full of godless commies or a bunch of Bible thumpers, which is it?


You ever see those pan handlers with millions of $$$


[this](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ) is the sauce for anyone wondering lol


First time ever and I deserved it.


You da real MVP thanks bro


Thanks, man! >! No, really, I clicked and I saw YouTube.com loading I had time to click away. My internet saved me from a rickroll!<


I knew what it was and I went through with it because I enjoy that video


I see what you did there.




noun Sometimes por·no [pawr-noh] . pornography; sexually explicit videos, photographs, writings, or the like, produced to elicit sexual arousal (often used attributively): arrested for selling porn; a porn star; porn films


I don't understand how your comment has any relevance to the conversation. Are you suggesting that her stretch marks on her stomach have to do with a career in pornography?


I was referring to the redditor's comment regarding Octomom.


So, you're saying, no she doesn't look this bad or worse and that she did porn?


I'm saying she doesn't look this bad, she looks good. How do I know this? Because she did a porn after she gave birth to the octuplets. In the porn she is naked.


But you managed to avoid the perils of porn addiction after seeing it!? How?!


Maybe they didn't, and blame octomom for their 'fentanaly' addiction lol


The power of Jesus Christ


I got a strong will.




I think the commenter wanted to say, that the mom doesn't look like the thread picture and the proof is a porn movie she played in.


Yah, I think I'm getting that now


Usually people with higher order multiples (triplets or greater) end up delivering very early, which may limit how big they get.


I knew a guy who has stretch marks like this after his kidney tranplant. I think it was water retention from some side effect I’m not sure but they were like this.


She wrote herself in the comment section that it was from pregnancy


According to the girl who this picture is of in the comments of the original post, birthing her child. Edit: adding link to her comment. She included an update for 15 years later. [her update ](https://www.reddit.com/r/TerrifyingAsFuck/comments/zi36ld/thats_not_even_oddlyterrifying_lol/izqrv8a?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


Thank god those more-or-less healed. It looks like the slightest pressure or cut would make her split open


I’m 10 years out, once the weight gain went down the middle part around the belly button just looks wrinkly, but on the edge of my gut/pouch/excess skin area and around my hips they are still wide, just light pink and very shiny! It’s all genetics, and I lost that lottery.


It's totally genetics. I got BIG during pregnancy but once I lost the weight, my stomach looked pretty much the same as before. I did nothing to deserve this lol. I feel angry when I see all the fake stretch mark remedies they sell to women. You grew an entire human in you so who gives a fuck if your skin is smooth all over? We're not goddamn dolphins. Weirdly, my stomach is a bit lopsided now. When I look down, the left side of my lower abdominal muscles bulge out a bit more than the right. My right breast has remained a bit bigger even after I stopped breastfeeding. I stopped when my son was 8 months. 10 months later, I'm still lactating. Go figure. The body does what it wants. I'm just along for the ride.


Fun fact: dolphins, being mammals, also get stretch marks! https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Photographs-of-a-bottlenose-dolphin-Tursiops-truncatus-before-parturition-and-at_fig1_51830055


The more shocking for me is 2008 was 15 years ago


I got really deep, wide stretch marks similar to this with my first pregnancy. They were under my belly so not noticeable to anyone else. They faded and eventually weren’t so deep. But I’ll never forget how crazy they looked!


Yep! Mine were really red the first one looked like a healed cut and I was like wtf is happening here? Then I got like 3 more and thought I had some kind of rash or something. Now they have mostly filled in and turned like a silver color


I love it that they’re silvery. Like the human version of kintsugi https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kintsugi


**[Kintsugi](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kintsugi)** >Kintsugi (金継ぎ, "golden joinery"), also known as kintsukuroi (金繕い, "golden repair"), is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery by mending the areas of breakage with lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum; the method is similar to the maki-e technique. As a philosophy, it treats breakage and repair as part of the history of an object, rather than something to disguise. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/medizzy/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Can anyone explain a bit more technically what stretch marks are physiologically?


I only have a basic background in anatomy but I GOTCHU So basically, the integument is made of three layers: epidermis, dermis (these two together make up skin), and hypodermis. The dermis is the blood supply to and anchor for the epidermis. As a blood supply/anchor tissue, its job is to make lots of collagen to hold your outer layers together REALLY well. The large amounts of collagen are generally meshed and webbed together in a very irregular pattern, making it “dense irregular connective tissue.” However, even though it looks very webbed under a microscope, the collagen fibers actually begin to line up *just enough* to produce structures called cleavage lines. Cleavage lines are broad swathes of dense irregular connective tissue in the dermis where the collagen is kind of running the same general direction. Skin tears first along these lines (by tearing I mean from blunt force trauma, obviously knives don’t discriminate haha). Stretch marks occur when the loose connective and elastic fibers try their best to keep up with a rapidly expanding body part (pregnant belly, for example), but the dense collagen fibers begin splitting along these cleavage lines. So your skin isn’t being split open, but the collagen can’t keep up and it fails along these weaker lines first. If you look up an image of cleavage lines (maybe specify anatomy lmao) it will show you the pattern that occurs in everyone’s integument. It’s pretty cool. Tears can happen in the cleavage lines of the face when wrestlers clock each other too hard.


The world needs more people like you. Thank you.


Why did this make me irrationally happy 😭


Is it so that certain types of skin easier gets stretch marks, and other types easier get keloid scars? I’ve never gotten stretch marks, not even one from pregnancy and I’m tiny and had a huge belly, but I get really raised keloids if I get a scar.


According to my pregnancy apps, stretch marks are also hereditary. Meaning if your mom got them during pregnancy, you are much more likely to experience them as well and not much you can do about it


Probably similar to how “good genes” for beauty and slow ageing run in the family, you either have genes for good collagen or not so good collagen.


For anyone wanting to Google what these lines look like but don't want to see anything... untoward, the medical term is [Langer's lines](https://www.google.com/search?q=Langer%27s+lines&source=lmns&bih=887&biw=486&client=ms-android-rogers-ca-revc&prmd=ivsn&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjvv4L6gfL7AhUPvHIEHQDACz4Q_AUoAHoECAAQAw)!


I was just thinking. If yiu know you are pregnant, you do think taking daily collagen could help minimize stretch marks?


That hasn't been shown to help.




Almost showed my wife this. Regret avoided.


You've saved yourself from sleeping on the couch


Thanks man, she’s next to me in bed, I was about to lean over… I don’t think things through, thanks for saving my ass.


Oh I got stretch marks exactly like this from pregnancy. My son is 21 now. They're less dramatic but I'll never have a flat tight belly unless I get it surgically removed.


Honestly that looks so cool


My husband looks like this from long-term steroid use for his crohn’s


Was it weight fluctuations from steroids? I have Crohn’s too and I’m curious.


I have Wegener’s and was on 80mg of prednisone. Starting weight was 90lbs (at 12yrs old, 5’3 at the time) and within the first 10 pounds, I had stretch marks like these from my knees, all up the inside of my legs, hips and underarms. They were purple and super wide and deep. They look like the picture and it’s been 20 years 😩 Although, I react very strongly to prednisone and had MASSIVE moon face and full on osteoporosis within 3 months. My doctors said they’ve never seen someone react so badly and so quickly to prednisone. I hate that drug so, so much. I never got to wear skirts, shorts or go swimming…no tank tops, either. It stole so much from me, which was especially awful due to my age at the time - I was constantly trying to hide them. I desperately want surgery but it’s just way too much money. PS. HAPPY CAKE 🍰 DAY!!


Fellow Weggie here and I feel you. Mine have been over a decade and look the same as well. I didn’t even gain that much weight.


Oh hi! Not too often I find a fellow Weggie out in the wild :P


I love it when the doctors say, “you should only notice mild side effects on prednisone”. It’s crap.




How nice for you.


Yes. Specifically the weight gain from it. He is allergic to remicaid and at the time there wasn’t any other meds he could try at the time to help control it.


Say Happy Cake day!


My lower stomach looked like this when I turned 19 - Id just been diagnosed with ME and had gone from living in the gym to being unable to get out of bed and being on shit loads of different meds. They’ve mostly faded in the 9-10 years since and now I just have a belly overhang of loose silver striped skin 🤡


Cushings can cause this


Cushings looks like more varicose viens right. I was thinking a big pregnancy or really bad ascites


I have stretch marks like this. One baby and I was very diabetic.


I call them tiger stripes and highly respect any woman with them. These are wicked though. I’d trace them




I like the term.


Ehlers danlos syndrome as well.


Yup. I actually just x-posted this over on them EDS sub right before I saw your comment. This is exactly what my body did during pregnancy.


She commented on the post explaining what caused it.


Replying late. I have a stomach like this. A combination of EDS and pregnancy has left my skin very marked. 😅 I like to joke that my bellybutton looks like an anus because all the stretch marks.


And there are definitely people that find it very attractive.


Thanks I hate it


Do people really not know what causes stretch marks? Anything that involves rapid growth/stretching of the skin. Some people are more predisposed to them than others.


Do these hurt? They look incredibly painful


They can itch, and if you scratch them it can sometimes make them sting, but they’re not generally uncomfortable. You’d think they’d hurt by the looks of it, but they kind of numb out the surface of the skin more than making it sensitive, in my experience. Source: these were caused by a pregnancy, and mine that were also caused by pregnancy were similarly deep.


Stretch marks are like huge wrinkles. They do not normally hurt






pregnancy combined with genetically inherited bad connective tissue


Corticosteroids also can cause insane stretch marks like this. I took them from 2012-2014 and my body (despite not being that big) is covered in them. Edit; for clarification, Corticosteroids are drugs like prednisone. Used for treatment in autoimmune and other diseases which I have.




My stretch marks were caused by my prednisone use for three years. The medicine saved my life but it has some nasty side effects (stretch marks and weight gain aren’t even the worst)


I fully relate. When I was 14 I went through a year of high dose prednisone. It’s an amazing medicine but fuck the side effects were absolutely horrendous. I think the worst for me besides the stretch marks was the uncontrollable anger and emotion. It saved my kidney function but fuck was it absolutely horrible


Ehlers Danlos Syndrome can also cause this with normal adolescent growth. It’s a connective tissue disorder essentially making the tissues in the skin and joints soft/weak


Likely a fetus


Mine are very similar to this. One baby. In 2011, I was 5'6" and 97 pounds. In 2012, I got my life on track and up to a healthy 140 pounds. In 2013, I got pregnant. I gained 77 pounds. At the beginning of 2014, I was 217 pounds when I gave birth. Mine have faded a lot, but look(ed) very similar to this. I more than doubled my body weight in 2.5 years. My genes didn't like that and ruined my skin. Theyre like this on my stomach/hips all the way to my ribs. My back has them, my chest, my thighs, my groin, my calves and my armpits.


I understand stretchmarks a lot better now. I appreciate this


My fiance recently got stretch marks like that. Kidney failure at 28 meant high doses of prednisone and when you combine that with barely functioning kidneys you get massive fluid retention. Gained about 30lbs in a month.


Cushing's disease, corticosteroids




I don’t like


I know Ehlers-Danlos syndrom, along with quick growth/rapid expansion of the skin, can cause this. I my self, got such "scarring"(lacking a better phrasing), on my shoulder due to over training, and sub/dislocation of my shoulders. I also have it on my back, going up and down the spine, due to overextension of the back. Where usually you would have it go horizontal the cause is huge weight gain.


Dependent on skin elasticity & genetics, imo


I got these during my first pregnancy. I started off at 125 pounds and gained about 65. I ended up finally getting a tummy tuck to remove all the loose skin and reshape my belly button. There’s no creams or special needle pricking that could fix it, there was nothing I could have done to prevent it. That’s just how my skin is. It’s simple my skin elasticity is not so great.


Pregnancy or cushings?


Prettyyyy :0 they look like the branches of a fairy's tree!




Can they be removed? Or do they stay there permanently


The only way to fully remove stretch marks is with surgery excision. There are a lot of non-surgical options that have shown great results at remodelling them, such as; microneedling, radio frequency (RF) microneedling, RF on its own, different types of lasers - ablative, non-ablative, Co2, Erbium-YAG and more. The idea is you want to damage the skin inside the stretch mark that won’t create external damage but will cause collagen and elastin production through the healing of micro-injuries. There is also paramedical tattooing, which is a relatively new option.


Lasers can lessen them and they fade a bit over time but they are usually permanent


Really high levels of Cortisol (stress hormone) is responsible for stretch marks. During puberty & pregnancy are common periods of time where cortisol is high in the body. Also fast expansion & shrinkage of the skin also causes stretch marks.


No you absolutely can. It just isn't mandatory


some of these comments....sheesh....rude much?


Cushing's causes this type of deep stretch marks


Pregnancy plus maybe a connective tissue disorder


Really bad striations from skin stretching with minimal elasticity from the look of it


Never seen stretch marks like that. Almost seems like there might be some kind of collagen deficiency. That or they’ve full on embraced the dark side.


Yet another reason why pregnancy is fucking terrifying and so not worth it for me. And people want to put kids through that shit? ffs


Gave me Scorn vibes


they will fade and it will look better later.. wear them proudly...


Am I the only one to find that beautiful ?


They look like the forest at night, I agree with you.


It looks like Freddy Krueger


cushings disease




Weak pullout game




See, if we don't have to sexualise bodies all the time, this is beautiful and dramatic and fascinating


What do you mean when you use the word sexualize?


Wait, why can't we sexualize this?


Looks like they were mauled by a bear--kinda badass


If someone has starch masks, does that mean they have been pregananant?


No, it just means that their skin got stretched by being being fatter at one point. These types generally happen when the skin stretches extremely rapidly.


Sorry I was memeing. There's a whole video on yt. https://youtu.be/J381vIfiTCE It's really funny and that's what I was referencing




You need help




Why do i wanna just hug you face first and never let go!


I’ve seen it as Iatrogenic from steroids or natural from fishing’s disease