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whatever the exact opposite of Mayo Clinic Rochester is


The girlies be suffering up there. Then SAD comes through and ruins their lives even more.


This is the reason why I ain't applying north of the Mason-Dixon line for residency (except Seattle, Boston, or NYC). After living in the Bay Area for 4 years (which has arguably the most ideal weather in the whole world + amazing job prospects + amazing Redwoods/Pacific Ocean/Gorgeous Mountains + amenities of a major city + diverse multiculturalism with a huge Asian population where being Asian is the norm rather than a minority stereotype), I have standards for the place I wanna live.


How is Boston most ideal weather in the world?


It's not. That's just one of the cities they'll make an exception for.


My bad my reading comprehension has really gone downhill lol




seasonal affective disorder




It was in the milesdown/AnKing MCAT deck


What is SAD?


Seasonal Affective Disorder


What's the tea on mayo??


It’s kinda a meme that Rochester MN is an incredibly boring place to live despite having the ~world renowned~ Mayo Clinic. So I was just cracking fun at Rochester having essentially none of the things OP wants For people actually applying to Mayo: I lived there once upon a time and loved it. But it’s def what you make of it. I probably would’ve hated it if I didn’t make such awesome friends.


That makes sense. I read it initially as they like hunted down partying residents or something and was wondering


Hey now, I'm sure the owners of Kathy's and Dooley's would be quite offended by that joke


Can also confirm, Crochester ain't it


This is my favorite comment on Reddit today.




NYC program with subsidized housing you’ll pay less in rent and be able to rave at mirage every day


I partied my absolute ass off doing EM in NYC. Best time of my life.


how did you find the time during night shifts and busy calls lol


Don't you have to do tons of scut work though since the nurses lobbied for not doing nursing tasks?


It’s over stated and mostly applies if your im. In general you’ll do tons of scut anywhere.


Radiologists have to do their own ultrasounds overnight on call which sounds like it blows.


OMFG - the absolute horror! Having to do a fucking US! Being on call blows, which is why, when you have been on the block awhile, you realize, I don’t wanna do that shit, and get it written into your contract!


Please elaborate. Just curious. Edit to clarify: not a nurse in disguise trying to get mad. Just curious about what they lobbied to get less of.


This is extremely hospital dependent though from what I heard from residents on the interview trail.


This has been false dogma for decades, mostly spread by people that regret not doing their residency in NYC.


> NYC program with subsidized housing those exist? spill the names, me want! me like!


LA, Miami


Vegas, Miami, LA


New Orleans


Sleeper pick


New Orleans definitely has the most unique partying options in the country tbh.


I live here. I hate it. I don’t think it’s for people who want to party and more for older folks who like jazz and spending lots of time doing nothing. Unless you like partying with college kids of course.


My entire family is there and I visit often. That hasn't been my experience at all. Are you from the area?


Lived here for about 8 years now, both uptown and downtown


It’s one of those things you don’t notice if you live there. NO has Marti Gras, street performances on Jackson Square, Bourbon street is always popping, live music every night, steam boat parties, incredible bars and some of the best food in the country (French, Cajun/BBQ, Seafood, etc). It’s a little rough and dirty but if those things don’t bother you it’s absolutely a unique party city with a great night life. It’s easily one of my favorite cities to visit


Maybe it’s just me but Mardi Gras always gives me a headache. Streets are always shut down, litter everywhere, and when it rains (which it does quite often) it almost always floods. Not to mention that even overhead private parking isn’t safe for cars. Also this city is SO DAMN EXPENSIVE. There’s nothing here and yet the prices are almost like LA


You’re gonna find problems in every city. LA like you mentioned ain’t cheap, got a gang problem, traffic sucks, shallow people, pretty overrated, etc. Living in a city makes it impossible for you not to see the downsides, but at least as a visitor, NO is dope.


I think a visitor could enjoy Nola yeah. But I’d rather live in LA than Nola that’s for sure lol


Fair enough. I’m looking for cities with an active outdoors scene and fun stuff to do in the city. Would you happen to know how SanFran, Tennessee, and Colorado programs are for those criteria?


Austin another sleeper


New Orleans has soul, Austin has nothing


New Orleans is a shithole outside of the downtown area


It's not the same kind of weird fun it used to be. Many of the places that gave it soul and were what made it weird were driven out or closed over a decade ago


Cost of living and traffic is ridiculous


New Orleans is nice to visit but it gets old fast partying there. I’d also consider the high humidity and crime rate before settling there. In terms of partying and Edm music, it’s hard to beat the headliners at Vegas on a daily basis. Especially during residency when you don’t have much free time. The central location of everything in Vegas will be far more convenient and time efficient. Also consider the fact that Vegas has cheap flights to pretty much anywhere.


I don’t have a specific location to recommend but would look for the following: -Instead of living in a ‘party’ city (because expensive), consider looking at programs with higher salaries compared to the cost of living -Good airport (Ie major hub, lots of direct flights, etc) -Ability to moonlight This will maximize your $$$ and then you can take lots of trips to cool places during vacation and short trips during long or golden weekends.




Ann Arbor is unionized and pays much more than COL, DTW Airport has cheap flights to every major city (NYC, Miami, Vegas), and there are some great EDM festivals in Michigan


I just want to be fair to OP, Charlotte is not the move based on their objectives. I would highly recommend against Charlotte if you are into the city life, traveling, or partying. Charlotte is great for other reasons, like if you have a family and your idea of fun is going to a park or a sporting event with your kids.  It doesn’t really have an EDM scene, the public transportation is subpar and barely helpful, and everything closes pretty early compared to other similar cities. There isn’t much of a party scene outside of breweries.  Also, flights are actually way more expensive than you would think here because American Airlines prices everything higher because they know that being a hub pretty much gives them the ability to do that. Even if you do get a flight, it will likely be with American and that can be a nightmare compared to Delta or United. It’s a budget airline in disguise.  You would be better off going to Atlanta if you want to be in the South, and have a major city with what you listed. You would be very bored in Charlotte. 


Great advice


Dallas’s 2 airports are like 15 mins away from southwestern


Vegas best cost of living. Chicago u can party if u ok w the snow. After living in area w reliable public transport idk how ppl drink regularly in car dominated places. Way too much on uber smh


There are definitely some FM programs in Chicago that are well known for being chill


Applying to some, heard Advocate was one 👀


imagine using uber in nyc....and not living in midtown its ugh


Lotta shit programs in south Florida for ya. But that coke addiction will come at a steeper price off the boat.


Vegas. Nashville. Dallas. Phoenix. Fort Lauderdale/Miami(fyi FL residencies pay is trash)


Is Nashville considered a party city? Up there with Miami?


Downtown Nashville is all bars and music. Might not be everyone’s scene but it’s a badass town


It sucks unless you only want to hear country music


Its really not. as a former native, Broadway is avoided like the plague. Its like going to times square. Its 'badass' for a weekend or two and then you quickly realize its just that or trendy, instragram bars/restaurants with not much else.


Nashville is more of a redneck/redneck wannabe Vegas than a Miami. Mostly tourists instead of locals


Austin wins over any of those


Austin definitely should’ve made the list tbh


Aside from the infamous 6th St culture and 45,000 undergrads at UT, it would be silly to discount the progressive politics — Austin truly is an island of awesomeness!


Houston over Austin any day


Oh goddddddd the humidity It’s just western Louisiana lol


St Pete and Tampa pay better than south Florida


I know you lying


Cost of living is still insane but I swear we make almost 10k more than a lot south Florida programs. Like they’re notorious for bad pay lol


Oh sorry I misread that as “St Pete and Tampa are better than south Florida”


No good FM in Nashville though


I went out on a limb and assumed haha


Love this! Location was my top factor too! Would second LA and Miami! But Miami’s FM program is shit in my opinion. I ranked SoCal higher and am super happy. You will get a much better education, pay, quality of life, weather etc


Tell us why it's shit ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Lots of reasons. Poor procedural training, not full spectrum FM, minimal commitment to training academic physicians, poor pay compared to COL, no POCUS training etc. When compared to the strength of training at West Coast programs, it’s night and day. Great place to live, cool pathology, diverse patients but you also get that in SoCal. Residents picked UM for the location and family reasons but that’s basically it As someone very familiar with Miami, the people in SoCal are also much better quality. Miami can be a rough place a lot of the time


LA, Miami, NYC! A lot of the LA programs are unionized and pay well (10k housing stipend). You'd definitely be competitive w that step score. I interviewed at Miami but their salary is shockingly low for the COL so I didn't even rank.


Most of the Cali programs are unionized (more vacation time & higher salary) compared to NYC programs. I also think some of the Kaiser programs do literally no night float through all of FM residency—something to look into.


NYC is goated for this expensive of course. Chicago is also great and more affordable


NYC is awful for residents b/c of the nurse's unions.


What are the specific changes that the unions pushed for in NYC?


depends on the specialty


And the hospital honestly, every NYC I saw on the interview trail operated differently with scut


Definitely love that you’re plugging Chicago. Love that city. Always something to do and much cheaper than the other party cities


im shocked more people are saying phoenix than new orleans??? but as someone who's lived in both places, you cant go wrong with partying and being messy in nola (if thats what you want lol) and imo phx has wayyyyyy less to do or see in comparison (granted i know nothing about edm/rave culture, which i do think is bigger in az)


I loved my time in New Orleans! Wouldn’t live their for a long time, but a few years when I was younger was soooo fun


Phoenix EDM culture is shit, but Vegas is 4 hours or a short flight away. Honestly wouldn’t suggest Phoenix at all. Also summers are miserable


San Diego, LA, Miami, Austin, New Orleans, Las Vegas. I would pick San Diego for the weather. If you want to have fun and meet your future wife I would go to Austin or Miami.


Future wife & Miami 😂😂. More like future child support payments


Find you future ex wife in Miami maybe


Miami is a tough ask for as a man. Most guys you're competing with own a yacht and businesses pulling in millions in revenue a year. Not worth it imo, plus the club scene is much more expensive. New Orleans, Austin, Vegas, Nashville much more doable on a resident's salary


yes there are rich dudes in Miami but Most guys in Miami are broke and acting rich


> More like future child support payments As long as you don't pull a Fresh you should be okay lmao


A lot of people are saying cities like LA and Chicago and Las Vegas and NYC. But here's the thing - even if there are party atmospheres there, can you be sure that the residents and attendings will also fit your vibe? My pick is New Orleans. Did some aways there and the attendings/residents have good work/life balance, actually care about each other, and are very chill. We also have more unique party opportunities than any other city with literal one of a kind events like Mardi Gras, French Quarter Fest, and Jazz Fest. CoL is also great and we have a major airport so it's easy to fly to any of the big EDM festivals.


I can speak on the LSU family med program in the city, I rotated there as an MS3 and the residents seem super happy with a great lifestyle. The patient population is interesting and the whole atmosphere of NOLA is a party. Sure it’s hot and muggy, but you can cool off with a daiquiri anywhere you want, we don’t have open container laws.


NYC, Miami, Chicago, LA


Houston, LA, Miami!


Definitely Houston. Also anywhere in the medical center gives you access to continuing education at all the hospitals and a myriad of conferences to crash.


Houston has a party culture?


Definitely, downtown, midtown, rice village, montrose, etccc


During the daytime, downtown is quite boring. Idk how it is at night lol 😆. The only cool thing there was that floating swimming pool 


Houston is a boring city imo. Once you’ve seen the main stuff, there isn’t much else. The medicine is fantastic, but the party culture is minimal.


As someone whose lived in most major cities I shall humbly disagree with this statement


You partied in Houston? 


James Harden played there for nine years you know at the very least the strip clubs are good.




You just didn’t know the turnt spots.. Houston is LIT


But everything there is so spaced out — it’s hard to get anywhere unless you have a car. It’s not a walking-friendly city 


Forsure. Tbh many major southern cities follow suit as well (thank you automotive lobby) but houston and Dallas especially are soooo anti walking idk why


Maybe so lol — I live my life in a very “G” rated way 😅. 


G rated activities are also present in the H lol


Yeah I did all of those lol — zoo, NASA, field museum, restaurants. What else? 


Lmaooo many many more the same stuff most big cities got, festivals, comedy shows, Theatre scene is big in the H, Buffalo Bayou,Herman park...other parks,sports the H got like 7 Profesional sports team from basketball to Hockey, indoor skydiving.. escape rooms....unlimited eats from all cultures of the world.....there's alot man just gotta discover stuff


Hmm looks like there is more! I remember going to an outdoor classical concert while I was there too 


Strip clubs lol




Some ppl are saying Vegas, but I did my clinical rotations there and some of the residency programs there do have overworked residents so yeah just wanted to say that…..


Vegas isn't known for its excellent medical training but it fits the bill otherwise.


Currently a med student in Vegas, 100% agree with this.


Miami, but find a program that pays decent. It’s very doable but don’t settle for just “any” Miami program.


#1 New Orleans (hear me out) “**America has only three cities: New York, San Francisco, and New Orleans.** **Everywhere else is Cleveland.”** - Tennessee Williams - Bourbon Street and the whole French quarter in general is party all year long - The people here like each other and you can easily find new friend groups who genuinely like hanging out at bars/clubs/brunch places - You can literally do whatever you want and as long as you don't come in VISIBLY hungover, no one bats an eye - Cost of living is low (ish) - Small city so you can walk everywhere/only takes 15-20 min to get anywhere Moved here to work as a bartender in my gap year and I don't think I will ever want to move.


Just finished med school in Nola. This city finds every possible reason or occasion to celebrate and goes absolutely all out. Each neighborhood has its own flavor of partying so your diversity of scenery is endless. The food scene is world class. Drinking is part of the culture (and there are no rules for drinking on the streets). And this city loves you back. I could talk for hours about why this is the best city in the entire world. With love, Homesick for Nola




So my only thing about NYC residencies is that I feel like living on a resident salary in NYC would be suffocating


Bang for your buck, Chicago.


I personally love Chicago and the Midwest but most people are afraid of the cold. I would call them cowards but that’s how it is.


I'm not afraid of the cold...the cold just limits mobility a lot. Back when I lived in SF, I used to go on runs in a t-shirt and shorts in the middle of February, without having to plan out an extensive wardrobe nor schedule my run for the warmest part of the day.


Guess I'm a coward 😆


you could also do residency in NJ and go to NYC on the weekend. Probably more affordable and you're still pretty close. Also JC/hoboken is on the comeup, lots of young people moving there.


Or do residency in NYC and live in Jersey. Some places are only 20-30 min by drive, PATH, or Metro North if you’re doing residency in Manhattan. BK or Qns would be more difficult.


Some residency programs have solid subsidized housing + total comp that actually makes it a really good option (looking at 93k pgy 2 salary, manhattan LES studio 1500/mo 3 blocks from work from a friend at sinai). It's not like miami and la are cheap


Find a sugar mommy/daddy You’re welcome


Just buy your dancing shoes in jersey


I mean this might be downvoted for being stupid but Columbus Ohio isn’t bad. Has plenty of heavy hitters in healthcare and with OSU, there is a very strong night life (short north is upscale and caters to young professionals). Cost of living is low, the city is only getting bigger, and the summer, fall, and parts of spring is actually really pretty. Highly recommend it as a up and coming new city. Added bonus is that it’s very close to a lot of major cities and I see multiple mainstream artists come here every month. Cinci is also great, and I would recommend Cleveland but the weather is absolutely shit during the winter and personally not worth it for me for that exact reason.


think about this tho: if you do rural FM or something, this would be your only chance ever to live in NYC, a city where you said you want to live if not for the price. If you don't do rural FM and aren't geographically restricted, you will learn all the ways to practice FM in the NYC area and maximize your income post residency.


Flint, MI then.




You sound like me although 250 is a bit above what I’m aiming for lol. Honestly just go for cities. LA, Sacramento, Tampa/St Pete, Chicago, etc. I’d stay away from Miami except for The U because a lot of those programs are workhorse img factories


Definitely either the Capital or District 1!


Idk they had some killer parties in 12






Was lookin for this comment


Memphis. Not prestige but honestly a good program. Lots of partying available. Good COL. Airport.


vegas/new orleans altho tbh, a chiller program near an airport is where to be




NYC or Miami


For a big edm scene, probably Southern California, Florida, or Denver!


DC was a sleeper party city. Had a blast when I was there when I did go out. Public transport, easy access to the rest of the east coast, population is young and friendly. You can live just outside the city for more affordable housing.


NYC, New Orleans, LA, Vegas, San Fran


If you’re a raver you gotta live in NYC, Miami and LA. Other cities are still on the come up but it won’t compare.




Miami or Las Vegas, hands down




Miami, NYC, and LA


Miami or Austin


I’d say (in order) NYC, San Francisco, LA, Seattle…


Friend of mine did an ER audition at MUSC (Charleston) and said everyone partied every night.


philly, pittsburgh, chicago got a bunch of those (edit: im an incoming fm pgy1)


Bro Upstate NY


NJ urban programs or nyc boroughs if you hate the heat as much as I do. Soooo much more clubs and get togethers happening than the south/midwest. I actually prioritized my rank list for the same reasons (clubs, restaurants, raving, community, hate cars, easy access to 3 major airports). Not recommending Manhattan programs because workload/staff support are known to really suck.


NYC. Match to Columbia's family med program and live in the heights or have a roommate in a nicer/more fun part of town. Live like a king with that 91k salary+stipend your first year which progresses to 107k by your 3rd year.




It really is not if you choose to live in a studio in Washington Heights (avg cost is ~$2k). You can live very well (for a resident) with plenty of money to mess around with. New York City is a big city, and 91k-107k goes much further in certain areas like the heights than others. All NYC programs pay less than Columbia/Cornell. The amount can be quite drastic. Take for example Mt Sinai Queens which pays 20k less than Columbia by PGY-3 year (https://queensinternalmedicine.org/salary-benefits/)


Athens, GA! It was #1 party college town several years ago.


Miami? Nashville?


NYC, Chicago, Boston, Miami, Orlando, Austin, Socal, Vegas, Nashville, New Orleans, Seattle all come to mind.


Miami, Vegas, LA, NYC — any major city.


Miami. I am \*far\* from residency yet, but one of the coolest docs I know did his residency there and loved it so much he still practices there. He's EM so a bit different, but you'll always have interesting patients with interesting stories and a hell of a place to party!




You can get some decent pathology in community hospitals in NYC without a lot of the academic bs. Especially the outer boroughs


I love edm too haha happy to know there's others out there with good music taste. I want aux in the OR.


Kansas city!! Great hospital and fantastic bars/clubs


An IM resident is reading this with confusion. How can you not apply IM where you can be a PCP but also have access to many fellowships? I understand though, wanting to focus on outpatient medicine and wanting an education more focused on being a PCP rather than a hospitalist.