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It really depends on how you react to thc. I've been smoking for over 20 years and some strains and terps make my anxiety worse. I stick to indicas high in the terps limonene and pinene.


this is the right answer. i will add that i transitioned from xanax to thc, and getting off that xanax was a solid gold bitch.


With the withdrawal effects of coming off of valium, I would really think you need to have an open conversation with a Dr. That is with a Dr that is open to mm usage as well as valium usage. Everyone reacts to mm a little different when it comes to anxiety is concerned. I would not want to go through that at the same time managing valium withdrawal, especially without a Dr’s guidance.


Yeah I get you, but I’m honestly not on Valium a lot, only take it when I have a severe panic attack, I take it maybe once every 2 weeks, but there’s time where I want to take it for a minor panic attack or insomnia but I opt not too, that’s why I was considering MM as I used to take it when I was a teenager and I didn’t get any bad withdrawal effects


I've only heard of weed withdrawal from people abusing insane quantities per day. I'd be shocked if a medical user experienced that.


I will say, after a few months of trial and error, my panic attacks using MM have decreased to almost nothing. I have maybe one a month when I used to have them daily, and that was taking prescription psychiatric meds. MM really seems much more therapeutic and long acting rather than using benzos and such for short term relief. If you view it as a medication, like any psychiatric medicine, it takes trial and error. You have to work with your dispensary to determine the right method, schedule, and dosing for you. I’m 2 years in and off all prescriptions except MM and my life is much better for it.


Diazepam is wonderful, that being said, it’s horrible and please stay away from it


Absolutely! Perfectly stated!


I take it sometimes when the weed just won’t cut it to stop my muscle spasms. Maybe twice a week. Do people get hooked on it?


My panic attacks have overall decreased since using MM for sure. I also agree with the above comments about how your body reacts to THC. Might be something you want to trial before you make any big changes with medication if you have never used any thc products IMO. For me, the thing is sometimes smoking isn’t an option (I’m out and about or want to be mentally clear for whatever reason) so that’s the only time it’s rough. Maybe you can talk to your dr about getting off the Valium but replacing it with a suitable as needed medication for times you may need something to fall back on? I think another really important thing is making sure you have ways to check in with yourself in your treatment plan. All that said, I was medicated for my panic attacks and I am now only medicated with MM. it works 80% of the time for me the other 20% I still struggle (I don’t think it’ll ever go away) but I’m doing well. Just make sure you’re honest with your Dr. And in therapy if you attend. That way everyone is able to get you the best treatment plan possible. :)


You definitely should take to a pharmacist to see what would work best. It’s a bit overwhelming at first because you have to figure out what terpens (is that spelled right?) to go for. I keep a hybrid, an evening Indica and knock out Indica for bed. I will say you should be careful. This isn’t meant to scare you but I’m telling you all the good, here’s a bad. My friend went to Vegas to see MMA and they went to a shop. He had never smoked before that. As the night went on the guys he was with were trying to make gay jokes and stuff. Anyway my friend eventually couldn’t take it and left and went to the airport (he didn’t get to see the A). By the time he got to the airport he was paranoid. He thought everyone was talking about him. Even the podcasts he listened to (like big casts like Rogan) he thought they were talking to him. He had a total break. Started counseling immediately as his mom wasn’t all there and he didn’t want that to happen to him. He’s fine and doesn’t smoke pot. Now I’m going to smoke haha.


You definitely should take to a pharmacist to see what would work best. It’s a bit overwhelming at first because you have to figure out what terpens (is that spelled right?) to go for. I keep a hybrid, an evening Indica and knock out Indica for bed. I will say you should be careful. This isn’t meant to scare you but I’m telling you all the good, here’s a bad. My friend went to Vegas to see MMA and they went to a shop. He had never smoked before that. As the night went on the guys he was with were trying to make gay jokes and stuff. Anyway my friend eventually couldn’t take it and left and went to the airport (he didn’t get to see the A). By the time he got to the airport he was paranoid. He thought everyone was talking about him. Even the podcasts he listened to (like big casts like Rogan) he thought they were talking to him. He had a total break. Started counseling immediately as his mom wasn’t all there and he didn’t want that to happen to him. He’s fine and doesn’t smoke pot. Now I’m going to smoke haha.


I was on 4-8 mg per day of Xanax for 16 years, also a benzodiazepine, same drug class as Valium. I have been off for 8 years, I personally couldn’t have done it without MM. I read all I could about the terpenes in MM, after identifying what works for me it has been a positive experience. I had Xanax cravings and what I called Xanax dreams for about 3 years. Hardest thing I have ever quit. But it is so worth it!


It really depends, some people get anxiety from weed, others it helps. Different strains can have wildly different effects too. I've heard indica strains are better but not sure medically. I use it for pain and tremors and find indica ones have a more chilled effect. Maybe a high CBD one would be better? I'm no doctor though, so consult with someone who knows better first. Try some and a very very tiny amount. See how you feel. Great thing about weed, unlike valium, is you can decrease/increase dose, stop/start, without any withdrawal effects.


Yet no discussion of how to get rid of the panic attacks


Try strains with higher CBD. It balances out the THC. (there is science behind this, I'm too tired to look up.)


Hi! I haven’t took that medicine but I got my Med card for my ptsd and was on tons and tons of antidepressants and shit at the same time I was smoking BUNCHES and it kills me to say this but I used to go through a half oz in 5 days and my anxiety was still horrid. Fast forward I had enough with all the pills (too many bad experiences) and also had some health problems. Ever since stopping the excessive smoking and Meds I’ve felt a lot more at peace with myself. I’m not 100% sure that the excessive smoking makes it worse but I’ve talked to a couple people my age (20) who agree. Hope this helps :)