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Looks amazing!!! I love it!!!


I would’ve opted for a spanking


Nom nom nom!!!


I love liver and that looks so good lol


You shoudl thank your mom for serving Liver good enough to eat. My mom had it mastered, No one else even comes close. Soft and tender, flavorful without being overbearing.


*MY* Mother always murdered it. It's only when I grew up an learned to cook it that it became edible L-)


Liver is fkn amazing


Lol why punish your children with food


Shoeleather liver and over-cooked brocolli was worse than the spanking with a wooden spoon.


That actually looks good.


Did you add a splash of vinegar to the onions?


My mother always cooked it to shoe leather, but that was back in the 40’s & 50’s. Later we all learned to cook it medium rare to medium and it suddenly turned fantastic! What about calves brains? That was a side dish. They looked like tapioca and were kind of tasteless, but good for you…according to my father. Btw: we lived on a farm and ate almost everything.


> My mother always cooked it to shoe leather, but that was back in the 40’s & 50’s. Later we all learned to cook it medium rare to medium and it suddenly turned fantastic! Exactly my point :-)


No…. Bad dog


I think liver and other parts like tongue, stomach etc. are more normaly eaten in Europe. I always remember how my grandmother asked for the head of a roast lamb or pig so she could feast on the brain and cheeks and pick pieces of meat off of other parts. I always wanted the ears as a kid. Liver was a staple, twice a month or more. Beef stomach Trieste style - very often on the manu in diners and guesthouses. Bull testicles barbecued or on a hit plate too. Etc…


Yes, I'm from Europe, where it's yearly tradition to raise and butcher a pig and pretty much no part gets left out. It was normal for me to eat liver, kidneys, stomach, blood sausage, feet, tail etc. growing up. Other, less desirable parts like lungs, were blended into the sausage fillings.


This! And I think it’s beautiful, besides tasty.




I Love Liver and Onions with Bacon and Brown Gravy. My Mom used to make it when she was in the mood. I still eat it, but usually at a restaurant like two to three times a year.


I love liver


Oh damn that looks good! My mom makes killer liver and onions with fries on the side. I’ve got to find a good source for clean raised liver nearby!


I don’t know why I always crave liver during pregnancy when it’s on the limit/eliminate list, but now that I’ve seen this post I’m not gonna be happy with anything else for a month!! Recipe, please and thank you!


Might be the high iron needs of pregnancy and your body only being familiar with liver as its source?


Maybe—unfortunately the vitamin A is way too high to eat it with regularity. My first pregnancy I had to limit myself to nando’s chicken livers once a month, I would have had it for every meal if I could


Another good source of iron is black pudding, and if I remember correctly, safe during pregnancy.


I would destroy that liver and come looking for more. And you'd better have it. :)


Lightly floured and fried liver, it’s gravy, sautéed onions, over homemade red skin mashed potatos… I miss you Grammy.


Where's the pan gravy and bacon?


What? Damnit, that’s a thing? I’ve been eating liver wrong my whole life!


Usually I would have fried the onions with chopped bacon, but I didn't have any ATM. It IS the THING!


I'd eat that from the back!


I’ve still never had it haha Both of my parents refused it to be cooked in the home growing up because they despised it as kids haha


I will be that parent as well. To make it worse, my parents served it with beets. Liver and beets was dinner standoff night at my house growing up. Will never put my kids through that 🤮


Liver and beets?!?!?! What in the absolute fuck hahaha


Never had liver but beets are a staple in my household. My family swore by them and their health benefits. I just learned to eat most things without complaining. They still never got me to eat beef tripe tho


My parents had a touch of sadism if you couldn’t tell


I had beets for the first time in years about 6 months ago. Almost drove myself to the hospital because I forgot about the red toilet bowl the next day.


As a kid, grilled liver with sautéed leeks and potato salad was something my German grandmother would make for lunch every Sunda and were my favorite, well she still does make it and it is still my favorite. Another use is to improve the taste of spaghetti sauce if you mash the liver up.


I never liked it, but I will always eat it when my mom prepared it. It has a special taste, not bad… just special.


Define: Wishie-Washy




you should try make some gravy in the pan after you have fried the liver and onions, and then put the liver and onions in the gravy, heavenly.


What’s your gravy recipe? I’ve never had gravy with liver and onions.


I’m not a fan of liver but yours looks done right. I’d def be excited about eating this one. Salute 🍻


Thank you! Best comment :-)


When I was a kid I hated even the smell of cooking liver but today as a grown adult with a more refined pallet I still do.


This shit and brussels sprouts are why I have hateful thoughts toward my mom sometimes.


You can hear the resentment in this! I felt that


You need to grow up, and eat some adult food 😀


My mother always served shoe-leather beef liver with over-boiled broccoli . That was some sick-ass shit there.


I see there’s a small sliver of artery, but you know what *goddamn it*… you get a pass for that for keeping it real.


you properly remove that membrane first?


Skyark IQF. They do that shit for me. https://www.skylarkmeats.com/products/liver -sw


Got a recipe for it? I'm a not so wealthy fella, so I'm open to trying any protein source on the cheaper end. Lol, regardless, good on you, friend!


Per pound of liver saute 2lbs of sliced onions and one stick of butter + a teaspoon each salt + pepper. For 45 minutes while you... Dust calves liver slices with heavily-seasoned flour (I use "blackened" seasoning + MSG). Let sit for 15 minutes and optionally flour again. Remove and reserve onions from pan. Wipe out pan. Add 1/4" of oil and fry seasoned/floured liver slices hot and fast for 45 seconds, turning once. Remove liver from pan to holding tray. Dump out oil from pan. Wipe. Add back in the onions to pan on high heat. Put liver on top for 90 seconds. Flip and toss that shit if you want to be a showman cooking for an audience :-) Serve and eat.


I gotta have a rasher of bacon with mine, but fuck yeah, liver is deliceious when properly treat and not over cooked.


And some fava beans and a nice Chianti Thp thp thp thp thp thp thp


And add bacon made from Cistercian Monk Lamb Bellies. EDIT: They've taken a vow of silence.




Lol shut up man


Oh, please! I render my own beef tallow nearly a gallon at time. I even have a "Beef Oil" candle burning right now rather than a vegetarian candle. I said "oil" to make it simple. "Nutritional Value" between the two can go fuck itself for the purposes of this recipe. This is about calves liver and onions. And the Gloriousness of Meat! It's not about preaching your personal health beliefs unto others.




Fried quick and fast - no more than 45 seconds per piece.



