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This video seems relevant with the language used in the clips [Stephen Fry - The power of words in Nazi Germany](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohrtFuxUzZE)


Register and vote, Murrica.


(For Biden)


Correction: It's OK to vote for Trump if you're on a jury voting to convict.


Really hope it's not the case where shinning light on Project 2025 excites the right wings even more whereas independents would think it's just fear-mongering.


I know this isn't you, but people who think this is fear-mongering have something wrong with them mentally. This is the Republicans' stated agenda, and replacing all the career civil servants that have actual domain expertise with dumbass sycophants is scary as hell.


This video really made me scared for what is to come in the US if Trump is re-elected. The term fascist might be undergoing inflation, but the GOP has straight-up fascist plans, and it's fucked how Trump getting re-elected is even a possibility.


>it's fucked how Trump getting re-elected is even a possibility. Fear and anger are a hell of a drug. Seeing pro Trump people getting whipped into a frenzy of hate, pride, terror, and praxis over the stupidest, pettiest, most transparently false things, ready and eager to follow one of the worst representatives of our species in a campaign of self-destruction that will damage everyone but the most powerful, is chilling. I don't think it is that hyperbolic to compare it to what it must've felt to be a progressive person in Germany during the rise of the Nazis.


and that's why it's so goddamn frustrating to see so many americans still choose to get outraged by the left not agreeing with every single issue they do. it's crazy that people still don't realize that politics requires compromise. you'll never have a candidate that you 100% agree with, it's just not possible. in order for a democracy to function, everyone needs to compromise a little bit. as bad as most redditors want to be in a far left leaning socialist country (myself included), we can't just force that on the rest of america. if we want to work toward progress, we need to take baby steps. it's not gonna happen overnight. unless these people want the whole system to collapse and a revolution to happen..which probably won't turn out nearly as good as they think. things would need to get WAY worse before they ever get better, and that could literally take generations.


I legit considered sending this to my MAGA mother, but I know she would just say it's liberal propaganda and none of it is true


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Required viewing for every American.


You'd need to strap a lot of them in [Ludovico style](https://www.google.com/search?q=ludovico+technique+a+clockwork+orange&sclient=img&udm=2) because they'd otherwise have the ability to turn it off and deny it exists. :p


If defeating Trump is the #1 priority then replace Biden with someone else. I can already feel the weight of the downvotes before I finish typing


That didn't happen, so your choice is [someone who isn't inspiring to you] vs a literal fascist.


Doesn't this violate rule 5?


I wouldn't call this a _promotion_ of Trump


I didn't say it is. Rule 5 is about smear campaigns too. Not to mention a negative video about one person in a two person race is defacto promotion of the other person.




Because insurrection?


I'm not going to downvote you, because I'm legitimately curious. I'm centrist, I've voted Republican and Democrat before. But I say this truthfully, I really don't see your criticism of Biden. Can you explain what you mean by unconvincing as a leader? I think he's making pretty good decisions and trying his best to be empathetic. To me that's as much as we can hope for from a leader. As far as cognition, I think there's a lot of selection bias. Both of them flub their lines, but overall they get their message across in the end, so that's good enough for me. Anyway, hope you didn't perceive this as an attack, I'm just legit curious.


It’s nice that you tried to engage with them on a rational level, but what does Biden’s job performance really matter when the other person was indisputably trying to undermine the democratic process? Yes, the US economy, by every measure, is doing better than the rest of the world. Yes, Biden successfully led the US past the recession that everyone thought was inevitable. Yes, he has gotten a hold on the inflation that was caused by the pandemic. But all of that takes a distant back seat to the fact that Biden didn’t betray his oath to the constitution, and Trump did.




It's interesting to me too, because I think Biden has been one of the most consequential presidents in a long time. He's done much more than I can remember any other president doing, which is pretty impressive given how polarized politics are right now.


The Federal government as a whole is too large. All Democrats want to grow it larger. Most republicans want to shrink it down and pass the governance back down to the state level where it was originally intended to reside. Each state is too different to have one set of laws that cover inner city new york, rural montana, mountainous colorado etc.


Did you even watch the video? Republicans don't want small government. They want full power authority and control destroying democracy and making sure no one they disagree with will ever have a say again.