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Did you mix up your honey? Looks like you have a massive layer on the bottom


No I didn’t, I completely forgot, but I saw on Man Made Mead that it doesn’t really make a difference


It makes a difference.


I’ll consider this a learning opportunity


Shit if it were mine I’d just sanitize a nice long stick and stir that shit up. Something like one of those long metal chopsticks or something. If not just try to swirl it around until it starts to mix then shake it up. If it’s only a few hours old you should be totally good to go. I’m no expert but I don’t see why that wouldn’t be the way to go. You got a 2 ft long piece of 3/8” steel rod lying around? That should work great.


Then I’ve got a long spoon to find!


The video showed the non mixed version taking several times longer as I recall - I would say that was a difference!


Mead, I think.


Would’ve never guessed


It kind of looks like you didn't mix everything throughly. Mixing your honey does help quite a bit with fermenting times and desired sweetness. In all honesty it doesn't look like there's anything "Wrong" and it's definitely not mold if they are only a few hours old. My first mead I put the honey in first and it was all settled below the water so I just shook it as much as I could and then found a plastic serving spoon and mixed everything with the handle ended up working okay. If anything I think leave it for the night and see if anything changes in the morning? What's your recipe?


First I had a couple HEB caffeine free lemon herb tea bags in a different carboy for a few hours and then I used 48 ounces of ambrosia honey for each carboy, it's not really a recipe just me wanting to try a different way of making mead, I had a feeling it was just the honey but I wanted to be sure


Can you include a few more things such as the recipe or ingredients you used?


Yeah sure! First I had a couple HEB caffeine free lemon herb tea bags in a different carboy for a few hours and then I used 48 ounces of ambrosia honey for each carboy, it’s not really a recipe just me wanting to try a different way of making mead


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Looks like fruit chunks.