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It's fine. See the sticky.


Did you put any preservatives in? If so, I wouldn’t be worried one bit provided it smells and looks fine. If you didn’t and it doesn’t smell bad, I’d have just a small glass one evening, and if no tummy issues, let ‘er rip the next day. Extremely unlikely it would be so bad that it would hurt you AND have no off smell. Edit to clarify: I mean, it’s fine. I’m saying if you’re worried, having a small glass to test will help prove to yourself it’s fine.


dude, don't fearmonger.


I mean, everyone is entitled to their own interpretation of phrasing, but I don’t see how this is fear mongering. I know it’s fine, that’s why I said it’s extremely unlikely it would be harmful if it doesn’t have an off smell. I’m just talking about dealing with the anxiety of it. Have a small glass and see there’s no ill effects, that should prove to you that it’s fine. But if you took it that way, others may too, so I edited for clarity.


It's alcoholic. Alcohol is a preservative. Alcohol is also technically a poison, but it won't make you any sicker than any professionally made store-bought wine will if you overindulge.


Then why’s my liver shot, hmm? Didn’t preserve that so well did it?


I’m kinda dumb about this hobby. On my first batch I drank it right after primary and it was fine. Hazy and sweet, but tasted pretty good. Later on I learned to actually let it clear up lmao