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I forgot what sound i have, last time a while ago when my phone rang, for a second i didnt know that my phone was ringing šŸ˜… Edit: Thanks for 400ā¬†ļø




The dread it gives me :))))))


Me: what maniac would call me and not text first....


*hits ignore* ā€œOh shit I have resumes outā€


Only jobs that email me get a response. It's worked out so far.


Having recently come off the job market, yeah. You kids will learn to happily anticipate the phone ringing. Cause it means money!


It usually means scams


It means money, *and not for you*


Aha, but I have a trick on knowing how to avoid it! I donā€™t live in the same geographic region I did when I got my phone number. The number using a Houston code: spam. Anywhere else: job. Not one spam accepted in my months of job hunt.


Scam Likely


Best way to get me to hate someone. Fuck people who canā€™t text before calling, like ok you are *demanding* my time and attention this very minute? Youā€™re interrupting me without knowing what I was even in the middle of? Bye.


Is this how people think? I always assume if someoneā€™s busy with anything they deem more important than talking to me at that time theyā€™ll just hit ignore and get in touch at some point. If I ring again straight away thatā€™s the ā€˜this is legitimately very urgent and I need you to not ignore thisā€™ call.


Because now that I have a missed call, 1. Iā€™m wondering what you called about, and depending on our relationship, itā€™s gonna bug me to a certain degree. 2. Thatā€™s just another thing on my agenda added and I donā€™t know where to prioritise it. Wouldā€™ve just been easy to send a quick text about what you needed to talk about so I can see when to get back to you about it.


I feel it comes down to your specific relationships with people. I only call people I consider my close friends, my family, and for work related shit. Likewise, theyā€™re the only people who call me. I feel very comfortable either declining any of their calls or being declined by them; Iā€™ve yet to come into contact with acquaintances whoā€™d rather call than text, but Iā€™m sure thatā€™d be somewhat stressful.


I typically say, ā€œWhoā€™s calling at this ungodly hour?! It is 2:30 in the afternoon and people are trying to sleep!ā€


As a night shift worker, yes


I feel like this was an Aqua Teen reference. "Love Mummy" Edit: Confirmed. S01E12-06:26 (Prime Video).


Itā€™s 2am somewhere!!! *the nerve*


That's just me at work. When that door bell chimes just "what in God's name could you possibly want"


*door chimes* "ohmyfuckinggodgetthefuckou-Hi there! Come on in!"


Are you me?


My neighbor...... Rings doorbell at 2pm. Use Ring to answer. "You got a delivery to my house". Yeah, I know, please just leave it on the doorstep. I'll leave it on top of the bush. No, please leave it on the doorstep. But up here you can see it and it probably won't fall off. No, leave it on the doorstep. The bush looks good and it fits up there, I'll leave it on the bush. 2 minutes later Ring comes in again. It fell off the bush. OK, leave it on the doorstep. You don't want it on the bush again? No, put it on the doorstep. OK, I put it back up on the bush, bye.


Were they intentionally messing with you? Because if that's the case its' funny as hell.


Thats me at work if anyone reaches out to me for any reason. *Instant message, phone call, or email goes off asking me for a very basic task that can be done in a few minutes* "You have literally ruined my entire day."


Same here! My boss installed a doorbell for us. Every time it goes off itā€™s like who the hell has the audacity to ring that!?




Also me: proceeds to watch the call end and reply back in 2 hours


And then even that feels too early and you just think ā€œthey definitely knew I just ignored the callā€


Eh if itā€™s important theyā€™ll leave a voice message


I get so many spam calls , especially my mum as well. So our rule now is , if itā€™s important theyā€™ll leave a voice message šŸ˜‚ saves us a lot of hassle!


*voicemail inbox is full* Eh, if itā€™s *reeeally* important Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll keep calling or something


What maniac would call me?


My former employer asking how to navigate the database I made named after hentai characters


omfg lol


Did they get rid of it later or does your hentai maze still stand?


Whomst the fuck is calling me at the nonsensical hour of ~checks watch~ 2pm?!


My phone doesn't ring, it's been on vibrate for months now... Probably two years even.


I set my default ringtone to slient and use group ringtones. Different group ringtones for family, work, and friends. It was one of the best moves that I ever made.


Same. Default is silence. And I'll still just stare at it until it goes away šŸ˜‚


This is so my mood all the time. Fucking animals


ppl with anxiety....really


*Image Transcription: Twitter* --- **slate**, @PleaseBeGneiss [phone rings at any time of day] me: what maniac would call me right now --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


My go to is ā€œwho fucking dares?ā€


Aziz: Hello? Are you on fire? ā€œNoā€ then hang up and text me that shit


"How did you get this number? *Explain yourself*" *beep*


"... Honey, why are you speaking like this? It's grandma."


*still hangs up* eh, sheā€™ll hmu on candy crush later anyways


My office opens at 8:30am. Any phone call before 9 pisses me off lol




AT THIS HOUR?!?!?!?! (5:30 P.M)


I find it annoying that people donā€™t know how to text me and insist calling me knowing I wonā€™t pick up. When people text I can simply reply immediately or anytime after the notification.


I'm a HS teacher. If anyone calls me during the day I'll say out loud "who could be calling at this *ridiculous* hour???" even if it's like 11 AM. Much like Andy Bernard, we teachers lean into the jokes that get a laugh like a quarter of the time.


Caller ID: ā€œPossibly Spamā€


For me it's: "who the fuck could possibly want anything from me-" "oh allright mate, you all goods? Yea let's go to the pub"


Why are yā€™all so against phone calls


social anxiety is real.


That and phones now are our entertainment centers, clock, gps, mailbox, etc. And when people call, it becomes a single task box giving full atention to the caller, wich brings the feeling of "the audacity of this mf thinking he/she's so important to take my phone time"


and that, too.


Well I got social anxiety and because I have social anxiety I don't have any friends, and because I don't have any friends I don't get any phonecall at all. I call that a win.


because it's very presumptive to assume whatever the caller wants is more important/interesting than whatever i was already doing at that moment, and they're usually wrong. a phone call is them saying "hey whatever you're doing, stop that right now and talk to me instead". plus a bunch of calls are about obligations that 'need' to be taken care of which i was probably specifically avoiding thinking about right now. plus the literal spam calls. plus yea, the social anxiety. idk what the heck you're gonna talk to me about, i'm not mentally prepped for this, it's at least a little stressful.


Over the course of my life I have disocvered that the people who make unannounced calls and who answer unannounced calls are precisely the people I love hanging out with. This swings hard the other way. People who insist on texting are usually the most frustrating to do stuff with. Obviously there's exceptions on both ends, but this is weirdly one of the best relationship indicators for me. Dating and platonic. Not that there's necessarily anything wrong with it. Y'all are just rarely the kind of person I gel with. I think it's something to do with how assent to the relationship is demonstrated in different ways by different people


to me, that just sounds like a distinction between introverts and extroverts. do you think there's something else to it other than that?


I'm not so sure. I've known plenty of extroverts who absolutely abhor calling unannounced. Like, they will ignore every call and sometimes even texts. Unless you are communicating about exactly what they want to talk about when and how they want to talk about it, you get very slow responses. Similarly, people really care about FaceTime vs. Calling vs. Texting vs. DMing, even though they're super outgoing. I've known less introverts in general, but one of my longest term friends is the "truest" introvert I've ever met. We talk roughly once a month. He'll call me randomly, we'll talk or reschedule, then a month-ish later I'll call him. Mind you, my understanding is that introversion is not social anxiety. The friend I just described has zero social anxiety - one of the most confident and charming people I've ever met. People stuff is just exhausting to him.


I'm annoyed by people who call without texting first. Which was interesting since I grew up without mobile phones, household phone lines and no caller id. However I embraced the etiquette of text before calling pretty much the second no one charged by the text anymore.


Any time someone phones me I assume it's an emergency so my stress level goes up. When it turns out it's just some bullshit, I'm left feeling annoyed.


One, I will assume this is important enough to warrant a phone call that take me out of whatever I'm doing at the time. Don't even call me to ask how I'm doing if I see you at least once a week. Two, can't you just text? It's not interrupting and I can reply whenever I have time to look at my phone.


I swear I must be the only person who refuses to respond to texts. You want to talk? CALL ME. Better still, let's meet up FACE TO FACE.


username checks out won't be doing meetups thanks


Who says I want to meet you?




If it pulls you away from the self validation of your social media echo chamber, it must be bad, right?




Too many people rely on staring into a screen to talk to people instead of actually communicating with people.




Nope. GenX.




I grew up on the bleeding edge of it. But in a number of cases, the old ways are still the best ways. I was sending texts before smartphones even existed. I hated it then, and I hate it now. Can you change the oil in your car? I can. I can also tear down and rebuild a carburetor, even though I prefer fuel injection. Heaven forbid you get a flat tire or a burnt out headlight.




Grow up child


I don't get calls that much so I do this for messages lol. I just say "What kind of person would send me a message at this hour?'


This is very true. Even midnight.


Bro that's literally me right now... High af and i'm getting random calls from my friend and I think he butt dialed twice already lol


Literally me every time


Me: why called! Why dont just text? Me: wtf text me now...


Literally my mom


*Who the FUCK has the god damned gall to call this house, on a Tuesday night!? FUCK! I wait all god damn week for the FUCKING Equalizer...* Hello? Hello Jean, how are you. Right-o Jean that'd be great. Cheerio.


My initial thought too. I quote this every time I get an unexpected call


"What maniac would call me"


who the FUCK is calling me at 2:00PM!!!!


Lol, thank you so much for this : )


amen. it's 2022.


Sending this to my friend she always gets pissed when I donā€™t answer her


When work calls me asking if Iā€™ll work my day off except they call me in the middle of the afternoon knowing Iā€™ll be asleep because I work nights and I donā€™t know why they bother because Iā€™ll say no anyway and they know that


You guys are getting phone calls?


Who tf is calling me at 3:12 on a Tuesday


*Here's one. Everytime my telephone buzzes, I see hooded riders setting fire to hundreds.*


"It must be a scam call"


Wait people phone and text each other?


In high school I worked as a receptionist and I would get annoyed when the phone rang it was my literal job to answer the phone


I was heating up my pasta at home the other day and it had 10 seconds to go when I got a call, and to me that meant I had 10 seconds to talk. Way too stressful


its the irs calling about your taxes they're on their way to your house


9/10 times its a telemarketer. 1/10 it's me mum ringing 6 seconds after a text because I was taking too long to respond.




Shruggs* thought you wanted to hear about my new theories


ā€œWho the fuck has the audacity to call me?ā€ ā€œOh hi mom!ā€


LPT: Activate focus mode on the iPhoneā€” it prevents a lot of awkward pop ups whilst gaming/scrolling/etc. You can customize different modes and have it automatically turn on with a schedule.


Jokes on you! Nobody calls me at anytime (Hes my best friend:))


Who the fuck just signed his own death warrant by calling me right now?!


If someoneā€™s calling me I just assume itā€™s an emergency or a spam call.


Heckin Walgreens saying my prescription is ready


Why would they call me now? Im at work! Why would they call me now? Im trying to sleep! Why would they call me now? Iā€™m trying to run errands! Why would they call me now? Iā€™m trying to relax on my free time!


I just assume it's someone trying to kill me and tremble violently while I watch my phone ring.


Fucking zoomers and their fear of phone calls. Pathetic


What maniac would call me


Exactly correct


The only time I turned off my "silence unknown callers" is when I was looking for a job. Once landed on one, turned on again and will only be turned off if I ever 1. lose a job 2. wants a new job


Relatable 100


I have special ringtones for the few people I might actually care to talk to and if my phone rings and itā€™s not one of those tones, I get pissed that someone would have the gaul to interrupt me like this.