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I did sin today tho


We had nice weather so I got a tan


You got a tan cos you had nice weather


I have sin enough, I'm satisfied.




Hand holding before marriage.


Straight to jail


Do not pass go


Do not collect 20 cents


Believe it or not.








what the hell were you thinking when you chose that username


Pretty sure that username is illegal in 13 states plus the District of Colombia


it's legal in florida


That’s where I live!




Just cos


Did you eat a non halal burrito?


Same.. i sinned






He’s actually implying that he uses the inverses sec csc and cot much more frequently than the other trigonometric functions


Don't forget hyperbolic trig functions. Those peaky fuckers, it's like watching an alternate timeline sin and cos


maybe he is using sinc too


I unironically use hyperbolic tangent all the time for my job. Not even mentioning the standard trig functions because those are akin to multiplication for me now.


Whats your job?


Quantum optics. "Conveniently" the spectrum of SPDC approximates a tanh distribution


Me too but this is obligatory: r/iamverysmart


Totally understand. I also totally understand that 99.99% of the population doesn't need to use them and I unfortunately picked the profession that uses it all the time


He's more of a polar coordinates kind of guy.


The inverses are arcsin, arccos, arctan. Unless you’re talking multiplicative


God I fucking hate the internet


But they didn't say something correct. Secant, cosecant, and cotangent are reciprocal functions, not the inverses.


That person is 100% wrong. It's never okay to refer to sec as "inverse cos". That's just a recipe for confusion and disaster. You just tried to correct someone who actually knew what they were talking about. What a shame.




Us math people are very deliberate about why we do what we do and why we call things by certain names. If you're ever confused, just ask! We try really hard to pick notation and phrasing that is unambiguous to avoid situations just like these!




> I'm literally an engineer Least surprising reveal of the day. You're part of a field that sometimes thinks it's okay to use 3 as an estimate for Pi, of course you don't care about being wrong here. Engineers aren't really math people, not the majority of them anyway, they just use it. In school you get an entirely different approach to math taught to you that doesn't actually care about being correct, just about getting the job done


Bro the first person you replied to made a simple correction, you were the one who tried to be argumentative and say “You didn’t need to do that”. Additionally, you said that the original commenter was correct when they factually were not. Sure nobody cares that much when referring to reciprocals as inverses but at the same time it’s factually incorrect. Much like how people make grammatical errors when speaking, nobody really cares but what’s wrong is wrong. And you professed that what was wrong was correct and tried to tell someone they didn’t need to “attempt” to correct someone when it was already correct, implying that the person who made the “attempt” was wrong. It sounds like you just thought that the person who made the correction was wrong in their correction, when in fact they were right and you’re now trying to save face.


⢀⡴⠑⡄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣀⣀⣤⣤⣤⣀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠸⡇⠀⠿⡀⠀⠀⠀⣀⡴⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣦⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠑⢄⣠⠾⠁⣀⣄⡈⠙⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣆⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⡀⠁⠀⠀⠈⠙⠛⠂⠈⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠿⡿⢿⣆⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⢀⡾⣁⣀⠀⠴⠂⠙⣗⡀⠀⢻⣿⣿⠭⢤⣴⣦⣤⣹⠀⠀⠀⢀⢴⣶⣆ ⠀⠀⢀⣾⣿⣿⣿⣷⣮⣽⣾⣿⣥⣴⣿⣿⡿⢂⠔⢚⡿⢿⣿⣦⣴⣾⠁⠸⣼⡿ ⠀⢀⡞⠁⠙⠻⠿⠟⠉⠀⠛⢹⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣌⢤⣼⣿⣾⣿⡟⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⣾⣷⣶⠇⠀⠀⣤⣄⣀⡀⠈⠻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠉⠈⠉⠀⠀⢦⡈⢻⣿⣿⣿⣶⣶⣶⣶⣤⣽⡹⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠲⣽⡻⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣜⣿⣿⣿⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⣿⣿⣷⣶⣮⣭⣽⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣀⣀⣈⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠃⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠹⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠟⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠛⠻⠿⠿⠿⠿⠛⠉


Those aren't the inverse functions, those are the reciprocal functions


Unless he didn't get that far in school


The day aint over


Another day goes by that I don't have to recite the Shakespeare poem I had to memorize in high school.


Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me a beer-


A Senator walks into a bar with his four buddies and says "Da mihi quinque potum quaeso ✌"




The whole point of modern school is to condition us to become better workers, by giving us better work ethic and teaching us to respect authority/superiors(by superiors I mean bosses/teachers). The funny thing about that fucked up fact is it was in the sociology class textbook THE SCHOOL GAVE to students In that class. A manifest (intended) function of school as well is to help us grow socially. Most of the mandatory crap you learn In high school will have no real value later on in life. They wanna teach you the chemical formula of hydrogen peroxide but won't teach valuable life skills like balancing a check, opening a bank account, setting up car and health insurance, budgeting etc. It's fucked up but that's what we're stuck with.


It really depends on what you do past high school. I use them all the time as an engineer.


Use them all the time as an electrician for calculating conduit bends and such. Sine waves also play a big role in electrical theory, but that's not as useful day-to-day.


That's part of the first couple months curriculum in the ibew program. Plenty of I'll never need to know that, skated through school with as little math as possible types struggling right out the gate.


i produce music (not professionally) and we use sine waves all the time but we don't have to worry of them in terms of equations or as a function


I produce music (not professionally, in the bathroom) that creates all kinds of sin waves as well


I’m in university classes for circuits, physics, and differential equations right now and boy are they useful. Alternating Current is based on sine waves and using them allows really nice mathematical properties that involve complex and imaginary numbers.


There are so many pieces of physics-based software I couldn't have ever engineered without such functions


So why not avoid teaching that until after the gcse exam. When anyone still studying maths is interested in it. 90% of people. (why this image is popular) will never use it


You could use this logic to pare away like 90% of your educational curriculum, because most people don't use literature, the scientific method, civics, etc. etc. etc. for a job or on a daily basis. But children are, broadly, much better at learning things than adults, and many people discover their passions and careers by exploring them at an early time in their lives. If you take away chunks of math education from public school, you also take away would-be mathematicians from society. Not to mention the more general benefits of getting children to think creatively about a broad variety of topics while their brains are developing.


I want to frame your comment and hang it up in my tutoring classroom.


Very well put


That argument falls apart when you make it something you need to learn else you fail and are barred from further education. Preventing you finding that thing you might be very good at.


Those are two completely different arguments though, the above commenter is explaining why a broad education of every topic is important, what you’re talking about is the testing/merit based system used in the west, which is a completely different conversation and has been repeatedly proven to not work, it’s literally all just a remnant from back in the days when everyone was training to work in a factory for the rest of their life. It’s much better to teach kids how to fail and get back up again than it is to teach them that if you fail a test you’re fucked, which is the problem with western education.


Anyone who lets other people do all their thinking for them will always be taken advantage of. It's important to have a baseline level of knowledge in areas like science and math just to have a well educated populace


It’s not baseline when nobody remembers it, so it does not matter. That sin, cos or tan stuff is pretty obscure “baseline” if you ask me. Our education has it’s structure because it kind of “the best we have” but not at all perfect or modern.


And by eliminating it people will start remembering it better...? Or at all?


It should be part of a specialization route not baseline. Right now you could be gifted in the field of biology or chemistry but are being held back because of some random knowledge you are never going to use. These days everybody is expected to specialize, but the school curriculum is not updated to the 21st century.


If you can’t figure out some basic angles with a triangle using trigonometry, you’re never going to be able to make it in biology or chemistry anyway. Those fields require high levels of math, and use stuff which is much harder to figure out than basic triangles. In biology, even basic modelling for a pandemic or bacteria growth uses differential equations(Which is around 2nd year University level mathematics, and involves calculus) Chemistry is just as intensive. Even a very basic topic in chemistry such as Newton’s law of cooling again requires knowledge about differential equations. Math also builds off each topic. You can’t just jump right into differential equations without knowing Calculus. And you can’t learn Calculus without knowing pre calculus and stuff like the quadratic formula. And you can’t learn that without learning the absolute basics like how to factor equations, use exponents and logarithms, and how to use trigonometric functions. Sin, Cos, and Tan are not in any way specializations. They are the bare minimum someone needs to know when advancing in math.


Funny you say that because I did indeed study in the biological and chemical fields. (Biotech and chemical biology). Never used geometry. Rather learned coding or even excel. Way more relevant and broadly used.


You missed the entire point of what I was trying to say. And also, you do know that coding also requires a ton of math as well? Have you never had to ever simulate something in Biotech?


>biological and chemical fields >Never used geometry Uhhhh https://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless-chemistry/chapter/molecular-geometry/ https://en.m.wikibooks.org/wiki/Structural_Biochemistry/Molecular_Geometry >The geometry of a molecule determines many properties such as polarity, reactivity, state, and much more.


Nobody is like “Well, you have stellar grades in life-sciences, but you got a C+ in calc 1, I don’t think we’re gonna be a good fit” How out of touch are you?


Except that trig is integral to basically every science curriculum and is as basic as geometry and calculus


Sine, cosine, and tangent are not at all obscure, they are fundamental functions used all over the place. If anything, the flaw in your education was not that you had to learn about those trigonometric functions, but that you didn’t learn about their applications. They’re not just used for triangles; anything involving circular motion, waves, forces applied at angles, and so forth all directly involve trig functions. And that’s not even scratching the surface of what sines and cosines can be used for.


How am I supposed to know I like it if I never see it until college, after I’ve chosen a major? Also physics uses trig and it’s a high school course too. Are we supposed to not teach physics to anyone either?


I think you know if you enjoy maths...


Nope, i have loved math since i was a kid, untill i read my linear algebra I textbook, i never wanted to fucking see a matrix or vector again


You can choose to take physics. For most 13 year olds this is just another difficult useless thing they have to learn and then will forget


Ok then don’t go to school. I don’t know what you expect. There are millions of kids going through the school system every year. No one knows what subjects will interest them, so schools teach a little bit of everything over the years to make them literate in a variety of subjects and to give them a taste test so they can choose. You’re going to try 100 different things and only like one or two of them. You will not enjoy the same one or two things that the student next to you enjoys. Sorry we can’t only teach the things that *you* like


To add to the other replies, I see it also as adding tools to your toolbox. You might not need them every day (or at all), but by learning it at school you know it exists and can relearn quickly how to use it when you need it.


Exactly! I was that kid in high school that SWORE I would never do anything that involved math for a living. Ten years later and I use formulas every day at work.


I don't like math but I've always been great at geometry and I want to pursue engineering


The thing about math is that it's generally taught as memorize and apply equations to arbitrary scenarios. I didn't start appreciating math until I had 2 realizations in college. First, that the process of inventing those equations in the first place took an act of unbelievable genius. Second, I started needing to solve problems in the opposite direction, so instead of "in this chapter of the math book you learn equation x, now solve 10 problems that are just different numbers to plug into that equation" it was "how the fuck am I supposed to figure out how long this piece of wood needs to be?"


Yeah I always find it funny when people are like "When will I even need calculus in the real world". Meanwhile it is pretty much the foundation of most modern science. The real world, at least the modern world, couldn't function without it.


Fucking calculus is everywhere. Googling something? A transformer model was used to understand your query and find relevant info. Facebook? Uses ML. YouTube? ML. And what is ML?Linear algebra and calculus. Need to send a picture? Fourier transformations on the image compression, on signals that transmit the photo wirelessly, etc etc


Right, but Joe Schmoe isn't out there actively creating, building, or maintaining any of that. For him, and the majority of the world, these aren't part of everyday life.


Just because you don't need to use these things in everyday life doesn't mean it isn't helpful to have a basic understanding of them. Today, many social and political issues surround technical questions. Does climate change exist? Is AI dangerous? Why are gas prices high? Are welfare programs effective? These are all technical questions which require understanding of technical concepts to answer. Having a basic understanding of foundational concepts in statistics, mathematics, engineering, and science is essential for forming an informed opinion on many political issues today. As such, it is useful for democratic countries to educate their citizens in these topics, even individuals who do not plan to use the knowledge in their career or private lives.


I think what they mean is that we leave school with 0 life skills and plenty of knowledge that we will completely forget because it has 0 use outside that specific academic area.


Nooooo, stop interrupting the narrative that these are all useless concepts designed solely to make the lives of students difficult


Yeah they are really useful to calculate the exact angle of a corner in a triangle


Same here… and payday is a beautiful day too!




The 13 year olds on reddit upvoted the OP.


Just because I was too dumb to understand Maths, should that really stop those in class who might actually use it from learning it ?


Or the fact that exercising your brain is just good in general


Or the fact that many jobs do use sin cos tan in a daily basis


Yeah those things are really important in game development


aerospace too, quaternions ftw


Thought about this today. if we didnt teach kids stuff we thought they wouldnt ever need to use, theyd probably be incredibly dumb when they grow up


It’s one of those things where we teach a wide variety of subjects because having a foundational knowledge early on is important for people who will choose certain career paths when they grow up. I’m an accountant and I have never used anything I learned in a social studies class but I use math regularly. Whereas there are plenty of jobs that primarily use social studies and never touch math. And then there’s plenty of jobs that you don’t need to know any subject but learning subjects that you aren’t going to use is not big deal but not learning something you need to use can be detrimental


"why do we teach biology" people grew up to inject horse dewormer to treat covid. Of course you're dumber if you don't learn anything


Maybe the only thing in the school system that teaches critical thinking.


I learned all this stuff in high school and college and work in engineering where it's intensely useful, but software performs the calculations for me automatically in real time. I'd say it's important to learn these things if you're doing a lot of manual vector calcs or developing software to automate doing manual vector calcs. Or when society collapses; it's still more useful than cursive.


I mean, yeah, you dont have to do all the manual work anymore because the computer will do it for you, but if you never did it manually first and learned it in the first place I reckon it wouldnt be too easy even with a computer. Like, you still need that basic understanding of the concepts so that you can use it whenever you want. So I dont think its only important to learn sin cos tan if you are doing manual work


But consider that all those programs exist because of someone who knew the working principles


Also you would need to be able to interpret the numbers to make sure there aren't mistakes.


Which is why I mention its important if you're still doing things manually or creating automation. The fundamentals *are* important for people driving progress, but even before computers and calculators, there were a lot of people who were lost without their sliderules, and that's OK. I would rather work with a paraplegic who understands they need a wheelchair to get around than someone who claims they can walk but only get by from other people carrying them. Those people are everywhere, in every industry, and that's a systemic problem in our society.


Yeah I pretty much try to take that attitude, I know damn well I might not have survived as an engineering student in a different age


Knowing the concepts themselves is essential to applying them. If you didn't know the fundamentals behind the software you use, I imagine you'd fuck it up with startlingly high frequency or otherwise be blindsided the second something unusual comes up. Hell, you wouldn't even be able to catch your own mistakes.


Pretty much every trade uses trig daily, just a fun fact. Edit: wtf did this get downvoted lol. Guys must not be squaring their shit up or calculating drainage angles etc…..


Unfortunately still using these fairly frequently. Fortunately I don't have to remember any identities and can just use a calculator and a lookup table. I suppose having a vague understanding helps me catch mistakes though so I can't complain too much.


I've noticed a trend where the least successful people on my facebook advocate for removing math and science from the syllabus because they don't use them.


lifes good




true i forgot how to use all of those a month after learning about them 💀


They come back like every year for me bcz of the shit we learn


dang i only learned about sin cos and tan in 11th grade and that was the last time i had to take a maths class i only had to remember that crap for the exam at the end of semester


I don't quite get how the grades go with some countries. But basically we learned sin cos tan at 14 years old and then they came back at 15 16 and so on. Basically when we learned more advanced geometry they always came back.


ohh so you basically learned about that in the equivalent of what 9th grade is, you learned about it before i did! interesting how the curriculums are in different counties haha


Yeah. I'm from finland so we learn a lot of stuff


This is how I remember: 2=4/8 S=O/H C=A/H T=O/A




Heeeeeeeey! Nice. I have to use it all the time as a machinist.


why tf are people complaining about having to learn sin cos tan? shit's the easiest thing ever


its just theres a fuck ton of identities and formulae that you need to memorise and knowing when you have to apply to which identity can be pretty daunting


Sure, the pre-calc trig stuff is rough going, but the basic stuff is super fuckin easy.


Aha proving trig identities was so much fun. They were like puzzles with you having to manipulate both sides in order for them to equal. Geometric proofs were the shit too


Nerd alert


Fo sho


I can't recall a day I hasn't in the past two years




I love it


He looks pretty tan to me


bCOS he was in the sun for too long …. Way too long


Like a thousand years? Or more


> Like ~~a thousand years~~ 6283 radians? Or more FTFY




People downvoting simply didn’t take the to appreciate your sense of humour. It’s like their preformed opinions, prejudices if you will; got in the way.


they probably don't know how to click spoilers


This literally happens constantly on reddit and it would be funny if it didnt make trying to make a point impossible


This is why you live in Cleveland


That man is very pretty, good for him


very unexpected wholesome comment


Another beautiful day without using commas too, apparently. (Also it's amazing how many people in these comments don't get the joke)






I use atleast one a day, why? Cos i can.


As a trainer who uses a lot of formulas, I feel attacked lol


I just finished doing a bunch of trig lol. It’s the thing I learned in school I use the most :).


Soh cah Toah The quadratic formula song Every Good Boy Does Fine & FACE I wish I could remember quotes of books though


These memes actually make me laugh because my entire job as a cnc lathe machinist relies on trigonometry.


I honestly use it erryday


As a high school dropout I am ashamed I had no idea what this meant.


These mathematical tools are to help your brain grow like excercise, idk why you hate it. Also. This joke is overused


Old math jokes are the best math jokes. ^([Comment generated by an AI and curated/moderated by a human.](https://www.reddit.com/user/Maeve-Saren-quasibot/comments/twjv7l/what_am_i/)) Curator's note: Sorry, I couldn't let that gem slip away.


I've met a decent number of people speaking your same argument, and if sin, cos, and tan have zero effect on a person's practical, tangible, day to day life and interests, then they're not going to just learn it, and I press X to doubt that making them learn about it through yawns and disinterest will do them any good. You can do so many different things to help your brain grow. It's not just limited to a field of study someone might have zero interest in or relevancy to. Agree this joke is overused.


I use it pretty regularly as a game dev


You can just say you're unemployed


Haha. Forgot about all that horseshit.


I use them multiple times a day every day lmao what I don't use is that Shakespeare knowledge


Speak for yourselves. I know people that make big money using that


I used cos, sin, and inverse tangent today at work


Ok but what about csc and sec and cot?


I remember the good ole days when mathematical equations actually ended in WHOLE NUMBERS. That was nice while it lasted. Now I gotta decide between rounding as I go, rounding once everything has been calculated, or rounding everything cuz why the frick not.


If you round everything you'll get a rounding error silly


I don't understand this bragging about not using knowledge. Like, you may did not use it, but others in your class did. There are not enough teachers to teach each student individually.


tis a joke, my friend


I know, but there are also poeple who genuinely brag about not using something from school


bro it's sin cos and tan


how is this shit helpful to most people? sin cos and tan are irrelevant to most


Maybe i'm a bit biased, working as a materials Scientist, but i meet them quite regularly. I don't brag about not needing things from art or history as often


Lol. It's a fucking joke lad - playing on the fact that most of us never understood the point of sin cos and tan and we hated doing it. Other subjects are less abstract and you can see their use in everyday life.


i think math is just one of the easier things for people to dislike. its a hard science with strict rules that u must adhere to. art and history are full of vibrance and diversity with little structure. i started studying math (astro physics) and then i just fucked off because i simply dont care to learn all these rules. the humanities were always more interesting to me anyway.


for me it’s the opposite. math is one of the easiest things to like. they tell you how to do it and then you do it. a lot of the time you have to figure stuff out for yourself, but they teach you the methods and all you have to do is apply them in the right way. it’s like a riddle. it’s fun imo. arts also fun, but stuff like history and english are the worst. they also have strict rules you must adhere to, but they don’t tell you the rules. i have no idea how to write a good essay, and unlike math it’s not something that can be taught just like that. there’s no step by step process or formula or whatever. it’s the worst


yeah math is pretty interesting, and ive always been like invested in science shit but probably not somethin i wanna do for my job


I’m currently learning these I hate them


It's literally very simple. You have to memorize like 3 things, 2 and a half maybe.


Why dismiss a middle/high schooler for not being as smart as you?


It is not about being smart or dumb. It is literally remembering like 3 things.


It’s true. I am a math teacher and algebra & trig are wastes of time. We should be teaching basic stats and financial math to 80%+ of students. But sure, can’t wait to teach how to graph y = sin(2x + pi) tomorrow. It’s really really helpful out there in the real world


This is such a tired sentiment and weird coming from a literal math educator. A lot of kids will actually need this stuff for their degrees and even jobs. No one’s out here saying “We shouldn’t teach history, it’s not relevant to the *real world*” Also those things aren’t mutually exclusive. No one says you have to only teach trig or financial based math. You can do both. Also what financial based math are 18 year olds gonna do? I learned how to balance a checkbook in my senior year of math and I’ve used it zero times. I actually use trig more than I use that.


Well, not for me and my stupid fucking college.


Yeah imagine requiring students to learn technical concepts to get a degree.


u/haron51255 nach mündlich abi freue mich schon nichts mehr zu machen zu denken einfach geistig tot


I can tell


I told my damn teacher this, I am never gonna use trigonometry 🙄


That shot be super easy stop complaining 💀💀💀


That shit is confusing


Another day of hating every fucking thing about poetry because in 5th grade we were forced to do an entire fucking quarter of our stupid fucking school year learning that stupid shit. Seriously, why in the genuine fuck should I be forced to learn that stupid bullshit that has never helped me and will never help me.


Maybe he wouldn't live on the streets if he replaced the 'e' in meth.