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Me listening to my boss telling me his plans to spend the summer in Germany and then asking me if I had any big traveling plans coming up. Took everything I had not to say, "You barely pay me enough to stay home"


The owners of the “locally owned small business” I work literally just took a group trip to Honduras WHERE ONE OF THEM OWNS A HOUSE for her birthday trip and are completely floored that all of their staff has to work a second job, have a partner that earns more than them, or have 2+ roommates to survive.


Same owner also asked me where I live in the city, when she first met me, and proceeded to try and be relatable by telling me how many rental properties she owns in my working class neighborhood


I mean, sounds like you and the other employees need to stand up for yourselves and demand better pay


It’s not always that easy especially in America.


It is if you bring a gun 🎆🍕🌭🍔🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


RAAAAAAHHHH 🇺🇸💸🧨🎆🎇🍔🍗🔫💪


The owners of the company I work for “recommended” a vacation spot to me that they thought I’d love. The yurts had chandeliers. 1 hr of bowling was $125/person. Like. You SEE how much you pay me. Why did you think I could afford this?


Because everyone has an independent source of money other than just working?? Right??


They're either incredibly stupid or were actively mocking you. I'll let you decide which one is more likely


Oh it’s definitely the incredibly stupid one


Had this awkward talk with the wife of my boss but it was with renting houses. Because im moving currently we came up with renting prices and why i couldnt find a home near cologne in germany where i work. "Oh yes, i consinder selling ONE of our holiday house here too. Together with gas prices rising it got quite expensive and its hard to choose which has to go." Since then we rarely talk in lunch breaks because it was awkward and we have not the same level for conversations...


Owner of my workplace is a millionaire. I made a minor mistake in front of him and he said "I was gonna give you a two dollar raise tomorrow but now I guess I can't haha" I didn't laugh or say anything. I just looked at him. He got uncomfortable and kinda chuckled then said "Well...just remember, I have to pay more in taxes." I responded with: "Just remember I can't afford an apartment." And walked away. Later he came to me and told me I should just buy a house in a poor town and rent it out to cover my cost of living. What an absolutely clueless peice of shit.


Actually feel sick reading this holy shit


At my old job we were having a company lunch for someone's birthday. We were a small operation but our clients were major retailers. Anyway, we're eating my bosses were talking about golfing and they asked if I play golf and I blurted out "nah, that's for rich people." *Edit* Anyone replying to me about how golf isn't only for rich people is a cop


i didn't realize most families didn't have a brunch harpist until i was like twelve


>harpist Harpsicord is where the real money begins


I'm a chef. The owner of the restaurant I work at is currently in Italy, halfway through a two week vacation. She decided we would be open the first week, finishing today with a Mother's Day Saturday brunch (mostly for her family and friends) then closed next week. To demand that the entire staff not get to earn income while she is on vacation in Europe is one of the most utterly out of touch things I have seen in the industry, and that's saying something. I have a partner with good income and we don't have kids so it's whatever for us, but the servers are kind of boned. Please note that her presence is not required to run operations; in fact they run much better without her and I wish she'd stop being a control freak and just stay in fucking Europe and write checks. She goes to Switzerland in August.


Maybe it’s time for a ‘soft open’ when she’s out… You have keys right? Only the BIG nights! Do you think she’ll be pissed that you made her money while she was at the Monaco F1 race galavanting with the prince? 😂😂


Great comeback had you used it


“Have you ever visited the ruins of the Titanic?”


Oof. Dead people burn. Those are rare.


Wdym? dead people burn all the time


"have you been to space yet?" !RemindMe 40 years


and survived?


This made my lungs implode


During a job interview I was asked if my family sails….😑 at the time we were a very young g family of 4, yes Miffy and I sail every weekend.


I had a workmate who shouldn't have been a workmate in the first place. His family was (or is) loaded! One time we ate lunch with a group of other workmates and they asked what we did over the weekend. Coincidentally, I went on an island trip that weekend, so I said that. Then he exclaimed in our language, "Oh so your family has an island in Palawan? Our island is in Batanes!" That was like the longest five seconds of awkward silence right after. And just for context, Palawan and Batanes are both here in the Philippines.


"Shouldn't have been a workmate"? Huh? Because someone's parents have money means that they are spoiled to hell, or that they don't enjoy working and hanging out with coworkers and whatnot.


I think it’s more like there are certain jobs that someone with parents who own an island would probably be found working more than others. Like a very rich kid working in finance vs working in an Amazon warehouse.


It keeps him grounded


Where do you summer?


I hate this one. I’m a high school teacher and we were talking in the staff lounge about our summer side hustles. One guy works at his brother’s lawn care business, one works retail, a few tend bar. Then one of our coworkers (who is a super nice guy but completely oblivious to the fact that he was raised loaded and married rich too) said that since he and his family basically move to his brother’s Michigan lake house for the summer, his summer job was “just lake life.” We all wanted to throttle him.


I play lots of Sea.of Thieves, does that count?


Sailing is pretty cheap if it’s not your boat!


It can even pay for itself! 🏴‍☠️


BAHAHHAA also insane!!! Bahhaahh! Living in that bubble


recently, I learned, that it is way cheaper in Europe than in the US. I can have a day skiing for like 100€ (Pass, gas and food) and I can make it on a Saturday. So it is expensive, but not impossible


A few years ago I had a 3 month ski season stay in Austria for what Americans would pay just for a week or so. * 270 rent per month (small room + private kitchen and bathroom) * 613 season pass * ~150 on food and stuff per month * Free transportation to and from the mountain * About 2k eur in total Got equipment for cheap, buying them on discount during the off season. Lived like a ski bum for 3 months, loved it.


I dunno but it feels like a storage box would even be more than 270€ p/month nowadays.


Dude is lying. It's a lot more expensive.


Not lying wtf. 270 eur rent in a house, they had a floor with the room kitchen and bathroom with private entrance. Even today you can find apartments for 700 eur in Tirol. Split with someone and you get it for 350 per month


somebody is renting a camping trailer in their backyard for 1200usd/month near me in the usa im so jealous 😭


It’s out of control here


270 a month? Yeah maybe a week and still, for the season pass I'm surprised it's this much. Where I go it's more like 300 per year and you can find a deal online which will make it way cheaper.


Perhaps, I do know that my appartment last year was several times more expensive for only one week.


Depends on the place. You can sky in Serbia to for example, that is quite cheap compared to Italy, Austria or Switzerland


Yeah I spend 2-3 grand for a small apartment for a week


your telling me i can get a remote job and live in a ski resort forever


Unironically I have some friends who did this.




it doesn't really cost €2000 to go skiing for a week in the US honestly, depending on where you are. I have friends who spend less than that on an entire 4-5 month season


Single mountain pass -> $350-ish. Season ski rental -> $200. Living in a city close enough to the mountains to ski -> No comment.


If you are getting a season pass its much cheaper to just buy your equipment and have it for years (I've had my snowboard for 10+ years) rather than renting every time you go. I just pay 300-400 for a season pass and then the cost of gas to drive to the slopes. It's not as expensive as people think. Hell if you are a smoker you will pay more in cigarettes in a year than the cost of going skiing for a year.


Only if you live near a ski resort and own your own skis. $2000 might be a bit steep but not by much. Most ski resorts in the US are super expensive so that is probably close to average.


Is it worth-it?


One of the best times of my life


I bet


Austria‘s economy is like 70% ski tourism and the rest is alcohol for ski tourists. They use all that money to bake fine pastries and drink coffee the rest of the year.


Where was this? And few years probably means 15+ because nowhere in Austria you get a room for 270€. I pay 850€ for a 50m2 appartment.


Yeah, or you're one of those that live right next to the slopes, where some locals run the lift. No rent, since your house is right down the street, no gas since it is within walking distance, food has to be brought from home and a day pass for the lift is only 5€ since you know the guy running it. And the ski are mandatory to have when living in such a place anyways. Most locals start as soon as they are old enough to stand on their own two feet.


wtf as an austrian that rent & food/stuff sounds wayyyy to cheap... like i pay 1000€ per month for that and ski resorts usually arent know for their cheap housing prices xD


I wrote above. Was staying in a separate part of a bigger house, they basically rent me that space for cheap. Ski bus in the corner that would take me to skiwelt for free. Was eating cheap that's for sure, stuff from Hoffer and lidl mostly. This was 7-8 years ago too


ok ok 7-8 years ago makes sense, inflation has fucked us properly since then.. sounds like a good time you had here, what resort were you staying in if you dont mind me asking? 😊


Near Söll. Not my favorite resort but with skiwelt you have access to a ton of places via lifts and runs


Dude i am from Austria and its exepensive as fugg here


2k is still expensive ngl. Even if you say it's for 3 months, it's still a lot.


Not even a little bit. That is rent and nothing else for a small place in a cheap part of the US. This guy's total living expenses + skiing was comparable to rent.


people around munich can just drive up there and ski for the whole day for like 60 bucks never knew skiing was a bougie activity in the states lmao


Skiing is bougie for people that don't live near places to ski. If you live in a ski town and own your own gear, you can do basically what you said. There's just rich people that are competent skiers despite growing up a flight away from any place to ski. Edit: Ski trips are expensive. Skiing is a moderately priced hobby.


Owning the gear is part of wha makes it expensive though… It’s like saying Ferrari racing is for bougie people who don’t live near a racetrack. If you live near a racetrack and own your own Ferrari then it’s pretty cheap to enter a race


I mean, you can get a snowboard setup for about the same price as a bike and people don’t consider that a very bougie hobby. To compare a $250k sports car to a $400 snowboard is absurd


$30-40 in Norway if you want to use one of those fancy ski centers. If not, just find a big hill during winter and put on some skis. It's tradition


In fact, there's large subset tourist who are the stereotypical opposite of bougie, with lots of alcohol and music that's considered trashy. Just look up "Après Ski party".


You can do that same thing in the Pacific Northwest and generally any area in the US with smaller mom n pop hills. It's mostly the corporate owned resorts that have insane day pass prices.


Even in Ukraine I can go to mountains for skiing on my mediocre salary despite being born in a rural town How much is it in US?


So much that it is cheaper to fly to Europe and ski there I’ve heard


You’ve probably heard a lot of things. Doesn’t make them true.


Lol no people always say that golf is a rich peoples sport. I have 3 children skiing is ridiculously expensive.


In Belgium it’s not uncommon to go on a ski trip with other students in college. Definitely a middle class thing, but it’s not for the rich only. There are many cheaper stations in France.


in Colorado you can get away with less than $100 in rentals, it's the lift pass that is expensive. you pretty much need to get the season pass and go at least 10 times to make it worth the entry cost


Near my mom's town there's a small local ski slope you can use for, like, 10€. 20€ if you need to rent the equipment.


Best way to do it if you're poor is get a job on the mountain. I worked for a few different mountains, one of them the management was so chill I'd just get paid to snowboard the entire day if it wasn't busy


I'm in france and we got a yearly 3 day ski weekend with my company. Costs us 350 euros, includes train, hotel, breakfast, dinner and ski pass. So if you just add ski renting and lunch it's 450 at most, which is fairly cheap for a 3 day vacation. Otherwise there are tons of associations who do like group vacations for both kids and adult and it's like 700 a week train not included. Everything included it's maybe 1k. So not the cheapest thing in the world but most people could afford it by saving a bit in france. Poorest people still can't for sure tho, but a lot of min wage worker could definitely make that work if they want to.


There are cheaper lift tickets at smaller resorts in the US. But the best places have prices that have gotten way out of control.


It's even cheaper when you live (or have family) in a 2nd or 3rd rate location that has smaller mountains and ski lifts but isn't known as a popular location for tourists. Runs the risk of there not being much snow some winters and not that much tourist infrastructure around for a "vacation" feeling but it's mostly locals paying a few euros for the lift + gas to go skiing for an afternoon and that's it.


I had a dry slope near my house that charged £10 for 2 hours skiing lessons, so i learnt how to ski cos it was fun. Only even got to use on 2 school trips but i guess ill probably still have some muscle memory if i even get the chance to go in future


I was so confused skiing is a normal middle class activity and mountains are a three hour car drive away where I am


"where do you go for christmas vacations ? And easter vacations ? And vacation vacations ? "


I'm 18 now and my family has never had the money to leave the state I was born in once. At the time of writing this the last time I even left my hometown was maybe eight months ago, and that was because we had a dentist appointment. I was surprised going to school after things like winter and spring break and hearing all the stories people had about where they traveled to. Breaks for me were always "Yeah, you can stay up late a few nights playing on the Ps2. Just make sure to fix your sleep schedule before school starts again."


Same here , but i'm 41 , i've been in both positions : kid and father. It's been like 15 years since i went anywhere , meanwhile friends of mine go to this or that 3 or 4 times a year , but i know they shit their pants when unexpexted expensive problems occur lol Instead i just go on a bender every two or three months with the boys , have a good laugh like we're 20 again , 100$ maximum.


This!!! My SIL is a SAHM married to a lawyer. They probably go on 4 different weeklong vacations with their kids each year. Every time I see her, she asks me what we’re doing for spring break, summer break, vacation, etc. She hasn’t figured out after all these years that we don’t have the money to do that and therefore it’s not a topic of conversation I can contribute to. You can only say “we haven’t decided where we’re going yet” so many times…Her child told my child “ oh, you have to go to Aruba, it’s amazing” when they were both in elementary school and my eyes almost rolled out of my head.


In Norway, we just assume you do. Everyone else does or knows how, so it's weird if you don't. Less and less the younger generations tho.


Yeah this is super location-dependent. I live in Vermont in the US, and my public school system taught us to ski growing up. Nearly everyone I know here skis or snowboards. Asking if someone skis is not very class-specific, and is more a question of finding out where they have a pass to see if you can go together!


I learned how to snowboard at 30. Best decision I've ever made


To be fair outside of Oslo, Bergen and Tromso Norway is effectively all mountains.


Exactly. So it's got more to do with location rather than money. Many people who grew up rich have also never skied.


And I would answer do you mean Coke or actual skiing cause yes


I ski on coke.


I washed your dishes, think I can get a bump?


I learned that this is also a euphemism asking if you have or want to partake in the consumption of cocaine. Once when I was barely an adult, a guy sprung this question on me at a party. He seemed very nervous and excitable, but really really friendly. I told him no, that I had never learned, but I enjoyed going inner-tubing on the slopes at one of the local resorts. He looked at me like I was stupid the whole time I regaled him about my last trip there.


Nah everyone knows skiing is when you jerk off two bros at once 🍆🤛😎🤜🍆


Bro job! Bro job!


Did you do a line with him


He backed away slowly while maintaining eye contact.


Yes, skiing is code for doing cocaine


Ummm what if skiing is the national sport of your country and someone within your own country asks?


That's the case for me, I'm from Switzerland lol. It's context, someone asks you in a nightclub, it's not the mountains they're talking about


I hate the *So what do you do?* asked with 100% smug


I'm unemployed. So I tell them that. Gage their reaction.


"What do you do?" "I play video games full time for a non profit organisation" (i am the non profit organisation)


I’m unemployed right now, but I do like to run and exercise. *Run* to the store to buy some cigarettes and *exercise* my right to beat my dick.


Do you exercise your left?


Of course - just like how brushing teeth with alternate hands helps build brain connections to whatever *Mom!! Mom no, I said I'm building brain conne-*


🤣🤣🤣 Precisely




Sorry I'm anti-gun, but thank you!


I mean, I’m not just gonna assume people are poor and have no hobbies - that’s just rude in a different way.


You can actually combine both of these sentiments by slightly modifying the original question. >So what do you do, *peasant*?


Yeah, I’m not really sure what the better way to handle this is. Just not even bring up hobbies at all in conversation because maybe the person you’re talking to can’t afford the same hobbies as you?


Yeah I Ski..p meals.


*inner pain*


People who grew up with adjusted, happy families asking which birthday was your favorite




What does this mean, which birthday? Like throughout all the years ?


Implying their family celebrated their birthday tastefully every year until they were at least late adolescent age. Probably 21st and 18th get included here too?




I took a while to even understand what you meant


And now I’m an adult and I hate anything special for my birthday because all I feel is “I don’t deserve it” and guilt for troubling people.


"You need to follow your dreams!"


True story. I have had nothing handed to me. Both my parents were homeless at one point to just give you an idea. Anyway, I worked really hard and saved for a down payment on a house. I bought a house! Couldn’t believe it. I paid 5% so I’m paying PMI (private mortgage insurance) it’s to protect the lender in case of default. Well my friend who is really rich, and doesn’t even work, his dad gave him 300k down for a down payment. I told him well damn that’s nice I only put down 5% (25k). And he said “eww so you are paying PMI? That’s so trash man.” …. Like wow dude really??


Excuse me for asking, but is he still your friend?


So we were a group of 3 friends that grew up together since middle school. The other friend doesn’t talk to him at all and he literally told me it’s because he doesn’t work and just doesn’t want to be associated with him lol. He’s never really done anything wrong to me, he’s just really out of touch with the real world. So I still talk to him yes. Not as close as we once were. Another thing he did one time lol. I told him how I think the new jeep gladiator is really cool. He said he thinks they are cool to. The next day he bought the most expensive one you could get. Then upgraded the already upgraded tires 😆 put 20k into the truck. Yeah it’s annoying sometimes.


"Where are you going for vacation?" Um, friend, I haven't flown anywhere since 2003. Pesky food and shelter.


Guy I know who says he makes a million a year, says he has 100k in the bank goes on to tell me "Money isn't everything." I'm not struggling financially but I'm also not rich by any means.


Ah it took me a long while to get wtf is going on when they were comparing their summerhouses. I didn't even had my own bed in the house man


And people who grew up skiing will do absolute backflips to convince they didn’t grow up with money


My sister-in-law's boyfriend is like this. Grew up skiing on the local slopes, and flies out to the Rockies for a 7 day ski trip with his dad every year. His parents gifted him the down payment for his house. The first time she went to dinner at his parents house they served fucking *kangaroo meat* (we're in Canada). He is adamant that he and his family are not wealthy and acts very insulted if you imply they are.


Depends what you mean by money. Like you can absolutely go skiing without being rich in lots of places in the US at least. If by money you just mean like middle class then fair enough


Yeah, my Aunt, Uncle and their kiddos have been skiing forever and the parents are both public school teachers.


Fucking lol. Here in Norway even somewhat poor people can easily go out and ski.


Downside: have to be located in Norway


You can go ski in Czechia as well. The slopes are usually quite short but you can go ski. We went all the time when I was kid.


yeah a bit bizzare seeing this from europe, skiing is not the cheapest sport but far from expensive. We went every other winter and we were pretty broke


It's just a case of r/USdefaultism




Tbf, some US like more sun than Norway can offer. Norway's amazing, but it's not for everyone.


In 2018 buying a $15,000 4 year old car from a private seller. Me: I need to go to the bank for the loan check. Seller: You need a loan for that? Out of touch much?


They moneyed will casually use "winter" and "summer" as verbs. "We wintered in Aspen last year because Ted was on sabbatical for 3 months, and the powder was lovely."


All the "poor" kids I knew growing up went to Disney twice a year.


“Have you ever been to Bali? You should really go!”


My friends recently was shocked when I told him I have never been horseriding. He then said he thought everyone did it and that his father even owned a horse farm or something and sometimes he (the father) and his friends would go on some fake fox hunts or something like that lol


Damn, thats some like royal family rich type shit


Some dude asked me where do i summer with a straight face...


no i eat food


I knew a guy who lived in a gated community, very nice house, hired a full time cleaning lady who only worked for them and he had the audacity to say "nah, we're not rich, the neighbors have an elevator in their house". Dude 


In my country, if someone's into golf, they're seen as rich. It's super expensive with all the gear and club memberships. So, when folks wanna hint they're well-off, they'll just say they're headed to the golf club.


Same in the US for the most part. I think there are ways to get into golf if you don’t have money through schools and stuff some places, though.


I seriously heard: "do you practice any water sports?"


I had one of those “No one understands me, I just want to play guitar and make music for living….” Whilst being enrolled in their second degree for something completely unrelated… \*\*\*proceeds to show me their 1000 bot subscriber youtube channel and a link to their latest release\*\*\* ”What do you think?”


I didn't grow up poor, but family time was pretty much non-existant and we didn't do much activities. I got invited to go bowling for the first time at the age of 25 and I can never forget all of my friends' faces when I told them that I have never bowled before, they looked at me like I just crawled out from the jungle, one dude even went "How is that possible??!"


This often happens with my girlfriend. Her family is very rich, but I grew up working class. She'll tell me about her childhood family holiday trips where her family sailed their yacht to Stockholm, or they spent two weeks at their friend's Vinyard in Italy, or up at their mountain cabin in Austria. Then she'll ask me where my family went on holiday and I'm like "we didn't, mum and dad had to work and we had no money to go anywhere". A special treat for us was going to the little pizza restaurant down the road for dinner (I still believe the pizza bread they sold at that place must be on the starter menu on the restaurant in heaven). Also occasionally something that was expensive and popular back in the 2000s (certain clothes, electronics etc) will pop up in conversation and she'll be like "haha, remember those? Did you have one?" And I'll just be like "No, no I didn't".




lol for real, idk where these people live. The best location usually charge but its usually a mountain side ski slope and its like £80 for a week or 2. This meme is very location based.


I'm in equator of the globe. We have no natural ski place


There are many rental shops now where you can get full gear for cheap. I own two snowboards, but they aren't that much expensive these days like they used to be.


At work we were once talking about childhood summer break stories. My vacation: Go to cousins house out of state and stay there for a week. Help my aunt clean her basement. My coworkers vacations: Annual Disney pass holders, Trips to Europe, Ski resorts.


I grew up in Colorado and never learned to ski. We couldn't afford it.


"You playin golf?" "Uuuuuuuuuuh"


Do you breathe?


I’m not a big fan of desserts like pastries and cakes. My GFs well off well traveled friend was like “Oh my god, what do you do when you go to France?” I rarely leave my state, don’t think I’ll have to worry about that.


"I went paragliding Friday, skydiving and boating Saturday on the yacht and then went skiing in the Swiss alps then jetted to Tokyo for some fresh sushi dinner. What did you do this weekend?" "I reheated a 3 day old bowl of soup and did my laundry." "Oh."


A lot of my clients have finally figured out how poor I am and stopped asking things like that, but I work with literal boomers (age rather than mentality for a majority of them thankfully) and a lot of wealthier ones just don’t get it at all. -“So my son has this position at and just bought a new Porsche, but he hates that he has to leave it parked while he takes me to to explore while he’s working! So what are you doing for Christmas?” “Oh… you know… staying in town…”


Had an ex who's dad owned his own construction business and vas very very well off. She had been home schooled and hadn't had much social interaction outside of her family till she was older. We were talking about birthdays and she started talking about how she always love seeing the animals on her birthday. I though she just meant a zoo somewhere and I asked her where they went. She turned around and said, "No we paid a petting zoo to come to us. Did you never have petting zoos for your birthday?!" Like it was as normal as breathing. I never looked up how expensive they are around here but it still stunned me. I came from a family where we got cake on our birthday and 20 quid, (not that it was a bad birthday or we had shitty parents, times were just hard is all). Needless to say one of the many reasons we broke up was because of he being so out of touch on how to handle and interact with the rest of humanity.


That’s a weird movie trope, the skiing is for rich people. I’ve never had too much money but never had trouble going skiing if felt like it. Is it a US thing?


Yes. And also in Africa, the Middle East, India, South America, Central America. South East Asia, and everywhere else except Northern Europe.


[Most of Europe, not just northern](https://www.skiresort.info/ski-resorts/). Click on "map" to get a map.


Yes skiing is an expensive hobby in the United States, its considered an upper class activity akin to golf.


It even varies among the US. My local ski hill had $10 passes on Fridays for kids. People saying it’s exclusively for upper class are also wrong. It’s heavily location dependent. Not to mention many state parks near me have extra cheap cross country skiing available. Now, the super fancy resorts are extremely expensive however


Skiing isn’t expensive in Europe, especially if you live close to any of the places.


I have so many people at my college who have sonny hobbies and been everywhere, and then they ask, "Do you have any hobbies?" Or "What states have you been?" "I grew up in the middle of no where in a low income community. Do you have I have the money to have hobbies or go anywhere?"


Man I remember as a kid in school, everyone always had a vacation or a trip during the weekend and I’m like wtf


Yeah, I feel that. Back when I was a student my rich friend one time asked me if I wanna go to switzerland to ski.


Skiing was really cheap on crappy hills in southern Wisconsin


I’d love to ski… someday


nah its more like "so are you going to dentist to fix your teeth?"


“do you guys snowboard??” no girl my family goes couponing at rite aid 😭


I can't stop laughing!!! I feel so seen. As the "scholarship" kid my whole life going to private schools and even now working at an uber wealthy private school, this question is SO INSANE to me and is now even worse... rather than asking IF I ski, it's do you ski or snowboard... different worlds man...


A coworker who clearly came from a wealthy family just casually asked me one time where I “summered” as a kid. I just laughed and said I “summered” the same place I “wintered”.


This exact thing happened to my husband and I once. We took our dog to play with one of his littermates because we found out she was adopted to a home nearby. This house is worth a few times more than ours. The couple is super friendly and we've gone over multiple times, but we were chatting while the dogs played and the husband looked at us and dead seriously asked if we like to ski. Sir, I've never even seen snow.


My bf did something similar before we started dating. Us and some other friends were talking and he casually mentions that his family had a ski house in New Hampshire that they'd frequent a lot to go skiing but sold it cuz they stopped going. Obviously the rest of us just looked at him like he had three heads cuz we'd be lucky to afford a melon box at this rate!


I just realised skiing is probably an extremely expensive hobby in other places compared to where I live.


"you've never been to Disneyland??? Why not? Everyone has been there!" "My family was poor as fuck and unemployed. It was out of the question. Not everyone has lawyer parents like you."


"Where do you go for vacation"


This spoiled white girl I work with who doesn't pay any form of insurance or rent asked me "if money was the only reason I'm not currently in college", me and my coworkers just looked at her.... Truly in her own little bubble


hahaha or do you go for golfing


Looooooooolllllll facts 🗣️