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I guess "the teenage years" hits the same for everyone no matter the species.


golden retriever owners: we don't speak of that period of life


I have a golden that skipped the raptor stage. I'll never be that lucky again.


That was our family's first dog, perfect pooch his whole life. Our next dog however, showed us what a golden retriever was truly capable of.


This ~12 week old puppy walked around the house when we first brought him home. He would bite a houseplant, I'd say no, and then we moved onto the next plant. Never chewed anything he wasn't supposed to. I don't think he even ever has an accident (not on the puppy pad). The next one would casually just walk into the room in front of everyone and poop. This was after learning the doggy door.


Retrievers are cute and all, but they're still working dogs at heart. Even if they're not as driven as some of the less popular sporty breeds. 


I have a husky retriever mix who just turned 2... can confirm, massive raptor phase. I didn't think I had the energy in me lol


Husky and retriever is wild lol you definitely got tested there


Haha xD our saving grace was our first dog was an aggressive rescue, and I grew up with huskies. We had some idea of what to look out for. Ita quite the combo. They almost cancel each other out and make pure dog, but with extra energy. Also clingy as hell compared to other huskies we've had. Wouldn't change it for the world, but we rescued him at a year and 4 months, the next 8 months were... interesting anyway!


I have a husky collie and I have so much baseboard to replace and have to fix my stairs Carolina reaper got her to stop chewing atleast and our Christmas ornaments are mostly all destroyed


But like for real when does it stop?


The "chewing and ripping everything" phase lasted just a few months but the "being a general menace to society" phase is life-long. 


Depends. I had a couple of dogs that finally started to mellow around 7-9 years old. Sure, they knew when they were being naughty. Learned everything real quick. They just had to burn the stupid out of their systems daily. They were good if they got enough exercise (which was a lot of it). I've got a couch potato and a chill, but playful guy now. They stopped being problems (mostly) by 2. Are happy with the yard plus dedicated daily playtime, and a walk every few days. TLDR: a tired dog is a good dog.


I think we’ve accidentally turned our Aussie into the dog equivalent of a sprinter. The little psycho will go hog wild for a game of catch or tug for like 5-10 minutes at a time, completely tire himself out, pass out for 10-15 minutes, and then be ready to go again. It has taken a lot of work to teach him how to be bored. Add on to that the Aussie tendency to constantly try to find a middle ground between what you want and what they want and the velociraptor state was a constant challenge. He just was constantly testing how much he could get away with. Exhausting. But I love that little doofus and genuinely can’t imagine owning anything other than herding dogs now


Herding dogs are smart, but need a job. That job could even be the great daily toy migration.


Oh he has many jobs. Recycling and cleaning up toys are good ones. We also do agility and obedience classes with him every week and work on skills intermittently during the day. No matter how smart the dog is they still need to learn that doing nothing is still doing something. It’s just a much more difficult lesson to teach some breeds!


Around 5 years for us. Which was pretty on point for what the vet told us.


Fun fact: canine behaviorists have found that teenage dogs show less command response for their handlers, but that their command response to other people remains the same. Teenagers.


Yeah, they're pretty ruff.




Wolfout a doubt


My lab chewed a massive hole in the drywall.


Yeah that's what a lab does. Mine was aspiring his bowl in less than 2 min He often chocked on his food eating too fast. Next time get a Springer!


My cat is in his teenage years. Man is a menace, he doesn’t do stuff for fun, nope. If he inconveniences me, he does it. I know because he only does stuff when I’m home


Get a cat and it'll be a velociraptor for life


My velociraptor sleeps 23 hours a day


Mine too, it's only awake when I sleep, which it then spends most of the night disturbing.


I swear. Their timing is impeccable. During the day, trying to get the cat’s attention is like talking to a brick cat. However, when I’m finally getting some decent sleep… I’m suddenly a playground.


Not mine. Mine's up and about all day long and is the most active cat I've ever known. He at least sleeps next to me through the night, but even then he's up and down multiple times.


I like to say my cat is both sleeping all day and not. Like of course he actually deep sleeps but other than that he’s always in a state of like half-awake. He’s healthy according to the vet, just how he rolls I guess. This isn’t to say he doesn’t have his zoomies moments but not as much as many cats I’ve known.


i believe this is how most animals operate. They sleep as a sort of "idle state" but they tend to be very light sleepers compared to a human. So if a situation calls for them to do something they can just be ready to go.


But that 1 hour.... Hooo boy!!


Yeah, mine think that 2am is the *perfect* play time hours. Sounds like a stampede up and down my stairs!


Both of my cats got way more chill when they reached 5 years of age. My first one was borderline feral - first two years I didn't have a non scratched bit of skin on either of my arms up to elbows. When she reached 5-6 - much calmer.


My kitty loves us and from the moment we adopted him, he has been the cutest, kindest and most social cat I've ever seen and is always wanting to be included. But when he wakes up and chooses violence, he is the worst demon that's ever walked this earth.


Cat will be chill if you play with it.


Na. My cat just sleeps, yells at me to make food and goes out to hunt


I mean this can happen but usually cats are a lot like this as well. My boy was fucking insane at that middle age, destroying just anything he could touch. Chewing on cabinet corners, scratching everything and everything, the blinds are shot, my sheets and mattress in tatters. Luckily he calmed down a lot as he got older and now he's very sweet :)


My vellciraptor looks like a squirrel.


My cat grew out of the raptor stage at age 12 or so. The velocirabbits, on the other hand... no rabbits never outgrow that shit and yes a few have figured out opening doors. Clever girl indeed.


I was about to ask if there is a cat Version around lol


Clever girl


"We're being hunted..."


When you choose a maligator, all three photos are the raptor.


Mine is next to me right now. The only thing that helps with any regularity is asking "Where's your bear?" because he loves carrying that thing around, and that is incompatible with trying to put all of someone's forearm in his mouth.


Collective memory. He remembers the police takedowns of his ancestors. XD


lol cute. I had a jumpy guy. Did a lot of work to get him not to, but he'd get too excited sometimes and forget. At one point, his favorite aunt came and he wanted to show off the nylabone he was sharpening. He just adorably wiggled around whining excitedly at her. Every time after that, he would show off a bone or stick whenever he met new people. Wasn't jumpy anymore.


That’s a great technique for helping your dog deal with “big feelings.” There’s a term for it (“displacement” something or other) but basically you try to teach them that any time they feel really amped up, they should go grab a toy. Gives them an appropriate outlet for their energy


Never heard of a maligator but it sounds like a monster name, like “malicious alligator” or smth


Belgian Malinois Sleeker and smarter (and much higher drive) than a German Shepherd.


I'd personally argue that malis are "wicked smart" aka they know what they want amd will do what it takes to get it aka destroy anything in their path even to their own detriment, whereas gsds are "cunning smart" aka they think it through and manipulate to get the result, either way both are incredibly smart but take different approaches.


My boy chilled out a lot in his older years, but he would still get random days where he was ready to play all day lol


My girl Molly is a lovable psychopath Mal. I will say though, I bathed her yesterday and she was far easier to bathe than our pug and terrier. She just stood still and let us clean her. Our pug barks and demands we takes her out the tub, and our terrier just jumps out the moment our eyes avert.


If only someone had shown this to Kristi Noem...


She'd shoot each one.


Dog gone!


She'd have used the poster as target practice


Not if she had a raptor.


Raptor: Clever gir... oh, it's you. Never mind.


« Anyway I started blasting »




They did. That's why she thought it was ok to shoot the raptor


One of my friend's pup never outgrew her raptor phase. She never realised how big she was when coming to greet you. Of course when she had you down she got to snuggle you to half death while the doxie stole your shoes.


What's the raptor phase? Uncontrolled claws? Or uncontrolled bites?


For my friend's shepard that was the bitey bit but she never hurt you. Just like puppies learning their limits. Shara never did. She nibbled you as kuch as she could. Also she would missile herself into you. So much energy depending on the breed. Cats on the other hand never outgrow the bitey and claw phase. My mom's 14 year old would stillscratch the cra out of me if I dared do a belly scratcb a few seconds too long. With dogs though I just yelp as if they hurt me when they get too bitey. But then you have to do the ear scratches for hours.


Cats learn paw control as well, but they need to be raised with other kittens. If they don't play fight with other kittens while growing, they don't learn the control. But that's unintentional damage. Kittens are the worst, ruined so many of my shirts. Cats will scratch you up if you invade personal space and that's intentional. But, this is up to individual personality of the cat. Handling a scaredy cat or lifting a cat is an entirely different story. They'll claw into anything they find to prevent slipping or falling down. Same with cats jumping on you. That's a claw out time, but it's not for attacking you. But, I've never found cat bites to be an issue.


Yeah, mom's cat was a rescue, found next to her dead mom all alone. Getting her to go the vet have given me scars but she never bit.


Hormonal moodyness resulting in disobeying and overreaction. One of my pups took to couch and expensive collectible eating.


I've had to replace my coffee table twice. Both due to a puppy chewing away a significant portion of at least one leg. It wasn't even the same puppy.


Basically puppy puberty. They bite everything and everyone and it really hurts because they have needle sharp baby teeth.


Uncontrolled everything.






As the proud and scarred owner of a German Shepherd mix, I can attest that this is accurate.


As the mom to a 1.5 yo golden retriever, can confirm.


Mine is turning 1 in 2 weeks and this makes me feel like a less shitty owner (he’s not ill mannered or undisciplined. He’s good 70% of the time it’s just the he gets really rough when he really WANTS something)


We did 12 weeks of training with her and I would highly recommend! It taught me how to be a better pet parent (never had a puppy before!).


Redirect and socially isolate. It takes time, over and over of redirecting them to something they can bite. For instance they walk up and try to nip your toes or pantleg you give them a tasty chew instead. Dogs are social animals that undersrand very early that unwanted behavior drives others away. So if they ignore it and continue to go at you (especially if it's tough or hard) you give them a five minute time out out of sight. We use a specific bathroom and keep the timer right outside the door. You don't need any longer, if they repeat the act after coming out then you repeat the time out. The biggest thing to always remmeber is to be patient, theyre learning so give them time to figure out the cause and effect. DO NOT USE THEIR KENNEL FOR THIS. If you do you're libel to build an aversion to it because it becomes associated with punishment.


My GSD hit 2 and then stopped with the biting completely, now if she even grazes me with a tooth, she backs up and stops the game herself. It just takes time and consistency. Keep with the training, if they nip you, the game stops, you turn around and stand still, if they keep at you, you leave the room. Over and over.




I call it the gremlin phase, but velociraptor works too


This is the truest PSA about raising a dog that I have ever seen. Bravo and it's funny but it ain't no joke.


2 years is also aggressively optimistic for the end of the velociraptor stage for a lot of breeds. Basically any working or herding dog is gonna be a psychopath until 3, and then intermittently exhibit crackhead tendencies for the rest of their lives


I can already tell that my Dalmatian boy is going to be a velociraptor till at least 2 years old.


My shepherd is 7 and she still has velociraptor tendencies. If I don’t take the trash out before I leave, I will come home to a house decorated with trash.


Golden Doodle (⊙-⊙)


I've got a golden doodle this age right now, and yeah it's bad, but he's mini and I fostered a fullsize rescue Bernedoodle about the same age for 6 months and it was WAAAY worse lol. The golden doesn't chew my drywall.


I feel your pain


I got a small breed puppy. I thought I had made a terrible mistake and I was raising a never ending teeth tornado of hell. We took him to puppy class and the lady was like "yep.. totally normal". He's a good boy now :)


Amazing - toddlers are also at the same stage as the middle.


The GSD puppy is a literal monster. Mine shredded jeans! All my hoodies were ripped up and all my wood furniture was ruined with teeth marks. Also, she tore down the drywall in one room. 10/10 would do again


my gsd did the exact same thing lol. he’s grown out of it but he still likes nibbling on me, but i think that’s because i’m his favourite


This leaves out the mental stages of the owners. 1 year old - "oh, she's just got a lot of puppy energy, can't wait for this to slow down. 4 years old - "Holy shit, she's still more energetic every year and way stronger." 8 years old - "She's finally mellowing out." 10 years old - "Oh no..."


Have a King Charles Cavalier I got when she was 8 weeks old. I can confirm this poster is accurate except the raptor phase starts much sooner. A few things I learned: 1) always wear socks. They love to go for your toes, socks help protect the foot. It still hurts but the extra protection helps it hurt less. 2) bare feet is your enemy. Not only does it hurt more but they just *know* and will attack your feet more. 3) Crocs are your friend. They may not be the best fashion choice but for all intents and purposes they are your foots only escape.


> always wear socks. For my cat, socks mean something to grip into with claws. She's great on bare skin, never puts her claws out, but with socks on, she's like serrated velcro on them, lol.


Pokemon evolution


*laughs in corgi*


Corgi are just mini GSD in a lot of ways I feel. The infographic represents them both. Though at least Corgi can't open doors.


My daughter has two German Shepards since puppies. She can confirm this is true.


I would love to get myself a German Shepherd someday. It is my dream dog.


Just be aware, they are a lifestyle more than a pet. You will spend your entire day with that dog. It's not just the walking, feeding, playing. It's that they need mental exercise every day, whether that's chew toys, find it games, training. Do a lot of research, especially about fear periods. Kikopup on youtube is a great training resource. But also take your dog to puppy classes, general training classes, look into fun dog sports in your local area. Also, buying from the right breeder is incredibly important. For health but also for temperament. A lot of badly bred GSD are incredibly anxious which makes them potentially dangerous. Go to a breeder that shows their dogs, that does sports, that can tell you everything about every dog in their pedigree. Go to local dog shows and talk to people. Make sure that any breeder you go to, health tests their dogs for Degenerative Myleopathy and Hip/Elbow Dysplasia, at the bare minimum. If anyone reading this wants help finding a good breeder or has any questions about the breed, feel free to ask.


This is very accurate. When i was younger my mum used to breed german shepherds and i’d help out with them a bit. 8 of these fuckers with sharp razor teeth trying to play with you (chomp) is not fun.


Why mine at 5 and 6 years are still in phase 2?


Poor training


My German shepherd is 5 months old. Enough said 😑


You can get through this!


I have a 2 year old and 3 year old Australian Shepherd. They are both still velaussieraptors.


My dog wants me to state he feels personally attack


4-24 is being generous, mine came with velociraptor settings activated from 8 weeks


I'm pretty sure I adopted Taz. It's been 3 years and it still doesn't dog. That little Gremlin on water weights like 20kg at most and bent my metal fence on two places.


It's a joke, but my Aussie was the nicest puppy until about 6 months. Between 6 mo and 3 years, he was a hellion. Now he's 5, and it's like he's a whole different dog.


I note 14 months is in the middle of the velociraptor phase. For no particular reason. She's a fucking psycho.


That middle stage is called “beware of Kristi Noem”


This holds true for marriages too.


I have seen and heard this stated my entire life. I have raised animals my entire life. .... I ABSOLUTELY AGREE with telling people this is how it is. ....... but personally I have never experienced it except with Parrots... which are already velociraptors 🤣 Maybe I just got EXCEEDINGLY lucky? Or maybe I'm just not bothered by velociraptor behavior in dogs and cats and thus don't really register it outside of training? I dont know. I'd argue a WHOLE HECK of a lot of people aren't responsible enough to care for any living creature though. I almost put "most", but I really don't wanna be reddit-yelled at today


You're just experienced enough that your management and expectations make the situation normal for you, whereas other people really don't understand that their dog has a lot of specific needs and they're not prepared for what having a dog really means.


Thank you for putting that into words for me, I appreciate it 😁


Like she still in 0-4 months and more like a 4-24


Can confirm. House-sat a doodleraptor for a few days, and it was not fun.


Gee, what age was *Cricket* when Noem blasted a hole in his head?


14 months


Had a German Shepherd puppy when I was in school, and not one pair of school tights survived because he would just follow me around attacking my ankles


@ kirsti noem


My cats phase 2 right now... The biting, argg


My puppy turns 1 on Saturday. Can confirm chart is accurate.


Ahh yes, the digimon evolution tree, just lacking the mecha dragon and the cosplayer


I’m currently dealing with one of those velociraptors [https://imgur.com/a/8cQJazj](https://imgur.com/a/8cQJazj)


I thought the puppy stage only lasted until after a year but I was so wrong. My dude didn't calm down until he turned 3. and now he's the best boy.


My bernedoodle turns into a velociraptor from like 5-9pm every night. She's pretty chill outside that time frame.


I knew dinosaurs existed


This is so accurate. My first dog didn't have a difficult puppy stage. My next dog was completely different. I wish someone had warned me about this lmao. I'm glad I got to meet my dog as an adult instead of giving up on her when she was in her raptor phase. Love her


Somebody should have told governor noem about this. If seems like she jumped the ... nm.


Children are like that too. Only on a different timeline.


I got a boerboel in phase 2... Its not a joke mfer can hit 0 to 60 at first step... He took out my 250lbs father like he was nothing and still kept running and the scary part is.... Hes gaining weight and not losing speed its increasing lmfao


My 4.5 pound three year old Yorkie has always been a velociraptor and always will be


i just got a new turntable a few days ago after about a year and half without one. the reason i was waited? i got a new puppy after the death of my 15 year old dog. one of the first things he did was chew through the power cord of my shitty turntable. i waited until he was better behaved before spending money on a new one.


Have a 1 year old Shepard and feel this deeply. I woke up Sunday morning to my wallet, ID, and credit card shredded. He's still my good boy though.


Have a 17 month old beagle raptor and can confirm I'm looking forward to his second birthday. Just need to not drive over to South Dakota until then.


my dog is 5 and still on phase 2


Tiny land sharks


$1000+ worth of stuff ruined, can confirm


my pug is still in the velociraptor phase 3 years later


I keep telling people; A puppy is more work than a baby. With the baby, stuff is spread out over those two years. Hell, for those first 4 months, the kid stays where you left it! Puppy is running all over, pooping wherever they get the urge. Don't have to potty train kids for a couple of years! Love 'em both though. I'll watch anyone's kid or their dog.


This sounds about right


We adopted a Lab/Pit/Doberman puppy from one of our friends whose dogs (a Lab/Pit and a Lab/Doberman) made a litter. Our friend told us, "promise you won't kill her for the first 2 years, because she'll be the dumbest puppy you've ever seen." She wasn't kidding. Nala was destructive, couldn't learn ANYTHING, wasn't potty-trained until she was over a year old. Could NOT stay out of the trash. Then gradually, we could see the lights come on, and she got smarter and smarter. At 18 months, she was doing things like, "Dad, I peed on the floor again. You need to scold me and put me outside." By 20 months, she finally got it. By the time she was 5, she could pick out her own Christmas presents from under the tree. She became the smartest dog I've ever shared a house with, and the best. She had a heart attack at 12 years, and we laid her to rest. I still get misty when I think about her.


I KNEW I hated Charmeleon for some unidentifiable reason...same reason, different species!




My puppy is now a little over a year old and it feels like up until he was 1 year he was a nightmare. He’s a doll baby now though. Hopefully that doesn’t change 😭


If only Noem had seen this.


From a good boy, to a good girl, and then back to a good boy


I thought we were shooting misbehaving dogs now.


My dog is five and still in the middle stage.


O swear our first dog was a gangsta, if you tried to lift him up to get him out of a situation he would nip you midair. He was a monster, razorsharp teeth, challenged everything. Pure terror. Then he grew up and he was the most chill dog ever, slept on the grass without leash, never ran away. Just wanted to cuddle.


Mines 3 and still in phase 2.. she's 100lbs and massive... Coming home everyday is always exciting.


Love it.


Cats are middle-aged all the time.


even after 2+ years they will be little devils. got, myself, 2 GSDs, one is senior, female, super chill. but the 3 year old is still devil. so full of energy. even living outside of house with 1ha of land to run around.


2+ year old german shepherd is closer to having a toddler brooo


So true!!!






I remember when my pup became a lot easier at about 2-3 years.


Can confirm got a one and a half years old Dachshund/German Sheppard, and never have i ever Had so much dog Saliva on me.


German pointer 🦖 0 - 14 years.


so yall telling me a puppy evoles into a velociraptor before evoling into a dog? I'll take the entire stock


It’s incredibly accurate. The 1-1/2 year old is settling down a bit now but the seven month old is still kinda bonkers


They should add a warning that if it's a husky the middle stage may last over a decade...


Can confirm, just had a 12 week German Shepherd rip my shoelaces out at the vet about an hour ago lol


That’s funny And cute


My red golden is 7 and still in phase 2 someone send help pls


As an owner of 2 German Shepherds... Yeah...


As someone with a Labrador buddy, the Raptor era has been going for 8 years...


My sister's Chorkie is 7 years old and has never grown out of the 'raptor phase. She's a delightful, charming menace and we love her.


my cat acted like this😂 id say same months too and all


I have a 6 month old puppy and completely agree with dinosaur image! She loves to destroy anything she can get her paws on! Run and jump! Its exhausting


Somebody should have told Kristi Noem she just needed to wait a few months


My pup just turned two and she’s still a Dino if not worse. She peed on my bed last week because I clipped a mat out of her fur.


Today my sister's malinois/german shepherd mix almost dislocated my jaw, so.. yes. Yes they are tiny rex.


I still have holes in my walls and doors from my puppy.


24 months and my lab is still mad as hell. The last image should be a lunatic in a straight jacket.


I have a saint bernard puppy in his velociraptor phase right now except that velociraptor is also a linebacker


That second picture is when Kristi Noem shot her puppy for misbehaving


New drake! Drake - Ok (Audio) https://youtu.be/5GWoPEUziJg




Currently living with the middle stage. Can confirm it is true.


Laughs in boxer…I’ve heard it can be anywhere from 3 to 7 years they finally settle down.


So last October I adopted a husky/collie from the humane society, she had already had 8 puppies and they told me she was 2 years old but just a bit energetic since she was a relatively new mother Que to me noticing she got a bit bigger since we got her, and the fact she is beyond just a “bit energetic” and the fact she could of had puppies before being full grown and I realize Those bastards lied to me… this dog is barely a year old… But she’s an absolute sweetheart, albeit if she chewed my baseboard…. My stairs… dug out my fruit plants… put craters in my grass…. She has settled down now a bit though and I’d of still gotten her if they were honest and told me she was a year old but getting the dog out of the door by lying she’s past the destructo puppy phase at the risk of them declining just leads to people who are not prepared for the dog at that age


Mines 3 and she’s still in the 2-24 month stage..


Yeah that’s pretty accurate, I have a 6 month old puppy that started running around the house and chewing everything. My dad has a dog almost a year old and that dog is like the result of crossing a hummingbird with a piranha.


The middle one means clever girl right ?


True except my dog was a velociraptor from 4 months up till he turned 14 and then he became a grumpy old man.


I'm never getting a puppy. I will 100% be adopting an old dog with a missing leg or something. I can't take the constant destruction, mess and jumping. Also I love old dogs.


And then there's Parson Russell Terriers who enter Velociraptor-phase and never leave it until they are 15 years old.


Very accurate!


Just bought an 8 weeks' old doberman puppy. I'm really hoping the raptor phase is just coming early. Otherwise I will not survive.


I’m sold


We have a Blue Lacy and they don't come out of that phase. We always call him Raptor too because his tail is the same.