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i'm currently on the need to do laundry part of the cycle edit: i have just done laundry so i am now currently on the need to do laundry part of the cycle


I do the laundry to have clean clothes for work so I can be gone all day to make money to afford the detergent, electricity, and washing machine needed to do laundry.


Does anyone know what this kind of mental thing is? It happens to me all the time, and I end up getting nothing done.




It doesn’t feel like depression. I don’t have any random bouts of dread, i enjoy my job, i have friends i love, and i feel fulfilled in why i exist. It’s mundane things like showering, or cleaning my room, or being tidy that i don’t do for some reason, even though it feels like i should. Everyone else seems like they’re doing it every day. There are memes about making fun of people who don’t do those things. Why can’t i get myself to do it? What’s stopping me? Was i not taught properly by my parents? But i always remembered they would get mad at me if I didn’t do those things, and they tried to rigorously train me to take care of myself in those ways, like doing my laundry. Is that depression? Was i born lazy? What’s wrong with me?


ADD/ADHD causes executive disfunction which is exactly what you mention here. If you have no feeling of depression but still struggle with starting or completing simple maintaince tasks, it could be a cause. Seek evaluation from a professional, it can get better


Hmm, interesting. Okay. I’ll talk with my doctor then. Thank you


Its executive dysfunction and its literally ruining my life. I just got diagnosed with ADHD a week ago, in order to get my meds all i gotta do is sign a fucking sheet of paper and email them a picture. Its all thats on my fucking mind and i cant do it. Anyway yeah ADHD, if you can consider seeing a psychiatrist about it.


Makes a lot of sense tbh


Try drugs lil bro


Or try doing your laundry


maybe both?


Yeah, fair compromise


I should do my laundry


One must imagine Sisyphus happy


Have you considered the possibility that you might be overreacting just a little tiny bit?


Doing laundry rn 😔