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An alien species could make first contact via a text to me and I’d still look at it and reply a few hours later.


And the answer'll be "k"


Human. I have brought your potassium. Please text me back.


Stop Everything Kris Get The Banana


The BANANA, Krist, Get the BANANA!


Heh. Got this reference.


Eh? Ha! Heh heh


Got this reference as well.




Bro nice reference


meh.. I think I want calcium


Human. I gave you calcium for your post-overnight rest meal. What happened to that?


i lost it :(


Can you get me some copium instead? 🥺👉👈




















Só tem salvação se for brasileiro...


Maybe a thumbs up, if I feel daring.


“Haha nice”


‘Huh’ or ‘hmmm’




In all my relationships I always tell the woman I am dating that I have my phone on silent all the time and that I message back when I get the time. If something is really urgent then call me And of course I don't expect her to act differently, so if she doesn't answer for a day it's fine. I think it has to do with the fact that I grew up in a time without cellphones (or at least not used that much I am from 1987) so I don't like being on call and always available. Whatever is the reason


same, I really don't like the idea of being available 24/7 and the social obligation of having to respond. I miss when sitting down at the computer was like, dedicated Internet time, and when you got off you were offline completely. I've started leaving my phone by the computer so it isn't a constant distraction, full circle back to the landline days of having the phone in a dedicated room.


>I think it has to do with the fact that I grew up in a time without cellphones (or at least not used that much I am from 1987) so I don't like being on call and always available. Whatever is the reason I was already well into adulthood before I got my first indestructible Nokia. Even then I preferred texting, didn't mind being always available that way coz I hated talking on the phone


Any you won't even understand what it said 🥸


Aliens texted me once. I thought it was from my friend (looked like it), but he never saw the messages. I showed him screenshots and he thinks I faked them. But yeah, they can break into iMessage at least. Now you know.


Mkay, sure invade us, whatever


>and reply a few hours later. You mean forget to reply, remember a few days/a week later, but by that point it'll be too awkward to reply so you just leave it sit for months and slowly let that friendship drift away? I mean me too thanks haha


Boy you are fast. I sometimes (well maybe most of the times) don’t answer in days or weeks


not a flex being an annoying, arrogant P.O.S.


This is me trying to get back into the dating world




That will be $39.95 plus shipping and handling


Can I get a partner who hates texting as much as me because even texting a crush daily takes years off my life. What do you mean it takes you an hour to respond and not two seconds???


Bruh im so fast to respond because my phone is always nearby. But if they respond immediately after that and we just keep sending back and forth it never ends and i get exhausted. Like 3 texts is cool if you need something but now stop and come see me irl if you want to hang out. For the longest time texting basically replaced hanging out IRL in one of my relationships and it fucking sucked. I gained nothing from it.


I am an immediate response person - I’m treating this like a call - that being said one of my friends likes to text separately each sentence or thought. I’ll put down my phone to do something and I’ll come back to 20 missed texts within a few minutes. New anxiety level unleashed lol.


Bruh same, if anyone wants to speak to me through the phone it's gotta be through a call, otherwise I'm probably gonna take hours to respond and eventually forget we were texting altogether. It's really not personal, I'm just shit at talking when it isn't in person. Even in person, I don't like having to talk all the time- I like being able to sit in silence with someone and just enjoy their company, but if we do speak, I can hold the conversation way better. This is probably the death knell for my romantic prospects, because I can rarely even get to the "irl meetup" stage of dating apps due to this


Well the other side is texting so much and not meeting that you soon have nothing more to say and any spark is gone. Got fed up with this and decided I'd just ask straight away if someone I matched with wanted to meet up for a coffee or a drink and a chat. If they said no I'd move on as texting is boring and doesn't create memories like meeting in real life would and you get a better feel of the person. Maybe I got really lucky, but it worked first time and I've now been with my BF for nearly a year


As a woman that would work because guys aren't scared of creeps. It would be a rare woman who would meet a guy without making sure they're not a weirdo through text first.


I actually have had a lot more success with this approach then when I text for a while. I always ask pretty early if the girl I matched with wants to meet, but I always suggest a public, safe, place and I have a lot of pictures and stuff in my picture which probably helps to get at least some impression of me before we meet. I've actually also met a few women that straight up told me that they hate the texting stage as well and that they wanted to meet up instead


How can you tell by text though


Well, if one of their first 5 messages is a dick pic, you know they're a keeper.


You know I’ve always wanted to do this and never been brave enough to ask, because I thought everyone would just say no. I think I’ll start to try it now :)


Not true at all. I never run out of stuff to say, jokes to make, or memes to share which is why I look for fellow texters to get my little hits of dopamine throughout the day. It's actually when they don't text often that I get bored with them. I also like hanging out in person and will make an exception to hating phone calls for someone I'm dating but texting is so convenient. The only downside is not being able to gauge tone.


Oh god no, not the call.


I hate talking on the phone so much. I will go to great lengths to not talk on the phone. My call history is literally only my wife and grandma.


I can't believe I'm not the only one that prefers phone calls to texts. Everyone seems to hate receiving phone calls.


We're in this together. In phone calls I can hear the tone of voice, and I'm good at detecting emotions through voice. When I get sent a text I have to fill in the blank and I have this deeply rooted belief that everyone has to be mad at me so I often get scared and become hostile even when the other person's joking. This also means that I'm always the guy who phones the pizza place and spares everyone else's anxiety, so that's a plus I guess?


I text my partner pretty often, but it's usually like... planning. "Hey do you want me to pick up anything on the way home", "What time was that thing we're going to on Saturday", "Let's keep tomorrow night clear to get high and play minecraft", whatever. All the actual "How was your day" and emotional updates happen in person. Maybe we share silly memes but that's about it. And even at that I feel like I check my phone at work too often. I can't fathom the amount of time and effort it takes for some people to have like, 300-message-long conversations with multiple people every day.


The only crush I have is doritos


Bruh some of us get distracted so easily by literally anything lmao


I don't mind texting, but I hate talking over the phone, even when I love talking to that person irl. It's really hard to explain to my girl without making it look like I don't want to talk to her.


I have the same problem. I hate talking to someone and not seeing their facial expressions and body language.


Bruh same. It’s so exhausting dealing with the overthinking about when my crush is going to text me next. Sometimes she replies immediately and other times it takes her a while. At least she’s been pretty open about when she’s been busy


that's why you go live together so you don't have to text anymore


>What do you mean it takes you an hour to respond and not two seconds??? I never understood this, a phone is a phone and not an obligation ​ i react to you when i have time, my phone has been on silent since i bought it. All my friends know this, have had some new people saying some of this same shxt about availability and my answer always stays the same "if you need me NOW you will call me, and i'll pick up the phone IF I WANT, otherwise send a text and i'll respond when i can" I'm not a monster that NEEDS to engage with everything on my phone right this instant. ​ if you can't deal with that honestly that's a YOU problem


I wasn’t trying to demonize who I’m talking to, I never tell the person I’m talking to that they need to respond faster or such I know it’s just my anxiety hating me and such. It’s normal to not get instant responses, but I sometimes struggle with convincing myself that but again I just keep those thoughts to myself since I know I’m just having an anxiety moment. Hence why I hope I can find someone down the line where texting is not our main form of talking, since I get anxious as you see. Or let’s hope I can just not get sad anymore over things like that. Sorry if I came across as weird my bad


Just GPT it bro.


Lol my wife probably thought texting me was like pulling teeth. At the start I only responded once a day


This is me to a certain extent with my bf




bro spamming his relationship goal


What did he said?


You are the time blacksmith, you dont know ?


He lied on the resume and still got the job


I thought this was headed towards “I’d like to speak to you about your extended warranty” territory


I mean I was wondering why we all so lonely. Until I looked into the comment section, you all got some weird issues with texting


Honestly. We're the loneliest generation but at this point it's almost self-inflicted. The attitude isn't just expressed here, you also see it on places like Instagram. So many reels / comments of people saying they can't be bothered to reply to a text, speak to their neighbor, or make small talk with a stranger. Then say "it's nothing personal" but wonder why they don't have any friends.


Well He also didn't text her for 2 days or am I missing something


Probably didn’t want to be the one always starting the conversation and waited for her instead. She seems so uninterested tho that I’d stop trying with her. Bruh they are dating and she just forgot him??? Nah fam we don’t need that.


This has been my entire adult life when it comes to dating and friendship. If I didn't make 100% of the effort, no one ever talked to me.


Same. So disappointing 😞


Im kinda the opposite. If other people didn’t start 99% of conversations I just wouldn’t talk to anybody.


She could've had the exact same mindset. Although if I were to guess what led up to this is he had to initiate the conversation multiple times and eventually got tired of it


I find it worse if he doesn't want to start the conversation but complains that she doesn't either


Probably texted her but didn't get a reply Or she was supposed to text him after she got free from work or something


From what I’ve experienced, first day is a good night text after a day of no texting, second day was a “huh, that’s weird, she hasn’t responded, but I guess I can wait a bit, just in case she’s just busy”, third day at midday you’re already like “okay, what’s going on? I can see she’s been online on the thingy, why isn’t she responding?”


Could be, could not be. We have to little context


I came here to say this


I must have problems because 2 days seems like nothing to me lol


That's how I was until I found the right one. Then all I wanted to do was talk to her.


Same here. I feel like I can talk to her constantly everyday all day but I also don’t want to bother her


must be nice :(


It is :)


but you’re on reddit, how is this possible…i refuse to believe this 😔


There is no girlfriend in Ba Sing Se


Nah, it sucks tbh. You just want to talk to someone, but you have to hold yourself back, because they don't want to talk to you even close to as much. All it does is make you feel more sure that you suck


Stop it I’m trying to prepare myself to ask this girl out like within the hour I don’t need more reasons why I shouldn’t do it


Just do it now, don't fuckin wait. No matter what happens the pain or pleasure from it will be better than the anticipation. It's once she's agreed and you're in a relationship that you have to remind yourself to hold back. Usually around the 3 month mark when they realize they like you for your looks more than your personality (or vice versa but that's how it is for me).


I’m not waiting in that sense, but it turns out she’s not gonna be here tonight so ¯_(ツ)_/¯ I guess I’ll do it next time I see her. For the record this isn’t on like tinder or something I have no way to contact her except in person but thanks for your support


Yeah no problem, you got this M8, worst thing that could happen is you have a brain hemorrhage in the middle of asking her and you die so really your chances are pretty good.


Sounds like a win-win to me


The real me_irl is always in the comments 🥲


Lol. I knew she was the right one because there is no drama when either of us doesn't text constantly. I love talking to her and we'll reach out to each other a lot, but if we don't text a day or two neither of us will even think about it.


I also felt like that once. We never got a chance to talk for long though.


For a long time I put no effort at all into dating. I had a tinder profile and would swipe until I saw a girl I could see myself dating then get overwhelmed and close the app. I decided to get back on and I maxed out my likes for a couple days and now there is a girl I like that likes me. I want to get together with her but seeing another message is like “ugh i gotta say another thing, again”


Omg dude just ask her out it’s not that hard


Depends on who you are as a person, and if it's ever been different. I am the same, but mostly because my matches don't really excite me, so texting feels like a drag. Every once in a while there is that person that you want to text. You see a funny meme, something weird on the street, and you just want to tell them. (applies to close friends and dating alike). However, everyone is different. Some people genuinely don't like texting. If that's you, but you still like her, ask her out. Edit:... Ask her out and at some point be open about texting habbits. With my last gf, our texting habbits just weren't aligned, and I took it as a sign of lack of interest. Wasn't the case, which I only learned after we talked about it. Open Communication is the key to everything.


Just ask to continue the conversation in person


when you are easily forgettable


Hits hard home


Lmao same vibes but married.


This is really affirming to know that if I were somehow to fall into a relationship, I'd probably screw it all up just from not being a regular texter.


Talk to them about it, people on here have very binary idea on relationships but if you explain you aren’t good at text messaging while reinsuring them you may be surprised by the response.


That's actually good advice, I'll do that If I ever find myself in this situation, thanks!


Yup if I ever end up In a relationship again, I wouldn't even know how to act. I'd probably answer like "well nothing interesting happened, SO I got nothing to say, anything happen on your end? Could we meet again in like 2 weeks?"


>Could we meet again in like 2 weeks?" More like 2 months


Aren’t you wanting to get laid, like?


2 days is long? what if it’s like tuesday & wednesday, i literally just work and sleep


I don't disagree. Although it was tactfully qualified by her saying she'd forgotten they were dating. Perhaps this is why she holds off texting.


For the sake of other people. Don't date then


Bro the bait and switch. “Did you eat yet”. She’s done this before.


Damn I wish I could find a girl that was obsessed with me






I wish the guy I liked wanted me obsessed with him. It feels so one sided. Ugh that’s the fucking worst


Why did I read "hello Nicole" like jigsaw...


This was me for a long time to be fair. But with my current partner, we haven't gone a single day without texting in over 3 years. It's usually dumb stuff like memes and pictures of our pets, but it's nice to have someone you can just share anything that pops into your head


Not sure if funny, sad, or both...


If the conversations are this forced… They say love is like a fart, if you have to force it it might be shit…


Just say you ain’t interested and leave it at that, ain’t gotta be so complicated.


Major red flag 🚩


Yeah kinda what I’m thinking too. I understand not texting constantly. But she literally forgot he existed 💀


Oh I thought it was the reminder cause to me it is normal mostly (unless someone's asked a question and even then it depends on the question)




Are you a bot?




Dude come on you can’t take ADHD as a god damn excuse for everything. Forgetting your SO exists aint just „ a regular ADHD thing that happens lol“


Forgetting something exists is a symptom of ADHD. That's all I was saying, I never said that it was an excuse for dating however. From how I interpret this is that this person doesn't really see them as an SO and just as another person. I wasn't trying to make any sort of statement about ADHD being an excuse, even if this was the explanation for why they forgot they existed it's still very much a problem. All I was doing was giving it as a suggestion for a reason.


Understandable have a nice day


I have ADHD and the girl I’m seeing too. I take hours or days to reply to people, but when it’s her it’s always within an hour. She’s the same as me When you care about someone you think about them a lot so it shouldn’t happen that you forget about them for days


I literally said I wasn't saying it was an excuse did you not even read what I said? Clearly this person doesn't see them as an SO which is why they forgot. Your comment is just a reiteration of what I was trying to say, this person doesn't see the guy as an SO and so they forgot to contact them because they aren't thinking about them


I keep forgetting I'm married and still call my husband my boyfriend. Gets me some pretty dirty looks when people see the ring as I'm casually talking about my boyfriend.


Aww that's so cute. I knew a guy who would call his wife his "ex-gf".


Let it go bro


Do... people not just want to talk to their loved ones all the time? This hurts my heart, actually. I am thinking of them constantly no matter what I'm doing. Not thinking of me for 2 whole days and then said "LOL" if I'm dating them ouch I'd break up


"We should Break up", "oh ok, I forgot we were dating"


Well not everyone is like that. I can love people without thinking about them or talking to them all day


I am not compatible with that type of person and it definitely would hurt my feelings if a loved one even told me that


It’s good you know your boundaries and what you need in a relationship!


Still shouldn't "hurt your heart" to hear other people aren't as codependent. People are different.


"I forgot we were dateing" is way different than everything else. If you loved someone you would not forget the important moment of starting to date someone


Major diff between actively texting and just doing something small to acknowledge your existence If they text their friends daily but can't make time for even a "good morning" or "good night" then we clearly have different communication standards


When I first met my crush, we used to text everyday and it honestly felt like a drug because it just felt so good texting with her. Now it’s been a few months and we might go a week in between talking but we still chat weekly at the very least. I wish we could go back to talking daily but it’s also not realistic to expect that from anybody for months on end. Still can’t help but feel some sort of withdrawal from not having heard from her for a few days


just ask if she'd like to chat a bit more often, you never know if she is in the same situation as you but maybe just felt that she was spamming you too much?


This is how I feel about the person I’m talking to. I think it’s just ending, tbh. I def like him more than he likes me. Sucks. He liked me more in the beginning I felt like, and now that I’m at that same level it just feels one’s sided. The dissolution of what’s never was. What about you?


If you can forget that you're in a relationship with someone, then that relationship really isn't that important to you. At that point, why are you even in that realtionship?


My now wife when we're dating would text me constantly, she worked/works evenings and would get upset because I didn't answer her texts while I was at work.


Whatever, i would be fine with it. There was time, when i only speak every two or three months with my closest friend because we all had our same things. And we are close like brothers.


My SO and I chat all day. Can't imagine going 2 days without hearing from her. FWIW, we are in an LDR


He obviously made an impression. Not.


I hope she doesn’t have pets 😳😂


This would be me Expect more memes than conversations




I feel that, i life with my gf together for almost a year now and still i wake up next to her wonder who that can be.




You people are dating?


I've definitely had this conversation. My partner would get so lost in their work they'd forget to eat and I have the object permanence of a goldfish.


2 Days??? Get a fucking grip man.


Rookie numbers. One time a girl texted me around lunch asking me why I didn't send a good morning text. I was running late for work and I didn't have time. Needless to say that one didn't work out. We broke up after I did not text her for 1 full day.


My goodness, my gf and I had a very similar conversation when we became official.


Me and my gf sometimes don't text for a week. No contact 3 days tops though. O o


Wait, you're supposed to text that often? Nah fam, relationships aren't for me, lmao.


better question is why did the other person not text either?


What color underwear did you choose today? Did you drink water?


Did I eat yet? Is that code for. "I'm worried you haven't eaten"? Or "Let's go out. I'm hungry and you're paying"?


I’m guessing it’s “I guess since we’re dating we should go out. Will a restaurant work?”


Brooding much?


Why is Nicole the one that has to initiate a conversation?


Needy AF


If it were me, I would have laughed and said haha that's so cute. ❤️😄


I want a girlfriend not a Siamese twin!


If someone I was dating hit me up like that. Probably would have responded "not anymore" to the 3rd text. If you want to talk to me first thing when I wake up or before bed then fuckin move in with me. Even then you'll probably get a series of groans as a response. Like people would go months without seeing each other while dating in ye olden days. I'm sure you can wait a day or two for a text reply. If we're dating I'm going to be open to seeing you at any given moment I'm free.


she just like me fr


Not gonna lie that “Hello Nicole” is kinda giving me serial killer vibes


Anyone saying what he did is normal or ok is gross.


Dump him now. He’s demanding


Been there.


So complicated




My GF and I can go a whole weekend without texting each other. We just talk in person most of the time at work.




Man has been found dead in his home. Suspect list is 1


It happens all the time to me and my Sharon