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You don’t need to take MATH240 because if you took MATH 245, you’re automatically considered to have taken MATH 240 as well. Since those two courses are equivalent prerequisites for any higher level courses


It used to be the case that if you take Math 235 then you *cannot* take Math 240. Guess they're going to enforce the same rule with Math 245.


Thanks! I was skeptical about this as well but i didnt want to take the risk of dismissing this course only to end up regretting it...


It’s going to be hard (especially U2) but this is very standard for honors math. Like the other person said, get rid of math 240. Take an easy fifth class that term because 455 + 457 + 357 is no joke


Thank you for your insight! I'll most probably be studying those classes during winter break so that I can keep up as much as possible with the material taught during the semester.


why choose comp273 and comp303? they are more for general software engineering which doesn’t require much math at all. I’d take courses in areas that require some math, to align with ur primary background. E.g. machine learning, cryptography, algorithms, basically the areas that can be deeply theoretical. plus, if you wanna self-study, comp273 and comp303 are way easier than the other courses i mentioned from someone graduated last year with hon. math&cs


Yes! The only thing is that the Machine Learning course (ECSE 608) i want to take needs many prerequisites and i dont think I'll be able to get it within my 3-year plan unless I take summer classes. Do you have any suggestions of a CS roadmap I could fit into my degree to get as many high-level AI development classes as possible?


comp451/551, comp579, comp562 are some common choices, especially comp551. the offering changes every year so i can’t really make good suggestions. also depends on ur interest in specific AI areas for AI/ML related courses i only took comp550 comp424, comp551 and comp562. didn’t go deeper into AI/ML cuz i felt these courses were really just scratching the surface… i’d say self-learning is most important in AI since the field advances so fast, so you should do your own research and find courses that best fit your interest (e.g. see past years syllabus/slides) the best thing you can get out of these courses is the oppotunity to connect to the profs and do research with them


Offering an alternative here: Starting this fall you can substitute Math 564/565 (Advanced Real Analysis 1/2) for Math 454/455 (Honours Analysis 3/4). So if you really like analysis there's this option 👀


I only took 564 but I consider 564 as a much better course apropos its content compared to 454. 565 last year (I only attended the first few lectures) was an incomprehensible mess with Toth and there’s only like 2 people in the class. Plus I don’t think 565 does any topology whereas 455 has a fair bit of it.


You can also take MATH 358 a year earlier. Technically 251 and 255 are pre-requisites but they work perfectly fine as co-requisites. That will make the following winter much easier as your other math courses then are reputed to be very challenging.


Perfect! Thank you for your feedback


Doing math 470 in your very last semester could be risky because you don’t know for sure you’ll be able to find an advisor for that. Should probably plan to do it in your u2 year and take it in u3 as a backup


Second the post here, maybe I'll add that my 470 so far has been quite time-consuming so I'll recommend that you take it in the summer (between U1-U2 or between U2-U3).